The trick is to keep breathing


Hello everyone, I'm 28, and I believe my first contact with P was probably around 10 y/o. I'm surprised and ashamed when I thought about this. This is my first time rebooting, but it's way more than just PIED that I want to conquer, this is a real addiction that has consumed me just like any other hardcore drug would have, and I want to get my life back.

I actually started my reboot before I even knew YBOP or RN existed. I was feeling rather empty and became introspective, which seems to be a phase people would come across at this age. And I asked myself, just what am I doing? I PMO regularly, sometimes even everyday for a week or so. It was ridiculous, nevermind the regular bombardment of P, just the time spent on it from a practical stand point is just unimaginable! Thinking back to when I was having sex too, my performance was just downright embarrassing. I would be horny, but there would be no horn. As the saying goes, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. I always attributed it to the anxiety, but who am I kidding?

So right then and there, I sat my ass down, reflected on what I've done and told myself: I have an addiction.
And I have to kick it. I decided, no P, no M, no O. It's been 15 days at the time of this writing, and dammit, I will go at this come hell or high water until I can look into the eyes of my reflection in the mirror and not have to feel like I owe him an apology.
I was so surprised when I came across YBOP, because it was like reading about everything that was wrong with me up till now. The excuses of performance anxiety. The escape and self-medication from the P and the Ms. Just everything.

So here's a quick break down of what has happened since I started:
- The first couple of days weren't bad at all actually
- Some urges at the end of first week and start of 2nd week
- By now, I don't really have any urge for P, but actually O, more than anything else. Urge ranking: O >> M >>> P
- The urge for O leads to the need for M, which sometimes brings P into the picture
- I'm always trying to find something to do when I feel an urge.
- Productivity has risen: I noticed some improvement on my guitar playing. I'm more willing to leave the house to do sports: I play volleyball and golf, and run on occasions. I'm putting in regular time into some personal projects and it's slowly making progress.

The greatest thing that I noticed is happening is I am now more open to other experiences. Just like a drug, all the PMO was making me "content." It's like I was just trying to get everything out of the way so that I can get that momentary relief. But now I'm suppressing that urge, and that has forced me to want to do other things, and that's when I realised I've put off so many things. Even something as minute as playing video games, I have games that I've always wanted to get to, but never did that I'm playing now. WTF?

On a side note, a gold star for the person who knows what the title of my journal is referencing. ;) And weirdly, very relevant to a trick that I learned online when i started this reboot.
When I feel an urge, I try to calm myself. Then I take a long deep breath, then hold it for a little while, about 5~10 seconds, then slowly exhale. Repeating a couple times.
After that, I will look for something to do. Or just tell myself to stop screwing around and get back to working on whatever it is I'm doing.


jms42 said:
this is a real addiction that has consumed me just like any other hardcore drug would have, and I want to get my life back.

You're so right about this. It blows my mind that I managed to get myself addicted to porn. It's so contradictory to my personality (or at least the personality I've projected to others for so long). I've NEVER had a desire to start anything with drugs. (I have drank before, but I've never craved it.) But somehow, something that isn't even a tangible object has broken through me... Until now.

jms42 said:
So right then and there, I sat my ass down, reflected on what I've done and told myself: I have an addiction.

Until recently, even in private, I wouldn't even say the words out loud to myself. I thought it, but didn't even want to admit it to myself. I mean, I now freely own up to it, but it just takes some getting used to.

jms42 said:
The greatest thing that I noticed is happening is I am now more open to other experiences. Just like a drug, all the PMO was making me "content." It's like I was just trying to get everything out of the way so that I can get that momentary relief.

It's like we're gaining so much more in life now. I've lost soooo many hours to PMO that I'll never get back, but I'm not dwelling on the past, I guess I'm just mindful of it so I (hopefully) won't return to that wasted lifestyle.

I think your matter-of-fact attitude is a great way to deal with this. Best of luck, man!

*You've got to be referring to this...


Yay, I got my first reply! Thanks d2222 :)

You're absolutely right with that link. Garbage is one of my favourite bands of all time, and their music gets me going.

So I read about how it's important to separate yourself from similar environments during your P/M sessions. Unfortunately for me, I work with computers so it's just something I have to fight. That's why I have my little breathing trick to strengthen my resolve and just concentrate. I've gotten rid my "stash" on my computers. It's hilarious now thinking back about it, but I also can't help but feel stupid how much determination I needed to punch down on that delete key.

Another thing, I've also started is to detach myself from a certain 9** It's not an NSFW website by any means, but I find that I behaviour with it was not so dissimilar from those "sessions." Sitting there, scrolling and clicking away, finding some little novelty in those memes or silly pictures. Same goes for FB, or B***feed.

I encourage others to do it too. If you find yourself just constantly checking in on those websites that are just feeding you "mental junk food," try to set those aside too.


That's a good point. I really check B***feed way too often. I've just got to remember that ditching these is worth not having a relapse.


Starting to notice some morning wood when I wake up, and I really had to fight the urge to act on it. Had to really be aware of where my hands are.

Sleep hasn't been so great. I used to usually have a session at night, one of those habits that stayed from those teenage days. Now there's this chunk of time where I'm so used to being awake. The adjustment has been a bit haphazard, sometimes I sleep too early, or way late.
I suppose it's not all bad, since I have more free time now, just gotta learn to use it properly.


Good luck, jms! I hear you on the sleep thing. Gonna try to find stuff on getting to sleep easier. I've crutched on PMO for that so much that my body doesn't know how to just go to bed "normally."

Might pop in and say something if I find something that works well for sleep.


The sleep thing does get to me a little, too. Last night, I had a really vivid dream of PMO. One of the most realistic dreams I can remember. Kind of freaked me out a little. It's crazy how your brain is affected by all this...


My urges are getting noticeably stronger. I've caught myself fantasizing. Sometimes about P and sometimes about previous sexual encounters. But there's the danger of them blending together. I don't know if fantasizing about real women can hinder me, so I'm trying to avoid it as best I can. This is a cleanse after all.
There's no way to have 100% control over my brain and what comes to mind sometimes, but my thoughts are a bit scattered. It's like there's a constant argument of "concentrate!" or "find something to do!" or "Don't think about this or that!" Sometimes it just goes blank. It's throwing me out of whack a bit.


I dreamt last night that I went on one of the old porn sites that I used to frequent. Genuinely freaked me out. I felt this huge disappointment in myself. I was so relieved when I opened my eyes and realised it was a dream. Despite not feeling an intense urge to view P during my waking hours, I guess the urge is still inside me.


I'm getting short spurts of urges randomly throughout the day that really bothers me because I cannot concentrate at all. Somewhere in the back of my mind, it keeps telling me that I need to let off some steam by M/O-ing because it's as if there's a pressure building inside of me. But I know I shouldn't give in to that. It's almost like there's another me inside, and we're both struggling to take control.


For 3 nights straight I have been lying in bed tossing and turning for what feels like hours before I was able to fall asleep, and then waking up still feeling tired. I know that I don't have the best sleep hygiene, but it's affecting my productivity during the day. It wasn't so bad before, but the last couple of days just felt very long. I'm also having trouble discerning sexual frustration from the urge.

Still, I'm trying hard to put my mind on my work and to focus.

Gabe Deem

Staff member
@ jms42
For 3 nights straight I have been lying in bed tossing and turning for what feels like hours before I was able to fall asleep,

I went through this during my reboot. You just have to relax man. Something that helped me was reading before bed about the brain and all the info presented on ... The more I learned and the more success stories I read the more relaxed and full of hope I became. Plus reading in general tends to make you tired late at night. Just turn off everything and read and take notes and understand that many guys like myself have been in your spot and came out fine. Breath.... Just take a step back and breath


Thanks for the reply Gabe. I know it's probably just a phase combined with my already unhealthy sleep habits. I'm sure it'll pass soon enough. I'll try some reading like you said.

So today, I dropped by a friend's place and we were just chilling. I was sharing and playing some new music I had on my phone, when all of a sudden he showed me a video on his phone of some girl stripping, saying he thought the girl was cute. That kind of threw me in a loop, because obviously the alarm bells are going off inside my head, but at the same time I wasn't about to go off about how I'm rebooting and all that because doesn't know. I didn't want to be like, "oh crap, get that away from me!" I thought I'd be a sport and just made some passing comment, then proceeded to go play with his dog.

It was weird though, because the video definitely caught my eye, but there wasn't like a flood-gate that burst with some powerful urge to watch it. At the same time, I know that my eyes lingered on the video a bit longer than I should have allowed myself. I'm sitting at home just minding my own business now, wondering how to make of all this.

I can honestly say that it was not intentional. That I did try to separate myself from it. I'm both glad and upset. Glad that I didn't let lose any urge for PMO after I got home. Upset that I didn't separate myself quick enough, and still finding it somewhat fascinating. Has anyone met with a similar situation before, and how did you handle it?


Noticing some morning wood. I'm trying very hard not to fantasize but I only have so much control over my thoughts sometimes. It's quite ironic that the erection (or partial-erection, more like) is actually causing me to have some MO urges, while not having the erections makes me not think about all of this as much.


At my one month mark.

The last couple of day had been a bit more difficult to get by than I had imagined. I think that initial bliss felt in the release from PMO has worn off a little, and reality has started to sink in. My attitude right now is probably best described as indifferent, but I don't feel like I have flat-lined. I don't care much for P; any urges for it are few and far between. But I find that sex is still on my mind quite frequently.


A bit of review of the past month:

My goal for now is to reach 90 days without PMO. At first, I was wondering if that was a bit unrealistic. The fact is, I have gone about 30 days without O a few years ago, because I thought the "death grip" was killing my sensitivity when in bed. But I would still watch P and edge every now and again, like once or twice a week. In case you're wondering, that helped only very little when it came to the real thing because I was still feeding my addictions.

This time is different, no P, no M and no O. There was a sense of relief at first. The first week actually felt pretty good. I felt motivated and fought off PMO urges quite easily. I also deleted all my "stash" on my computers.

As things settled down a bit, I could feel some of the withdrawals: lack of concentration/brain-fog (which I still fight from time to time), moodiness and restlessness. The big issue was sleep. I code for a living, so my sleep schedule has always been quite awful, and the reboot seemed to have amplified it. I try not make a big deal out of it and I think it's getting slightly better. One my greatest struggles now is the urge for M actually.

Besides all that, I'm still very happy with myself for getting to this stage. I will continue to fight on.

I also feel that more than anything else, this reboot has really made me crave physical and social contact. With PMO before, I was complacent, I had an outlet for my urges, and "who cares if I didn't get the girl" attitude. Now I feel like I need to talk to and socialize with people, not just women.


Still here. Still clean.

Last time I was here was a week ago I think. I'm not battling any urges for P anymore. Feels like a burden is lifted, not feeling like I need to find time to isolate myself.

This week has been good, ironically because rebooting has not been on my mind. Had been a bit more busy. Didn't think about reboot, didn't think about the number of days etc. Just kind of going on with daily life. It's a good feeling, although sometimes it's unsettling.


I feel the same way. The longer I go without it, the less I want it.