A EasyPeasy method NOT based on WillPower.


Active Member
Right, so the book is so effective it just speaks the truth about everything that I have been doing for all these years. Thus, it made me confirm and realize even more that I WANT to quit forever. That is the key word I really WANT to now.

Even a few months ago I started a topic where I said how I could be fine with normal sex life (no ED) and still pmo every once a week, looking back that was just a way my mind held on to the addiction like: "okay just 90 days then we can continue".
And when I just started coming to the forum (already in 2014) I did not really want to quit at all.. I just wanted to fix ED and continue to use. Now its all over, my mind cant play tricks ever again. I salute you hack-author for bringing this insight to me.

Frankly, partly due to the mentioning in the book that you should continue pmo till you are done reading, partyle due to me being triggered by reading about the situations in which I used to pmo e.g. : when reading about the dopamine addiction from just browsing for smtn new, partly because I wanted to check out one more stupid fetish AND partly because I WANTED to pmo one last time to say goodbye or smtn I just relapsed.

But I'm not sad at all I know it will be for the very last time!

All the best to you all, and this book is a MUST-READ.


Active Member
It is truly a very interesting reading!!!!! right before i started i was already about a month without PMOing and to me the main problems were the night thoughts and temptations and the brainwashing point was right on the spot just like the porn diet and the substitutes subject!! it amazing to be getting free from that!! to know that is just my mind or how he says in the book the "Little Monster" and that i can get rid of it so easily is amazing!!!

These book should be all over the rebooting sites!!! i take back all the things i?ve said before!! i was wrong!!! it is truly great reading!!!!!


Active Member
Yes the thing is the way the author "advertised" the book, like its a silver bullet, makes people skeptical.
It almost looks as if he needs to sell it to get money. Thanks a ton for not asking money which this book is obviously worth.
More people should open up and give it a chance!
\Im currently at 03-18


Active Member
The book is just so relevant for me.

I just did not WANT to quit before:

-2 years ago asking if its okay to still pmo

-Classic addict, just browsing for sick shit relapse before exam:

-Then left for a year of hypno shit came back 1 year ago still asking if I can pmo after reboot, to "normal stuff" like that would    feed the dopamine enough, just an excuse to accidantly look for smtn novel:

-Then a year more of wanting to quit but not really WANTING to. Till finally I came back a few months ago and still asked if pmo is okay...

Now its all over. Yesterday was the last time ever.



Active Member
Jesus H Christ, this part of the book absolutely nails an enormous part of my life again:

"Also of note is in dating area as well, the fire to go forward is being misappropriated to this ?high reward zero pain? porn. If you have read some top PUA books and forums, what do they say ? Go on a ?diet*? ? Yes of course when you have the good hunger your internal juices and your brain will do the rest. Copping out is not an option at all. Playing the numbers is not tiresome by no means. All PUA advice in a nut-shell is this- try more numbers. Even if your approach is wrong you will be right twice a day like a broken clock. But if your mind is fighting a tug of war with the easy access to a harem of online women how would you get back to feet when that girl ignores you. Oh, if it was a public outright rejection I am running not walking to my porn girlfriend. "

Since a teen I was looking at "PUA" (similar alpha stuff) books because I wanted to be that guy that got all the women. Still I found some guys getting more action this made me mad and let to alot of wars in my mind: "Yea I got to to this and got to go out then cuz I need to score more pussy". How counter-intuitive, trying to force this meant going out there meeting women feeling bad/anxious/hyper-aware of making the right 'moves'. And I know dating is in fact a numbers game, rejection stung me (even though I know it shouldnt being alpha/PUA), which lead my to go even more anxious/hyper-aware into my next approach leading to a lot of fails as probably when I would've just been more myself and less stressed I would've been with alot more women.. (Luckily I still got a bunch some purely due to looks and some because I was just completely relaxed/myself in some approaches.
Now, I know that porn also played a huge role in this, decreasing my ability to take rejection as well as ruining motivation. I remember at parties after one or 2 rounds of rejection I'd already be thinking about my online harem: maybe just 'try' one more girl and then run home! Always gave up on nights to early, kicked myself, now I know the reasons.

Its all over now, I feel incredibly powerful.


Active Member
Dear Marcus../ifelipe../offaxi..... I am happy for you all. Keep up the elated mood and rely on  - ' As long as I breathe I can make things better for myself, others and the situation'. Dr. Albert Ellis calls this is USA - unconditional self acceptance, UOA- unconditional other acceptance and USiA- unconditional situational acceptance.

Self esteem and self confidence won't help as much as what the above 3 can do for you.

Friends.... Read and re-read the book again and again. What you are doing is un-brainwashing and killing the big monster. Your slaying of the little monster is well under way and you will feel flu like symptoms that is all. If you had come out flu to live before then you will be fine.

Also keep this in mind - the cycle is thought-urge-cravings. You cut the chain at the thought stage - say " Yipeee, isn't great I don't need to PMO no more. I am free and I am not a slave no more. I have a great future and I am happy beyond my imagination'. This is of great help for you than (a) ignoring the thought (b) fighting the thought and (c) trying NOT to think- all of which takes power from you and gives it to the PMO who has only illusory powers.

Keep at it and keep at it as the 'Thoughts' may come to you (a) absent mindedly and (b) external cues. Don't dwell too much - quickly switch to the self-talk above. You will find to your surprise things to do other than PMO. Yes, you will be even ashamed of admitting how easy this comes and how natural it is. It is ok to feel that way but quickly switch to an elated field of thinking.

Read more of my book. Read brain science from YBOP and other great sites.Keep building strength against the big monster. If you feel 'MaD'/ 'MaG' you know what to do friends. Watch out for the pitfalls of keeping PMO counters and the 'rotten apple ' that is prevalent in forums. Spot if you are feeling Proud with Self-pity. Yes, that happens in forums a lot.

If you are teenagers the trap is the effect of the (self) brainwashing to think like the man who, having fallen off a 100- storey building, is heard to say, as he passes the fiftieth floor, 'So far, so good!'. We think that as we have got away with it so far, one more PMO session won't make the difference. Try to see it another way, the 'habit' is a continuous chain for life, each session creating the need for the next. When you start the habit you light a fuse. The trouble is, YOU DON'T KNOW HOW LONG THE FUSE IS. Every time that you give up to a PMO session you are one step nearer to the bomb exploding. HOW WILL YOU KNOW IF IT'S THE NEXT ONE?
Teenagers are also 'blessed' by their personal best physiology which masks their short coming except for a very few..like some of you. Check this chapter where I talk about this. https://sites.google.com/site/hackbookeasypeasy/home/03-25 The sad part is unless I get teenagers ( casual PMOers are in the same category too.. ) to open their minds the Method won't get accepted.

Good luck... BTW.. I am banned from Reddit... I have asked for a review. It could be my way of 'marketing'. But what can I do...I am very good 1:1 in person about this. I can't wait to become a good writer.  Let's hope for the best. I hope the Reddit moderators would consider all this for the benefit of the NoFap community. Cheers... good



Active Member
Hey Hack-author,

I finished the book in one day. The big monster for me is already death, I already saw no more 'excuses' to PMO and the book backed this up with the reasons behind this. I've seen it all, I know its empty, I know the mind can play tricks on you but not if you know what is really going on. As you can see the last 2 years I wanted to quit but not really, always looking for a way back in. Doesn't work like that either you PMO or not, you don't just stop for 30 or 90 days you do forever. My counter remains only for extra glory I put no more value to it.

I saw the death link to reddit indeed, it's a shame their platform is much bigger. Hopefully, moderators will see your advertising is meant well and you aren't after monetary gains just want to feel good by helping others.

Finally I'll be my true potential and I thank you again!
Btw how are you doing now? Are you in a relationship again? Are you French or American?
I'm sure I'll remember this book and everything until I'm in my 40's too.


New Member
To the author, I've just got to say that the idea behind this book is absolutely superb and it's genuinely already changed my whole approach to quitting PMO so thank you very much!! Suddenly I can see quitting as effortless rather than a constant battle when using the Willpower approach.

I hope you don't mind but I've shared the link to the book and to this forum post over on the Your Brain Rebalanced forum as this absolutely deserves to be shared as widely as possible! - http://www.yourbrainrebalanced.com/forum/threads/an-excellent-ebook-about-how-to-convert-allen-carrs-quit-smoking-method-to-use-to-quit-pmo.36712/

Just as a suggestion to help the book look really polished, I think that it would be useful if you were to ask somebody with excellent English skills to review/edit the book to correct any typos and grammatical errors.

Thanks again!!


Active Member
at the chapter 3-42 in the book he says "...make peace with erotic graphics anything that contains supra normal stimuli, and stick to your vow." that means that if i have some pictures or normal sex videos in my computer i can keep them? the thing that i have to avoid is the internet porn search and over stimuli? how does that work?


Active Member
lfelipe said:
at the chapter 3-42 in the book he says "...make peace with erotic graphics anything that contains supra normal stimuli, and stick to your vow." that means that if i have some pictures or normal sex videos in my computer i can keep them? the thing that i have to avoid is the internet porn search and over stimuli? how does that work?
It is now re-written to be more clearer as ' 1 Make a solemn vow that you will never, ever, go online to visit your harem OR settle down for static pictures OR make peace with erotic graphics OR anything that contains supra normal stimuli, and stick to your vow."


Active Member
Excerpt from the hackbook on 'waiting for the moment of revelation'
Waiting for the moment of revelation MoR *. If you wait for it, you are just causing another phobia, I once stopped for three weeks on the Willpower Method.
I chatted with an old friend He said, 'How are you getting on?'
I said, 'I've survived three weeks.'
He said, 'What do you mean, you've survived three weeks?'
I said, 'I've gone three weeks without a PMO.'
He said, 'What are you going to do? Survive the rest of your life? What are you waiting for? You've done it. You're a non-PMOer.'

I thought. 'He's absolutely right. What am I waiting for?' Unfortunately, because I didn't fully understand the nature of the trap at that time, I was soon back in it, but the point was noted. You become a non-PMOer when you close your browser. The important thing is to be a happy non-PMOer from the start.



Tank you so mutch for the book, I got my life back.
I only have one question, do you really keep the Whiskey in the fridge?
I am free of porn thank you over and out......


Active Member
1. Torrents offering one vid/genre at a time. Paid porn sites with (self) limits : I am not sure. Why the tension. Why the anxiety ? If it is for educational purposes then one or two time viewing is all I can think of. After which you are looking for porn star 'variety' or 'novelty' no ? I am not sure - what is the reason one would continue watching a genre after say a dozen times ? I don't know.

2.I had tried 'moderation' 'control' 'safe porn' 'static porn'.... it only compounded the dopamine surge...like the anxiety that we feel when on moderation. Dr Albert Ellis in his famous book on quitting alcohol says just that. The illusion of control. If you take the organizations that worked on alcohol deaddiction...the ones that used 'moderation' / 'safe level' methods never found success. Satiation is reached far sooner than our rational minds can measure. Why suffer unnecessarily. If you can say 'no' once a week you can say 'no' once for life and get over it. NO ?

3. There is not way an addict can avoid "novelty'... it is like walking on a tight rope. You never know until you finish the vid. Once you see it is done. We are talking about minds here.

Jack Trimpey's ( a trained therapist of Dr. Albert Ellis on CBT/REBT) site on de-addiction says an important point.

" Accept no one's advice to continue drinking in a "controlled" or "moderate" fashion. Beware of professional counselors who say that they can help you to enjoy moderate drinking; being well-educated does not guarantee their personal integrity or common sense. "
.."  We recommend lifetime abstinence from alcohol and other drugs for anyone experiencing problems related to drinking or using. Planned abstinence is quick, easy, cost-free, and risk-free, and it feels good immediately and in the long run. If you are having problems caused by drinking, quit once, for life! Rational Recovery shows you exactly how. If you are currently abstinent with good reason, do not be deceived by professionals who suggest that you may one day drink without ill effects. Once you have repeatedly crossed the threshold of deep pleasure into drunkenness, there is a strong likelihood that you will re-addict yourself with amazing efficiency."
..."Indeed, the founder of Moderation Management, Audrey Kishline, fancied herself to be a problem drinker who might imbibe occasionally, if she followed the advice of psychologists. She is now in prison for killing a man and his teenage daughter in a drunk driving crash. This tragedy symbolizes the folly of moderation for problem drinkers, but professional counselors nevertheless continue to invite problem drinkers to drink moderately based on self-assessment and self-discipline."

Thank you.


Active Member
Hello le_petit_moster,

I am at halfway of reading your hackbook. It's helpful and very interesting. I'd like to share with you some tips, which could make your book more readable for others, if you are interested:

1. Change background color to white and color of the text to black. By doing this more people should more likely read it. But it will make some of the pictures in your book harder to see
2. Increase size of the font used to 14pt or 16pt. It won't be so tiring for the eyes
3. Use a serif font like times new roman. People will read your book more fluently

These three points should make your book more readable and I think they aren't even so hard to do. I used these methods in my own article about dealing with porn addiction, so you can see for yourself the effect they have:  http://legacy.rebootnation.org/index.php?topic=9675.0


Active Member
Hablablos said:
Hello le_petit_moster,

I am at halfway of reading your hackbook. It's helpful and very interesting. I'd like to share with you some tips, which could make your book more readable for others, if you are interested:

1. Change background color to white and color of the text to black. By doing this more people should more likely read it. But it will make some of the pictures in your book harder to see
2. Increase size of the font used to 14pt or 16pt. It won't be so tiring for the eyes
3. Use a serif font like times new roman. People will read your book more fluently

These three points should make your book more readable and I think they aren't even so hard to do. I used these methods in my own article about dealing with porn addiction, so you can see for yourself the effect they have:  http://legacy.rebootnation.org/index.php?topic=9675.0

As far as increasing font size, I think that's a good suggestion, though I would only increase it a little. Personally, though, I like the black background and white text because I think it makes it "different". As far as choosing a particular font, i'm not really all that familiar with different font types so I don't have a recommendation on that, though I do like Arial.


Active Member
Okay so I thought I'd check in in 90 days with good news. However yesterday I PMOed again.
I think maybe the "big monster" part is not handles yet after all. I got mind tricked into watching, I thought:" I have to see if a specific part of the audio I heard in the video I watched the last time ever, was taken from a video that I watched before that. Im just curious its not like I want to PMO. " So I had to just 'check'. What insane mind trick I didn't think about 'just one peek' fallacy for a second. It's so weird.
Ok I wasn't sad because I genuinely believe this is going to be easy now that I know I really want to quit. However, now I get thoughts like: " do I really want to stop it's really nice I've finally come to experience this niche let's check out more" it's crazy like I'm doubting from the base level if I really wanna stop PMO. Dopamine addiction is no joke.. Of course I don't want to be a PMOer: ED, energy level, lack of motivation, lack of joi de vivre, letting life pass for the next hit. But it's crazy that I'm doubting this. I'll just block it with will power I guess, hopefully after 30 days when I start to forget about these 'pleasures' it will pass.

Remaining positive though: I wanna stop so It'll be easy !


Active Member
Dear Marcus.... Please read and re-read the book. In my analyses your little monster control is already in place. I see some gaps in the big monster. Especially the novelty part. The most important thing is you are NOT feeling MaG - miserable and guilty.  This is the key to get back on feet and start fixing things. This Method will help you likewise in other areas of our lives as well. That is the amazing point I want to make. This Method will make us better, stronger and more capable in the long run.
Slip-Lapse-Relapse. Keep them in mind. Never Lapse-Relapse.  I wish you well Marcus.

Dear FapFree...and Hablabos...I will try the font size suggestion out as soon as I can. Will start from the initial chapters onwards. Thanks for taking time to comment.
Appreciated. Wishing you well in your journies as well.

Be strong. Take care of our feelings. Willpower/brain science/ Risk reminding are good but NOT for Quitting.


New Member
This book changed my life.. I've had a 7 year porn addiction since I was 13.. Pmo'd multiple times daily. When I got to high school and got my first serious girlfriend our sex wasn't the best. I knew something was up when I lusted after girls 24/7 but when I finally had one my dick would barely work. My mind wanted to f the he** out of her but my body wasn't letting me. Part was performance anxiety and part was porn induced Ed. Even after I got really comfortable with her I would occasionally go soft during sex and she would have her feelings hurt thinking it was her. We ened up splitting up. I read about it online.. Kept trying the willpower method.. Would always give in before a week was up and after a while completely stopped trying to quit. I currently am dating a much sexier chick who is now my fianc?.  I read this book in two days because I was so anxious to find the secret to quit. The book really worked for me. It's only been two weeks since I finished it and I've been staying out of town for work away from my fianc? in a hotel room alone four days out of the week. Fighting the urge was ridiculously easy because the book helped me to assure myself I would never watch porn again. Or even MO. And I have to say when I got back I had THE BEST sex of my life. It was absolutely amazing. I never thought I would be able to fu** like I did. I told my fianc? about the bad habit I've been hiding and constantly erasing from my history. She was very understanding and was so happy that I quit and was honest with her about it. She says she feels like I'm a whole different person. It's the best feeling to know I will never watch porn again and I don't even have the desire to anymore. Life is better, music is better, work is better, EVERYTHING IS BETTER

Please if you have a porn addiction you think is impossible to kick, try reading this book. It can help you gain back so much in life that you have lost and don't even realize

And to the author/hacker of the book, thank you so much for taking the time to put this online and at no cost. You have given me my full potential to live life back. I haven't had this feeling of motivation in the mornings in years. You are the best!

Thanks again, -The non-PMO'er


Active Member
Dear Reboot.
Thank you so much for taking time to write.
You have successfully killed the little monster.

I wish you well in your journey. Please read, read and read the book.
Download it for your personal use.

The Method can be used for (if needed) other things in life and that is its beauty.
Again, read, read and read the book until your Big Monster can get stronger and stronger.
Read brain science from YBOP sites and other logs from the users.
MaG( miserable and guilty), MaD ( miserable and deprived), Proud and Self-pity and etc.

Read the last few chapters at least once in two days and remember the notes.
I also recommend ( but not a command) to learn about distinguishing sex into amative and propagative parts.

Cheers from le_petit...



Active Member
le_petit_moster said:
Dear Marcus.... Please read and re-read the book. In my analyses your little monster control is already in place. I see some gaps in the big monster. Especially the novelty part. The most important thing is you are NOT feeling MaG - miserable and guilty.  This is the key to get back on feet and start fixing things. This Method will help you likewise in other areas of our lives as well. That is the amazing point I want to make. This Method will make us better, stronger and more capable in the long run.
Slip-Lapse-Relapse. Keep them in mind. Never Lapse-Relapse.  I wish you well Marcus.

Dear FapFree...and Hablabos...I will try the font size suggestion out as soon as I can. Will start from the initial chapters onwards. Thanks for taking time to comment.
Appreciated. Wishing you well in your journies as well.

Be strong. Take care of our feelings. Willpower/brain science/ Risk reminding are good but NOT for Quitting.


I'll be good. Indeed, I dont feel MaG like I used to feel after breaking a streak. I guess if I'm reminded to the benefits of being a no PMO-er (I'll re-read that chapter every so often) the "big monster" part of the addiction cannot convince me I want to PMO for any reason it comes up with. Its incredible how the bullshit reasons your own mind comes up with seem logical, its a like a real life movie about mind-tricks/ brainwashing.
Anyway I feel like I don't want to come to this forum for atleast 30-90 days just to not associate this as a battle but just living my life better (in all areas) , as a no PMO-er.