6 years clean: rebooting as the best remedy


Active Member

This last post has helped me tremendously. I have always found myself overly aroused on the weekends. I often thought about M as a release of arousal. In return this only hurts us and puts us in a bad state of mind. "Once the ember has started and begins to burn, it's hard to put it out!" As stated below, boredom is the culprit. Although I am a very busy person, my early mornings and late evenings are always my sit down and relax moments. Maybe picking up a book and reading or researching will better suit me.

I have found my answer.

Thank you,




I'm happy for you brother ImOnMyWay, keep up the good work! Boredom will never surface if you manage to find a good book to keep you busy during those late evenings, keep on fighting!


Season 19 [Soaring Eagle experience: The issue of morning erection, leakiness, bowel movement and small testicle]

In general, many brothers would pay attention to the issue of morning wood and take it as a sign of kidney qi recovery. Morning wood would be met with happiness while the lack of which would result in a heavy mood that lingers for the rest of the day. In reality, whether or not the body has recovered can be expressed through many different aspects. Take a look in the mirror, is there more spirit in the eyes, how is the complexion, the Spirit, the strength of the grip, is there strength in the legs, or if other uncomfortable symptoms are alleviated or even disappeared, these can all be taken as signs of recovery for the body. Morning wood is but one of many recovery signs.

As long as rebooting is persistent, morning wood will recover itself. If you are only a teenager, then morning erection will be relatively quick to recover. If above 25 years old or the damage has been severe, then the recovery of morning erection will be relatively slow. Some brothers have been rebooting while doing health cultivation for over 200 days before experiencing the recovery of morning wood. At the time it has taken me over a year before morning erection was recovered because at the time I was already 27 years old. Over a decade of sexual debauchery has severely damaged my kidney qi, therefore it took over a year to recover. Although my morning wood is recovered, it is impossible to be on the same level compared to when I was a teenager, during which time my body was still developing, my appetite was strong and ate good food. Back then the quality of the morning wood was high, if masturbation was not frequent, in a week there would be 5 morning erections. But this frequency only lasted for about 2 years or during the puberty period. Afterwards, masturbation became frequent and morning wood less frequent. Nowadays I would have roughly 3 morning woods per week, sometimes with a high quality, sometimes with normal quality. Now I would eat a vegetarian diet 5 days each week, therefore, 3 morning woods per week is not so bad. Previously I had a slight orientation towards premature ejaculation and impotence. Normally, people with these two orientations will have a difficult time to recover their morning erections, needing at least half a year or more.

Now I don?t really pay attention to morning wood, this is all for the best if it is absent that is fine because the degree of recovery is not expressed through morning erection alone. In other areas I?m recovering very well, there are also many factors that affect morning wood, such as:

1. Dietary factor: the amount of kidney supplement food intake
2. Exercise factor: moderate aerobic and strength exercise is helpful towards the recovery of morning wood.
3. Mood factor: negative mood will affect morning wood, such as anger and pressure.
4. Age factor: morning wood comes easier during puberty, as the age increases, morning wood becomes less frequent.
5. Constitutional factor: people with a naturally good constitution will experience morning wood more easily.
6. Illness factor: people free from latent illnesses will experience morning wood more easily.
7. Indulgent duration factor: normally, morning erection will disappear for those people with 5+ years of indulgence history.
8. Seasonal factor: the frequency and intensity of morning wood varies with the seasons.
9. Monthly timing factor: the yang qi in the body differs during different times within a given month, the quality of the morning wood will also vary.
10. Withholding urine factor: sometimes the withholding of urine will induce the onset of morning wood.
11. Fatigue factor: fatigue will damage the kidney qi, morning wood will disappear more easily.
12. Sleep factor: people with a high quality of sleep will experience morning wood more easily.
13. Frequent emission factor: following frequent nocturnal emission, morning wood will vanish more easily.
14. Withdrawal symptom factor: there will be a flatline period following the onset of rebooting, morning wood will easily become absent, by persisting with rebooting it will then return.
15. Whether or not there are other unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as staying up late, sitting for long durations, smoking, these will all take a toll on the kidney qi and affect morning wood.

Morning wood refers to an erection without fantization, if fantization is involved then it is not morning wood, it is induced by your thoughts. Morning erection is really quite dangerous, why is it dangerous? Ordinary people are not aware of this principle. This is because many people have a shallow level of determination, they become very excited when they have morning wood and use the opportunity to touch the penis, this touching seals the fate, one unconsciously starts to masturbate again. Breaking the reboot due to morning wood during the weekend is very common. When I have a morning wood nowadays, I would not care, nor would I look or touch it, letting it rise and fall by itself. If you care a great deal about morning erection and if you are not careful, one will tread into the evil path. When you don?t pay attention to it, it will subside by itself and will not lead to breaking the reboot. Many people have the habit of procrastinating in bed, if in addition to procrastination there is morning wood, then it is very easy to break the reboot, remember at all cost!

Many people mention that their morning erection shows up sporadically, this, in reality, is very normal, did you think that you would remain in puberty forever? Even if you are in puberty, to have morning wood daily is also very difficult. This is due to the many factors that affect it, it is impossible to have a morning erection every day in 365 days of the year, that is not realistic. The reason to why morning wood shows sporadically has an intricate relationship with factors such as seasonality, lifestyle habits, diet, and age. Normally, people living on a nutritious diet with a strong ability for digestion and absorption have an easier time achieving morning erections. Previously when I was on a meat-heavy diet, morning wood was more frequent during that period. Now I eat a vegetable-based diet for 5 days a week, morning wood has become fewer in comparison, but my mind has quieted down a lot, evil thoughts do not easily arise. It is good to eat a vegetarian diet while booting, this is beneficial to control the desires. Eating lots of meat will help to fuel the desire, if the determination is shallow then relapse will come very easily. It is a personal choice to eat a vegetarian diet, it will depend on the acceptance level of the individual. I would recommend all brothers to start with reducing the meat in the diet, I?m also very much in favor of a purely vegetarian diet.

Below let?s discuss the issue of leakiness.

Leakiness is characterized as - due to long term indulgence and weakened kidney qi, semen leaks under many circumstances such as:

1. Leakage after urination.
2. Leakage after bowel movement.
3. Leakage while on the phone with the girlfriend.
4. Semen slippage (Translator?s note: semen slippage is the leaking of semen while awake as opposed to nocturnal emission which occurs during sleep)

Everyone will better understand the kind of leakage issues if I illustrate it with an example: compare with a worn out water tap, no longer possible to close it shut, it will always leak. The situation of leakage following urination is in fact very common, this, in reality, is a sign that the kidney qi is not consolidated. Leakage following bowel movement is even more common especially at the beginning of a reboot. Furthermore, quite a few brothers have reported that leakage during a phone conversation with the girlfriend, even when the topic of the conversation was not sensitive. This, in fact, is related to latent conditional reflexes. Brothers with girlfriends have a harder time rebooting, therefore, it is best to have a talk with her, try to avoid having premarital sex while at the same time increase one?s own heart cultivation, have a good handle on the degree of association. Many brothers also suffer from semen slippage, if you have a slippage occasionally that is not a cause to worry, but if it happens continuously then one needs to make haste to seek treatment. In addition, I recommend doing more kidney strengthening exercise. Normally, by persisting in rebooting, health cultivation and active exercising, leakage following urination and bowel movement will cease by itself. I have previously encountered leakage following urination and bowel movement, afterward, I persisted in performing kidney strengthening exercises, this kind of situation would now only show up extremely rarely. Of
course, the issue of leakages is not limited to the above 4 categories, sexual fantization and nervousness would, for example, induce leakages. Even if your kidney qi is abundant but you are deeply immersed in sexual fantization, leakages will also occur. Therefore, one needs to resolutely put a stop to sexual fantization and achieve the state of cutting out a thought as it arises, in addition, study more rebooting articles to increase one?s realization and determination, only by doing this do we have the hope of truly ridding ourselves of the evil habit of masturbation.

Let?s talk about the bowel movement issue.

The bowel movement issue would frequently make an appearance on the rebooting forums, because according to TCM: the kidneys govern both urination and bowel movement. Weakened kidneys give rise to problems in both areas, we do not need to mention more regarding urination issues, brothers with prostatitis have ample experience in this I believe.

Kidney deficiency induced issues can be grouped into 2 categories:

1. Diarrhea or unshaped stool.
2. Frequent bowel movements.

Many factors play a role in causing diarrhea and frequent bowel movements, kidney deficiency being one factor among them. Everybody might remember that the stool quality was very good when we were children, firstly the color is good and secondly, the shape is good. Children have an abundance of yang qi, their child body has not yet been damaged. In the absence of other illnesses, the digestion and absorption ability is often very good. Things are different once we become older, firstly we indulge via masturbation, secondly, we intake more cold beverages and spicy food, or the dietary habits may be poor, pigging out on food and drink and so on. All of these lead to obstacles for the function of the digestive systems, screenings in the hospital will not reveal anything, only the function has become disorderly. Children will not have issues with taking some cold beverages because they have an abundance of yang qi which enables transformation. After sexual indulgences it is no longer the same, upon taking cold beverages, disorders may easily appear in the stomach and intestines. Therefore, it is important to mind the diet and not yearn for cold and spicy food. If you are troubled by diarrhea or frequent bowel movements, the best way would be to seek medical treatment, then to combine it with rebooting, health cultivation, active exercises, keeping a mindful diet, and slowly recuperate. I have experienced both the issue of diarrhea and frequent bowel movement. My frequent bowel movements started after I turned 19 and it troubled me for over 2 years, it was induced precisely by sexual indulgence and cold beverages. After I turned 26 my diarrhea started again which was induced by exposure to AC, pigging out on food and drinks and sexual indulgences. After I started to reboot, I frequently employed moxibustion and applied it on the Zusanli and the Shenque acupoint and slowly recuperated, it took over 1 year of time.

Lastly let?s talk about the issue of the small testicle.

The small testicle and the shrunken testicle issue appears commonly among brothers, testicle issues induced by masturbation are normally found to be:

1. Drooping testicles, not shrunken
2. Shrunken testicles, testicles have become smaller
3. Moist testicles
4. Spermatic cord
5. Scrotum eczema
6. Swollen scrotum
7. Itching scrotum
8. Painful testicles
9. Testicle inflammation
10. Testicle cyst
11. Cryptorchidism
12. Other illnesses

Brothers suffering from shrunken testicles should seek treatment at the hospital in order to diagnose the seriousness of the condition.

Shrunken testicles point to the condition of shrunken and atrophied testicles, it is either on one side or on both sides of the testicles. The characteristic is the symptom of small and soft testicles. In the majority of the cases, it will lead to infertility. It is often aggravated by mumps or external injuries, some may arise from prenatal conditions. Oftentimes it is caused by a deficiency in the kidneys or caused by damage from pathogeny (TCM). Maldevelopment of the testicles due to prenatal conditions is difficult to heal from. Shrunken testicles from postnatal causes also require patience to heal, certain results can be achieved via TCM treatment.

The evil habit of masturbation induces kidney deficiency, continued abuse lead to shrunken testicles, this is a common phenomenon among brothers. Therefore, as soon as the symptom of shrunken testicles appears, treat it without delay, secondly one should complement the treatment with rebooting and health cultivation. Once the kidney qi has been cultivated into abundance there is the hope of returning to normal.

Some brothers would inquire about the size issue of one?s testicles not being identical in size. Normally among ordinary people, the size of the testicles are all not identical in size, but if the size difference is too large then it is best to check up on it, if the difference is small then there is no need to worry.


Hi guys! Season 1-20 in PDF format is updated:


Season 20 [Soaring Eagle experience:different types of relapse, the mystery of the shooting distance, the evil fruit from masturbating twice in a row]


Recently there has been a thread in the forums: [merely rebooting is not enough, herein lies the only road towards recovery for the essence injured]. Quite a few brothers came to ask me whether or not the words of the Silent Sun (Translator?s note: pen name of the thread starter) were true, this given that fact that they have read the article, became anxious over the saying that recovery isn?t possible without silent meditation. I have looked at the comment by Silent Sun, his recommendation of ?Yinshizi silent meditation method? is very good, meditation is indeed a wonderful way of replenishing the original qi. Of course, there are many ways to meditate and many things to pay attention to, I meditate every day but the method that I learned is the Nan Huai-Chin silent meditation. Meditation is indeed very helpful towards the recovery of the body during rebooting, but it is not the only way and it is not suitable for everyone. I have talked to numerous anxiety patients, they would have a headache whenever sitting down, afterward I recommended the standing horse-stance health cultivation method to them and the improvement of health followed.

Some people like to meditate while others like to hold the horse-stance while standing, the Eight Brocade and the Six-Character Formula exercises, some people would practice Taiji boxing or the Yijin Jing. There are many Chinese health cultivation methods, one may find a method that suits oneself. As to ?exercising is nonsense? by the Silent Sun, I dare not to blindly agree, although it is mentioned in TCM that fatigue exhausts the qi but also it is mentioned that movement raises the yang qi. TCM does not at all oppose exercising but advocates exercising in moderation. Blindly meditating is not necessarily the best road towards recovery, the movement should be combined with stillness. Huatuo?s (Translator?s note: the legendary physician from the Three Kingdoms era) Five Animal Play has the purpose of setting the person in motion, but he didn?t tell everyone to lift stone locks (Translator?s note: basically dumbbells made of stone which made its appearance in the army camps in the Tang dynasty). The intensity and the style of movement in Huatuo?s Five Animal Play are beneficial to the bodily health.

Huatuo?s famous remark: ?The human body desires to labor, but should be kept in moderation, when the blood circulates in the blood vessels, illnesses will not be born. Like that of the door henge becomes aged when it is frozen?

This remark by Huatuo is telling us that there are rules governing exercise: to exercise, but not overexert. When the body has been weakened, extra attention should be placed on the intensity of the exercise. I believe that any famous Chinese traditional physician will not be against exercising, what they oppose is over-exercising. Even for a Taoist priest, health cultivation is not solely based on meditation. Many well known Taoist priests practice martial art in order to combine stillness and movement, which is more advantageous to the way of health cultivation.

Silent Sun said ?merely rebooting is useless?, I?m rather inclined to agree with this statement because rebooting is the foundation, but health cultivation is to build the house. To only reboot is indeed far from enough, one must learn the way of health cultivation and establish one?s own awareness around it, the process of recovery will benefit from doing this. The silent meditation method recommended by Silent Sun is, in reality, one of the ways of health cultivation, this way isn?t bad, everyone may try to practice it. After having practiced it will you know its results and whether or not it suits you. Of course, beware of the methods which are prone to lead the practitioner off course, or else problems may arise as a result of practicing.

How to improve the quality and the speed of recovery is indeed a question for rebooting, but more importantly is the need to reboot thoroughly, this is the key. Or else all the talk about recovery results in nothing. This is like taking Chinese traditional medicine while still masturbating, replenishment in the above is met with leakage in the below, there is no way to truly recover.

There are many ways to recover the body, silent meditation is but one of those ways. A while ago, the Tudou forum owner recommended the method of repenting which was very good, it is through repentance that he has recovered his health. There are many ways to it, one may choose a suitable method, those with an inclination towards Buddhism may try repentance. In addition, besides the mentioned health cultivation practices, active aerobic exercises are extremely beneficial to the recovery process, such as slow jogs or fast walks.

I believe that the original intention of Silent Sun is good, most of his views are without faults, only that his attitude was a little overbearing, many people may have a hard to accepting due to this. He wants the best for everyone, by switching to a more peaceful approach, perhaps more people will have an easier time accepting his words.

Towards the Silent Sun, I express my gratitude, his heart is pure and I hope that he will continue to help everyone. The atmosphere here is not hostile but is conducive to exchanges, and through it, everyone may be promoted.

Let?s return to the main topic below.

This season is about the types of relapses, the mystery regarding the shooting distance, the evil fruit from consecutive masturbation sessions, we will be discussing these topics thoroughly in the below:

Relapses happen daily after a relapse one is often very disheartened, this is not hard to see. In the start one is full of ambition with a tremendous amount of determination, after a while this determination starts to sway, after numerous relapses, we start to lose confidence in ourselves. Body symptoms tell you to stop indulging, by indulging further the body is finished, but the addiction tells you to keep masturbating. The vast majority of brothers are firmly controlled
the addiction, like a stringed doll and becoming a slave to desires, losing one?s free will; aware of the error but unable to stop, struggling bitterly in the vicious cycle.

It is not scary to relapse, still scarier it is to not study, without it the level of awareness and determination will not increase. Brute force rebooting without studying will surely result in failure! Some brothers would ask, is anyone able to completely reboot on the first try? To tell the truth, out of the thousands of brothers that I came across, I have yet to see anyone succeeding on their first try. Everybody has repeatedly relapsed, constantly learning from their past mistakes, constantly studying rebooting articles to increase the awareness and determination, and slowly succeeding in this fashion. Some people have claimed to have seen people succeeding on their first try, actually, the definition of rebooting in one go is a bit fuzzy. Is it to have completely rebooted once awareness has been attained or managing to completely reboot in the first attempt? I belong to the former category and I have not relapsed since that attempt, however, it is not my first attempt, previously I have relapsed countless times. The first time I thought to reboot can be traced back to middle school, at the time I thought the act of masturbation was very filthy, my constitution would clearly take a hit after masturbation. I wanted to reboot during my teenage years but didn?t have any materials to read from or people to guide me, neither did I have the awareness to study rebooting articles, I only forced myself to reboot with the result of endless relapses. I think that most people have tried to reboot during their teenage years, this is because humans have a natural rebooting instinct, the body would advise you not to indulge any further. Trying to reboot for the first time there was a lack of experience in many areas, one belongs to the rookie stage; first of all one lacks the knowledge, secondly one lacks the awareness, under such circumstances, wanting to succeed on the first try is a fantasy story. Let me illustrate with an example: have a person who has never driven a car drive a car, what is the result? The result is sure to swivel left and right and even crash the car.

Rebooting is like learning to drive a car, one must master a complete set of theory and methodologies, the rest relies on experience, in this way one may succeed in rebooting. You would ask if there is anyone in this world who is able to successfully reboot on the first try, even though that person may exist it will be one in a thousand, the person must also have a great accumulation of virtue with the condition of coming in contact with a vast number of rebooting articles, good aptitude in studying, exceedingly high level of awareness, like skipping a grade in school while others have trouble to understand given a decade of time, he reaches understanding in a month. This kind of person appears seldom and is a rebooting genius, one in a thousand is not an overstatement, even one in ten thousand.

Rebooting must be professional. In this season I have summarized a few relapse categories, everyone may refer to it in order to alert oneself. The saying that ?knowing yourself and your enemy, one hundred battles will result in one hundred victories?, once you know about the types of relapses, you will then try to maintain the vigilance. It is like knowing the trick of the swindler, you will not fall for the trick easily because you are aware of the trick, only in this case, it is not a trick for your money, but your essence

Mood relapse: boredom mood, anger or depressed mood, agitated mood, fed up mood etc.
Doubting relapse: doubt sways the thoughts, the result is a relapse.
Enticing relapse: pictures or videos, even pornographic videos.
Procrastination in bed relapse: very commonly seen, must be corrected.
Pressure relapse: pressures from different sources.
Sexual fantasizing relapse: normally, fantization is the prelude to relapse, this includes recalling memories and illusions.
Let down guard relapse: thinking that one has succeeded, in actuality relapse comes once the guard is down.
Ecstatic relapse: when one is ecstatic it is easy to relapse, being beside oneself with joy.
Testing determination relapse: do not test your determination at all cost.
Morning wood relapse: touching the penis when having morning wood and relapse from there.
Testing sexual function relapse: especially for premature ejaculation and impotent patients, relapse follows trying.
Agitated relapse: negatively influenced by people, going to filthy places.
Alcohol relapse: alcohol is the matchmaker for sex.
Nocturnal emission relapse: nocturnal emissions give rise to swayings of the thought, relapses occur from there.
Weekend relapse: bored while being alone over the weekend, the temptation demon will easily spring out.
Tonic relapse: taking too much tonic, does not emphasize heart cultivation, relapses will be easy.
Eating meat relapse: eating too much meat without emphasizing heart cultivation, desires are promoted and is followed by relapse.
Harmlessness theory relapse: after looking at harmlessness theories one is prone to relapse.
Girlfriend relapse: having a girlfriend places a higher requirement on one?s determination, relapses is made easy.
Wife relapse: having a wife also places a high requirement on one?s determination.
Habitual relapse: when relapses become a habit, the resulting momentum is strong with fearful consequences.
Holiday relapse: such as summer or winter holiday with more free time, it is easier to lose control.
Evil ways relapse: no matter if it is PC muscle restriction or so-called penis enlargement methods, these easily lead to relapses.

Below let?s talk about the mystery of the shooting distance.

Shooting distance is the distance of the ejaculation. Many brothers have reported that during the first years from when they started to masturbate, the shooting distance was very far. Afterwards, the distance would become shorter and shorter, semen would run down along the penis, clearly indicating the lack of strength and inadequate pressure. This, in reality, is an expression of weakened kidney qi. In semen, we should first look for the color, the quantity, the concentration and the shooting distance. The further the shooting distance the more abundant is the kidney qi. Without power behind the arrow, its flight will naturally not be very far. Only by accumulating enough kidney qi will the shooting distance increase. Whenever the shooting distance is shortened or the semen is flowing downwards, this is your body giving you a signal, telling you that your kidney qi is inadequate and to not indulge anymore. If you are unable to interpret the signal and instead stubbornly going your way, it is like the saying of not shedding tears until seeing the coffin.

Many people only see the semen but they miss the ?archer? behind the shot, who is no longer capable. Semen replenishes relatively quickly, rest for a few days, eat well and it will recover. But for the ?archer? to recover, that is a very slow process, it may require several months and even longer to recover the original qi. Therefore, do not restrict your line of sight on semen alone, but look to the ?archer?. If that person is already incapable and cannot shoot far, it is pointing to the need to reboot and to cease the indulgences, to cultivate the health, otherwise, the only thing that awaits you is symptoms and the hospital.

That ?archer? is the kidney qi. Since he is already incapable of shooting long distances and is tired, let him shoot no more, let him have a rest, or else the accumulation will give rise to illnesses, remember at all cost!

Lastly, let?s talk about the evil karma from masturbating twice in a row.

If you go visit the forums for autonomic disorders, then you will know the patient called sg552. His illness was induced by long-term sitting for long durations and masturbating twice consecutively, that?s when the feeling of nearing death appeared. Masturbating 2 times consecutively is really too damaging to the body, it has been stated in TCM long ago: desire should not be strong. In [Thousand Golden Prescriptions] it is mentioned: strong force bestows leakage, becoming a strain. Especially for consecutive masturbation sessions, this is truly a taboo. The emergence of orientation towards prostatitis and premature ejaculation easily arises following 2 in a row masturbation sessions. This is actually induced by the human weakness of greed towards desire. In the pursuit to satisfy oneself, the results are to harm the self!

The reason to why many people masturbate twice in a row is because: the first time went too quick and was not intense enough. It is precisely this greed towards desire that enables their self-destruction. This kind of examples of self-destruction is too many. We must keep in mind the lessons from TCM on the destructiveness of a strong desire, refrain from doing stupid things, if you are unaware of this principle then you are both ignorant and fearless, the result being making yourself miserable. If you know this principle but still indulges, then you are seeking annihilation! Many people are unable to conquer their addictions and so they commit this kind of errors, like wrapped under a spell, repeating only after they have relapsed. Therefore, we must nip in the bud, properly manage our thoughts and put an end to sexual fantization, or else when the flame has sprung up, it will no longer be within your control.

Concluding remarks:

Summer approaches, quite a few brothers report increased hair loss, they are anxious over this. In reality, the factors that induce hair loss is many, seasonal changes being one of them. Lately I lose up to 20 strands of hair per day compared to up to 5 strands of hair previously, this is actually caused by the change of the seasons and not by masturbation. So in this matter, everybody should have a clear understanding, or else the confidence is prone to be swayed and thus turns into the act of masturbation. Among that factors that induce relapse I have talked about the ?doubt factor of relapse?, if you have doubt in your heart, the chances of relapse will be great. Normally during summer, the secretion of sweat and oil is exuberant, this combined with stronger UV rays will cause damage to the hair. In this way, we may see more cases of hair loss, this is not only limited to humans, if you observe animals such as pet dogs, they also go undergo heavy hair loss during summer.

One brother puts it very neatly, rebooting is a process of system engineering. One must carry out rebooting as professionally as able, increase one?s knowledge to the maximum, becoming an insider in rebooting. By neglecting to study one is always an outsider, remaining on the level of the rookie, to successfully reboot will then become very difficult. When everybody has gained the awareness for studying, after a while, you will notice that your awareness and determination have both increased. As long as one continues to study, complete understanding will not be far away. Complete understanding together with maintained vigilance equals completely successful reboot, fight on!


Season 21 [Soaring Eagle experience: Stomach pain following masturbation, fantization induced illnesses, drooping testicles]


Recently I saw a report made by a brother, his relapse was due to looking at the material with suggestive content.

In reality, this kind of relapse is due to temptation. Many brothers previously have already reported similar circumstances, although some brothers have already started to reboot when they see written material regarding the sexes on the magazines, suddenly their interests are aroused, the result is that their vigilance is relaxed as they keep reading leading to breaking the reboot. Some other brother would claim that he does not search for pornographic images but only innocent looking girls, he would search for girls with nice figures without going into nudity. This kind of brothers actually has a very easy time to relapse, because they are still addicted to women, although they search for innocent pictures. How can a person not get his shoes wet if he often takes a stroll along the river banks, like the Buddhist saying goes: by clinging to outer appearances one is prone to be obsessed.

Moreover, there are issues with both the avatar and the signature of many brothers, half the battle is already lost before they try to reboot because they are not determined enough! To reboot thoroughly, one must cut out thoroughly, not only should one abstain from looking at pornographic contents, but even more dangerous are all the suggestive material, the level of vigilance must be raised. The vigilance is maintained every day during the reboot, manage your heart well and conquer the obsession.

We enter into the main material in the below.

In this season we will talk about belly ache following masturbation, illnesses induced by sexual fantization and drooping testicles in detail, found in the below:

Threads regarding stomach pain following masturbation does not appear every day, but it does show up from time to time. I have experienced stomach pain following masturbation previously. When it appears, the normal consideration is prostatitis or varicocele. The pain would normally arrive following masturbation or on the next day. If the pain is serious and does not subside, one is advised to seek treatment immediately. If the pain is not that serious but bearable, I still recommend to check it out in the hospital, checking the prostatic fluid and doing a supersonic scan on the testicles in order to gauge the seriousness of the condition, while at the same time providing a warning to oneself. Although many people suffer from stomach pain but are able to bear it, they would postpone the visit to the hospital for many years. Because post-ejaculation symptoms tend to slowly subside after a couple days of rest, these people would take it lightly and not worry about it, only to visit the hospital when the symptoms have become serious. According to my knowledge, many brothers could already feel the worm-shaped lumps on their testicles but are unwilling to go to the hospital, students especially are often afraid of letting their parents finding out.

With the onset of symptoms, one should then become more aware, besides the human weakness of ?not shedding tears before seeing the coffin? there is the weakness of ?forgetting the pain after healed injury?. Many people after discovering symptoms would take it easy for a while, after a dozen days they would think they are fine and then continue to masturbate, at the return of the symptoms they would again start to reboot, constantly going back and forth in this vicious cycle. What is the result? Bodily symptom grows ever numerous, a young person with a body full of symptoms, feeling uncomfortable from place to place and turning uglier in the process. Even when there are no problems, the expression one gives out to other people is a decadent demeanor, a decadent look where the gaze lacks vitality. I remember that one brother went to an interview and failed it, he blamed the cause on masturbation which I think make a certain sense, if he was full of energy, went to the interview feeling confident and radiant, it?s very possible that he would have landed the job. The interviewer, besides looking at your abilities, the first impression is very very important. A person going to an interview lacking in Spirit and confidence is prone to suffer the disappointment from failure. It is already an undisputed reality that masturbation causes feelings of inferiority because that one lacks confidence while under kidney deficiency, there is no way to put forth your best face. When carrying around a decadent and strengthless look it is very easy to leave an unfavorable impressor for the interviewer, the impression point will then suffer a big hit.

I have mentioned prostatitis and varicocele in my previous articles, both of these diseases will induce infertility and the quality of the sperm. Therefore, one should pay attention to these illnesses early on, or in the future, it will be too late for regrets. I remember that another brother had a varicocele and lost the fertility function, all his expenses in diagnosing, medication and surgeries cost more than 50000 yuan. If he had woken up early and became aware of the evil fruits from masturbation, the consequences would not be as serious. These are all live cases, live lessons, everybody should commit these lessons to memory in order to take preventive measures and to prevent making the same mistake.

Below we will talk about the illnesses that are caused by sexual fantization.

Sexual fantization is able to cause illnesses, maybe this is the first time that many brothers have heard about it. Actually, it has been recorded long ago in the TCM medical cases: when the heart sways, essence leaves. Sexual fantization is, in reality, injuring the essence invisibly, it is very damaging to the body. Some brothers would say that the expelled liquid during fantization is from the prostate and is not semen.

Here I will correct many brothers in their misconception:

Prostatic fluid is actually an important constituent of the seminal fluid, taking up 15-30% of its share. By losing prostatic fluid one is losing semen, only that you are not losing the semen in all of its constituents, only part of the total. Although you have not ejaculated during fantization, essence is still being lost. The damage to the body from the loss of prostatic fluid should likewise not be underestimated. Some brothers have reported that by looking but not touching and then looking in the mirror, they find out that their Spirit has immediately become sluggish. Some brothers even report belly aches following watching but not masturbating. Other brothers would report feeling unwell the day after they have lost prostatic fluid, legs becoming soft and the body feeling out of strength, even the feeling of soreness or pain in the waist.

It is therefore important that everybody keep an eye on fantasies while undergoing rebooting, one must keep it under control. Sexual fantazation is a big checkpoint in rebooting, many people are unable to pass this checkpoint, although they have managed to not masturbate, they cannot put a stop to fantization. Engaging in fantization is very unfavorable to the recovery process and easily leads to breaking the reboot. As to how to put a stop to fantization, I have treated this topic specifically in season 17, those brothers who are unable to put a stop to fantizations may go and have a look, one must learn to cease fantizations. Once fantization has been conquered, the number of your PMO free days will multiply in number, reaching the 100 days streak will be an easy task. But if fantization cannot be kept under check, perhaps 1 month will be hard to keep up with.

There is another situation of prostatic fluid leaking which is relatively serious, and that is leaking towards the end of urination or a bowel movement. This can be resolved by persistently practicing kidney strengthening exercises, the result of which will be quite good, after having practiced for a while you will notice that leakage will no longer occur in conjunction with passing stool or urinate.

Let?s talk about the drooping testicles issue.

The drooping testis is commonly seen among brothers, it easily arises when there has been overindulgence. Normally, two kinds of problems will occur following overindulgence: the first is excessive drooping of the testis, the other is the abnormal tightening of the testis, able to shrink to the size of a quail egg, or even shrink into the abdomen. This is abnormal, a common problem that most brothers run into is the drooping testis issue.

There?s a saying called ?shrink like a child?, if a young boy is healthy then his testis will be very tight while looking very full. This is actually an expression of abundant kidney qi, his boy body has not been stained, nor does he engage in sexual fantasies, in this way the quality of his testis is very good. Many brothers would say ?heat expands, cold shrinks?, in reality, this change on the testis is induced by outside stimuli and has little to do with kidney qi. Of course, if the drooping is caused by severe depletion of kidney qi, then even cold stimuli from the outside will not cause shrinkage of the testis.

Drooping of the testicles will normally occur for all adult men, the body has after all suffered leakages, this is fine as long as the droopiness is not excessive. According to my own practices, when lowering the head doing kidney strengthening exercises while consciously lifting the anus and the testis, this will have a tightening effect on the testis and will have a meaningful healing effect for excessive testis droopiness. Of course, one does not have to combine the above exercises, lifting of the anus may be performed while standing or sitting. It so happens that I have combined kidney strengthening exercises with the anus lifting exercise because by doing so I felt an improvement in the results, the shrinkage will be more proper so to speak. Nowadays, my testis would be relatively tight during the majority of the time in a given day, it no longer droops the way it used to when I was sexually indulging, during those times, the testis would be exposed outside of the underwear and now it is relatively tightly shrunken and full.


In the forums, there are many brothers reporting a slow recovery while rebooting. Some brothers have been rebooting for 7 months and still, their health is bad, some have been rebooting for 1 year with the same results. Today I?ve seen somebody who?s been rebooting for 2 years without much improvements in the health, this brother suffers from frequent nocturnal emissions, 8 times per month, how can the body recover given so frequent emissions? TCM: long-term emissions injuries all the Eight extra meridians. Nocturnal emissions are also very damaging to the body, during reboot the number of emissions but are controlled, try to keep it within 3 times/month, preferably once/month, this will be beneficial to the recovery process.

During reboot we must pass through 2 big levels:

1. The frequent emission level.
2. The sexual fantization level, fantization also greatly damages kidney essence

In addition, pay attention to health cultivation, merely rebooting is not enough, rebooting is the foundation, health cultivation is building the house. The contents of health cultivation are quite broad, one needs to study it constantly. During reboot one must establish healthy living habits, do not stay up late, sit for long periods at a time or gazing for long periods at a time, do not overexert, sleep and eat early, exercise actively, all of these belongs to the categories of health cultivation. By constantly studying health cultivation knowledge, the awareness for cultivating the health will relatively increase, this then will be beneficial to the recovery process. Or else, to only reboot but ignoring health cultivation, recovery is truly very difficult, this especially applies to those heavily depleted brothers.


Season 22 [Soaring Eagle experience: be a owner of pure frequency] (part 1/2)

[Sending out the waves of thought]

The 6th Patriarch Huineng (Translator?s note: Huineng is the 6th Patriarch of the Chinese Chan school of Buddhism, the predecessor of Zen Buddhism) took up the mantle from the 5th Patriarch Hongren, came to the Buddhist temple Faxing in Guangzhou in order to spread Buddhist teachings. Master Yinzong, the abbot in charge at the Faxing temple was reading the Buddhist texts at the time. The banners moved as the wind blew, and so he asked: ?Is it the wind or the banner that is moving?? Among the disciples, some answered it was the wind that is moving, others said that the banner is moving. Huineng approached, closed his palms and said: ?It is not the wind nor the banner that moves, but the heart of the benevolent one?.

?All matter is a phenomenon of vibration, everything is illusion, in the universe there is only field and matter, actually there is the only field, matter is but a place with a particularly intense field? - Albert Einstein (Translator?s note: If the original English quotations from Einstein to the above text is to be found somewhere, I have yet to find them. This quote does not seem to be among the more popular ones circulating on the internet)

?All things and their produced effects is made of vibration, there is no existence of matter, all material include vibration? - Max Planck

?This world is the hologram of the consciousness, the reality is an illusion, it exists in our mind as a holographic mirage? - David Icke

?Objective reality does not really exist, despite that the universe looks concrete and solid, the universe is actually an illusion, a gigantic and richly detailed hologram? - David Bohm

[Diamond Sutra]: all appearances is false.

(Translator?s note: Please allow for errors in the translation of the above quotes. If something feels or sounds off to you, consider consulting the source for a more accurate communication)

A thought is a vibration of energy, the foundation of the universe is a vibrating wave-like information field, while thoughts are the vibrating wave-like information. As long as there is vibration, there will be the product of illusion. You giving rise to a thought is the same as sending out a wave of information, every kind of thought will carry with it its own determined vibration, the universe is a world of frequencies. As children we were all holders of pure frequencies, our hearts were pure and beautiful, clean and clear. Before puberty, thoughts of nefarious wantonness will rarely arise. Every day during those times, we were enjoying the happiness of purity, only that we didn?t know to treasure it. That kind of great joy was fleeting, once lost it is hard to regain it. Ever since becoming addicted to the evil habit of masturbation we have changed, our spirit become vile and dirty, we are broadcasting thoughts of nefarious wantonness daily. We have already come to be polluted, becoming unbearably dirty, as if going from a clear stream to a stinking river. Not only are other people disgusted by us, we disgust ourselves, is this our previous pure selves? As the spirit loses its degree of purity, what follows is sorrow and decadence: once the level of purity has been restored, the great beautiful joy of purity can be regained once again.

If we are to cast a stone into the water, outwards ripples will form on the surface of the water. Big stones will form big ripples, small stones form small ripples. No matter the size of the ripples, both can be simultaneously carried out on the surface of the water. Our thought ripple is also like that, everyone is sending out their own waveform of information. If you are sending out information waves of nefarious wantonness, then the decoded reality thereof will be distorted and painful. Scientists say everything is vibrating. The 6th Patriarch, Master Huineng said, the heart of the benevolent one moves! In reality, the fundament is that your thought is moving, as long as it?s moving, the holographic mirage of the material world will manifest. Just like when you are sleeping, as long as thoughts are moving, there will be dream scenes. The essence is the thought that you broadcast, the condition is born of the mind. The frequency of your broadcast thought determines the scenery of your life.

Master Empty Cloud once returned to his thatched hut from the monastery, halfway towards the destination the day becomes dark. However, no thoughts arose from him, he was not aware of the darkness, to him it was still day and the road is seen clearly. On the way he ran into two monks, one of the monks held a lantern, the monk walked up to him and said: ?Empty Master, it is so dark, why do you not carry a light?? When the old monk heard this, the day immediately become dark. For the person without a distracting thought, the day is light, once the discriminating tendency arises, one returns to ignorance, darkness fills everything in an instant.

This case sheds light on a fact, that is: all ways arises from the mind!

The holy person: All dharma comes from the mind, all dharma is extinguished by the mind, all follow from your mind, kindness and wickedness also follow from your mind, so does heaven and hell follow from your mind.

[Changing your frequency]

?Thought or mentality is a magnet, like attracts like is the rule. Indeed it is so, a mentality will attract the quality of nature that correlate to that of its own? - Charles Haanel

A string of intentions form a thought, a thought is magnetic and carries with it a certain frequency. When you are thinking, those thoughts will be broadcasted out into space, they will act like magnets and attract towards it all things of similar frequency. So the saying goes that birds of the same feather flock together, the same applies to objects. Our thoughts will attract contents of similar frequency, just like when we watch the TV where every channel has its own frequency. When switched to a particular frequency, we will be able to see images on the image screen. We select frequencies by changing channels, then we are able to see the images that belong to that channel. If we want to see different TV images, then we will need to switch the channel, tuning into a new frequency. Radios works in a similar fashion, whatever channel we want to listen to can be achieved by tuning into the channel, different frequencies correspond to different contents.

Everyone give this a thought; if a person is constantly broadcasting thoughts of nefarious wantonness, what would the result be? The evil intentions will attract contents that correspond to its frequency, the nature of such thoughts is often filled with pain and horror. The originator of all evil practices starts with the thought that you send out! The human body is a broadcasting station while at the same time functions as a receiver, different thoughts correspond to different frequencies, you create worlds of life by the frequencies that you send out. The frequencies you send out transcends cities, countries and this world, it will echo in the entire universe, and you are using your thoughts to broadcast the frequencies! You are the fountainhead of the broadcasted frequencies.

Your thoughts give rise to frequencies, and yet thoughts will attract towards it things of similar frequencies, by the reactionary force it then returns to your body and through it becomes a part of your life. If you want to change the circumstances of your life, you will only need to change your thoughts and through it change the channel and the frequency, in this way your life circumstance will greatly change, as the saying that conditions changes with the mind.

[Good and evil thoughts all carry frequencies]

Tibetan scriptures: ?Jambudvipa mentions the arising of thought of the masses, not one is without karma, not one is without sin?. [Treatise On the Response of the Tao]: ?One harbors lustful thoughts after seeing a beautiful woman?. As soon as you think the thought then it counts as engaging in nefarious wantonness, in between forming a thought, high and low is clearly distinguished.

Real reboot is mind reboot! One needs to cultivate the arising of thoughts, in rebooting one needs to learn to control one?s thoughts, in other words, cultivate the mind! Although many brothers are persistently rebooting, they are unable to conquer their sexual fantization, fantization is often the prelude to relapse. If the cutting out of new thoughts cannot be achieved, then breaking the reboot will easily occur. Actuality, being addicted in sexual fantization counts as relapse, also that fantization is a form of invisible leakage when the heart sways the essence leaves, addiction to sexual fantization will also induce the outbreak of symptoms. If one can strictly achieve cutting out of thoughts once they arise, then the body will not be harmed. The key is to find the proper timing for cutting out thoughts, speed is of the essence, try to cut out the fantization within 1 second. The real adepts are basically able to cut out the new thoughts immediately, more or less within 0.1 seconds. Many rebooting rookies are unable to cut out the sexual fantasy within 1 second, oftentimes it is not until several minutes afterward that they discover they have fantasizing, by this time it is already too late, the evil thoughts have already taken hold just like when a little sparks turn into a huge forest blaze, control will be hard at this point. Rookies lack watchfulness and awareness towards their inner states, therefore they are defeated by their temptation daemons time and again. During rebooting we must learn to watch our minds and cut out thoughts, we must keep a firm eye on our thoughts and know when a thought has arisen, with an awe-striking awareness when the time comes, the thought is no more. The saying that once a thought arises, cut it out immediately, once one is aware, the thought is naught! Do not be led along by the thought, remember at all cost!

Dharma Master Dazhao: ?As long as you give rise to a thought, this thought will act as a net in the Ten Realms and capture your entire Realm within it. When giving rise to a kind thought, the manifestation from your realm will be a kind Realm; give rise to an evil thought, the manifestation of your realm will be an evil Realm. We are ordinary and foolish, we are not aware that the thought born out our heart will have such an enormous impact on our Realm. But all the Buddhas in the ten directions, great virtuous founders of past dynasties, all friends on the same journey, those who are diligently forging ahead, those with a sensitive heart, all will immediately sense it. Just like wireless radio waves that are immediately received, intercepting your signal. As long as the mind moves, karma is born, there will be consequences. This consequence will then change our future direction and path. Every thought, as long as it is born, its signal will spread to the entire Realm. Even if you are alone in the room and feeling angry, very angry, smashing the cup onto the ground, you think that nobody is watching you in the room, in reality, all Buddhas in the ten directions as well as your own life reality, will manifest an angry and complete Realm, neglecting nothing. Every thought possesses this universality in the Ten Dharma Realms. In other words, the signal from our mind will at any time cover the entire world. The degree of this coverage is very high.?

According to the holographic universe theory, the universe is an integrated whole where every part of it shares a holographic association with one another. Within this wholeness of the universe, between all its systems and subsystems, a holographic correspondence exists between the systems and the universe. When it comes to latent information, subsystems contain all the information of the systems, systems contain all the information of the universe. When it comes to explicit information, the subsystem is a miniature version of the system, the system is a miniature version of the universe.

The basic principle behind the holographic universe theory: looking at the latent and explicit information as a whole, any part contains the information found in the whole. The holographic universe theory has been applied in TCM relatively early, this is known thousands of years ago. Many people have probably seen the TCM hologram, for instances the palms, ears, face and different parts of the body all correspond to the internal organs, every tiny part contains all the information found in the whole. The universe is fundamentally information! Thoughts are information! All evil and kind thoughts have frequencies, kind thoughts correspond to high frequency, evil thoughts correspond to low frequency, you are sending out thoughts every day (namely vibrating the wave-like information).

Professor David Hawkins stated clearly after more than 20 years of research, the strength of the human body will fluctuate along with the state of the mind. He has mapped the human consciousness in the range between 1-1000 (Translator?s note: the unit of the frequency was not mentioned), any state that induces a frequency below 200 will drain the body, anything between 200-1000 will cause the body to strengthen. Physicists have already proven that all matter in this world is made up of swirling particles. All these particles have a different rate of vibration, the vibration of the particles is what causes the world to express itself as it is. Our bodies behave in the same way, scientists have already measured that the vibrational rate of the body differs under different mental states, this result was an eye-opener for everybody. Kindness, honesty, compassion, love, these positive qualities allow the rise of bodily vibrational rates, the bodily health may then be improved. The highest frequency that professor Hawkins has encountered is 700, it occurred when he was studying the nun Teresa during 1997 when she has received the Nobel peace prize. (Translator?s note: There may be an error in the dating as Mother Teresa received her Nobel Prize in 1979, she died in the year 1997). The moment that Teresa entered the room, everybody?s heart was filled with joy, her appearance made it almost impossible for people to harbor distracting thoughts or hatred. 1000 is named the as the state under total enlightenment, this it the frequency of absolute power!

Professor David Hawkins said: ?Many people become sick due to the lack of love, there is only pain and dismay, one is prone to become sick when the rate of vibration is below 200.? The doctor would come in contact with a large number of patients every day. He found out later that as long as a person is sick, that person always carries lots of negative thoughts. If a person?s vibrational rate is above 200 then that person will not become sick easily, his patients would often have a vibrational rate below 200, what kind of thoughts did they send out? Thoughts such as sexual fantization, blaming, anger, inflicting injury upon others etc, in the process of sending out these negative thoughts, much energy is lost, therefore, when the rate of vibration goes below 200, these people are prone to catch different illnesses.

[Evil thoughts will drag down your rate of vibration]

Evil thoughts will induce the lowest of frequencies, the quality of these thoughts is one of a twisted nature, of harm. When you are thinking about degenerative thoughts, when you are addicted to sexual fantization, the reality is that you are weakening yourself. This is not limited to sexual fantization, also included are evil thoughts such as greed and injuring others in order to get ahead, these will all pull your frequency lower. On the other hand, gentleness, optimism, forgiveness, gratefulness, love, respectfulness, sereneness, calmness and joy etc, all of these will raise your vibration. The higher the rate of frequency, the easier it is to feel the great joy of pureness, the lower the vibration, then one is surrounded by pain. The vibration of kind thoughts is higher than evil thoughts, by lifting more kind thoughts, our bodily energy vibration will increase accordingly.

When a person?s vibration is relatively high, he already possesses various positive qualities, his thoughts are pure, his character is noble and actions selfless, these are all reflected in his every word and action. He will like to come into contact with contents that share a similar vibration, choosing to associate with people with similar frequencies. Whenever we create a thought, a certain frequency is born, noble thoughts produce higher frequencies, degenerative thoughts produce lower frequencies. Many sexual fantasizers, their rate of vibration is very low because they are constantly producing evil thoughts and have done many things of nefarious wantonness. This, in reality, is sabotaging and injuring the self. Evil thoughts will drag a person?s frequency lower, the lower the frequency then the more painful it becomes, every form of psychological and bodily symptom will then follow from it and manifest itself.

[The Creator?s secret: frequency determines the physical form]

?If you want to know the secret of the universe, please consider the vibration and resonance of energy.? - Nikola Tesla

Every physical substance in our world is a manifestation of vibration
If the vibration is changed then the structure of the physical substance also changes

Thoughts, feelings, moods all have a determined rate of vibration
We possess these frequencies at all times and so come into resonance with our surroundings



(part 2/2)

The famous experience of vibrational frequency on sand pattern has shown the relationship between frequency and physical substance. Different frequencies correspond to different forms of shapes. Thoughts are a form of vibrating wave-like information, thinking a thought gives rise to a certain frequency, this frequency will directly influence a person?s appearance and temperament, the saying that looks is grown by the heart. Many people who masturbate have become ugly, this is widely reflected in the narratives of brothers. In the beginning, the process of ugliness is not very apparent, with the increased time one spends in masturbation and with the deepening of injury upon the essences, many previously handsome people have turned beyond recognition, showing abnormal ugliness and wretchedness, even developing towards the direction of monstrostrous deformity. Why is it like this? It is actually very easy to understand from the perspective of frequencies; because he is sending out evil thoughts of nefarious wantonness, and the frequency of nefarious wantonness corresponds to the appearance and ugliness and wretchedness. Therefore, people addicted to nefarious wantonness will inevitably turn wretched and ugly, this is a certainty.

After rebooting, the soul receives purification, the frequency will then rise, during which time, the appearance and temperance will again develop towards the positive direction. The thoughts that a person produces will affect his physical appearance and temperance because thoughts produce frequency, frequencies will affect the physical form, it is this mysterious. Many people have previously heard the saying that looks is grown from the heart, but they do not understand the underlying principles of physics. After having read this paragraph of description,

I believe that more people will gain a deeper understanding and awareness. The thought waves that you are producing is affecting your physical appearance at this very moment, this is subtle. After a few years of nefarious wantonness, the appearance and temperament will decline, because your vibrational frequency has decreased. Evil thoughts will induce low frequency while low frequency corresponds to ugliness and wretchedness.

[Methods for raising the rates of vibration]
1. Kind deeds and the accumulation of virtue, do more to help people, in this way your vibrational frequency may be vastly increased.
2. Emit more thoughts of repentance, correct and change to the better, straighten the self in order to change the person.
3. Read more vibrational uplifting books, study more traditional culture.
4. Emit more intention of respectfulness, read more teachings on great virtue.
5. Maintain a grateful heart, practice more filial piety.
6. Learn to not complain, practice tolerance, learn to forgive others.
7. Keep calmness, inner calmness is a form of high vibration.
8. Attempt to find the Truth of life and the universe, find the belief that belongs to the self.
9. Do not look at nudity, especially in border pictures and news.
10. Maintain modesty, modesty allows increasing the rate of vibration.
11. Learn to meditate, actively exercise, learn the way of health cultivation.
12. Be among children, be as pure as children without a trace of evil.
13. Reboot, cut out smoking, alcohol, internet addiction and various bad habits.
14. Do not blame, don?t be jealous, encourage more, praise more.
15. Study Buddhist Dharma, read Buddhist sutras, chant the name of the Buddha, one?s vibrational frequency may be vastly increased through this way.
16. Learn to cultivate the heart, control the thoughts, this is the most basic method of raising the vibrational frequency.

We should all return purity to our soul and become a keeper of pure frequencies, say no to the nefarious wantonness and pollution from these troubled times. The modern society is flooded with nefarious wantonness, also the evil notion of harmlessness theories is rampant, keeping a frequency of pureness is extremely difficult. Everyone has their own rate of vibration just like they have their own fingerprints. Yet the vibrational frequency is able to be raised when you have cut off the addiction of nefarious wantonness and try your best to practice kindness, in this way your vibrational frequency will increase by leaps and bounds. The higher the rate of vibration the easier it is to experience the vast joy of pureness. In contrast, a low rate of vibration will sink one into boundness fear and pain.


Season 23 [Soaring Eagle experience: the issue of waist pain, puffiness, emancipation and the importance of keeping vigilance]part 1/2


Recently, many brothers have asked about the greying issue. To recover from greying will require approximately 1 year of time. Those that often browse in my case related posts should have seen a particular case; one brother after having rebooted for 200 days had all of his hair turning black. I, on the other hand, took about 1 year of time, nowadays I have very few grey hairs, around 1-2 strands, this is entirely within the normal range. Only persistence is needed in order to recover from greying, in addition, one must: 1) strictly control the number of nocturnal emission 2) make all efforts to cease sexual fantization 3) emphasize the way of health cultivation. When enough effort has been made in all 3 areas, greying will naturally recover. Many people are rebooting but are unable to control their nightly emissions, sexual fantizations and do not understand health cultivation while at the same time often relapsing, to recover from greying under these conditions will be quite difficult.

Some brothers, especially those who are yet to experience serious symptoms thinks that it is incredible for a brother to experience a dozen of symptoms. To these brothers, I could only comment on the shallow level of experience. Up until today I have seen several thousand cases and have personally communicated with a thousand brothers. The majority of these people have very many bodily symptoms, they have only picked out the most apparent symptoms and inquired me about them. One will understand this by going through lots of cases, there are many brothers with a dozen and even several dozens of different bodily discomforts. Some brothers are exquisite and sensitive and are able to describe all the discomfort symptoms, while some brothers come to late realizations and have limited abilities in expressing themselves, thus making them unable to give a description of all the uncomfortable symptoms. Those brothers that are yet to sustain serious injury or have come to late realizations will think that all of this is unbelievable. This is in fact very easy to understand, when you have been injured to a certain degree then you will naturally understand the truth that I speak, people that lack the experiences will have no ways in understanding the experiences involved. If you have never tasted salt, you would never know about its specific flavor, all the descriptions that others relay to you mean nothing.

In addition, I would like to stress a point, I did not successfully reboot on my first try. I made my first attempt while in middle school, I was totally oblivious at the time, I did not have the awareness to study rebooting material nor did I have a guide. At the time I only relied on blindly and forceful rebooting and knew nothing about the way of professional rebooting, the result was repeated defeats. I have failed countless times and have struggled in the vicious circle in many years, my entire body became ridden with symptoms. If I had succeeded in my first attempt then I would not have had so many symptoms later on. It?s a pity that it took me well over a decade to realize the importance of studying reboot articles, fortunately, it is still not too late. After a couple years of bodily recovery I have been restored to normal, of course, it is still incomparable to when I was a teen because now I?m already 30 years old.

Let me elaborate further on my motivations when writing about my experiences I seek not fame nor any gains, it is entirely for the welfare of the public. I do not seek any rewards and I don?t need anybody to worship me, some brothers have called me Grandmaster but I have never paid attention to it. I sit on the same level with every brother, I?m just like the person pointing directions which puts me on the same level as the person asking for directions, one does not tower above the other, I?m but an ordinary waypoint. If you ask me how to reboot I can point you towards the right direction. I only wish to help everyone.

We enter into the main topic below.

This season is about the issue of waist pain, puffiness, emancipation and the importance of maintaining vigilance, I will go through these topics in detail, as in the below:

TCM: waist is the residence of the kidney.

The issue of waist pain is common among brothers. I believe that the majority of brothers have had the experience of sore and aching waist. One bodily expression following masturbation is: soreness and softness of the waist and knees, in more serious cases pain is involved. Of course, many factors contribute towards waist pains. Normally, masturbation induced waist ache will slowly alleviate itself following a period of rebooting and health cultivation. If your waist ache is persistently bothering you, I would recommend you to go check it out in order to rule out any organically related illnesses, such as issues with the lumbar disc or kidney stones. In everyday life, many people suffer from the issue of protruding lumbar disc, the seed to the problem could be sowed when one, for instance, is not careful with the body posture when carrying heavy objects.

There is another expression for post masturbation waist ache and that is the inability to straighten the waist after having bent it for long periods of time, the feeling is extreme soreness.

Previously when I used to wash clothes after masturbating, upon finishing washing my waist would be very sore, it would require a while of rest until it is recovered. Therefore, masturbation will cause the waist to become very soft and weak. Under normal cases, bending the waist will not cause soreness issues, but because you have the evil habit of masturbation, soreness will easily appear after bending the waist for a long time. This kind of issue, where soreness or pain follows the bending of the waist has been reported by many brothers, I have had such experiences myself. In addition, after masturbation one becomes very soft, one should take extra care when exercising under such conditions. Because while partaking in a heavy exercise under this soft bodily state one is prone to get injured, something that I have deeply experienced; previously when I went to play basketball after masturbation I have broken my bones under 3 occasions, sprained my ankles countless times. Furthermore, those injuries happened under strange circumstances and were all self-inflicted.

With regards to waist pains, this is very easy to solve given that one is without organic illnesses, normally. After a period of rebooting while cultivating the health, waist pains will heal by itself without the use of medicines. If soreness and pain in the waist persist, it is recommended to check it out. If organic issues are absent then one may use Chinese herbal medicine for treatment, if organic issues are present then one should undergo active treatment while persisting in rebooting and cultivating the health, in this way the recovery will be fairly rapid. For men, the waist is really too important, one should properly take care of the waist.

Let?s talk about the issue of puffiness and emancipation.

Following masturbation the condition of being out of tune will appear, this is reflected in the body weight, either in puffiness or being emancipated. Of course, although that some people masturbate, they still practice good exercise and dietary habits, they might not run into the mentioned problems. Although I have frequently masturbated before, I loved to exercise and would keep relatively rhythmic rest and eating schedules and so the weight imbalance issue did not show up.

In TCM, puffiness is due to 2 reasons: spleen deficiency with moist obstruction and spleen plus kidney yang deficiency.

If a person loves to exercise, he will not become puffy, although fat, he still looks very strong and not the kind of loose muscles type of puffiness look. Why is it that people who love to exercise will not normally encounter puffiness? Because according to TCM: spleen governs the 4 limbs. [Suwen]: ?Spleen governs the muscles of the body? If the spleen qi is moving healthily, then the muscles will be plump and vigorous. If the spleen is sick, then the muscles shrink and become useless. A person that loves to exercise may achieve spleen strengthening effect, the possibility of running into puffiness will be relatively low. The spleen qi strengthens the movement, muscles will then become elastic and vigorous. Many people think that puffiness is due to fat, this is actually not correct, puffiness indicates that both fat and muscles have become soft and sagging, the feeling is one of being without elasticity and very loose.

How to treat puffiness? Taking Chinese traditional herbals is one way, this will adjust your internal organs. The more important is still to establish healthy exercise and dietary habits, this is very important! You can forego the herbs, if you only manage to make the other two points, weight can still be shed, you can even become a fit and muscular guy. I have previously been a personal trainer and have accumulated vast experiences in losing fat, in addition to going through the fat shedding process myself. If you have some general knowledge with regards to working out, then you?ll know for sure the saying: 30% comes from training, 70% comes from eating. Merely training is not enough if one wants to gain muscles, the key is to eat the right amount of food, muscle gain will be relatively quick in this way. Fat loss works in the same way, many people would have an intense workout but when they return home they?re unable to control their appetites and end up eating too much, by doing this they have regained all the energy that they have lost through training. In addition, the spleen governs the 4 limbs, normally after working out, the appetite would increase and enables one to eat a lot, the result being that no matter how hard one works out one is unable to shed weight. In reality, if one is able to strictly control the food input, even without training intensely, the weight would still decrease.

For brothers experiencing puffiness, my advice is:

1. Actively exercise, emphasize aerobic exercises, one may also combine it with strength exercises.
1. Strictly control the food intake, highly energetic food, midnight meals and snacks should all be restricted.

If the above points can be met, your weight will for sure decrease. If after a period of time your weight is still unchanged, then you should reflect on which of the above points that you need to improve upon.

In addition, strength exercises will help you to shape the muscles. Many brothers would become addicted to strength exercises as they would like to become stronger, more manly, this is a very common form of thinking. A strong body indeed gives one the feeling of assurance and makes one feel more confident, normally, a stronger man also have a stronger sexual function. But please remember a saying: blessing and misfortune exist side by side. TCM advocates that desire should not be too strong. When many people have trained themselves stronger, they become even more prone to fool around, the result is that they become indulgent at a young age. After the age of 40, it is time to pay the bill, the headache will be great when the time arrives. Being strong is not the same as being healthy and longevity, many strong people have many issues, even not being able to make past the age of 50. On the other hand, many people practice health cultivation, their strength indicators are very low but they still live upwards 80 and beyond.

I have another piece of advice for those brothers suffering from puffiness; if you want to lose fat you will have to increase understanding, this is like rebooting, professional is the key. With professional knowledge, one finds the door easier and succeed easier. No matter in what occupation and on what matters, it is particularly important to study. Ignorance stems from not studying, understanding comes from studying, in addition, combine it with one?s own practices and constantly gaining new awareness, success is then not far away. The saying that difficulty does not perplex the Master, the perplexed will experience difficulty, one must study more. Many things will become simple once you have grasped the adequate amount of professional knowledge on fat loss. If your understanding is not deep enough, you will hesitate and be at loss in many choices.

Another type of brother will encounter the emancipation issue.

Emancipation shares a certain relationship with the physique, of course, it is also intricately related to the disorderly function of the internal organs caused by masturbation. Emancipated people have poor appetites, are unable to eat much and have poor digestion. No matter how much they eat they will not become fat, this is the first type. There is another type, it?s when one is able to eat a lot but are unable to become fat. This type of person may suffer from poor absorption or have a very high basal metabolism. Some other brothers are suffering from chronic diarrhea, weight loss is made even easier with this condition.

I advise the emancipated people to go seek a traditional Chinese doctor followed by active exercises, emphasize health cultivation and slowly adjusting yourself.

Lastly, let?s talk about the importance of keeping vigilance.

Quite a few brothers have been on a rebooting streak for over 100 days and then still relapsed, what is the reason? When many brothers have gone through a period of rebooting it is easy to let down the guard. Thinking that the problem is no more and that one has succeeded, one starts to relax; First, the relaxation is with regards to studying rebooting articles. Second, it is the relaxation of vigilance. As soon as one relaxes the vigilance, relapses come easily. Rebooting is like walking on a steel wire, one needs to keep alert every day because if you are not careful you will fall down, if you are not careful you will relapse, this happens almost supernaturally.

Ever since I started to reboot until the present day I have still maintained my vigilance, just like the vigilance of a woodpecker, when a person approaches it flies away, the woodpecker will not allow anybody to come close to it. Rebooting works in the same manner, when one enters a stable period after some time of rebooting it does not mean that relapses will not occur again, if you relax your guard you will still relapse. Therefore, we should allow ourselves to maintain our state of alertness and not wander far from rebooting articles, we should look more into cases from sufferers. This process is likened to brushing the teeth every day, it does not have to take a long time but by looking at rebooting material daily, this is absolutely beneficial to the maintenance of your vigilant state. This is an indispensable awareness towards a successful reboot.

Naturally, some people have an extremely high level of awareness, they don?t look at rebooting articles nor in any cases. Every day they would go through their suffering once in their heads, this will also allow them to keep vigilance. There is another type of person who is able to maintain vigilance and that is the person with a religious belief, rebooting is like a form of a commandment. If the person strictly adheres to the commandment then he will not relapse, because he knows that relapse is worse than death, this is his consciousness.



part 2/2


Some brothers would ask me, why is it that everybody around me is masturbating but their health is still good, why is it that only my body is ridden with symptoms. Quite a few brothers have asked me this question and it is not difficult to answer it. The constitution is different for different people, some people are naturally endowed with a good constitution, a thick health foundation, plus that they love to exercise, have fixed resting and eating habits and absent of any other negative hobbies, this kind of people can afford of few years of depletion, the fruit from the evil karma will appear relatively late. On the other hand some people have a naturally weak constitution, their physique is inadequate and they don?t like to exercise, they like to sit for long periods of time and have internet or smoking addiction, often stays up during the night in combination with frequent masturbation, they will encounter symptoms relatively early and these symptoms will be more serious.

Another point, although some people seems to look fine from the outside, in reality, they also have lots of symptoms, only that you cannot see them from the outside. There is a word called ?hidden disease? (Translator?s note: hidden disease are those disease that are hard to detect and to cure). In everyday life many people carry with them hidden disease, these are matters of privacy, he will not tell you, you would think that he is healthy but that is not the case. Just like myself as an example, at a time I had prostatitis but other people didn?t know about it, I haven?t told my friends either. On the sports court, I was vigorous like the tiger and other people thought I was very healthy, that was not the case. Only I knew that I suffered from my discomforts owing to my evil habit of masturbation, only that these symptoms were not that serious and were bearable. After a while of rebooting, all of these symptoms would find relief which is why at the time they were not emphasized that much. In addition, I had varicocele for over a decade without knowing about it because it was not severe, I did not experience distinct discomforts but I had the disease, only upon doing an ultrasound did I knew that I had varicocele. I have already written an article regarding this disease, after reading that article, many brothers went to the hospital for a diagnosis. It turned out that quite a few brothers were diagnosed with varicocele, only that they were previously oblivious to it.

Actually, due to the evil habit of masturbation, more often than not there will be symptoms. No matter how good your constitution is and without any unhealthy hobbies, but as you age, many latent issues will expose themselves, the debt will sooner or later be paid. It is not necessarily bad that the body deteriorates early because once the body has deteriorated while you are young and you come to the realization to reboot thoroughly, the bodily ability to recover is still strong. What?s worse is when body deteriorates when one has passed 40, by then the bodily recovery function is not as it used to be, the rate of recovery will be very slow.

Let?s talk about the sweating issue when doing kidney strengthening exercises during the summer. It is now the scorching summer, the tiniest of movements results in a drench of sweat, even when we stay stationary the sweat will pour down like the rain. These days I?m still persisting in practicing the kidney strengthening exercises, I have not stopped for a single day. The way I practice is by going bare to the waist, prepare a towel, after doing and set of movements and having sweated I would immediately wipe myself dry, then repeat the movement. In this fashion, the issue of sweating can be avoided, or else if I practice kidney strengthening exercises following a shower my clothes would get soaked again which is very uncomfortable and makes it hard to sleep. Furthermore, during the summer, try to limit the exposure towards AC. Exposure towards AC and taking cold beverages both damage the yang qi and discourages bodily recovery, remember.

Lately, some brother reflected the ?days record? issue with me. I?m not personally against in keeping track of the days, but I feel like keeping track of the days is like punching an attendance card at work, you cannot just punch the card but not work. This corresponds to rebooting, you have kept the day?s record, but what is your goal? The goal of keeping days is to study rebooting articles and sufferers? cases daily in order to alert oneself. If the goal is only focused on keeping track of the days then your awareness and determination will not have increased, you will still remain on the brute force rebooting stage.

A mistake that newbies tend to make: only keeping track of the days and not studying, they see that other people have opened a thread for tracking the days and so they do the same, yet they do not emphasize studying rebooting articles. Back when I first started to reboot, I also liked to keep a day count, at the time I kept my record on a notebook and the maximum number of endurable days was 28 days. Afterward, when I reached a thorough understanding, the thought of keeping track of the days did not even occur to me and it did not feel like enduring, until today I have not relapsed, because I have reached a thorough understanding, in addition, I maintain a daily awareness vigilance. I don?t remember how many days I have been rebooting, only from which month I started to reboot from, my advice is: don?t pay too much attention to the number of days, put the emphasize on studying and to increase the rebooting understanding and awareness, this is the true path towards rebooting.
I have shared this thread with so many people, I really believe the time you take out to do these translations is worth it if someone tells you you're being a hero to thousands of us out here!


Beyondthequicksand said:
I have shared this thread with so many people, I really believe the time you take out to do these translations is worth it if someone tells you you're being a hero to thousands of us out here!

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, I had no idea, what I noticed is that people are generally more reserved here compared to another site where I do the same postings. Your feedback is important and helps to encourage me along the way, thanks again brother.


Thanks for your patience guys, I know this season is overdue, it's been a wonderfully busy week for me. As mentioned previously, there are over 100 seasons in total and so I expect this translation project to continue for at least another year. In the meanwhile, please enjoy season 24:


Season 24 [Soaring Eagle experience: aggravated hair loss following rebooting, complementary info on emancipation, the issue of lower brain power] part 1/2


Some brothers may wonder, how come that Soaring Eagle has experienced every symptom? It does not seem possible, out of this question doubt is born. Those who often look into my experience posts will know that I have not said that I have had experienced every symptom out there. For instance, I have mentioned in my posts that I had drooping testis, but not shrunken testis, I have not suffered from puffiness either. When writing my articles I carry a truth-seeking attitude, things are either experienced or not experienced, I would not make it up. Although I have not experienced some symptoms, I have thoroughly researched and enquired into them. For example, the doctor doesn?t need to have experienced every ailment, the importance is to have deep knowledge and understanding in the ailments, that is the key.

Nobody how weak a person is, it is not possible for the person to have experienced every symptom. Even though two people are both suffering from kidney yang deficiency, the focus of the symptoms is still different. I have had a history of masturbation for over a decade, it could be said I have experienced the vast majority of the symptoms. In addition, I have researched into the habit of masturbation for a couple years and have encountered basically every type of symptom, in addition to having assembled a vast archive of cases, chatted with over a thousand brothers and gained a deep understanding in this area. The study of TCM theories did not stop either, all of the mentioned provided me with the foundations of the articles that I wrote.

Because that I have made a huge number of posts, it is impossible to answer many questions immediately, I hope that everybody can understand this.

A capable group of brothers are on the rise in the rebooting forums, this group of brothers are constantly studying and have increased their understanding a lot, therefore, everybody may also refer to them for any questions. There is a need for talents everywhere, the same goes for the rebooting forums, there is a need for talented Q&A people, talented promoters, administrators, each person has his duties to improve the forums and help more people. As to the issue of being scolded at while trying to promote, this has happened on different occasions; previously I did some promotional work although it was not internet-based but based on the QQ-group, where I promoted rebooting and health cultivation among the dozen of anxiety patient groups.

When doing promotional work, first, it is important to let things go their own course when helping people, do not force things. Second, pay attention to the promotional strategy, choose the optimal entry point; third, one must be control of the emotions, because in this line of work it is very easy to run into stubborn people, just like when the scholar meets the soldier, there is no reasoning, when meeting this kind of people, making a concise point is enough, there is no need for elaborate explanations, once the message is heard, the seed has been sown. He might not understand it today but perhaps he will suddenly understand one day and come to regret his old stubborn ways, not having paid heed to your bitter truth. Helping people, in reality, is helping the previous you, the old you is perhaps reminiscent of the present them; not recognizing the truth until it is placed right in front of them, stubbornly going their own ways, controlled by the indulgence mentality, harboring misconceptions towards rebooting along with the attitude of rejection and conflict. Now that you have understood after having clearly seen the truth and wanting to help others, this is a very thought. But one must pay attention to the promotional strategy and method, in this regard the forum owner Balinhou has extensive experience, everyone may seek him out, join a promotional team and learn from the successful promotional models.

Doing promotional work towards rebooting is extremely meaningful, sometimes, a single sentence from you may change the entire life of a person, due to that single sentence, he becomes enlightened. In the future, I?m sure to return to do more promotion for rebooting, but as of now, my main mission is to write more experience articles.

Heading into the main topic below.

In this season we will take a closer look at aggravated hair loss following rebooting, complementary info on emancipation and the issue of lower brain power. Details can be found below:

Lately, many brothers have reported aggravated hair loss following rebooting. When this happens one easily thinks about throwing in the towel, not wanting to reboot anymore; thinking that hair loss did not occur before rebooting but became serious following rebooting, what?s going on? I have mentioned this in the previous articles, about relapsing due to doubt, if there are unsolved problems, relapses become easy. When hair loss becomes aggravated during rebooting it easily causes one to experience panic, anxiety and the loss of hope, these negative emotions in turn easily induces emotional-based relapse. When one wants to vent negative emotions via masturbation, the result is to sink back into the vicious cycle.

Actually, I?m well aware of the thinking process of those brothers who contemplates giving up rebooting due to aggravated hair loss, they are thinking that if they start to masturbate again, the hair loss might cease. This kind of thinking is a bit absurd but it does occur.

Normally, some symptoms will easy appear after one has started to reboot. Many people have not experienced any symptoms before rebooting but as soon as they start to reboot, symptoms appear. When seeing the emergence of symptoms, many rookies start to panic and thinks that abstaining is harmful, they then immediately sink back into the trap of masturbation. The emergence of symptoms following rebooting is actually a withdrawal reaction, it is very commonly seen. Persist in rebooting and cultivating the health and the bodily symptoms will slowly improve and even disappear. The increased severity of hair loss following rebooting can also be seen as a withdrawal symptom, of course, some people say it is a reaction to shedding illnesses, there is also some basis in this; due to the build-up of vital qi after rebooting, latent illnesses will naturally make themselves known.

In addition, I discovered that a great number of brothers report aggravated hair loss during the summer season, why during the summer? Before the arrival of the sizzling summer, every day I would lose within 5 strands of hair, but now I would lose several dozens daily, some days over 30 strands of hair. In fact, this is seasonal hair loss at work, for a normal person, hair loss would also increase during the summer. I have mentioned in the previous article, there are many factors leading to hair loss, one must get to know each one of them or else it is easy to get into a state of panic. The thought of throwing in the towel is made easier under the state of panic. During the summer there is more sweating, the scalp will easily itch, when the scalp itches, hair loss will increase. Recently when washing the hair I would apply hair shampoo twice, the scalp would still itch, and so I applied a few drops of herbal distillate in clean water and the scalp would barely itch after that when the scald no longer itches, the amount of hair loss decreases.

Hair loss during the summer is due to the following reasons:

1. The loss of hair during the summer is due to exposure of the head towards the strong solar rays which breaks the keratin within the hair, causing the falling off of the hair.
2. During the summer the scalp sweats easily, produces oil, plus it?s dustier, hair would easily become affected.
3. Due to walking in and out of AC exposure, this causes poor blood circulation, the hair would fall off more easily.
4. The summer heat induces secretion imbalances in the body, inducing hair loss.
5. Too much cold beverages. Suppose that one consumes more ice sticks, ice cream, and cold beverages, the hair would fall off more easily.
6. A decrease in the nutritional input. Protein is an essential nutrient for the hair. But due to the heat of the summer, people like to eat a lighter diet, meat intake will be relatively less. Suppose that the protein intake is inadequate, hair will fall off easier.
7. Inflammatory stimulation. During the summer there is a higher chance for folliculitis, favus of the scalp, pimple or carbuncle. These causes instability in the hair follicles and induces hair loss more easily.
8. It is scorching during the summer, there is a large amount of water evaporation. If the water is not quickly replenished it will lead to a decrease in the sebaceous glands secretions. And from there induces the drying up and falling off of hair. When the hair loses its moist it becomes brittle, after some time it will become crisp and breaks easily and prone to falling off.
9. Affected by the summer weather; many people suffer from poorer sleep quality, become more irritable, those are also important reasons for losing hair.

Summer is a very special season, the common saying goes: although no illnesses, one is 30% weakened during the summer. Because there is a high amount of sweating during the summer, and so according to TCM: He who sweats, also losses essence. When one sweats too much the person is weakened. Lately a brother reported the good progress he was making after a few months of rebooting, but lately, some symptoms have re-emerged with even the occurrence of frequent nightly emissions. This is, in fact, an expression of the repeating period, many brothers confuse withdrawal symptoms with the period for repeated symptoms, I will again emphasize it here. Withdrawal symptoms normally occur within the first month of rebooting, repeating period may occur at any time during the reboot. Because some people have not properly cultivated the health, following a half year of rebooting they again experience a repeat of the symptoms, some people may encounter repeated symptoms after a year due to staying up, fatigue or frequent nocturnal emissions. The reason to why repeated symptoms tend to occur during the summer is because one sweats profusely during the summer, even without illnesses one becomes partially weakened, add to the AC exposure, cold beverages or staying up, long sitting and long staring, under these circumstances, repeated symptoms will easily occur. If you go about your day engaging exercises that have a damaging effect on the yang qi, it would be a surprise if you didn?t catch any symptoms. Therefore, I very much emphasize health cultivation. The mistake many people make is that they only reboot but do not cultivate the health, they do not know how to do it and have a very low level of health cultivation awareness; going to the AC room right after a shower because it feels good but it also sows the seed for future illnesses, some people love to take cold beverages and they do so daily, this has a very negative impact on the recovery of the body, once you are aware of these things, you will not repeat the mistakes, because you know that by engaging in those activities you will severely damage your yang qi, when the yang qi has been damaged, repeated symptoms will show up. (Translator?s note: Just to clarify, repeated symptoms are a repeat of previous symptoms that we?ve had during the time when we were still masturbating)

Some brothers would ask if it?s OK to use AC during the summer. My recommendation is that one can use the AC but refrain from AC exposure right away taking a shower or to set a temperature that is too low, otherwise the cold air will enter the body through the pores. I remember a couple days ago when I went into an air-conditioned room to fetch something, the temperature was set to very low and I was sweating slightly at the time and so the pores were all open, suddenly I was exposed to the cold air and later that day I suffered from diarrhea. AC is a great invention but it is a double-edged sword and does not benefit health cultivation. Everybody should be careful when being exposed to AC in order to avoid sowing the seed for future illnesses.

For those brothers who are suffering from aggravated hair loss during the rebooting period, make sure to persist in your efforts, do not panic, remember this sentence: It is not wrong to reboot. When you panic it is only that you have not figured out what is going on at the time, it is not that rebooting is hurting your hair.

Let?s talk about the emancipation issue below.

In the previous season, we talked about the issue of puffiness, we did not go through the emancipation issue thoroughly enough, in this season we will examine it closer.

For the emancipated brothers, if you want to become strong, I would advise doing some moderate strength exercises, doing strength exercises will increase your appetite. If you have no problems with digestion then you will quickly become stronger. It would be preferable if you had somebody to coach you, in this way your training will be more systematic and professional as opposed to blindly training by yourself. If you have your eyes set on only push ups and sit ups then it will be difficult to become strong quickly. Being professional is also important in strength exercises, if you train in a professional manner then you will become strong very rapidly and advance very quickly. Therefore, it would be best if somebody in your surrounding is able to show you the way.

When I graduated from college I was 186 cm tall and weighed 62 kg. After I have started to work out my weight once surged to 100kg. The impression I gave to people was being both fat and strong. After that I started to shed fat and did lots of high repetition exercises, the contours of the body then appeared. Nowadays I maintain a weight of about 80 kg without focusing especially much on protein heavy food, now I keep a normal and light diet.

There is a saying in the bodybuilding sphere: fear eating, not training. As long as we have gotten the hang of training then there won?t be any big issues, the importance is in the diet. In order to become strong, energy intake must be adequate. In the beginning, we gain both fat and muscles, once we start to shed fat after having reached a certain weight then the shapes will start to appear.

Everyone may take a look at the workout terminology:

Chest: sitting bench press, 3 sets
Back: rope from neck pulldown, 3 sets
Shoulders: sit on the combination machine and do pulling and lifting, 3 sets
Triceps: rope pulldown from standing position, 3 sets
Biceps: biceps curl lift on a combination machine, 3 sets
Thighs: leg lifts, 3 sets
Biceps femoris: prone leg curl lift, 3 sets
Calves: heel lift while sitting on the combination machine, 3 sets
Abs: Sit-ups, 2 sets
Heel lift with dumbbells, 2 sets

For the person who has never worked out before this terminology may seem foreign, this is why I have mentioned it is better to have somebody show you the way. The person may demonstrate the important aspects of the movements and let you in on lots of professional knowledge. In this way you will quickly learn the ropes, after that, you will progress very quickly, every month there will be changes, your strength will increase by a lot. Of course, don?t expect prostatitis to heal just because you have become stronger. Reality has proven that no matter how strong the body is one can still suffer from prostatitis. The key is to reboot and cultivate the health, a person who has become stronger may alleviate the symptoms of prostatitis, but to completely heal requires rebooting and health cultivation. According to my understanding, many bodybuilding champions have illnesses, some have had a stroke, some are suffering from heart conditions. Therefore, strength does not signify health, one must still rely on the words: reboot and cultivate the health. Without knowledge in rebooting and health cultivation, becoming strong is instead a big thing, this is comparable to martial artists stressing virtue, without virtue one is prone to get into trouble.

Some brothers are emancipated but are free from digestive troubles, as long as these brothers get the hang of how to work out they will rapidly become stronger. Some emancipated brothers have big issues with digestion, where there is chronic diarrhea or poor absorption function. For these cases I would advise to first bring the stomach back to normal and then do strength training, gaining weight will then be more reliable. Otherwise, if you have a poor stomach, firstly, the appetite is poor. Secondly, the absorption is not functioning properly, to gain muscle and weight will then be relatively more difficult.

For those emancipated brothers who want to become strong, I would advise the below summary:

1. If there are no problems with digestion and absorption, I recommend studying more professional bodybuilding knowledge. The best would be to find somebody to get you started on exercising, combine it with increased eating and the body will become strong rapidly.
2. For brothers that are suffering from digestive or absorption problems, it is advised to adjust digestion and absorption to normal and start to work out from there, body weight will then steadily increase.

Lastly, let?s talk about the issue of increasing brain power.

The phenomenon of decreasing brain power following masturbation is extremely widespread, TCM: to the above, kidneys are connected to the brain. Masturbation injures the kidneys and so must also injure the brain power, the main expression is that memory, concentration, thinking ability and comprehension all take a downturn in varying degrees, giving the impression that the person has become stupid, slow to react, lacking in patience, restless and easily angered. When brain power goes down, doing anything becomes an issue, this is especially true for students; students need to take exams which places a high requirement on the brain power. The reduction of brain power from masturbation is undoubtedly a disaster for students.



part 2/2

Normally, to recover the brain power would require at least half a year of rebooting and health cultivation. The recovery of brain power is a gradual process, the below aspects would need to be met:

1. Strictly control the frequency of nocturnal emissions, nightly emissions greatly injures the body and the brain power.
2. Determine to put a stop to sexual fantization, fantization depletes the essence invisibly.
3. Learn to cultivation the health, one needs to put a stop to the various ways of damaging the kidney qi.
4. Actively exercise, emphasize aerobic exercises.
5. One may try silent meditation or standing horse-stance cultivation methods, including kidney strengthening exercises.
6. Nutrients need to be maintained, moderately intake brain nourishing food.

When the above 6 points have been accomplished, the brain power will enjoy a substantial recovery after half a year. When the brain power is increased, the person will become like brand new, previously incomprehensible topics will be suddenly understood when you look at them again, like having an aha moment. Actually, it is the lower brain power which was causing the incomprehension, now that the brain power has been recovered, the topic is understood within a glance. Determination, concentration, memory, and comprehension all will increase.

[Avatamsaka Sutra] scroll six: ?Absorb the mind to relinquish, from relinquishment arises calmness, from calmness, arises wisdom. These are known as the three learnings? Rebooting has the ability to raise the level of wisdom, Buddhist philosophies are actually connected with TCM, the saying goes that all great paths lead to the same source. Once the brain power has been recovered, a change in destiny can be achieved, when the brain power is adequate, everything you do will be inadequate; you feel as if you are unable to get into the zone. When your brain power is good, the things that you previously did poorly in all becomes easier, your destiny will then change accordingly. Take an important exam, for instance, when the brain power is good you get one result, when the brain power is poor you get another result, such an exam may change a person?s entire future. The same goes for job interviews when the brain power is good one is unhindered in speech and is confident, when the brain power is lacking you may not even understand the question that was directed at you, spewing out an incoherent answer in return. Brain power is truly too important for a person, one must cut out masturbation.


Recently I read a post made by the well known ?Uncle Tom? and was surprised at his speed of advancement in realization, he was able to understand almost all of my posts and besides that was hunting extensively for other rebooting articles, the improvement of his realization also serves as encouragement for other brothers. There are already big changes in Tom?s thought process, I have mentioned this, the first step to rebooting is to reform the thoughts, you must give your awareness a tangible boost through studying. When the understanding has taken on a new level, rebooting thereon will reach success easier, to otherwise rely on brute force rebooting will only ensure failure.

The reason to why I?m writing down my experiences is to allow more brothers to really understand it, once understood, your awareness will increase, when confronting various rebooting issues you will then have a reliable answer, just like having to take a stabilizing pill, the mind will no longer easily sway, thoughts of doubts no longer show up. Of course, there are lots of articles on rebooting and health cultivation, everybody should search for them far and wide, study broadly and without limit, constantly improving. My awareness and understanding come from thorough personal experience and ceaseless studies to this day I still take some time each day to study. I read Dharmas daily, read health cultivation articles frequently and study rebooting cases every day, constantly discovering, thinking and understanding.

In sharing the contents of my own insights, I hope that everybody's? awareness may constantly increase. Even if you only advance a little every day, a year later your overall progress would be staggering. The only worry is if you do not want to study or is fed up with studying, in that case, you will have a hard time making a thorough reboot. To reboot, the thoughts must be transformed, no matter which internet site you visit or which rebooting article you read, in every case you are importing rebooting thoughts and awareness, it is transforming your thoughts awareness. When you have recognized the importance in studying, you will go look for good rebooting articles on your own in order to constantly study, rehearsing old material while learning new material, once you have gotten into that study mentality, awareness will increase by leaps and bounds. The more thorough that your thoughts rewire, the easier it is to successfully reboot.

However, I need to stress a final point; when you have successfully rewired your thoughts and increased your awareness, it?s still important to maintain daily vigilance. The alertful awareness is very important, just like walking on a steel wire, not letting go of the vigilance.

In addition, after your thoughts have been rewired, you will notice that you will be out of tune with the people around you because you have fully understood the truth of masturbation, you have seen masturbation for what it really is. While most people are still apathetically indulging themselves, fiercely rubbing themselves towards the road of self-destruction, completely oblivious to the approaching symptoms. The society today has been polluted by the ideologies of pornography and sexual debauchery, in addition to the harmlessness theories, therefore, the vast majority of the people are bound to not see the truth clearly, this precisely confirms the saying: the truth is controlled by a few people. We are bound to be the minority who knows the truth, what we need to do is to find the proper timing and the method to help our brothers, to help our former selves and in the process help ourselves.


Hey guys. Season 25 is the longest season to date with a full 10 A4 pages, accordingly, it also required the longest time to translate. Due to the growing length of the articles, the rate of new article postings might be less frequent going forward. The pace of translation has been steady since the start of this project, I'm currently averaging an A4 page per day. Thank you everybody for your patience. In the meanwhile, the link to the latest PDF compilation may be found at http://www.filedropper.com/rebootingasthebestremedyseasons1-25_1


Season 25 [Soaring Eagle experience: impotence, the mystery of time to relapse and different forms of essence damage from masturbation] part 1/2


Many brothers have now formed the awareness for studying on the rebooting forums, they are no longer relying on brute force rebooting and have started to tread onto the correct path, their rebooting efforts have become increasingly professional, this is a very good phenomenon. Once the daily habit of studying rebooting articles has been established, where one is able to both read and understand, the rebooting awareness and understanding will take on a huge upward leap. This principle is actually comparable to internet gaming. If you play every day your level will quickly rise, if you do not train your level you will not advance and remain a rookie. In the aspect of internet games, one is abused by the opponent, in the aspect of rebooting, one is abused by the temptation demon. Because the level of the temptation demon is higher than your level, your level is too low, every encounter results in defeat. Therefore, one must increase the level of awareness through constant studying, with awareness and understanding in place, the temptation demon will have a hard time budging you.

I hope more brothers will share their experiences in the rebooting forums. Rookies need the guidance from the forerunners, the most apparent trait with rookies is a large number of misconceptions that they carry, not allowing them to understand problems clearly. Experience posts will allow them to improve their awareness and lead them to the correct path of rebooting, solidify their confidence and determination, avoid detours and hence improve the rate of successful reboot.

After having researched into the topic of masturbation I have come to realize that there is only one model for successful rebooting: increase the level of awareness through constant studies. When there is enough awareness, rebooting becomes natural, once the awareness is very high, all that?s needed is to maintain vigilance and the reboot will be thorough. Cultivating awareness is like climbing a mountain, many people would stop climbing halfway and go back down. Although lots of people are slow in their pace of climb, they persist in climbing and continue to study rebooting articles, constantly increasing their awareness, although the pace is slow they are steadily improving. In this way these people are still able to reach the peak of awareness, when that time arrives and if they also strengthen their level of alertness, complete reboot can be achieved.

My current level awareness was accumulated step by step, in the past I went about studying rebooting articles in the following way: every day I would extract good rebooting quotes, this also includes health cultivation contents because these two topics are interrelated. I had extracted over 6 books worth of contents within a year of time. The demand that I placed upon myself was to improve a little every day, after a month there would be a big improvement. Ever since I started to extract rebooting articles, my awareness soared upwards, many incompressible issues suddenly became clear, my head became successfully clearer. Afterward, I looked into a large amount of TCM cases, the awareness again advanced forward. Nowadays I would find time every day to read on Buddhist Dharma and TCM, trying to increase my scope of thinking, without limits in studying there is no limit in improvement.

Many brothers claim that they cannot get into reading, as soon as they see a long article they grow tired, after reading a line of text they become fed up. There are many brothers like this, this is because the brain power decreases when the kidney essence is deficient, memory, concentration and even comprehension all drops lower. What?s worse is that the mood following debauchery becomes impatient and easily angered, ?troubled appearance? emerges, one lacks patience and determination when trying to do things and to study. I have previously experienced this state of mind, whenever I looked at a screen full of text I would become annoyed and wanted to look away. After a period of rebooting, the brain power has recovered somewhat and my mind was able to quiet down again, slowly I was able to absorb the reading. After I was absorbed the more I read the more I wanted to read, I extracted what I thought to be the best quotes. Unbeknownst to me, my awareness took off. By often looking at previously read articles and extracted quotes, this will have a reinforcing and refreshing effect and allow the awareness to increase once again. When awareness has been raised to a certain level, you will notice that you now have resistance against pornographic content, you are able to vanquish the temptation demon, this, in reality, is the result of an increase in awareness.

As to the number of daily studies, I have arranged it in the following way: all according to my state, if my mental state is good during a day and the interest is high, I would read more, sometimes a dozen of pages, sometimes an entire chapter. When my interest level is very high I could read a big portion of a book. But sometimes my state is not that good and my interest is lacking, the amount of studying that I have planned for these times is at least a page every day. It would only require a couple minutes to read through a page, no matter how impatient, one is able to endure reading through a page. In this manner I?m able to ensure that my daily studies do not halt, my awareness would then constantly increase, finally welcoming the great uplifting in awareness. I would advise every brother to at least read a page of rebooting article every day, it does not have to be a new article, reinforcing old articles is also very good. Do not stray away from rebooting articles, you may also repeatedly read the contents that you have extracted, in doing this your awareness will improve very quickly.

Some brothers would say that they like to look at pictures and not at long pages of text, they cannot absorb it and find it to be annoying! My recommendation is to wait until you have been rebooting for a while, once the brain power has recovered somewhat, allow yourself to look at texts. Because the images that I have produced only serve as supplementary material, the most important content is still the text. One need to professionally and systematically increase the level of awareness, it is necessary to look through a large number of articles. Pictures are only an assistance, articles are the main material, images are secondary, this point must be understood.

Back to the old saying: the extraordinary power of rebooting comes from studying! Without studying there will be no knowing, without studying the awareness will not increase. With the successive increase of awareness, it will finally allow you to conquer masturbation and vanquish the temptation demon.

We will enter into the main topic below.

In this season we will discuss in detail regarding the issue of impotence, the mystery of time to relapse and difference forms of essence damage from masturbation, details can be found below:

In season 6 I have talked about the issue of impotence and premature ejaculation. Now that we are in season 25, we can look into the topic more comprehensively and in more detail.

Among all the questions I have answered, quite a few of them belongs to the category of premature ejaculation, soft erections, and impotence. When the essence has been damaged to a certain degree, obstacles in the sexual function will arise. The symptom that I have experienced the earliest is premature ejaculation, this showed up roughly after 2 years of frequent masturbation, later I had soft erections, this symptom went on for more over a decade. Because I loved sports at the time, had rhythmic resting and eating schedules, didn?t have any internet addictions nor did I smoke, so during the years I was still able to achieve an erection but the firmness was inadequate. Afterward when I started to stay up during the night and sat for long periods at a time I encountered impotence. My impotence at the time was quite serious, I needed to expend a huge amount of effort, in addition, to apply strong stimulation in order to barely achieve an erection, moreover the firmness was lacking and I would quickly go soft, the lack in stamina was apparent.

When premature ejaculation appears, the man becomes panicky, because the sexual function is very important for men. The degree of panic is comparable to the panic experienced during hair loss. When the sexual function is lacking the man feels shame in front of the ladies and lack confidence. In addition, he worries about the wife cheating on him, therefore, men who suffer from premature ejaculation bear huge psychological pressure, the mood of anxiety is heavy.

The worst part is that many people don?t have TCM health cultivation knowledge. When premature ejaculation appears, their first reaction is to take supplements in order to strengthen the yang and become strong once again, not allowing themselves to go soft at all cost. Under this pattern of thinking, they would go look for all kinds of supplements. Some supplements show a good effect in the beginning, but the body can also grow tired of supplements. When taking them often the beneficial effect is not apparent. When the body has grown weary one then has to switch to another supplement, the end result is to have gone over many big brand kidney supplementing and yang strengthening medicine, the body still remaining in a weak state, in addition there is a high chance of other bodily symptoms showing up in beside impotence, the suffering is beyond words. In reality, because these people lack TCM health cultivation know-how, they have misread the bodily signals from the very beginning, the ancient saying goes: the younger generation should not be ignorant of medicine. If you are ignorant of medical knowledge, you will stumble into misconceptions in many areas and choices, ultimately hurting yourself. When a man encounters impotence, this bodily signal is the body crying for help, telling you to not indulge any further. The principle is similar to when skin pores close when being exposed to cold temperature. Many people are unaware of this principle, once impotent, they instead take supplements and indulge themselves, lacking in rebooting and health cultivation awareness altogether. They do not understand that the best supplement is actually: no leak as the supplement. Because of this, they have chosen the wrong path, relying on supplements to further indulge, the result can be imagined. In the future there will be a chance of going complete impotent, even catching diabetes or a stroke.

Because that kidney qi is inadequate, the body chooses impotence for the purpose of self-preservation. If you misread the signal and instead rely on supplements to indulge, the evil fruit will certainly be incurred, this is the price of ignorance.

When a brother encounters premature ejaculation, soft erections, impotence, he needs to learn to reboot and cultivate the health. If the symptoms are serious it is advised to see a traditional Chinese doctor for treatment, taking herbal medicine will benefit the bodily recovery. But one must emphasize the cultivation of the mind, or else the intake of herbal medicine will likely help to fuel the desires, resulting in taking herbal medicine and indulging happening side by side. The act of supplementing from the above while leaking from the below is detrimental to the recovery process. If you cannot manage to reboot thoroughly but instead leak and supplement simultaneously, I can be certain that the treatment effect will not be optimal, not long afterward you will again find yourself with premature ejaculation. We then have a predicament in our hands, as a matter of fact, there is a misunderstanding in the consciousness, if this misunderstanding does not get corrected, the result will be that premature ejaculation will remain after spending loads of money and taking a lot of medicine. Therefore, to be able to cure a person?s premature ejaculation, one must first enlighten him, speak reason to him and let him understand the principles, enlightenment will actually cure him, without enlightenment he will be finished in this life. Quite a few brothers have already depleted themselves prior to getting married, they have encountered premature ejaculation, their families are pushing them into getting married, this makes him fear marriage, knowing the outcome, why did he do as he did?

Everybody should not lose hope, however, premature ejaculation, soft erection, and impotence can all be recovered from. I have completely recovered due to the fact that my understanding was in the correct place, there was no misunderstanding in my consciousness, I put effort into health cultivation. Most importantly, I don?t do testing, because testing will lead one back into the trap of masturbation. Everybody would certainly ask, how does one know that one has recovered? Actually, whether or not one has recovered can be observed from the quality of the morning erections. When the erection is firm and upright, the degree of firmness is high, this is the bodily expression of recovery. If you attempt to test, then it is very possible to relapse repeatedly, throwing away all the previous efforts. Many people like to test, the result is that once having attempted, they are unable to stop and have again started to indulge.

According to my experiences, the recovery time for premature ejaculation and soft erections is approximately at least half a year, impotence would require at least a year of rebooting and health cultivation. In order to recover, one must do well in all areas, the most important conditions are to control the number of nocturnal emissions and put a stop to sexual fantization, once these two points have been achieved plus efforts made into health cultivation, the sexual function will then slowly recover. I have been through all this, as long as you have the confidence and patience, constantly study to raise the awareness, manage to thoroughly reboot, increase health cultivation awareness, the sexual function will be able to recover for sure. The only thing to be afraid of is misconceptions in thought, recovery will be very difficult in such cases. Premature ejaculation can be grouped as mild, medium or severe. If mild, the recovery time will be relatively fast, if severe, then the recovery time will be even longer and the difficulty great, but as long as one is persistent in rebooting and health cultivation and is doing well in all areas, it is still recoverable.

In addition, some people suffer from premature ejaculation due to nervousness, when masturbating alone there is no problem. Western medicine blame this condition on the psychological problem. Actually, the emergence of nervousness and the depletion of the kidney qi is inseparable, because the body and the mind is one, if the kidney qi has been depleted, corresponding changes will take place in a person?s emotional psychology. Some people have not been suffering from nervousness in the past, after they have started to masturbate they become nervous, irritated and easily angered, this, in reality, is the expression of depleted kidney essence. One may even become nervous while urination and only been able to pass urine when nobody else is around. This time of nervousness obstacles may also be overcome through persistent rebooting and health cultivation, once the kidney qi has been cultivated into abundance, the body and the mind will all return to their normal states.

In the below let?s talk about the mystery of the time to relapse.

Very few people know about this field of knowledge. Firstly, one must be familiar with TCM medical principles. In addition, one needs to have consulted cases with feedback, only after thorough research is one able to experience this field of knowledge.

Among the cases that I have researched into, quite a few brothers have remarked; why is it that every time I relapse, the time of recovery is different? Sometimes recovery would take place several days following a relapse, sometimes the symptoms would linger on for several weeks or even several months, why is it like this? To be able to answer this question, one needs to be familiar with the level of yang qi in the human body. The level of yang qi in the body is different during different periods of the day, it also varies during the times of the month, it again varies with the seasons. If you have indulged during the time when your yang qi level is low, then it will be relatively difficult to recover. This principle is actually very easy to understand. Suppose that you make a call when the phone balance is very low, it?s very possible that your balance is no longer valid after a single call, but when you make a call when the phone balance is very high then there is no problem.

The yang qi level in the human body also undergoes constant change, fluctuating between highs and lows, the overall pattern of change can be found below:

Daily change: between 11pm-1am the yang starts to become active, at noon the ying starts to become active. Hence in the way of the health cultivation, no sexual activities are to take place between 11pm-1am, in order to avoid the depletion of yang qi. This is because during 11pm-1am the yang qi is just starting to rise, like a tiny spark, sexual activities during this time will greatly injure the yang qi, giving rise to symptoms more easily. Yang qi grows from 11pm-1am and becomes successively greater, reaching the zenith by noon and then declines. This is followed by the rise of ying starting from noon and its gradual increase towards the maximum at 11 pm, after that ying starts to decline and yang starts to become active, this is the cycle. When it comes to exercise it is best to do it before noon. Because then the yang qi will be in the rising stage, exercising during this time coincides with the time of the Heaven, the effect will be superior. Normally, towards the evening it is suitable to cultivate quietness, this is because the ying qi is heavy during the evening, exercising and sweating during this time greatly damages the yang qi. When everybody has understood this principle they will be in a better position to choose the time for exercising.

The 12 time periods in the ancient times:

Zi: 11pm-1am
Chou: 1am-3am
Yin: 3am-5am
Mao: 5am-7am
Chen: 7am-9am
Si: 9am-11am
Wu: 11am-1pm
Wei: 1pm-3pm
Shen: 3pm-5pm
You: 5pm-7pm
Xu: 7pm-9pm
Hai: 9pm-11pm



part 2/2

Monthly changes:

Every month, the moon will have its brightness and dimness, waxing and waning. We can base the monthly changes of the yang qi on the changes in the moon. At the beginning of the month, the crescent moon is barely showing, yang qi is gradually growing and being released. The phase of the moon gradually becomes fuller and turns into the first quarter moon, in this stage of the moon as it steadily becomes rounder, the yang qi is in its most vigorous period of development and release, the vital energy inside the human body is likewise in its most active state. Once the full moon has passed, yang qi has reached its full strength and starts to give room for ying qi. Yang qi slowly goes into the accumulation stage as the phase of the moon gradually moves from fullness to deficiency. During the 22nd or the 23rd day, we have the third quarter of the waning moon. Past the third quarter the luminous surface of the moon gradually diminishes up until the 30th day, the moon vanishes from sight, only a shadow remains, this is the last day of the lunar month. The entire metamorphosis of the lunar phenomenon is in reality example of the change in the yang qi. Therefore, try not to engage in sexual activities when the yang qi is weak and the ying qi is heavy, or else symptoms may easily arise.

Yearly changes:

Summer solstice gives rise to ying, winter solstice gives rise to yang.

Spring gives birth, summer gives growth, autumn gives restraint, winter gives storage. The word cultivation actually only mentions ? of the health cultivation path, in addition, there is growth during the summer, restraint during the autumn and storage during the winter. Therefore, try to refrain from sexual activities during winter. Winter is a season for the accumulation of essence in preparation for the coming year. If indulgence takes place during winter, then the energy available for growth in the coming year will be diminished. Therefore, if you have indulged during winter in this year, then next year your body may experience symptoms. One should not indulgence especially during winter. Because winter solstice gives rise to yang, yang qi is right in the middle of a weak state, relapsing at this stage will easily induce bodily symptoms and is not favorable towards the recovery process. Store essence during the winter, once stored, good health in the following year can be ensured.

In ancient times there is a learning about selecting auspicious dates, nowadays it is no longer widespread. Many young people are unaware of the fact that only a selected few able people are truly able to understand the learning. Doing certain things during certain times is very important because there are deep principles behind it. When brothers relapse during different seasons, the speed of the bodily recovery is different, because the level of yang qi in the human body differs for every season. When you relapse during a time when then yang qi is weak, then you have committed a taboo, the body will have a difficult time recovering. When you relapse when the yang qi is flourishing then it is relatively easier to recover.

Regarding times of relapse that are considered to be taboo, I believe that many brothers have seen the ?Nine Poison Days?, nine poison days, according to the Chinese lunar calendar falls on the old calendar date of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 25th, 26th, 27th, these 9 days been called the ?9 poison days of the intermingling between heaven and earth?. There are 9 poisonous days in May acting as taboo days for sexual indulgence! Therefore, there are customs in ancient times, in May the wife is to go and visit her parents for a month, extra caution is needed during those 9 poisonous days. There is for sure basis behind these 9 poisonous days, we would rather believe that they exist than not. Because according to my research, there is a lag effect to the retribution of relapsing. Sometimes the symptoms will not show up right away, they may show up after tens of days or even after 100 days. Because therein lies a butterfly effect and time is needed for this effect to develop.

We need to understand taboos and try not to violate them, this will benefit our health, knowing leads to strength, ignorance leads to aging. If you know to avoid violating taboos, then many dangers may be avoided. For detailed contents into this topic, I would recommend everybody to look into [????], there are specific contents on ?preserving life rebooting period and the taboo of heaven and earth?, understanding this area of knowledge is truly very important.

Lastly, we will talk about the different degree of essence injuries induced by masturbation.

This topic has been suggested by a brother due to the many symptoms that he was suffering from. He doesn?t know how serious his injuries are and so he suggested me to make a rough classification of the essence damage expressions, this way he may also gain a clue for himself. If you have extensively researched into cases in essence injured victims, you will for sure discover that many people are exhibiting multiple expressions from damaged essence. There are many categories of injured essence accompanying the collapse in health, the symptoms are not singular, below is my general categorization on the degrees of essence damage:

1. Urinary system illness: prostatitis, urinary tract inflammation, varicocele etc.
2. Respiratory system illness: lung illness, including rhinitis, asthma etc.
3. A serious decrease in brain power: concentration, memory, comprehension decreasing in varying degrees.
4. Stone related: kidney stone, urinary stones etc.
5. Skin symptoms: various forms of skin illnesses, including acne, hives etc.
6. Hair issue: hair loss and greying as the main factors.
7. Digestive system illness: enteritis, constipation, diarrhea, weak digestion and absorption etc.
8. Frequent nocturnal emission issue: frequent nightly emissions is also an illness.
9. Ugliness issue: too many forms of ugliness.
10. Sexual function obstacles: premature ejaculation, soft erections.
11. Heart issues: palpitation, premature beat etc.
12. Waist pain soft legs: waist pain and soreness, waist and knee soreness.
13. Cervical spine issue: different forms of cervical spinal issues.
14. Tinnitus issue: kidney deficiency induced tinnitus.
15. Excessive sweating, excessive oil: these two forms are quite common.
16. Sight issue: decrease in eyesight, eye floater etc.
17. Other illnesses: roughly over 100 forms, kidney deficiency gives rise to many illnesses.

Even if many symptoms are not directly caused by masturbation, they will still be intricately linked to it, because kidney essence is the health currency of the human body.

Point 1-17 does not involve psychological issues, although they are very bothersome for brothers, they will not make one?s life a living hell. Of course, these 17 categories are relatively general and can only be considered as a rough classification. Below are mainly psychological issues:

1. Anxiety
2. Depression
3. Neurasthenia
4. Autonomous nervous disorders
5. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
6. Paranoia
7. Autism
8. Phobia
9. Hypochondria

Of course, these psychological issues that I have mentioned are not purely psychological but also contains some element of physical symptoms. For instance, the mood of anxiety is not the same as having anxiety, anxiety has a range of bodily symptoms. Once one has caught these issues, many people want to die. Among those people who visit anxiety or depression support groups, many are very desperate, the symptoms of these illnesses are indeed very strange, everything is present. If you are not a victim yourself and talk with these victims, perhaps you will think that they are telling fantasy stories, it is indeed like that, only those who have had personal experience will know what the sufferers are going through. When I had anxiety and neurasthenia, I was in a state of despair and collapse on a daily basis, the thought of suicide came up multiple times. Because the condition was truly like a living hell, you will think that death may be preferable, normal people would not understand that kind of feeling. Some sufferers are afraid to go out or sit in a car, normal people would wonder how they can be so timid. Actually, once injured to a certain degree, the human courage will really shrink to that of a mouse, because the kidneys govern fright, fright injures the kidneys. When kidneys are deficient to a certain degree, a person would become very timid, as if being a totally different person. Previously when I was ill I would not dare to venture outside, now that I have recovered I thought it was unbelievable, how could I have been so timid before?  I fully understand now, it is the serious depletion of the kidney essence, caused by sexual indulgence, staying up late at night which has injured the nerves.

Therefore, if you belong to the 1-17 category, that is good, you will not wish to die that much. If you have additional serious psychological illnesses, the problem is then relatively serious, recovery time will be longer and the difficulty greater. Many anxiety patients are unable to recover in 5 or even over 10 years, they rely on medication all year around. In reality, anxiety and other psychological illnesses must require an awakening in understanding as a condition to recovery, medicines will be able to alleviate but not to cure completely. One must learn to cultivate the health and understand to treasure the kidney essence. Otherwise, although you are
temporarily alleviated by medicine, symptoms will still easily relapse, because you have not recognized the true cause of the disease.

Concluding remarks:

Occasionally, some brother would ask whether masturbation will lead to bad luck. From the surface, masturbation and luck are not really connected, in reality, a certain relationship does exist. Because masturbation will induce lower brain power. When the brain power is normal, many things can be managed properly, but when the brain power has decreased, many things that normally would not a challenge cannot be managed properly, from the surface it seems like one?s luck has become worse. Take an exam, for instance, some people would say, why was I so forgetful at the time, why didn?t I think of it at the time, my luck is so poor. Actually, the root issue of this bad luck is due to decreased brain power. Because the brain power has decreased, you will no be in shape, at this time our luck will naturally become worse.

Compare again to an interview. The first impression we give out to the interviewer is very important, but a person immersed in masturbation will lack spirit in his eyes, his demeanor will be like a ghost, even with the appearance of black eye rings and eye bags, a look of decadence, without confidence and feeling inferior. When such a person goes to an interview, the success rate will naturally not be high. Many brothers have interviewed more than a dozen times without a single time of success, they blame their own bad luck, in reality, is it is ugliness induced by masturbation, a lack of Spirit. If your vitality is abundant, looking radiant, full of self-confidence, the impression you give to the interviewer will be completely different. This kind of abundant vitality is able to affect the interviewer, he will think that you are very dynamic, and the company is in need of such dynamic and vigor youth.


Season 26 [Soaring Eagle experience: rebooting fed up period, the issue of excessive sweating and the issue of vision]

The fed up period associated with rebooting is an issue that cannot be avoided, it is also an issue that must be overcome, many brothers have already reported this issue to me.

If one frequents the rebooting forums often, then one will discover a phenomenon and that is coming and going of many people. Many people start out with a high level of determination when first starting to reboot, their enthusiasm is at a climax, ?mustering up courage during the first battle, courage declines in the second battle, courage is exhausted in the third battle? cannot be helped. Before several weeks have passed these people have altogether disappeared, they have returned to the past. Especially for brothers who have relapsed repeatedly, once relapsed their determination and enthusiasm will take a big hit, after a while of rebooting they no longer feel like continuing, they do not see any hope except for despair and helplessness. In reality, this is the fed up period in rebooting. No matter who you are, there will be a fed up period. This fed up mood is also prevalent in other fields; when you listen to a song for instance, in the beginning you like how it sounds, after listening to it for several weeks you might get tired of it, the feeling that you once harbored towards the song cannot be found again, what remains is weariness and impatience. The same principle applies to diet, in the beginning we like to eat a certain delicacy, if you eat every day you may want to throw up after a while. Still the same works for cell phones; in the beginning we really want to own a certain model, after a while of usage our desire for it wanes, we think that the cell phone is not that special after all, the original feeling of enthusiasm is long gone.

We should put it like this, human being is an animal that easily finds itself bored.

In the world of rebooting this is no different, many brothers are tired of studying, tired of rebooting articles, they are too lazy to read and to study and are easily annoyed. Whenever the fed up mood shows up it easily leads to relapses, this is like a squadron of soldiers having depressed morale, many people don?t want to go to battle and want to become deserters, this kind of squadron lacks fighting strength altogether. If you run into the fed up mood, you need to learn to cope with it immediately,  adjust the mood right away in order to allow the fighting spirit to regain its fullness. A squadron without morale is like a plate of loose sand, a squadron with morale will have strong cohesiveness, every soldier will be like a tiger coming down the mountain. Buddhist cultivation also pays particular attention to bravely forging ahead, no room for a slack mind and maintaining perseverance. But people can hardly avoid having a tiresome mood, this is because people have a laziness tendency. Therefore, whenever the fed up mood appears, we need to make immediate adjustments, just like a watch that is going too slow, we will need to readjust it to the correct time.

In the below we will talk about methods of adjustments.

Truth be told, I have also encountered the fed up mood, but I have re-adjusted it rapidly. Herein lies a concept and that is emotional intelligence (EQ), EQ is the IQ of emotions, it involves self-control, enthusiasm, perseverance as well as self-propelling and the ability to self-encourage. EQ is different from IQ, EQ can be trained after birth, it can be gained through learning. When you have learned to adjust your mood through studying, then you will be in full control of your mood and not be controlled by it. A person?s mood may dominate one?s actions, many brothers relapse due to emotions; the emergence of a bored and depressing mood is immediately channeled into masturbation for relief. If you have a high EQ and knows how to adjust the mood, then emotional relapse will not take place. Therefore, we must learn to adjust our mood, this is especially important in the path of rebooting. When the mood of boredom and depression occurs we will need to make immediate adjustments, when the fed up mood appears we will also need to correct it right away. We need to allow our fighting spirit to pull itself together once again, rebooting properly every day.

Not only does studying rebooting articles lead one to become fed up but the same applies to answering questions. Jia Xing has reported to me that he has become fed up with answering questions, he has contemplated the thought of retiring. During this time I advised him to emphasize recuperation, to not overstrain himself and to not answer too many questions when he is in a bad mood, otherwise if he attempts to answer questions when the mind is tired he will become even more tired, under this condition one will easily contemplate retiring, to quit whatever he is doing so to speak.

Studying rebooting articles works in the same way. In the beginning one is full of enthusiasm, you are able to take in a huge quantity of knowledge. But after a certain stage, you may grow tired of studying. When that time comes, you may make some adjustments; decrease the amount of intake, one article per day will suffice or read a couple of cautionary cases every day. When not studying, take care to maintain a high level of vigilance, do not let the temptation demon take any advantages. When this low period has passed you will once again be able to find that optimal rebooting state.

Specific adjustments method are found in the below summary: (taking jogging as an example, I hope that everybody will have an easier time reaching an understanding)

1. Whenever the fed up mood comes up, one needs to learn to redistribute the bodily strength, do not overstrain. Just like when running 1500m, when one is unable to run any further, do not stop, run slowly but keep going.

2. Learn to motivate oneself, motivating oneself is a form of mood adjustment, enabling one to pull together the emotions. This is comparable to when running while at the same time telling yourself: I can do it, I can finish it, I can make it.

3. When encountering adverse moods, allow oneself to maintain positive and optimistic. Don?t get engrossed in a depressing and decadent mood. This is comparable to when one is no longer able to keep running, you want to give up, a voice is telling you that persistence is equivalent to victory.

I have mentioned before that during rebooting, sexual fantization is one obstacle, the other obstacle is frequent nocturnal emissions, these are the two tigers on the rebooting path. If you are able to conquer these two obstacles then half the victory is assured. If in addition you are able to assail the mood obstacle, then you will able to reboot more stable and for a longer duration.

In the below let?s talk about the issue of excessive sweating.

Brothers have raised the issue of excessive sweating quite frequently in recent days. Although right now we are at the beginning of Autumn, the weather is still very hot, the slightest movement still easily leads to sweating. In sweating, it must be established whether it is due to normal physiological reasons or pathological reasons. Pathological sweating is hyperhidrosis, the reason being that it is an expression the central nervous system being out of tune. According to the TCM point of view, excessive sweating is caused by imbalances in the ying and yang. Excessive sweating at this very moment is main due to seasonal factors, if you sweat just as easily during the other seasons then it is no longer normal, it is a sign that your body will need adjustments. The best would be to seek out a traditional Chinese medicine doctor and combine treatment with Chinese herbal medicine, afterward, persist in rebooting and health cultivation, the body will then slowly adjust itself.

Actually, when the body has been damaged to a certain degree, 2 conditions would easily appear:

1. Excessive sweating
2. No sweating

Excessive sweating is relatively more common while no sweating is comparatively less common. Illnesses induced by masturbation usually takes on 2 extremes, some people would secrete more oil, others would have dry skin, the former case is relatively more common. Medical science clearly categories sweating: self-sweat, night sweat, head sweat,  half body sweat, palm and sole sweats etc. The most commonly seen is self-sweat and night sweat. When it comes to self-sweat, it is when one sweat involuntarily, it normally takes place during the day when it is not all that hot and without the presence of physical activities. Night sweat according to medical science is when sweating while sleeping during the night, upon awakening the sweating stops. In masturbation induced kidney deficiency, regardless if it?s ying or yang deficiency there will be the symptom of excessive sweating. Many people sweat in large quantities as if being washed in the entire body, while in TCM it is mentioned: he who sweats, also losses essence. A large amount of sweating injuries the yang, if the quantity of sweating is very large, it is very unfavorable towards the bodily recovery process. Therefore, brothers suffering from the symptom of excessive sweating would do good to seek timely medical treatment, match treatment with Chinese herbal medicine in order to solve the issue of excessive sweating. I believe that your recovery process will take on another level and that the recovery will be more thorough and stable than it has been previously.

Some brother would ask, why does it feel good to have sweated following physical exercises when there are not any feelings of discomfort. This only shows that your yang qi has not been damaged to a certain extent, when the injury is serious and you sweat profusely following physical exercises, it is very unfavorable to the health. Therefore, when the body is weak it is recommended to cultivate stillness, exercise will mainly take on the form of walking. The mentioned principle also shares similarities with nocturnal emissions; many people enjoy a good health, one nocturnal emission will not bring about any feelings of discomfort. But some people have sexually indulged in the past, if they would have a nocturnal emission nowadays, symptoms would immediately appear and they would feel uncomfortable. This being the principle, once the damage has been sustained to a certain degree, many things are not as one has previously imagined them to be. Of course, sweating in moderation is also beneficial to the body, it enables the expulsion of evil toxins, but excessive sweating will be damaging to the body. When many people increase their exercise load they would experience nocturnal emission during the night and a return of the symptoms, therefore, when the body is weak, emphasize stillness cultivation. Once the yang qi has gradually become more abundant, moderate exercises may be undertaken, this will be beneficial to the recovery process. I would recommend everybody to make adjustments according to their bodily reactions following exercising. Some brothers would not experience any discomforts after exercising, in this case, they may continue to exercise while paying attention to the intensity, more is not always better. Other brothers may experience discomfort after having exercised or the re-emergence of symptoms, this condition suggests that you are not yet suited for this type of exercises, one may choose stillness cultivation, decrease the number of physical exercises, do some Eight-Brocade qigong, take walks, once the kidney qi has been accumulated into abundance, slowly pick up physical exercises from there while paying attention to moderation.

As to the many symptoms induced by masturbation, I recommend to actively treat all of them and not blindly to request you to reboot and cultivate the health without treatment. Things that should be treated are to be treated, combine treatment with rebooting and health cultivation and the recovery process will be relatively speedy. Of course, there are those brothers who do not take any medicines but rely purely on rebooting and health cultivation and have recovered in this way, these brothers usually have great insight into health cultivation. When one has made the proper efforts into health cultivation, this is also very beneficial to the recovery process. Although many brothers have undergone active treatment they have not paid attention to rebooting and health cultivation, treatment under this case will not be ideal. Because recovery depends on 30% treatment and 70% cultivation, health cultivation is the real key. Famous physicians in the past have always given advice to their patients such as: stay away from sexual activities, moderation in diet, arise and sleep early, do not overstrain, etc. The reason to why many brothers are unable to recover from chronic prostatitis after a long time of treatment is because they have not understood rebooting and health cultivation, tens of thousands of treatment fees will not make them better. If you really understood the importance of rebooting and health cultivation then the result will be totally different. Chronic prostatitis that I?ve had for over a decade is completely recovered, tests are all normal and symptoms have disappeared. Therefore, if symptoms are present, treatment is needed but more importantly one needs to cultivate, or else full recovery will be difficult. Many people have temporarily recovered due to the use of medicines, once they indulge the symptoms immediately returns.

Lastly let?s talk about the issue of vision.

[???]: The eyes contain all the essence of the body, if the body is not healthy then the eyes will not have spirit.

TCM also mentions: The essence of the five viscera and six bowels are all contained in the eyes! And so a person?s eyes is the reflection of the state of one?s five viscera and six bowels. In addition, the kidneys conceal the essence and hold the quintessence of the essence from the five viscera and six bowels. Therefore, when masturbation has injured the kidney qi, the following changes will easily appear with regards to the eye region of a person:

1. Lack of spirit in the eyes.
2. Lack of light in the eyes.
3. Muddy eyeballs.
4. Bloodshot eyes.
5. Shrunken eyes.
6. Eyelid changes.
7. Dark circles and bags under the eyes.
8. Sluggish eyes, ineffective eye movements.
9. Hollowed eye sockets.
10. Decrease in vision.
11. Eye floaters.
12. Conjunctivitis.

Among them, the issue of vision is of relative more concern among brothers, especially for those who are students. The decrease in vision is indeed a very big disturbance. There are many reasons for decreased vision, details can be found below:

1. Poor viewing habits.
2. Overstraining of the eyes.
3. Genetics.
4. Addicted to masturbation.
5. Illnesses with the eyes.

Masturbation should not directly cause a decrease in vision but indirectly causes it. Although many people such as elementary school students do not masturbate, they still suffer from impaired vision and wear glasses, this conditions is induced by genetics and poor viewing habits. Yet some people start off with excellent vision but suffer from a serious decline in their vision after becoming addicted to masturbation, the indirect reason should be considered in these cases. By also including poor viewing habits and the overstraining of the eyes, vision issues will easily arise. Through rebooting and health cultivation, the state of the vision has hopes to improve, discomfort in the eyes will also be alleviated. If vision issue is very bothersome for you, laser adjustments in the future may be considered.

Normally, by being persistent in rebooting and cultivating the health, a person?s eyes will once again regain spirit, determination and brilliance. Brilliance is a very subtle feeling, just like the luminance of a light bulb, some light bulbs are bright while others are dim. While a person has an abundance of yang qi, this is reflected in the brightness and brilliance of the eyes. On the other hand, there is the lack of vitality and dimness. If you observe children you will notice that not only do they have great skin, an obvious quality besides it is their bright and spirited eyes, this gives out a clear and adorable feeling. But the eyes of grown-ups is very much inferior, on one hand, their bodies have already been leaking, on the other hand their bodies have taken injuries due to their lifestyle habits such as smoking, staying up late at night and sitting for long periods at a time, these are naturally reflected in the eyes. Back when I was addicted to masturbation, my eyes lacked spirit and determination, it was a feeling of lack of self-confidence. Nowadays I?m totally different, my eyes have once again regained spirit through rebooting and health cultivation, I?m more confident now and is able to look people in the eye.

I recommend brothers who suffer from vision issues to establish good viewing habits, limit the time that you spend on the internet, keep a good posture and distance when reading and studying, pay attention to rest. Afterward, one must cut out masturbation, learn to cultivate the health, increase the intake of nutrients. In this way, the issue of declining vision will become effectively controlled.



New Member
Thanks man! This is the best rebooting material, l have been relapsing every week, but thanks to you l have been able to pass 1 month again.