Counting days into my freedom.


Active Member
This is one of those days where trouble starts. When my mind tries to justify pmo, but I am going to say no. My I year target must be reached and I am enjoying life without pmo.


Active Member
This is one of those days where trouble starts. When my mind tries to justify pmo, but I am going to say no. My I year target must be reached and I am enjoying life without pmo.


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Am this man who is developing this habit of never giving up. Because I have every reason to free myself.


Active Member
New year 2016, am strong and this time I know I am free forever from PMO. I have been off the forum for some time now. I've been working on some strategies to defeat PMO. Exploiting the power of my subconscious mind has been my primary area of concentration. I have tried hypnosis, and building potentially affected  areas of my life. I found out that my self esteem had been so low. Over the last few weeks I have frequently found myself in situations that were ideal to PMO. The good thing is, though urges and ideas to pmo come, they no longer have any power over me. My next step is getting social, something that was highly affected during my reboot time.


Active Member
And I have realised that talking about PMO with someone somehow releases pressure off you. I have talked to my cousin and he thinks I should have shared this earlier. My brother thought it was a joke but after explaining that withdrawal was responsible for my prolonged insomnia(which is now gone) he felt sorry for me.


Active Member
Been in and out of here severally. I finally got a job and am very happy for this. This is a good start for me. I hope I do more towards sensitizing people especially youth on PMO.


great igetum.
good things happening in your life.
more than 100 days free of porn.
and now you got job as well.


keep it up.


Active Member
Thanks Mtaha. It has taken time and relapses but now I feel stronger. The urges are gone, pmo fantasies are gone too and it feels great. I know you will make it too.


Igetum more than 100 days is a great effort.


You sound like you're doing good. Keep your goals. If some goals are hard to maintain, revise them so that you are able to keep them. Keep turning away and filling your time with healthy things. If you have a support buddy,that's good too.


Hello igetum,

Big congrats on the 112 days! I remember when you were just starting your first reboot. I am happy to see you made it so far!

I've been off this site for a long time now, but today I am coming back on and getting serious about this reboot. I am on day 20 right now but I've slipped up a few times and watched youTube videos. I will use your example as inspiration about what can be accomplished.


Active Member
Hello thailandexpress2112,
am happy to learn that you are back with a greater desire to quit pmo. ? must admit that it has not been easy for me too. ? remember going for 87 days and relapsing. Binging severally. ? felt like ? had lost the battle. ? went on reading and researching. ? have learnt to utilise my mind, especially subconscious mind to work as a friend. And this has helped me a lot. ? must say ? have tried many things. Hypnosis, self affirmations, meditation, fasting and others. Some have worked greatly, others not as great. ? found ? had low confidence and self esteem, hypnosis and affirmations have worked great to restore these. ?t has been a tough journey, but i hope it comes to fruition.
Hope you achieve all your targets and never forget, in rebootnation we are there for each other.


Active Member
Found some old p photos on my comp. ? have deleted them but they had heightened my urges. At night, ? have strived not to m and i succeeded. ? must admit it was not easy. My whole body was burning with urges.
Hi igetum,

All the best to you on your journey...stay strong!

I just wanted to check - what type of hypnosis and affirmations have you used? I would also like to try that it available online?

Take Care