Reboot: Towards a happier & healthier life



Last week, I had the first session with my therapist. It was just an in-take session, but I have a good feeling about it.

Conclusion from the first session: I am suffering from social anxiety. In my case, it is most likely not porn-induced, as I already had trouble with this anxiety before I discovered porn.
This means that I use porn to run away from my social anxiety, instead of facing/confronting it.  Because I'm not confronting this anxiety, it has done considerable damage to my social life. Because my social life is now pretty much non-existent, it is extremely difficult to stop with porn. After all, it has been the only real 'pleasure'  in my life for many years.

When I started this journey in January, my goal was simply to get rid of my porn addiction, and to control my sexual urges. Thus journey has become much more complicated than I anticipated:
-Firstly, the addiction is a lot more powerful than I ever could imagine.
-Secondly and most importantly, this journey showed me that this porn addiction is actually a symptom of deeper psychological issues: anxiety.

In other words, I will never be free of porn addiction if I don't first deal with my social anxiety and rebuild my social life.
According to my therapist, this will take around 10-15 sessions, so ~ 6 months.

For this coming period, I will control my porn addiction to some extent, e.g. maximum 1 PMO per week. I will however put my "big fight" with the porn addiction on hold for now. Fighting the porn addiction and social anxiety at the same time is not gonna work. As soon as I have my social anxiety under control, and get more joy out of my social life, I will do everything I can to finally ditch this porn addiction once and for all.