Recent content by Diesel driver

  1. Diesel driver

    Almost 2 years - feeling young again

    Hehe... the day has come. Here is my success story  :) I am a 23 year old male. Typical story. Found out how to masturbate in my teens - liked it - finally looked at porn on the internet - life got difficult - tried to escape by watching more porn - eventually found out the hard way that porn...
  2. Diesel driver

    Level 2 - rebooting and making life worthwhile

    Hi forum, it's diesel driver. I made a new topic for two reasons. First I masturbated today. I did not look at P but I count days of hardmode, so a reset was necessary. It's no big deal, I made great progress so far, I'm close to being cured. Still I'm longing for a fresh start. Second I was...
  3. Diesel driver

    Having the advantage of having boners

    Hi, this is Diesel Driver. Long time no see! I'm not new to this forum. A month ago I had decided to take a break from visiting rnation or any other no PMO or nofap board. Thought it could help me focus on something more pleasent. I got better indeed. I would often wake up with hard boners. Of...
  4. Diesel driver

    Random, burning pain in the penis

    Hi there, since last week I can feel a burning pain in my penis. It comes randomly but after standing up when I had been sitting for a long time it is more likely. It starts mild, then builds itslef up for two seconds or so and then disappears again. Can't say accurately where the pain is coming...
  5. Diesel driver

    Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring and then Summer again

    Hi, Diesel driver here. I abstained from any form of self pleasure for a month. My new objective is to do a year! I wrestled with PMO for quite a while. The symptoms commonly described are very real but so is the chance to regain what was lost. I seem to be close to where I want to be. I want...
  6. Diesel driver

    Good vibes and self-respect

    Hello rebooters, I've been trying to do a full reboot for quite some time now. My sticking point is the weekends. When I have a lot of free time I would easily be tempted to MO/ PMO. For the last month I went through a cycle of fapping-saturdays and -sundays, entering flatline and recovering...
  7. Diesel driver

    The awakening of the sleeping snake

    Hi rebootnation, I've been doing nopmo and nomo for almost 4 months now. Had an account as well but deleted it which I regret. Here I am again! My run wasn't perfect. I mo'd a few times, even pmo'd like three or four times. Last week I went on a fap spree which was hard to stop and it's the...