Once lost, now found

Day 52- Still at it, but I've been keeping myself really busy.  A couple weeks ago I finished from traditional intercourse for the first time in my life, but no attempts again since then.  I know I'm not cured, but I also know rebooting is working for me and I'm sticking with it.

I started this as a long time FAP addict and it was easy and difficult.  Now, it's even easier and still difficult at times.  Not the P anymore.  I'm truly done with that.  It's the lust.  Not that I walk around erect all day, but I long for a release.  I don't think masturbation is bad, just how I'd been doing it and I don't think it's safe for me to do that again yet.  I'm sure I could start on sensation alone, but also that I'd probably slip into fantasy and relapse. That's not a risk I want to take.

Stay on the ride,  it's taking us where we want to go.
