Recent content by DonLorenzo

  1. D

    Will real sex ever be as arousing as porn?

    Because especially after long absinence, even a small trigger can give you such a rush. So can anybody who has recovered 100%  tell me if real sex will ever be as fascinating and arousing? It just feels like porn will always give a bigger, much bigger rush...
  2. D

    Low dopamine receptors causing bad sleep, waking up exhausted? Gary Wilson?

    I was reading the yourbrainrebalanced forum, and found this thread: Someone mentions about REM sleep disorder being caused by low dopamine and D2 receptors. So this would mean that even if you sleep 8 hours you would wake up tired. I...
  3. D

    How strong are your cravings?

    I had been 3 weeks with little to no cravings at all. But today I had many strong urges. They were like pictures, scenes, fetishes and actions popping into my head and feeling like they were the most arousing, fulfilling, sexiest things ever. Of course I know its just a lie and I wont give in...
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    Hardmode vs orgasming with gf

    So i would like to hear some opinions and experiences about how much better improvements you see when going hard mode vs having sex with orgasm like 2-4 times a week. I have been rebooting for 10 months and have relapsed maybe 10-20 times. Also I have never been long without orgasm, maybe 7 days...
  5. D

    Would a massive binge reset ALL the progress?

    Hypothetical question: if one would have made it, say, 5 months without looking at porn, and then, would relapse and spend 48 hours watching porn, jacking off, browsing, browsing, doing whatever gets that dopamine high and so on, then would ALL the progress be lost, or would it set that person...
  6. D

    Food tips for recovery

    Hi everybody! I am new here, but I have been reading and rebooting for something like 10 months. Anyway, I thought I should share some nutritional tips for both physical (penile health, blood flow) and brain health (dopamine etc). First, I agree that number 1 most important thing is to stop...