PIED. And wanting to reboot. Second time around


Active Member
DAY TWENTY SIX.  Really busy few days work wise.  No time or energy to think about porn.

Really positive news too.  Had really good penetrative sex with my wife for the first time in ages.  I was quite hard the whole time.  I am feeling very tired but also positive.  Please keep up the good work guys.


Well-Known Member
That's brilliant! So glad you have stuck with it even when you felt massively tempted. Keep going.


Active Member
Very proud to say, this is DAY THIRTY SIX!  I have been so busy the last 10 days that I haven't had chance to post.  Or more importantly relapse.

Perhaps it is really important at this point to remind myself that I am still a porn addict and that I shouldn't relax.  But I feel so much better for this journey.

I am setting myself small targets now.  I think that day fifty will be a nice milestone.

Thankyou to everyone who has helped me do this.  Seriously.  Couldn't have done it without you.  Please stay strong.


Well-Known Member
Ah that's such good news! Well done. Set yourself as small a target as you need to. If you make yourself ten small targets and meet them all, you'll be better off than if you make a huge target that is too daunting.

Keep it up. Pleased for you.

achilles heel

Well-Known Member
It's a daily success, every new day is a milestone now. The second month tends to be easier, but don't lower your guard or the addiction will sneak in again. Keep avoiding triggers and remind yourself that porn is not an option!


Active Member
DAY THIRTY EIGHT..  I absolutely agree.  I need to get really serious with myself I think and keep reminding myself that this is still a thing.  You know?  I think I cannot relax.

I need to not take for granted the good things that come as a result of my reboot.  For example increased productivity and success at work.  All these things would fall by the wayside if I relapsed.

In the meantime, enjoy the sunshine everyone.

If anyone is reading this at the start of their journey, I wish you all the best and promise you that I know it seems hard right now,  but it does get easier I promise you.


Active Member
DAY THIRTY NINE.  And weirdly porn cravings have returned. I think it coincided with me having a bit more free time.  Just goes to show you can't relax.  Its so weird.

Perhaps its good to be reminded to be on guard.


Active Member
DAY FORTY ONE.... still getting porn cravings - the hot weather isn?t helping. But I am nice and busy so no opportunity to think about it too much. I am finding that rebooting is helping all of relationships - things are less sexual in my head and that is really positive!


Well-Known Member
So glad you're getting through on a day to day basis. I know what you mean about the hot weather- I think it can be triggering for a number of reasons. But you're still going. Keep thinking of those positives! Keep that healthy balance between being happy about your progress and being watchful against complacency. You're doing so well.


New Member
Well done for your achievements so far and thanks so much for posting. It really helps me to read others words and reminds me that this is a REAL problem.

I just turned 37 and it hit me that it's been over 20 years since my first case of PIED. Over 20 years of a serious porn addiction that has become hardcore over so many years. I haven't been working for the past few months and I realise this has been my previous porn addictions on steroids.

Somehow I've got to 32 days sober but it's nothing short of awful - crazy withdrawal symptoms - a constant headache which took almost 3 months to disappear, and for the past 2.5 months intermittent muscle aches which only just today feels like they've stopped. Today for some reason I've felt a wave of depression. But I have to keep reminding myself this is also a symptom of porn withdrawal, not who I am.

So you're not alone, we're all struggling and reading your words and others helps me remind myself why sometimes I feel so low - I'm a recovering addict


Active Member

The numbers that I write above in captial letters are starting to get quite big.  I enjoy writing them and seeing the numbers going up.

@IdeasGuy thank you for posting.  That means a lot.  I think it is good to remember that we are actually struggling with a "medical issue" or a "medical addiction" that this isn't a negative lifestyle choice - it is actually something that is having a direct impact on our health.  I think when I feel low I need to remember that fact.  I weirdly thought that I would reach a point where this simply "stopped being a problem".  This hasn't happened so far.  But perhaps that is a good thing.  That I constantly feel vigilant to the risk?

@PE30 thank you for your comments and friendship.  It is so nice not to feel alone with this.

The positive news is that I am starting to be able to have penetrative sex again.  I am still not completely better but things are certainly improving.  Its funny I started this process purely to over come my issues relating to ED.  But as the process has continued I have realised that it has been effecting my life in so many other ways beyond ED.  The amount of time I was spending looking at porn, I am now spending so much more positively.  I actually feel I have regained my life.  That is so positive and I need to remember that.

Thank you all.


Active Member

Is turning into a tough day. Very hot and tired. Think I am suffering from heat related fatigue.  Massive porn craving today.  Please send positive thoughts.  I need to stay strong.


Well-Known Member
Ah keep going Andy! You can do this. It's been hot here for ages though today isn't so bad. Maybe take a walk if there's some shade about?


Active Member
I am mate.  And yeah, I am trying to stay cool today.  The heat is tough! 

Damn, this addiction is insidious isnt it.  Seeks you out in your weakest moments.


Active Member
I feel awful. I relapsed.

I was feeling ill today, dosed up on cold medicine, feeling sorry for myself and I relapsed.  I am furious with myself.  I have thrown away this amazing streak.

I need to draw a line under this. 

I need to stop this from becoming a problem again.  I slipped. I need to make sure that I don't slip again.

I am sorry that I have done this.