35y male, getting confidence and keep going

Hi Kobe.  For me PMO is sex addiction and I feel PM with no O is even worse for you.  Stop it!  Your girlfriend would give you the real thing now, so take it!  But not if you are edging to P all day beforehand.  Find a new hobby. Read, game... something.  STOP WATCHING PORN. Like... yesterday.

The rebooting is a roller coaster, but it is worth it to stay on.  All of us have rewired our brains differently, but the root problem is stimulating both heads with the the internet and 2D partners.  Stop that and enjoy your woman.  At three weeks, when she helped you with masturbation... That was GOOD for you.  Then you started watching P again.  Stop it. 

I think you should reset your counter and really give it up this time, not just the O.  All of it.  Live in the moment.  Love your woman.  She is real and that is worth it.


good advise. thanks.

You are right. Once I start to watch porn, I can not stop.
I start to watch it everyday, and I told myself, I will not O, so it is ok.

Too bad.

I will reset my count, and reboot again.



Active Member
hey Kobe,

keep it on. The days after a relapse usually are the hardest to cope with. But if you manage to go past them you will be able to. In your situation I suggest to give yourself a hand and block the content. You wrote that you cannot abstain from use of your computer because auf work related reasons. The same goes for me. Therefore I blocked all content - because I know myself very well regarding "willpower". And it is helping me a lot.
So I strongly suggest, that you block at least Porn-Movies with a filter like open DNS or K9.

You will see that it can improve your decision making process, because temptation is mildened and you will have to take time consuming measures to disable the security mechanisms.

Good luck and keep it on!!!


Active Member
Hey buddy,

keep it on! Don't fret because of relapse, but embrace it and try to channel the anger and frustration into productiveness!
Did you try to block you stuff? Perhaps it also could help you to share this story with someone outside this "virtual" community - do you have someone to share this with? how about your wife - she could eg. take care of the password for you and you would not be able to get there without asking.

Don't forget that the reboot is about changing your life completely. It means on the one hand that it will take time to process all this. On the other hand you will need to dedicate this time to your reboot, if you want to go forward.

Do not fear failure because it is necessary to see whether you want to do this or not. However, do not accept failure - because you can win!

Please do not give up, try your best and prove to yourself that you are able to do this.

I wish you the best!


Active Member
my suggestion:

make a new password ( at least 20 caracters). write it down on a piece of paper. put the paper in an evelope. seal it and put it in another one. seal this one as well. On both envelopes you write a motivation for you to not open them. Next you hide the envelope in a place that yould touble you to go to. Mostly the urge is followed through by affect. You see a trigger on you screen and then simply go on and on until you finally disable the protection with the password which you will remember by heart after typing it down around 5 times.  If you would need to go to another room toget those envelopes and also to open them, you might be again remebered about your challenge and stop.

Try it, nothing to lose it there?

If this still does not work, try to hide the envelopes in a public place. I put one (since I use many blockers) in an old book in the library. So I would have to go there to unlock my stuff.



I have left this site for 6 months.
I am back now.
I did a lot of PMO in the past 6 months.
I did not success and my life is still in trouble.

I would like to start the journey again.
Dear God, please help me.



Active Member
as long as you don't stop, you still are moving. Keep it true with yourself, be stricter to yourself, appreciate yourself. You can and will make it. But you need the determination to do so.


Well-Known Member
kobe said:

I have left this site for 6 months.
I am back now.
I did a lot of PMO in the past 6 months.
I did not success and my life is still in trouble.

I would like to start the journey again.
Dear God, please help me.


Don't leave us anymore, please :)


Welcome back Kobe.  It's good to see you're trying again. It's not the end of the world.  But you're here for a reason, and you want to try again.  Good for you.  You can do it -- sometimes it takes guys a few attempts.  But that doesn't mean it'll never happen; it just means you need to try again. 

Do you mind if I give you a a little advice? Thanks ;-) This is really important: you need to change the approach you take. The approach you used last time didn't work for you, so you need to find a better system for you.  Otherwise, if you do the same thing you tried last time, you'll get the same result, so you need to radically change things.

I mean *RADICALLY* change things. 

Read my journal entries -- I talk extensively about trigger management. I know everyone is different, but I really think this comes down a LOT to trigger management. You need to understand and write down your triggers (I'm serious, write them down), and then don't let them happen. Ever. And write every day about them. And when you realized you found a new trigger, you add it to your list.

Here are some examples of triggers and how to manage them:
- If getting on Facebook makes you want to fap, quit Facebook for 90 days. Block it, remove your account, uninstall it from your phone.
- If getting on your computer makes you want to fap, stop using your computer. I'm not kidding. Don't use it for any personal hobbies. If you have to use it for work, do your work in an office or in public for 90 days.  Go read a book instead for a while. Except to blog here. But if that's too risky, then don't even write here. Handwrite your journal instead.
- If you keep typing in your K9 password, then make someone else put in a password that they won't give to you. Or lock up your computer for 90 days. Or give it to someone for 90 days. Or leave it in your office. Not kidding.
- If being home alone makes you want to fap, DON'T GO HOME until bedtime. 
- If being in your bed at night makes you want to fap, leave your computer at work so you don't have it in your house (or throw away the K9 password.) Or put some hot pepper on your hands before you go to bed.
- If seeing hot girls in the street makes you want to go home and fap, realize (a) you're objectifying women, so you may want to think about it in more depth, as I had to do; and (b) stop staring at girls on the street. Look away from all of them. (I'm serious - that's what I do.)
- If seeing hot girls on TV makes you want to fap or open up some porn, stop watching TV. I'm serious. Hot chicks on TV is a no-no anyway because that constitutes artificial sexual imagery, which you're supposed to avoid.

If you're not able to take the actions necessary to manage these triggers, you may not be ready to do this yet. But barring that, just do what I said above - make those radical changes right now. Just do it.

You can do anything for 90 days :)
And keep writing, and tell us if you're having troubles!! It feels good to write about it.  There will be some times when the urges feel overwhelming... fight, fight, fight. Fight hard. Go take a cold shower, take a walk, leave the house, go to the gym. They go away in 15 mins. Think about what you'll write in your journal that day.  You can do it.

Let us know what questions you have and, seriously, you can do it... :)


Hi, Mrcicero

Thanks to your kindly reply.
The advise and your share are very appreciated also valuable to me.

I will try to take your advise.
I found the time I want to flap the most is when I was tired or under high pressure from work.
The time I don't want to flap at all is when I am traveling, hang-out with friends, or doing sports.

The problem is I had a lot of time to be myself alone.
I live by myself, with a long distance girlfriend who only meet in weekend.
I had my own office, cause I am doing research job. (it is hard to leave computer, neither)

I will try to keep my door open.
But this did not work well last time, since I still need privacy.
I will jerk in my office, and also before sleep.

No matter what, I will do my best to aim the first goal of 90 days.
Again, thanks a lot to your encourage and care.
That means a lot to me.




Dear all,

I have done a good job in these two days.
I will keep pay attention to myself.

Sometimes, I still tend to touch myself, but at this I did not PM.

Try to do better and reach my goal.

Hey Kobe! (My fav bball player...lol)

Just read your journal and I feel your struggle! I can relate to the ED problems and confusion with your gf! I KNOW that porn altered the way I saw her as well as the way that I showed/made love. I can't say I've had many super urges. I have had them, but I bring my mind back to the point of why I'm doing this! A good thought for me is, I try and remember that feeling you have when your member won't work and your "want" it to. Then think about PMO....now is that 15 seconds of weak ass pleasure going to be worth the feeling of embarrassment and "non- alphaness"? No! So I let it go. You HAVE to do the same brother! PMO is one term ALL together for hd PIED sufferers. We cant pick and choose one or two and ommit the rest! We can beat this man! Find a vision of you and your gf having the perfect life and believe that as you heal you WILL see her different! I'm not judging you bro. Actually I'm probably writing this to myself because we have a similar story. I refuse to relapse tho! I've come to far. A day away from a month! You will do the same and more...


Hey Kobe,
Good work so far. The worst urges are in the first week. If you can do what you did to avoid the last urge, you'll be fine.  The urges will go away pretty quickly. You'll be surprised how fast they go away... just keep resisting.  And follow all the rules.  ALL the rules ;-)  No artificial sexual imagery, no pictures of chicks, no looking at chicks on facebook.  Live like a monk :)  You'll be fine.


Dear mrcicero and other friends,

Thanks to your encourage.
I am still doing good so far.
Once I feel tired or stressed, I try to sleep or exercise instead of PMO.

I will definitely fight for this this time.
My first goal is one week, and then double it for two weeks, a month, two months, etc.
I can image that now because of your guys support.

Let's work one this together.



Dear guys,

Yesterday, I had a sex with a girl.
This is the first time have sex after I restart my journey of rebooting.
Hoping this will not effect my pace in my journey.

Actually, I don't have much problem in ED lately.
The ED symptom I had before is mainly coming form anxiety.

No matter if I had sex with girls or not, I will keep work on no POM.
Once I feel tired or pressured, I sleep or exercise.
Although nude or sexy pictures are everywhere in our life, I just try not to stick on it.

Last month, I am thinking I might be able to play more video games which might be able to occupy my time.
However, yesterday I read a post which says videos game could release dopamine, too.
It is not a good substitute.
Which means, I could not use another addiction to replace porn addiction.
Don't your think it might be a solution? I would like to know your comment.

Keep fighting.

thanks for your support.



Dear friends,

One week pass, and this is my first week of successfully rebooting.
I will continue my next round.

However, today I watched some funny/sexy/porn videos on youtube.
I found it is easier to say no M, but hard to define what is porn.
For example, many funny clips on youtube I loved, is with the blurred line.
Let's say, "blurred line" 18+ video, and many Taryn Southern's videos.
I like their creativity, but I don't know should I quit it or not.

Hopefully not. because if so, I need to avoid news paper, magazine, commercial...sigh.

Keep working on our goal.

