Once lost, now found

I want to start with hello to everyone.  Everyone! From a young age my shame and embarrassment has kept me from getting help with what has been a problem for most of my post puberty life.  That shame is leaving me, as I'm finally on the road to recovery, and I want to share my story with anyone it may help and draw strength from a group that knows what I've gone through.

At age 10, a friend and I found his dad's thrown out porn magazine stash.  Seeing golden showers on leather kitted women should have affected me even more than it did, but after growing up in 80's Vegas, I guess I'd seen the selling of sex in some form many times before.  That experience stuck with me, but for the next three years I pursued girls... like crazy.  Lots of little girlfriends.  Hand holding, making out and breast fondling.

At 13, I had to live with my dad.  Out of my comfort zone, away from friends... I really wish he didn't demand I masturbate in the shower.  It never occurred to me before that to touch myself anywhere.  Finding dad's stash of XXX VHS tapes, I started borrowing one while he was out.  That and late night cable, unbeknownst to me at the time, started creating pathways in my brain that would interfere with every sexual relationship I've ever had.  A couple years later, I had internet and millions of quick fixes at my fingertips.  Though it wasn't high speed yet, I made due.

At 18, I had my first willing partner.  Try as I might to please her.  After a while my lil buddy gave out and I couldn't finish.  The anxiety of performance issues + the availability of "taking care of myself" to porn or fantasy made relationships seem like too much work once they got started.

Between then and now, like so many other posters, I made excuses.  Alcohol, stress, diet, fatigue... anything I could think of.  I'd take breaks from porn, but first bump in the road and I was back to my computer.  Once, I took a break while traveling for two weeks and was able to ejaculate without lending a hand,  but 999 out of 1000 I have had to pitch in to attempt to finish.  It was always so difficult to cross the threshold, but finishing in a partner's mouth has always beaten orgasms alone when I could.  The lure of fantasy has nothing over a real connection with another person.  So....

Now at 34,  16 YEARS!!! 16 years of sporadic awkward sex, I found a girl that I really clicked with.  My issues and her issues caused a lot of turmoil in our relationship.  BUT her remaining my friend and our conversations helped me to do the reflection that I have needed for years. 

I'm on day 6 of my reboot and I'm committed to a healthier sex life and a happier me.  I'm done with pornography and probably masturbation too.  I want to be available to my real partner and I don't intend to allow anything synthetic to make that difficult.  I don't know when my next orgasm will be, but I'm okay with that.  The temporary pause on climaxing will be hard, but I feel the light at the end of the tunnel....  And I think, for me, kissing and some touching is okay because that activity predates my addiction.  Truthfully, I made out last night, with a huge erection, knowing that it wouldn't get to stretch.  I was happy though to get to show her that I am attracted to her and my PIED says absolutely nothing about how I feel about her.  Admittedly, solving this problem once and for all is really for me though and my sanity.  Better late than never!

If you are a teen and made it to the 30's section, I can't recommend enough that you quit porn all together.  It's not the devil, but if you lose yourself to that before you have real partners, you WILL make yourself miserable.  I don't wish this on anyone.

If you are another adult I still recommend you quit porn, but your path may be a little more complicated and I will support you in anyway I can.

If you have any advice, I'd really like to hear it.  I've just started down the road to recovery, but I'm already feeling better.

Day 13.  Still feeling pretty good.  No porn at all, but I have noticed myself slipping into fantasy about features that catch my attention.  On one occasion I let it go on too long and it's been harder to stop since then.  Coming on to the forums, reading and posting, I think I'll be better about that tomorrow.  I don't want to become complacent and I'm expecting some low days, but it's been fairly easy to stop PM so far.  I don't know if it's because I'm that disgusted/embarassed/sick of my PIED or if I was just ready to walk away from P anyway.  It's disgusting and I'm disgusted with myself for the extremes I went to for another dopamine hit.  I'm so grateful for YBOP and REBOOT NATION. 

I can totally understand how high-speed internet can make this problem more difficult to correct for younger people.  My teens and 20's were my worst years for using.  As someone who is starting to grasp the magnitude of how my addiction lowered my life quality, I wish I could educate the young me's.  I don't want other young men to take the long road.  Stop while you are young and get more out of life! ...but better late than never too!

Before reading the next paragraph, keep in mind that I'm a hairy fat guy, unless that's your thing...

The minor headaches from less dopamine and random pains are... well, a pain.  On day 10, I O'd with a female.  I didn't expect to, but one thing lead to another and with a horrible ache down below... things happened.  It was different for me.  Much more intimate.  At one point, very briefly I started to M during our finale.  She is totally aware of my problem, called me on it, I let go literally and figuratively and she brought me to O on her own for the first time.  The rest of the details are irrelevant, but I wanted to be honest with my story as that intimacy is helping me rewire and reboot.

Last thing for day 13.  I don't think all P is pure evil, but FOR ME, it is a dark force in my life and I believe I can go forward and just say no every time that urge comes up.  There will be no more, just a little or one last time.  I didn't know my last time was my last time.  This all started for me with a sarcastic text message, but I'm really glad I'm here now.  Tomorrow's the end of week two.  Keep at it. I will be.

Quick correction to my first post.  I am done with PMO forever, I think MO can be done in a healthy way, but I don't want to tempt myself until FAP is a distant memory. 

And another thing is an apology....  I'm learning more about triggers all the time and I will keep my posts more clinical in the future.
Day 14-  I'm feeling really down today.  I'm not expecting a relapse, but it's like a dark cloud came over me.  Keeping myself busy with playing guitar and reading a book seems like a good enough plan.  The little headaches suck!  Man up and get through it.  The destination is worth the journey. 
Hi oncelostnowfound, I know exactly how it feels. The way I cope with this feeling was I started going to the gym. But unfortunately I hurt my back really bad and now no gym for two weeks. Now instead I go on a long walk whenever I am feeling down. Playing guitar and reading book is good but it would also help if you change your surrounding for 30 minutes or so. Hope this would work for you too.
I think a good thing to do is to devote yourself to others, especially our friends. Since we all used to spend hours on our own in front of porn, now it's time to do exactly the opposite!
Thanks for the support guys.  I also have back problems, but walking is a good idea.  I have been more social, but it's like I hit a brick wall yesterday.  I feel a little better today.  I suppose this is how flatlining starts for me.  Still... Day 15 and going strong.  I will beat this.

Update:  The crappy mood from day 14 was improved, but the physical pain; headaches, stiff muscles etc. was worse.  I had to take a nap.  There were periods of a brain fog I've read about.  I did get to talk about my PIED with two friends and I enjoyed a nice BBQ dinner.  I think both of those things helped me finish the day feeling better.

Hang in there and don't expect it to be easy.  It isn't, but it is worth it.
Day 16  Mood and headaches are much improved, but not completely.  I spent some time rewiring with a lady friend this morning.  I know I'm not cured, but I am doing better.

I've read that real partner contact is good, but also can be bad.  I personally feel like it's helping me, rewiring and what not, but that it may slow down my healing a bit.  Do any more experienced exfappers have any insight?
Day 18 was really good.  Positive mood is back.  Headaches are greatly reduced.  I have had more thoughts like... "hey buddy, don't you wanna watch just a little? " But, I've put them aside quickly.  I have still been watching some television with sexual content, though I fast forward or look away if it's too much.  Overall, I couldn't be happier that I started this.
Thanks Bob.  I'm really optimistic that everyone of us that wants to get the most out of life can walk away from fap for good.  Unfortunately, I'm not as strong with quitting smoking.  One day at a time, leads to one week at a time.  Cigs are going next,
Day 21 - It feels great to say 3 weeks... at midnight.  The temptation to use was strong this morning, so I thought I'd come post and read a little.
Day 28 - four weeks!  I feel great about it.  I never felt a total loss of libido, but I've noticed an increase in it lately.  The difference is, I don't want to go back to fapping, I only think about live interactions.  .... like all the time!
Thanks Bob. Day 33 - still going... strongish. Day 16 was the last I laid with a woman.  In my mind I debate between day 17 and day 33.  I am randier than I've been in years.  I don't think about FAPping much, but just watching Robin Meade on HLN this morning about drove me crazy.  Those low cut blouses are evil.

It's not an easy road we are on, but the destination will be worth it.  I am determined to end this soul draining addiction.  The bonus is that I will also end my PIED.  Day 16 proved to me that effect will happen from rebooting.  Though I may never be totally cured, I am already better off and I'm grateful to this site and YBOP for helping me to finally help myself.

Thanks for the support and the reports and here's to another 33, or 17, days.
Day 37/21- Still at it.  Keeping myself busy, but I must stay busy.  I wish I could say it's easy, but it is not. Worthwhile -yes, easy - no way.  It's difficult not to look at attractive women with lust.  I think being susceptible to PIED indicates a very healthy libido, expressed very unhealthily.  I feel less awkward in social settings and more secure with myself.  Anyway... I'm sticking to it, you should too!