First relapse


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Day number 7

Now it's weekend. Always the hardest to deal with.

Trying to figure out what I want to do.

Mostly I wanna just laugh and have fun with anyone.
Don't know who thou.

I need to be careful, and not seek out someone to just make me feel noticed. And end up "noone wants me"

I wanna get to know some new people. That's what I want.

That's also a fine line. To get out there, being spontaneous and find some alike who are open enough to meet and chat.

And I don't want to spend my weekend just looking for someone to meet.

Balance. It's Okey if I end up alone. I will have stuff to do.
I saw some saxophones on IG yesterday, and I felt I wanted to start playing again. Maybe I will do that.

Next weekend I will join a open air rave party.

At work it's fun, they have starterd a competition. And I will win it. The first price is a vip ticket to Metallica.

Not really my genre but will enjoy it anyway!
Will go with someone who win on the the other team. I don't know who. In my team it is 100% it's going to be me.
I'm been in the first place from day one and keep adding upto my numbers.


Active Member
Hey, just wanted to comment on some things I read.

Past 5 months I have not passed three days. I have not really bothered. But anyway. OK. I did one 40 day streak. But mostly it been 1 or 2 days last half a year.
You are on day number 7 now!.. Try not to compare your day #7 with your 40-day streak or anything from the past. Those are bygones. You are here now my friend and #7 can turn into #10.. and before you know it the snowball is rolling.

I can tell we have some similarity in the loneliness part.. we really want to show ourselves and meet new people .. but have some fear of getting rejected, hurt by people. I am the same... but my conclusion is.. some people may have hurt us in the past, and that hurt can fill us up ,, so bad that we think that people in the future might hurt us just as bad. The thing is, all people are different, all situations are different.. this very moment you are reading these words.. you have never ever experienced before, a totally new moment and you would never guess i'd write yellow elephant right now, right?.. =) .. see..  its the same with new people we might meet ahead of us. We have never ever met them before, and sure enough, we can get surprised on a positive note. Hell, that person or the next could be a person that would treasure you for all that you are.

For the part with your mother. I dont know the full story, but what I do know is you are burying some feelings and rejecting your mother .. for something that maybe she fully isnt aware of. maybe she cant help it. maybe her mother or father brought her up in a way so he learned whatever behaviour you feel you are not getting. As you wrote me, compassion and love is the better way remember?.. Maybe, just maybe.. there could be a way you could forgive your mother... maybe just maybe, you could do something totally opposite of what she would expect,, maybe bring her flowers.. why? just because.. why not.. she held you in her arms and gave you life when you were a baby... she cared for you. Yea maybe some things got screwed up along the way, but she is still your mother.Maybe there was a way there to act with love and compassion. Maybe she needs the same as you do, ever thought of that?.. Who else than her son would be better to receive love from.

Sorry I did not mean to give unsolicited advice.. i often do that to people. I just wanted to invite you to think about the opposite side as well.

I really like your technique of speaking to your inner child. I have done this as well, and strange enough, that somehow works.. like, its like speaking to the subconscious and it responds.. When I do this process, usually my inner child answers with things it's afraid of.. I mentor him and tell him stuff like "can you see nothing happened, and you are ok." "did you ever think about the problem wasnt you, but it they were shy etc". stuff like that. I works wonders, well at least for me.. I need to do it more - thnx for reminding me ))

I like you have plans to keep yourself active.. maybe have a look at and find something with a low-bar. Like, attend a 1h meditation group. There is little commitment to that. and maybe you'll find someone that is into saxophones.

btw, regarding IG.. man, that shit can really trigger you. I dont know with you but images of women everywhere there. I deleted mine. Hated seeing people with "perfect" lifes and women flashing how "perfect" they are.. I felt I was missing out and made me feel more lonely and sad. If you can manage it, that is good. I couldnt so it had to go.

.... #7.. next up #10... as I have full confidence in you being able to control your emotions this weekend. I think you will be aware of you'r triggers more ,,  send it love and acknowledge that feeling are here now, but will soon go away. Invite them. Let them try to convince you to go back to old ways, but this time,, talk to the urges.. tell them with love, that they are welcome to stay here for a while, but you are releasing them. thank them for being there, they are not there to harm you.. show them compassion.

not sure if it makes sense)).. it might work,, who knows =)
have a great weekend


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Today I get a reminder on my phone!

First 7 days goal!

It made me smile and feel confident!

I have been reading and meditating today. Also met some new girls over an app and website, maybe a date it comminhg up? :)

Also, one girl, I only have met like twice. Sent me a dm on telling me she seen my ex on IG change name and asked me if we hav separated.

It made me angry. So I answered her why she didn't ask the person who made the change wvu she did it? And why ask something like that, you don't know what hurt feelings you will rip. And I told her isn't it more important to focus on your own life, instead of what other people do or don't do.

She answer she was sorry and only wanted to show compassion.

I dont know. It just doesn't feels correct.

I replied that I was thankfully for her being nice, but I have not got genuine compassion since the divorce. And I'm fed up with all the old friends who never call or care. Who obly contact me to be curious and ask what happend. And than never hear from them again!

And i started to cry.

And now it starts again.

She said she wanted to live her life with me when we married. And she said she was sorry afree first time cheating.
And afree second time. She said she wanted to make it good this time.
She said she was sad, sorry and been an asshole.

I told her that I forgave her, I told her tjat I want to live my life with her. But I can't live a life with someone who doesn't want to be with me. I told her I need to let her go, and if she loves me, she will come back.
If she doesn't, I need to go on with my life.

After the divorce I know she been with to guys. And now she changed her namne back to what it was before married.

Its fucking painful. I let her go, and she walks away, and I have difficulties to let go of her. I want her in my arms. I just want to hold her tight.

I can't write any more. I can't see the screen beacuseuof the tears.


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Counter past 8 for two hours ago. So I'm going after day 9 now.

I feel strange inside. I feel a bit sad, alone and both in control and positive.

One part feels like  "noone wants me" but I also here a voice "I'm here, it's Okey, we do this together"

Its like I have contact with my feelings but my child is trying to do a revolt.

Been thinking about about it. And I guess what my inner child really is telling me is.

"will you do like mom did to me?"

My new inner caring parant, answer
"it's Okey, I'm here, you did the right choice, I will not leave you or betray you. I will love you and care for you what ever you feel. I will hold you in your arms"

The inner child Dont know how to respond to this calm and loving voice. It's new, and it's uncomfortable. I feel how the inner child want to open up but is till afraid.

My inner parant just hold my child in the arms. Dontb push anything.

That's the key here I guess.

My mom have always been punching me when I'm low, sad or angry. She don't want me to feel like that so she do everything she can, but not what she need to do, to make me be happy. Becuse happy is the only thing my mom can do. Not genuine happy. But smile, talk and fake it.

Like every time she make me sad. And I tell her not do do that to me. Not making me sad, but the thing that she do that don't respects my privacy. She say she is sorry, but she do t understand or feel it. So she fake it's all good. Becuse she can't allow her self to see its not good relationship with her own kids. And now she trying to sweep in under the carpet.

It maybe sounds like I'm bitter. I'm not. It's that I don't want to live a fake life.
If there is energy draining in a relationship you need to fix that. You can't spend time with someone who just do it becuse it's looks good. Right.

And that's how it is with my family and my old friend.
They are alike. They don't want to understand how they hurt me. So they do it over and over and over again.

I am not selfish for taking care of my own health first.
And it's not that I don't love my old friends. I do. But I can't have them in my space if all they do is draining my energy.

What I do work on right now. Is to make it possible to be around people who are Ike that and don't let their energy spill over on me.

Like when I visited my friend, that girl, and her family last year. She said and her parant said it was all forgetten and wanted to keep in touch.

But when I was there I felt the energy. It was strange. And like I said some days ago, that girl, she probably wanted me to take on her energy. When I didn't she tried even harder.

I have quit playing games with her. I remember how our paths crossed the morning when we were about brushing our teeth. I felt her anger when she passed me.
And I have not been talking to her or even touched he all time I was with the family.

She was angry at me for not give her attention? Or becuse of things I have done long time ago, and we have talked about, but she obviously not have let stay in the past.
I'm not bitter. But why Schould I ever want to have that kind off person in my life?

One who one tells me she wants to hang out, and one day don't even talk to me for no reason at all.

Another old friend of mine called yesterday. He wanted to meet. I don't want to meet him really. He is like the same. He don't listen. I tried my best to avoid playing his games. He didn't ask to hang out. He asked if I wanted to meet him. Like  "do you like me?"

That's the same as mom do. And that's why it makes me so angry.

Mom or grandma hugs me and say. I love you. And the energy they say it with is. "why don't you hug me, don't you love me?"

I don't hug back. Becuse I feel like a teddybear. It's not genuine.

I do get that all this is probably becuse I'm the first born in the family. Both first child of mom and dad. Only child fom dad. And I'm the first grandchild from both sides.

And mst of my family had problems. And I was only a little happy kid with alot of energy. And everyone wanted me in their lives, becuse with me they felt real again and could have some time to get relief from their own stress.

They "used me" as medication. And I guess that's why I'm so good at feeling all this energies and comfort people. That's what I have been doing all my life.

And that's make me feel strange when I do things I want myself. And now I help myself get trough my teenage years with my own loving and caring inner parant.

What I wanted when I was a teen, was a parant who did not tell on me, or acted like the things teens do, is bad and wrong.

I wanted a parant who helped me guide through the emotions and feelings I had. Someone I could open up to.

I remember a strange night about this. My mom kissed me good night. I was about 10-12 and she said. "soon you will get into a agrspan with alot of new emotions and feelings, and it's important to talk about it, and I want you to know u can talk to me about anything"

I felt happy happy at first. And it also made me think ablut what she mean. And I also felt that she was worried. I didn't understand. During the years that come. I didn't feel that I could talk to her.

I remember one time when I been looking at P in school. It was a day I went to school when it doesn't was any schoolday. I had forgot about it. I waited for the bus hole again and eneden up surfing around.. A teacher caught me. He was kind.

I guess he told my mom, she was gentle when I came home. But I remember this special effort from her.

"did you watch it for long?"

No, not really, maybe 20 min, was my answer

Her reply

"wow, that was a long time!"

And it got all stiff in the air. I felt sad, bad, and walked away. We never talked more that day.

She do the same thing today. Some weeks ago we talked abut my friend and how she now brought up the past again.
And my mom asked me how old my friend was when she was close to me.

I said 14-16.

Her only answer was again

"wow that was young"

And I felt, sad, bad, guilt, low again.

I want to change this. Not her. But my inner voice.

I want me to tell myself.

"I see and understand you felt tjat way, that's not strange at all, its Okey, how did you feel when you did what you did? That feelings you having can help you and guide you in life. Trust them!"

I'm tjat way i would have learnt that my feelings was right, but the behavior is not. And knew how to deal with it.
And I wouldn't feel guilt for having feelings.

Ober and outm time for some reading and planing for next month.



Active Member
Going for day 10 now!

No urges for PMO at all.

That's great.

Not strange, I am connecting with people outside the screen. I'm building up new relationships.

I flirt with girls and have like 5 dates with different girls.

I am doing something good. It's a bit fun. To have your phone getting texts from girls. Asking how I am doing. They invite me home to them.

Before I just would have take a step back and told myself it's wrong!

Now I tell myself. It's Okey to meet new people. And it's OK to eat dinner or lunch. I am in no obligation to do anything.

We are adults, meeting for first time and have some fun.

I am easy going thou. Good looking. I know how to talk and make girls laugh. And my fear is that they fall in love with me. That's why I always have had toned down myself.

But now, I will stop do that. I will bloom like a flower. I want to be myself. And if tjat means that other will like me or even fall for me. That's not my problem.

I will not use that for my advantage. And be mean. But I don't want to let it hinders me for having the best life ever.

Like some girls said on the app. I'm looking for the man of my life. But why wait in distress to that day, I will have fun until I meet him.

I like that sort of. We are adults and grownups. If it's ons, and nothing personal, or emotional. It's alright.

I am feeling it's a lot to learn here.

And I am doing all this being present. And if they only want ons with me. I don't bother.

This is a turnpoint. Because in the past I would have been thinking.

Did I do anything wrong. Didnt she like me. What should I change.

Now I feel, I'm good and now what I am doing. If a girl doesn't know what she is doing. It's her problem. Not mine.

No drama here. I can walk away.

This is really making me feel strong and confident. And that also makes me shine even more.

I will keep this track. And I will enjoy life. And I will keep grow.
I feel I'm happy for the first time in my life dour long. And my protection is high.

I sent a text to the girl I was with last week. Becuse I felt she have not texted me. And I don't want to have it in the air. Better to know she don't want to se me anymore. It all rlggrpfor me. Becise I know now for sure. It's not about me. I am likeable and what ever my old friend or other people say. I did not make those people sad. They did it themselves. They played the victim. And they wanted me to rescue them.

I did, and they wanted more. It was never enough. Draining my energy. It's stop with that shit now! I will not tolarate that in my life.

I need to set the boundaries and tell others about them!

Let's se how this will be!


Active Member
I'm really really happy.

I'm put having fun.

An old friend contacted med today. His girl left him some months ago. He didn't want to talk about it then. But now he opened up. And she cheated on him too. We had almost the same experience. And I could keep it in balance. I did not took the victim role. Noor did him. We felt some connection.

And I keep adding new contacts to my list. And we are friendly and so.

And I matched with a gorgeous girl last day. She didn't have her face at first. We texted and had some connection between us. And moved to another platform and she send me a pic of her after a while. I didn't even ask for it.

It feels like people are drawn to me like a magnet.

I have read about this in others journals. It happens when they keep away from PMO. And stsrt to live their lives. Adding value to life.

I met some fiends for a meeting tonight. Andibhave been reading a book. Start with why.

I have thee questions I try to figure out.
Why, how and what. I want to do with my life.

Why. I want to inspire and help people to grow and achieve their dreams.
How. Care, listen, and lead them
What. Read, get to learn people, connect, develop myself, have fun.

I all made clear when the questions got answered.

I now need to plan and set goals.

This really inspires me!



Active Member
Day 11 done going for 12

Im at work now. And I'm in tune with my feelings.. I let them be as they are. I ditt push them away.

I try to be mindful. Its like a apple. You hold it in your hand. Smell it. Look at it, trying to figure out what it is and if it's good or bad. Is it tasty. Is it good nutrition? Will it make be feel good or bad when I eat it. And so on.

I use this state and try to find other people who are open enough to talk about it and courageous enough to be in those feelings.

Talking to a girl about this. About how we feel after a breakup and how we feel we need some cuddle. Just to hold someone in the arms.

Asked her if she had any tips on how to deal with it. And her answer was perfect.

Find someone who think alike, and ask straight forward. And be honest. Say. I need a hug can I have one from you.

We talked about it and we felt the same. Don't want to get involved to much in a new relationship, but still want some cuddle.

Reminds me of a book I read about the hunger for touch.
An infant who doesn't get touched will die!

When all this was brought up I felt. Wooow, I want that. I don't want PMO. It's not really love, just some gentle touching. To hold someone in my arms. Without need to take care of or have obligations to do it.

Just share a good moment together.

The girl I talked to had the same thoughts. And all this made my brain spin and run. And I feel some relife.its Okey to have feelings. Those feelings are not wrong.

And I realize again how my mom pushed over her own feelings on me.

Keep it simple. Be nice, be true, and dare to ask for what you need.

I needed to write all this right away so I can focus

C ya


Active Member
I like what you said about feeling your feelings compared to holding an apple in your hands as you try to figure it out. I always push away my feelings, specially if they are hurtful.

Thanks for sharing and congrats on 11 days.


Active Member
11 days, 20 hours, 50 seconds now.

Yesterday I was really tired when I arrived home. Fell asleep 8 pm.

Woke up at 5.30, and had hard time to choose. Run some km or finnish my book? Start with why.

I read the last chapter and got so inspired. And not only that, I found or reminded me of my why again. After reading the book, I remembered that this have been how I have been thinking a long time. But other people have told me and argued it's wrong.

One of the last chapters, I read, it's not the why itself that is hard to find. It's to maintain a clear focus on your why day after day, year after year.

I know my why. I want to help people grow, inspire them, I want my story to motivate others to don't give up on their dreams.

I read, when your why is clear, other will follow. They will feel that you are genuine. And if you only compete for yourself, others will join and feel the energy.

What an amazing book.

And for those who have followed my journey for three years. You can probably see how I reached for this from start, struggled to figure out why I am doing what I am doing. And how I could change my why.

It was not that clear back then, but one thing I had a clear focus on. And that was to quite PMO, not for anyone else, notto be a good guy, not to be the the first, or quickest. I wanted to do it for me, myself, to be better and stronger. For my self. So I could show people, from my acts and progress, it is possible.

When I write this, I remember how I read other journals when I was new here. I saw the progress and I could feel how they were going in the right direction. And I thought. I wanna do that! I want to have that kind of life.

I want to live according to my dreams.



Active Member
OrangeSpider said:
I like what you said about feeling your feelings compared to holding an apple in your hands as you try to figure it out. I always push away my feelings, specially if they are hurtful.

Thanks for sharing and congrats on 11 days.

Thanks mate!

Don't run from the emotional side of life. We have feelings for a reason. They will tell us important things about what we miss or need in our body.

Would you ignore hunger or thirst? Would ignore a stick in you thumb? Would you ignore the pain on your tongue when you burn it because of hot food?

The pain you feel inside is telling you something. Listen to it and do something that sooth it. That is how you love yourself.

If you did hit your thumb when trying to hit a nail, would you hit the thumb again, only becuse you feel worthless?
Or would you jump, scream or hold it in, and be more safe?

Keep up the good work man. We will make it


Active Member
Thanks for the reply.
The hitting your thumb again because it hurts makes ALLOT of sense, hadn't thought about it that way.
I want to live according to my dreams.
This is powerful as well.
Thanks for sharing.


Active Member
Nice to hear that you like the illustrations.

I'm going for day 14 now.

Didb some things now before bed. And I thought about PMO and realized. I'm not even have any lust. I don't want too.

Feels really good


Active Member
Day 15 going for 16

So many emotions inside me this weekend. Sadness, anxiety, happiness, emptiness, horny, hurt, alone, Lonley, loved.

I have penned it down on paper. Meditated. And now I try this forum instead.

Right now I have come to the conclusion. I want to eas my chest. I want to open up.
It belive I have fund what I am missing. It's not love. It's mentorship and guidence.

The ability to have someone I can talk to who can guide me and help me with what I am feeling inside.
That's the what I want.

And I have described it before as a close friend. Someone who loves me.

You know, someone who wants to spend time with me even if they do know my history or about my anxiety. Right now.

The good part I do know what I am looking for. But who will be able to give me that?

I understand also, why I feel so sad becuse om my mom and dad. They have never ever been that kind of mentors in my life. Where I can open up and talk about my problems. I know why. Becuse the problems Im dealing with, it from the beginning there problems, and they didn't fix them, so what I am doing, scares them. What they have been running from their lives. I fight to qunqouer (spelling? lol)

How could they guide or mentor me thru something they never managed themselves. They can't. It's like if I who don't know anything about being a carpenter should be a teacher in that manner.
The result would be awful!

It has nothing to do with love for the students, it's only a matter of experience and knowledge.

What I see is that, with my ex, I should have talked to here and told her she needed to see a therpaist becuse I can't help her. I can love her, but I can't fix her!

That's what I have learned from the last years of experiences. I don't blame myself for it. But I have learned from it.

And when I do understand this, I deeply in my heart miss her, and now the tears comes again.


Why do I feel like this. It must be true love. I really do miss her and all the good times we had. And I am a true believer of everything can be good, if you you want it to. With all that clearly in my mind, I also remember, Yeay, it needs two for a relationship to last! And even if I got this and understood all this. If I talk to her and make all this clear and ask what she want to to do. She would say she would like to come back. But I can't trust her. And it will be that I would pull forward again.

Its hard to realize, that the girl you want to be with, doesn't really want to be with you. As you are. Rather she would be with you, so you could take care of her and guide her.

So that's backs my first thoughts of today. I need a mentor, a guide in my life. Someopi can trust and get good advices from. And live accordingly too.

First that get to my mind is God. Who else would be better? But I need to figure out that, becuse I really feel betrayed and there is no trust for the religions or churches. Will take time for that in the future...

Right now my thoughts are about my social anxiety from last night's party.

I wanted to go first. But something hold me back. I tried to manage what it was, but i couldn't. I felt that I had to fix these emotions first so I could be free and enjoy the night. If I didn't I would be sad and feel alone.
So I had one feelings. Scared of being alone. I also felt that I would do wrong if I went. And I felt that I would be sad and regret if I did not go. And I felt that I was not allowed /worrghuto have fun. And I felt I needed to meet people and be social. And I had a hunger for being touched.

It was just spinning and build up anxiety. Talked to a friend, who is abroad, becuse she knew I was going for a Rave, and asked me if I was excited. I was honest with her and told her about all these emotions. And she helped me remember about doing things that makes me worthy. So I made up my mind and went. I needed to hurry, last train was only 13 min away, and I have 7 min to the station by car.

I made it, was excited.

During the night I met some cool people, and one bunch of people who came for their first Rave in life. They was high, friendly, and wanted me to join them. I felt how the anxiety built up. And how I had difficulty to relax.

I wanted so bad to relax and just be me. But I was soooo afraid to not be liked. Becuse I felt Lonley already. (I think all these emotions comes from a party when I was in 6th grade, and that ended upp with tears and running home first of all, feeling so alone and lonely, nobody liked me, and I couldn't talk with mom about it, because she would not help me with my feelings. She would have talked to the teachers, and made it big, becuse she would have treated me like a victim, and she would have tried to rescue me, aka plying games)

The Rave was underground, we had some visits of the local police, they didn't do anything, but I didn't get any alcohol first. But later when I was safe. I got some drinks, and it helped me to relax. I jumped to the dancefloor and was enjoying life. Ans as usual, when I hit that point, girls dance into my circle and want to be close.

And again my anxiety holds me back. I had this girl who was all into me, we huged, danced and had fun. I wanted to kiss her, but I didn't know how to do it. I was scared for not being respectful. So it ends up that I keep dancing. Of course she will get tired of me, becuse I don't show any sexual interest in her. I come off as friendly.

She dance away, and all jumping made me feel like a wanted to throw up after the drinks. I was laying on the grass, all spinning, just laughing. And thought. Wooow I'm so happy I made it here. And didn't stay home.

I got back to the dancefloor. And she was dancing with another dude. And they did make out...

Later she come back and saw me. Danced with e again. Now I didn't want her anyway, becuse she had been kissing tat other guy just 2 sec ago. But we had some fun, dancing. She went away and I had no interest in her anymore. And after a while a guy asked me if it was my girlfriend. I said no. And she she came back he danced with her and huged her and ended up kissing her. They walked away together.

At the same time I hade met some other people and talked to them, and another girl their and I was connecting fast. And we danced together also. Same thing happend there. This girl thou was not that wasted like the other girl. I made the same "mistake" and didn't took any clear step to show I was interested.

And while I was relaxing right before the end. Or of the girls from the first group joined me. She was stil high haha, but was super friendly. We talked and she was close, leg to leg.

I'm still learning things here. And like I said before. I have a hunger for touching, but iam afraid of asking for it straight forward. Becuse I end up feeling alone and worthless. Becuse that's the feeling I have frm the beginning and need to manage.

I don't know why I felt worthless... Hmm...

Yes I do!! This party, it was a girl who invited me! But she didn't end up there herself. And she didn't answer my text about it. Now I see it. I said yes first, not because I wanted to go to this party, it was because I wanted to meet that girl!
But really, I didn't want to meet her. I wanted to feel likeable. And "used her".

And when she didn't came to the party, I felt like nobody wants me...

But tjat was also the old me thinking, and I don't trust that as quickly as before. And that's why all this head and heart spinning emotions before the party.

The question should be. Do I want that girl? Not, do that girl want me?

Problem solvedu:)

Ha, and this reminds me of my decision to guide myself. I will let my inner child do things like this. To explore and feel all these emotions. And we will deal with it, will give myself the love and gupmy mom never gave me. And I will help my inner child to grow and be responsible.

Next step will be, how can I manage to come to this conclusion quicker. And how shall I do, to get some nice hugs and kissing from these girls who hit on me on the dancefloor.

Some things I learned from yesterdays anxiety was. Ask for names.

The first group invited me to their circle, one guy asked me where my group is, and I said I was alone, he said I could join them. At first we danced, but I still felt like it was me and them. And after a few minutes I realized, to brake the border, we need to introduce ourselves and get the names.

After that, I felt part of the group.

For me, I never thought it would be any difference. You get a name from someone you want to stay in touch with. And we are strangers and will not met after the party. Why get anyone's names right?

And I realized. That's wrong. I should absolutely introduce myself, get the names, and talk, get to learn them, and maybe we will stay in touch even after the party. If I do that, they would be consider to be friends. But if I even don't get the names,it will be awkward, we will feel like strangers, and it will never ever be any chance for a friendship.

Many new realizations this weekend!



Active Member
Day 18, 24 min to to reach day 19!!

No PMO for 19 days. This is great.

And I am working on my social skills. And guess what. Its going pretty good!

Right now I have met 5-6 new people. Ok. All girls. But whatever. I have talked and chatted with them and they ask me for my number, or my snap or my anything else to keep in touch.

This feels really good. And I feel that if they don't wanna hang out with me. It's not my problem, it's them who is missing out.

Iam on the right track now. And I will keep this going. My goal is to make one day a time, and be present everyday. And if something happens and I feel bad. The key for success here is to just forgive yourself. And ask. Why do I want to have a good life? What do I want to do right now? And how?

Just make some small changes. Don't stop to refigure out all again.

I want to shine! I want to be honest. Genuine.
And I don't care about taking care of others anymore. It's a big burden lifting off my chest.

I have told some friends about my situation with my mom and what she did two, three weeks ago. They got mad and angry. And they said it was nice to hear that I was too and was straight forward.

They understood it was difficult for me, and I easily feel Lonley becuse I don't have any mom and dad in my life who wants to have a healthy relationship with their kid.

I saw a picture at IG from my uncle, and one from my grandmother, they where abroad. And my mom was with them. My grandparents had their anniversary.

And it hit me, to things. First. Why didn't I knew. Why wasn't I invited. Why dont they tell me?
And the second was. Well, do I know when they have their anniversary. Yes I know. And I could have bought something my self.

And I realized. Hmm. Do I want that? Do I really want to be with them? And why does it feel like I'm missing out. And I realized. My mom have not grow up yet. She still spends more time with her parants then she does with her own kids.

She have not built her own family, she still try to get my grandparents approval. Or mostly my granddads.

And with that I realized. How many times in my life have my grandfather called me? Because I didn't had a real dad, he was the grown up/adult man in my life. And what kind of a relationship did we have? He didn't guided me, he haven't been there for me. He have always been bitter. All my family is bitter. They don't wanna solve any issues. Just pretend it's good. And that's why they celebrate the anniversary together.

But me, I want to be genuine. I don't wanna be there. I am fed up with that bull****

And again got angry. I should not be sad or feel Lonley becuse they act like they do. That's how they manipulate me.

They do push me out and act like "hey we having fun, and you are invited if you behave"

I do realize now. I am behaving. I am doing good. I am a good person and I don't need to change to be a part of the family. I have not doing anything wrong. I have done something good. I have been honest and told them how I feel. And I have said I'm feel lonely, sad and alone.

Its not me, it's them!

Don't get me wrong here. I'm humble, I'm open to change, I have no problems to change and listen if someone do tell me I did them wrong! But I this case. It's not me who need to humble, it's my family.

I am humble enough to understand that sure, I have my own responsibilities, to congratulate their anniversary. And I can pick up the phone and call them. And all that.

But I have, and every time they ask how I am doing I tell them the same thing. I am doing great, but I'm sad and angry.

I'm straight forward. And calm.

They never ask why, or wanna talk about it. They ignore it. And that's the problem. The case is not solved. Not brought up in the air and forgotten.

I have, in the Mattar, that I don't burden myself with it all day long. Like with my cheating ex. I have forgive her. Not becuse she need it or I want to be her friend. Becuse I want to feel good and leave it in the past. And even if I did forgive her. I don't need to live or speak with her everyday.

Its the same with my family. I don't think about it all day long. And I can have a Good life. I don't need to talk to them and have them close in my life. Even if i would love to have that. I need to remember and realize the fact that they wanna play the games. Anf I don't wanna participate anymore.

In time I hope they understand. And til that day I keep growing.



Active Member
Day 22

Been partyin the whole weekend at a Rave festival. Sooooo amazing.

Have worked with my social anxiety. And have met, dances and got names of like 10-15 new people. I think it was a great experience.

I even asked one girl to eat with me. And she did. We had some good time eating and talking.

I feel some emotional thing here and I think I know why. I feel little sad that I did not had anyone to sleep with in my tent.

I had some girls who flirting with me and sure I could go with them. But both my anxiety put in. I didn't had the guts to ask for that and flirt.

On the other hand I realized. I didnot really want it to happen. Becuse it was like on a hunt. I was not relaxed and so.

So this made me feel alone and lonely. Only a little bit.

I wanted to go and I knew it would be this feeling. That's my anxiety and what I am working with.

I wanted to put me in this situation so I can analyze and see whow I can manage to work it through.

Soon time to pack the tent and travel back home. See ya


Active Member
1 hour and 10 min to turn to day 24.

Whoop Whooop.

And I met a girl on the way home at the train yesterday. We talked and laughed. Ended up sleeping on each other's shoulders. It was so cozy.

I asked for he snap after got it. But she didn't add me back.

Well well. It was a good time and I learned alot.

I'm happy for this progress.

Knowing what I need and what I don't need.

I felt hunger for touch and I could make it with a stranger, just a good little cuddle and sleep together. To feel seen. It was great.

I will keep doing stuff like this and keep analyze, so that my feelings are in tough with my heart.

When I came home and I noticed she didn't add me. I first felt sad, and checked the phone like ever minute.  And I realized. I was trying to be liked again. And I asked myself. Do I want to meet someone who first say that we will meet again but take contacts.

Sure not. It's better to look for others and enjoy the time together.

C ya, time for work


Active Member
Good stuff, that human contact, whether it's for a few minutes with a stranger on the train or many years with a loving partner, is what it's all about. To me, that's the opposite of P, and it's what I hope to deepen in my life by giving up P one day at a time.

In the pit of P addiction, my eyes are closed to the beauty all around me, and I feel cut off from that purposeful connection. I don't want to live that way.

So happy for you. That sounds like a fun encounter.


Active Member
Mobilfreak great work on actively working on the social anxiety! Really happy for you!
I am sure you had a great time, learned a lot from the experience etc. I see it as this ; she helped you gain more confidence in yourself. She was put there to help you and part of the overall plan.  a steppingstone to what is to come. That good lovin :) .. stick in there buddy and work on that game,, inspiring!!