I'm 26 and I want to share my story with you. I decided to start from the very beginning. I think that some details from the distant past are important to note. Sorry for bad english in advance. So let's go.
When I was 5 I got circumcised. No, it wasn't any religious thing. My parents told me it was because of hygiene issues. I remember shortly after that I started touching myself. I think it was because of the sensations. My penis had become very sensitive after the whole procedure.
Touching it wasn't a problem. The fantasies were a problem. I have no idea where I got such fantasies from at the age of 5. I mostly fantasised about... enslaving women sexually, domination and bondage. Well, I have to note that I wasn't exposed to porn at this point. I got caught several times by my parents when I was doing "my thing" so they knew. But they never knew what I was thinking while I was doing it. I don't know what I was thinking. What the hell...
I were quite shy and dominant kid at the same time. I was a leader in my group of friends even if there were older kids. I call it "silent leader". I was shy but everybody asked me for advice and what to do. I never let anybody rule over me.
Back to fantasies I kept on doing it for few years. When I went to elementary school I had my first crush on a girl. I was 7... So I started to fantasise about her and maybe few other girls. But I don't remember putting them in my sick scenarios. I believe I focused on their looks for the most part.
I left my sick fantasies in the past and started focusing on girls I know. When I was 11 I masturbated for the first time to orgasm. I don't need to tell you how amazing it felt. I thought I broke my dick after that. I didn't knew that there is such thing as refractory period.
Let the porn story begin...
At the same age I watched my first porn video which a friend of mine showed me. I remember it very clearly. It was very vanilla but for an 11 year old it was the most arousing thing ever seen. Shortly after that I discovered a porn channel on satellite TV and I started watching it occasionaly. I had no access to the Internet then. During elementary school I had crushes on 3 girls. Fantasised about them a lot. Masturbated a lot. But I haven't been watching porn that much. But the seed was sown...
I turned 13. I went to middle school. I got the access to Internet. I got diagnosed with scoliosis. I got lost. Even though I got access to the Internet I was still masturbating to fantasies of girls I know. Had another crush on girl, then another one, and one more... (crush count: 6 age: 14). I became very shy and unconfident with girls. Mostly because of scoliosis and back brace (google it if you don't know what it is).
I could not do any sports and I were skinny. Also I was masturbating a lot but only MO, no P. It is important to note that I don't think my MO was a way to cope with a situation i was going through. Having severe scoliosis sucks but it is not something that I tried to deal with through MO.
I was shy and unconfident with girls but I still had friends. People generally respected me. Some older guys tried to bully me but I never let them.
I started to watch porn again when I was 15. Mostly pictures of naked women. I somehow could not look at videos where I could see other guys naked and having sex with girls. I wanted to see only girls. I started PMOing every time I was home alone.
I went to highschool. Turned 17. No more back brace = HUGE CONFIDENCE BOOST. I started a completely new life. My highschool years were a great time. I started a band, were going to the parties, made a lot of friends, and became more confident with girls. I started approaching them. Up to this day it is my way to meet the girl I want to meet. Just walk up to her and start talking. At the same time I was PMOing a lot. Everytime I was home alone I would watch P. I escalated then. Started watching hardcore videos.
When I turned 18 I met my first and only girlfriend. My confidence was skyrocketing so when I found out that she was interested in me I just approached her on the street and started talking. Few months later we started to see each other regularly. I was still PMOing a lot.
My 18 year old, careless, confident self felt unstoppable. Unstoppable to the point where I was flirting with multiple girls at the same time. But there was something very strenge about my attitude towards sex. I was virgin (still am). I was never looking for hook ups and refusing such offers (mostly drunk girls at the parties). And that's fine. But I also refused everytime when my girlfriend asked me if I want to have sex with her. I don't know why. I wanted to try it for the first time. It wasn't a hook up. But I refused. Anxiety? Or maybe... porn? I could go back home and MO while fantasising about her but refused to actually have sex with her. WTF? I think that was the main reason why we broke up.
I was 19 and devastated. I was in love with her but she decided to leave me. It took me a year to stop thinking about her after the break up. I finished highschool, went to the university and failed hard. My hair began to fall. I was a wreck.
I was 20, failed at university and didn't know what to do with my life. Everything collapsed and I couldn't put myself together. Then I didn't know it was a problem. I started to use porn daily after the breakup. I PMOed everyday.
I started the university again, made some friends but I failed again.
Turned 21, and in the summer I went to the hospital. Reason doesn't matter but I had high fever and there was no chance to PMO. I've been there for about 10 days and despite fever and generally feeling like shit, mentally I started to feel better. I started to flirt with young nurses. For the first time I showed interest in women after breaking up with girl 2 years prior. I went back home, went back to PMO and my interest was gone again.
I started the university for the third time. I was determined to finish it this time. Through first 3 semesters I was pushing hard and finally succeeded. Again made new friends but my life was dull and I had no interest in opposite sex.
When I turned 23 I realized that even though I was doing fine at the university my life was miserable, boring and I were unmotivated to do anything. I made a decision that whatever it is that holds me back I'm going to find out what it is and I'm going to fix it.
It was one of the most important decisions I have made. But I knew that decision requires immediate action to work. So I decided to ask a girl out for the first time in 4 years. I asked the cutest girl I know. We went out. It was the most awkward date I had. I wasn't interested in her even though I find her very attractive. So I was convinced that I need to take a closer look at everything in my life.
It was summer 2015. I decided to cut the Internet, video games, and TV for 2 months. I also decided to cut masturbation. I made some plans for these 2 months and started my experiment on July 1st. I don't know if I lasted more 4 days without MO. So i masturbated without P because there was no Internet for me. On day 6 I couldn't resist and opened computer just to look at porn and PMO. I went almost 2 months without the social media, news, youtube easily. The only thing I used Internet for was porn. Almost everyday even though I tried to stop. At the end of August I started using the Internet again. First thing I did was googling "porn addiction". I found Gary Wilson's TedTalk. He was talking about me. I have found the answer.
I started my first streak immediately. I read more stories, watched more videos. After 6 days the urges were insane but I survived and at 8 day I was feeling like king. Super happy, super confident, ultra mental clarity and so on. But the urges were still there and I relapsed on day 9. Lost all the benefits after watching few minutes of porn and PMOing. The difference was huge. I started over. I told my best friend about nofap. At least I have someone who threatens me that he's going to rip my balls off if I relapse again. But I'm relapsing constantly.
I fell into cycle. Week off porn, then relapse and binge. Over and over. For 2,5 years. I escalated in material I watch, I started edging for prolonged time and I think I have developed an ED. My longest streak was only 12 days.
The truth is my life is in much better place right now than 3 years ago. It is not a mess anymore. This fight made me look at other aspects of my life and I fixed everything I could. But I still struggle with porn.
The main reason why I want to quit is to regain interest in women. I have no sex drive and I'm not even interested in romantic relationships. I keep on trying, I spend time with girls. In last 3 years I cold approached very attractive girls. I've been approached. But I feel nothing. I'm treating them like friends. That's all.
What is more for last few months when I abstain from PMO for a week or more I barely feel any urges. I also feel no benefits or any changes. It is strange because a year ago urges after 5 or 6 day were inasane, the benefits after a week were very prominent. Now I feel none of these but my mind still tricks me to look at porn anyway. Even though I don't find it that arousing anymore. I know I need to trust the process. Last 2,5 years of trying to quit must have pushed me deeper in addiction and desensitized me even more.
Now I'm on day 2 of no PMO. I hope that writing here will help me with my recovery. I decided to discipline myself more. I started a personal journal. I'll keep on spending time with women. I'm going to start exercising regulary, do meditation and cold showers. I did these things before but now I'll try to be more consistent. Here I will post more significant changes I'll notice along the way.
Wish me luck!
I'm 26 and I want to share my story with you. I decided to start from the very beginning. I think that some details from the distant past are important to note. Sorry for bad english in advance. So let's go.
When I was 5 I got circumcised. No, it wasn't any religious thing. My parents told me it was because of hygiene issues. I remember shortly after that I started touching myself. I think it was because of the sensations. My penis had become very sensitive after the whole procedure.
Touching it wasn't a problem. The fantasies were a problem. I have no idea where I got such fantasies from at the age of 5. I mostly fantasised about... enslaving women sexually, domination and bondage. Well, I have to note that I wasn't exposed to porn at this point. I got caught several times by my parents when I was doing "my thing" so they knew. But they never knew what I was thinking while I was doing it. I don't know what I was thinking. What the hell...
I were quite shy and dominant kid at the same time. I was a leader in my group of friends even if there were older kids. I call it "silent leader". I was shy but everybody asked me for advice and what to do. I never let anybody rule over me.
Back to fantasies I kept on doing it for few years. When I went to elementary school I had my first crush on a girl. I was 7... So I started to fantasise about her and maybe few other girls. But I don't remember putting them in my sick scenarios. I believe I focused on their looks for the most part.
I left my sick fantasies in the past and started focusing on girls I know. When I was 11 I masturbated for the first time to orgasm. I don't need to tell you how amazing it felt. I thought I broke my dick after that. I didn't knew that there is such thing as refractory period.
Let the porn story begin...
At the same age I watched my first porn video which a friend of mine showed me. I remember it very clearly. It was very vanilla but for an 11 year old it was the most arousing thing ever seen. Shortly after that I discovered a porn channel on satellite TV and I started watching it occasionaly. I had no access to the Internet then. During elementary school I had crushes on 3 girls. Fantasised about them a lot. Masturbated a lot. But I haven't been watching porn that much. But the seed was sown...
I turned 13. I went to middle school. I got the access to Internet. I got diagnosed with scoliosis. I got lost. Even though I got access to the Internet I was still masturbating to fantasies of girls I know. Had another crush on girl, then another one, and one more... (crush count: 6 age: 14). I became very shy and unconfident with girls. Mostly because of scoliosis and back brace (google it if you don't know what it is).
I could not do any sports and I were skinny. Also I was masturbating a lot but only MO, no P. It is important to note that I don't think my MO was a way to cope with a situation i was going through. Having severe scoliosis sucks but it is not something that I tried to deal with through MO.
I was shy and unconfident with girls but I still had friends. People generally respected me. Some older guys tried to bully me but I never let them.
I started to watch porn again when I was 15. Mostly pictures of naked women. I somehow could not look at videos where I could see other guys naked and having sex with girls. I wanted to see only girls. I started PMOing every time I was home alone.
I went to highschool. Turned 17. No more back brace = HUGE CONFIDENCE BOOST. I started a completely new life. My highschool years were a great time. I started a band, were going to the parties, made a lot of friends, and became more confident with girls. I started approaching them. Up to this day it is my way to meet the girl I want to meet. Just walk up to her and start talking. At the same time I was PMOing a lot. Everytime I was home alone I would watch P. I escalated then. Started watching hardcore videos.
When I turned 18 I met my first and only girlfriend. My confidence was skyrocketing so when I found out that she was interested in me I just approached her on the street and started talking. Few months later we started to see each other regularly. I was still PMOing a lot.
My 18 year old, careless, confident self felt unstoppable. Unstoppable to the point where I was flirting with multiple girls at the same time. But there was something very strenge about my attitude towards sex. I was virgin (still am). I was never looking for hook ups and refusing such offers (mostly drunk girls at the parties). And that's fine. But I also refused everytime when my girlfriend asked me if I want to have sex with her. I don't know why. I wanted to try it for the first time. It wasn't a hook up. But I refused. Anxiety? Or maybe... porn? I could go back home and MO while fantasising about her but refused to actually have sex with her. WTF? I think that was the main reason why we broke up.
I was 19 and devastated. I was in love with her but she decided to leave me. It took me a year to stop thinking about her after the break up. I finished highschool, went to the university and failed hard. My hair began to fall. I was a wreck.
I was 20, failed at university and didn't know what to do with my life. Everything collapsed and I couldn't put myself together. Then I didn't know it was a problem. I started to use porn daily after the breakup. I PMOed everyday.
I started the university again, made some friends but I failed again.
Turned 21, and in the summer I went to the hospital. Reason doesn't matter but I had high fever and there was no chance to PMO. I've been there for about 10 days and despite fever and generally feeling like shit, mentally I started to feel better. I started to flirt with young nurses. For the first time I showed interest in women after breaking up with girl 2 years prior. I went back home, went back to PMO and my interest was gone again.
I started the university for the third time. I was determined to finish it this time. Through first 3 semesters I was pushing hard and finally succeeded. Again made new friends but my life was dull and I had no interest in opposite sex.
When I turned 23 I realized that even though I was doing fine at the university my life was miserable, boring and I were unmotivated to do anything. I made a decision that whatever it is that holds me back I'm going to find out what it is and I'm going to fix it.
It was one of the most important decisions I have made. But I knew that decision requires immediate action to work. So I decided to ask a girl out for the first time in 4 years. I asked the cutest girl I know. We went out. It was the most awkward date I had. I wasn't interested in her even though I find her very attractive. So I was convinced that I need to take a closer look at everything in my life.
It was summer 2015. I decided to cut the Internet, video games, and TV for 2 months. I also decided to cut masturbation. I made some plans for these 2 months and started my experiment on July 1st. I don't know if I lasted more 4 days without MO. So i masturbated without P because there was no Internet for me. On day 6 I couldn't resist and opened computer just to look at porn and PMO. I went almost 2 months without the social media, news, youtube easily. The only thing I used Internet for was porn. Almost everyday even though I tried to stop. At the end of August I started using the Internet again. First thing I did was googling "porn addiction". I found Gary Wilson's TedTalk. He was talking about me. I have found the answer.
I started my first streak immediately. I read more stories, watched more videos. After 6 days the urges were insane but I survived and at 8 day I was feeling like king. Super happy, super confident, ultra mental clarity and so on. But the urges were still there and I relapsed on day 9. Lost all the benefits after watching few minutes of porn and PMOing. The difference was huge. I started over. I told my best friend about nofap. At least I have someone who threatens me that he's going to rip my balls off if I relapse again. But I'm relapsing constantly.
I fell into cycle. Week off porn, then relapse and binge. Over and over. For 2,5 years. I escalated in material I watch, I started edging for prolonged time and I think I have developed an ED. My longest streak was only 12 days.
The truth is my life is in much better place right now than 3 years ago. It is not a mess anymore. This fight made me look at other aspects of my life and I fixed everything I could. But I still struggle with porn.
The main reason why I want to quit is to regain interest in women. I have no sex drive and I'm not even interested in romantic relationships. I keep on trying, I spend time with girls. In last 3 years I cold approached very attractive girls. I've been approached. But I feel nothing. I'm treating them like friends. That's all.
What is more for last few months when I abstain from PMO for a week or more I barely feel any urges. I also feel no benefits or any changes. It is strange because a year ago urges after 5 or 6 day were inasane, the benefits after a week were very prominent. Now I feel none of these but my mind still tricks me to look at porn anyway. Even though I don't find it that arousing anymore. I know I need to trust the process. Last 2,5 years of trying to quit must have pushed me deeper in addiction and desensitized me even more.
Now I'm on day 2 of no PMO. I hope that writing here will help me with my recovery. I decided to discipline myself more. I started a personal journal. I'll keep on spending time with women. I'm going to start exercising regulary, do meditation and cold showers. I did these things before but now I'll try to be more consistent. Here I will post more significant changes I'll notice along the way.
Wish me luck!