

Active Member
Finally on an upswing right now. Had a couple good nights of rewiring with my lady. PIED and PE were only minor factors, overcoming the increased sensitivity will be the next thing. Friday had some manual stimulation with solid results. Ultimately didn?t last too long but better than lately. Last night had some oral and eventually penetrated for a short time. Did lose erection during oral so I know ED is still a factor but at least got it back. It could even be a bit of performance anxiety. So I?m still learning how to have quality relations and need to get out of my head a little more and relax. I guess some more levels and squats would help too, but I?m very happy with this weeks success. Nothing different about my routines this week, except a bit more sleep maybe. Still meditating, some exercise, even had a drink last night.
Still expecting the downswing to show up in a few days as everything I?ve read about rebooting indicates this process is not linear.
Take the victories as they come and keep your chin up otherwise.


Active Member
Checking in. Good day so far, only trigger was searching for someone on social media. I had a name but scrolling through the results with the pictures reminds the brain of old habits. I shut it down quickly and moved on.
I?ve also been thinking lately about whether porn is truly an addiction for me or not. I know it can become compulsive for some people, reading the accounts here. I didn?t have horrible withdrawals as some others have (blue balls once only). The hardest part was changing the near daily habit of MO for me. I?d say MO was more compulsive than PMO for me. At the end of the day it doesn?t matter, I?m not going back to using porn. It definitely becomes a habit for me with disastrous results, and that is enough to keep me away.
Now caffeine- that?s an addiction! I?ve had headaches from skipping coffee before. But I?m not looking to end that as long as I get the sleep I need.


Active Member
Just a quick check in to say I?m still here, if anybody even reads this.  Busy times, for everyone I?m sure. I noticed a bad habit creeping back in today, checking ladies out while I was out and about and some sexual thoughts. For awhile there I was getting along pretty good without those, maybe it was a short flat line. Did skip meditation yesterday due to busyness. Can?t let that happen again today.


Active Member
Checking in - still clean. Wellness routines are falling apart already though, I?ll have to find a way to fit in some workouts and meditation even with everybody home for holidays. Ive been out socializing more with friends and family, definitely more this week than normal so that?s a positive. And not feeling stressed, an improvement over past years at this time.
Today seems like this reboot has hit a plateau. It?s good, no struggles or complaints but doesn?t seem like any progress either. The new norm is to not use p or wack off so it?s barely even a temptation any more. Still on guard but I?ll have to see what tomorrow brings. It seems to change every day or two.
I suppose I could focus on actively connecting more with the social interactions I have. Participate more in group settings rather than endure them. Depends on the group too but I find socializing can be very draining for me. Also have a hard time reading people or picking up on emotions. Always have, I guess just trying to be present and pay full attention to interactions. Not really blaming porn for this, could just be one of edit_undo?s personality quirks. I feel like I?m a social retard- open to suggestions and advice

Being socially awkward and uncomfortable is a side effect of any addiction man. I?ve seen it a lot a number of years ago when I was working in a half way house for troubled teens. I feel the same way as well. I ruined what could have been a perfectly great evening last night with the better half because I was just completely sketched out and on edge being in a mall and spending money. ??


Active Member
Thanks for the reply. Yeah Ive heard it is part of this addiction, I guess this is another part of recovery: learning to socialize. It?s not always bad. Drinks with friends from work usually goes pretty good. Catching up with school friends usually goes well. Usually it?s more awkward with my family. I mean, wtf? I like them and shouldn?t feel awkward around them. We are on pretty good terms, I want to be close with them. We are spread out across the country and I don?t do a great job keeping in touch. Also they are all dedicated church goers... I was raised that way but haven?t kept it up so it seems like I don?t have as much in common with them.
Hey thephoenix, have you always been that way with money? Is this new or are you having a tough time this year? I feel like I was raised pretty frugal too but spending money doesn?t usually bug me. I don?t love blowing money by any means..
When I was 7-8 years old our family had to survive my dad being on a labour strike for just under two years. 21 months to be exact. It?s not necessarily what I would consider trauma. But it certainly imprinted on my character, a very deep routed conservative and shrewd attitude towards where my money goes.

So ya being in the mall with the big crowds and all that hulabaloo, and spending that much money at once just made me go from Bruce Banner to the Hulk very quickly. I?m a self confessed introvert, so that particular situation was a one two trigger punch. I?m actually a bit surprised though, not sure if its because I?m on the wagon or not, but my usual response to this is fear and anxiety. I?ve felt anger before in similar situations, but it doesn?t happen very often... ... worrier not a hater kinda thing. A bit strange even for me. :p

Is the large groups dynamic of being in family events that make you feel uncomfortable? Or do you still feel the same way in 1 on 1 conversations?


Active Member
That?s a long strike. That would make a big impression on you for sure. We had some strikes and layoffs when I was growing up but not that long. Sounds like a rough day at the mall.
I consider my self an introvert but am not so sure anymore. I like to be in a social setting with the right group of people, even if I don?t converse much it?s nice to be with people. If it?s the wrong crowd I lose interest and it?s draining. I?d say I?m better in smaller groups or one on one. Part of my frustration with my family is that they are all in the church and it?s a huge part of life for them. I don?t have that in common any more (mixed feelings about church- still a believer, not attending).  One side of my family lives mostly local and go to the same church, so by not attending I feel cut off from them. And I don?t really make time to contact them otherwise (my fault), even my siblings (not local but not much contact). No phone calls or anything. Very rare. I work 2 weekends out of 4 and my wife?s schedule is unpredictable so we just can?t commit to much of anything. Plus if we were to go to try to consistently attend a church I?d pick one with a good kids program and more modern, good takeaway points that you can easily apply to daily life.  Plus it?s a lot of work. When my kids were younger we gave up going. They wouldn?t stay in a kids program (to scared or whatever) so we end up sitting out with them and it?s like, what?s the point? Why bust our butts to get here on time to sit quietly and play with my own kids? I can do that at home.
The one my family goes to is small (not many kids) and more traditional. Its strange the few times I do go, it?s nice because the place is familiar and familiar faces but I have no drive to attend regularly again. My parents take my kids to church most weeks. So I guess I feel judged by my own family. They probably aren?t judging. They don?t say much about it. Most of it is in my head, feeling like I missed the mark I was raised on. My wife?s family is totally opposite. Not atheist but don?t care about church or anything. So we try to make a middle ground and raise the kids well.
So back to social settings, in a big group I?m likely to stick with the same couple people I know best. Probably just need practise being out of my comfort zone. Conversation doesn?t flow easily from my end. If i were with all new people, like I went with a friend to a house party, I?d really struggle. That?s uncomfortable.

Sorry that was way off topic. Nice to vent a bit. Still trying to mesh what I want to be or thought I?d be with what I am today. These internal conflicts seem to get pushed aside by daily life. The busyness of work and a house and young family keeping up day to day takes over but certain times of year make me think about it more.

I guess today?s update is much shorter than all that. Fooled around with my lady this morning (bad ED- felt nothing, gave her a good time anyway). Went to small church for kids Christmas presentation, the whole experience wasn?t too bad. Kids were awesome. And have a family gathering with distant relatives tonight. No triggers or anything. Just busy.


Active Member
Just a quick update to say 1) happy new year! 2) still clean, busy with family, went away to see them, worked a couple holidays and have family here from out of country.
Hard mode since before Christmas, whenever the last encounter was (seems like a long time. In reality: 3 weeks at best?) Starting to go a little batty but at least I?m staying very busy. Workouts and meditation schedule is inconsistent at best. Still doing both when I can. Trying to keep the eyes in check, beautiful women seem to be everywhere and on screen cleavage is very noticeable. Stupid brain. Also realizing how sexualized everything is in media and culture.
Lots of socializing with family, naturally less screen time due to scheduled festivities. It?s been good.
That?s it for now.



Active Member
Now that the holidays are over and all the guests have left I can?t wait to get back into my normal routines of exercise and meditation and bit more nutritious eating. Those things all got thrown off track. It was a good holiday though and was nice to socialize. Probably should make an effort to visit with people more often through out the year. I find it so busy already with a young family.
On the reboot front, had some rewiring this morning. Not sex, but I did o with a semi erection, minimal stimulation.  Not really sure what that means, besides I?m not fixed yet.  Seems like I have a long way to go to get back to original ?factory settings?. Definitely continuing with no MO and no porn, I?m open to suggestions that have worked for others. Will also be reviewing my long term goals.  Any recommended books? I got a Kindle for Christmas and know I should be reading for self improvement.


Active Member
I realize I haven?t posted for a few days, not much has changed. Still clean.ive been a little distracted in meditations lately, perhaps just out of practice.  Feeling a bit down emotionally tonight, more than I should I think. Had a nice time out with friends tonight but after coming home realized I may have made an awkward situation at one point in conversation. It passed without incident but I?m kind of hung up on it and frustrated with myself. I know the right answer is to learn from it and move on...focus on the big picture. That is, to be thankful for a good home, great supportive family, satisfying career in a competitive field and being well on my way to recovery (whether I feel it or not).
Not very uplifting today but at least it?s real. I?d rather that than falling down the rabbit hole of PMO.


Active Member
Checking in. Had a busy day out today picking out some new furniture. The stores were jammed and yes, lots of beautiful women too. Today seemed more positive as I wasn?t ogling, just noticed people as we passed each other and had more appreciation for them. Also it was way too darn busy to focus on any one person, besides my family so that?s a good thing to me.
As promised, I started checking out some books on Kindle.  First sample I downloaded was Dale Carnegie Premium Collection: the art of public speaking. While it would be totally applicable to me (not a confident speaker) and occasionally useful to my job (some public education sessions) I didn?t really care for the writing style. Like it was written by an old scholar. He probably is. I wouldn?t know. I mean, the guy probably knows his stuff but if I can?t stand reading it i wouldn?t get much out of it. I may give it another shot. Also got a sample of Jordan Peterson?s 12 Rules for Life. I have read the Foreword so far (by Norman Doidge, author of The Brain That Changes Itself- Also on my ?to read? list, that book is referenced on YBOP a lot.) and was much more interested, will probably buy it.
Besides that not much new happening. No triggers, or much of anything, including motivation. Seems like a flatline. I?m ok with that. Still clean.


Active Member
Checking in. Still clean and going strong. No urges or anything, too busy for that. Still feeling dead like a flatline.


Active Member
Just a quick check in today. Still clean - no big changes, urges or triggers the last few days. Not much sleep either unfortunately. I?ve been noticing more fluctuation emotion lately, even just watching movies. Also people (on my work crew) telling me they see a change in me. Maybe just more relaxed or more of myself showing through, usually I?m pretty quiet and reserved. I don?t see it. But I?d like to think these are signs of brain healing!
Have been checking social media (FB) more lately, for better or worse. I don?t feel like it?s causing problems for me. I?m not using it to seek sexy images though so maybe ok. As long as its not compulsive. I still maintain that ideally I?d use my phone less, period. Not any specific apps. We?ll see.
Well not a quick check in after all lol. I?m sure there?s more snow to shovel by now.


Active Member
Pretty good day, caught up on some sleep, being home with a sick kid today. My lady and I are on opposite shifts again so I?m starting to feel a bit of pent energy. No workout or meditation yet today. I have physical scheduled for tomorrow (required for some license renewals) I?m debating whether to mention the ongoing struggle with ED. I know it would only help eliminate some possible factors and provide some peace of mind. Not sure I?m ready for that conversation with my really would be in my best interest, I guess. I?m nearly certain my problems are from ongoing porn and MO use.
Really on the fence about it.
Reboot wise no major triggers or struggles today. I?ll check in later, probably tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Hey, well done on getting so far through! I had a read of your journey and it's great to see the progress.

I think porn addiction and social anxiety / awkwardness go hand in hand... I don't think you should put yourself under pressure to be someone you're not. Find as many or as few friends as you like, love your wife, be a good dad, do well in your job. Enjoy how uncomplicated life is now you're not hiding a porn habit. Keep going.


Active Member
Thanks PE30! Yes, I?m definitely enjoying a more straight forward life now that there?s nothing to hide. Still working on mindset, though I find it?s more positive now than in the past. Work is a big part of it, I truly love my job and it?s rewarding after 8+ years to finally land it. Home life is generally good (kids can be demanding but also a lot of fun).

-possible trigger warning-
Reboot wise I had my first difficult moment since initially quitting last year. I was scrolling through Twitter last night (not registered but my work association posts updates on jobs/incidents so go on every so often) and started veering off. Hashtag ?_____? (name of the region I live in) looking for an news update on some work we did and sure enough there?s a post from something unrelated promising nude pics. I was able to shut it down but seriously? Why is that even there? It?s like following a hashtag ?Hazzard county? and having some ethnic thumbnail from far away lands promoting porn. Totally unexpected.
-end warning-

So that was a little dicey for a minute and frankly caught me off guard. I guess I?ve kind of been in a self-imposed vacuum with minimal testing. I think I?m more annoyed than anything because that little thing was more difficult than it should have been. The addict brain wanted to check it out because that?s what it?s used to.
Still clean, heading into a new day today. As for the ED conversation with the doc, that will be a game time decision. Not committed either way right now.



Active Member
Well I did it. I talked to my doctor about ED -  Didn?t get too far into conversation, the doc gave me a prescription for Cial*s. Not too confident it will work if my issue is pied, not even sure I want to try it. She did not ask about past porn usage. I also mentioned the trouble sleeping, even staying asleep when I have the time to sleep more. I got the usual ?cut out caffeine after 12 noon or at latest 2pm, no screen time 2 hours before bed...? guilty on both counts, I suppose I?ll have to try it. She also mentioned some mindfulness and muscle relaxation meditation things to try. I have been slacking on the meditation lately, I find I?m antsy even if it?s first thing in the morning. I have heard (not from a doctor) sometimes pre-workout supplements can mess with your sleep cycle, anybody else had that or heard of it?  Usually if I?m gonna use it it?s first thing in the morning or right after lunch, not too late in the day and mostly on lifting days not always for cardio.
All that being said, I?ll try to wear myself out today with some cardio and housework lol.
I?d really appreciate suggestions or guidance if anyone has dealt with any of these symptoms



Active Member
This anxiety is killing me right now! It seems like even the thought of seeing nudity in a mainstream film triggers me. Anxiety and tension in my chest keeping me awake even 2 hours later.  I tried progressive muscle relaxation yesterday before work. Seemed to help, i guess it?s a form of active meditation. The YouTube video I found directed me to systematically tense and then relax each group of muscles from head to toe. I did some of that in my bunk last night just so I could get to sleep, it did eventually help I guess.
I have such a disconnect between brain and body in other respects. Feeling tense like that must be some sign of stress, but no stress registers in my brain. It?s like I?m stressed at a subconscious level, and I don?t even realize it! That makes me wonder how long this background stress has been going on and if I?ve been dealing with life by some crude coping mechanism. I suppose MO/ PMO has been my coping mechanism or numbing agent.  I can?t even think of any stressors! Why am I reacting this way? Literally, nothing to stress about! Financially stable, good home life, awesome wife and family and great career. Just a dead dick. And I mean, NOTHING happening these days- serious flatline.
On my next stretch of days off I may try to taper down the caffeine, in all forms. Usually only 2 coffees a day, but stopping that cold turkey will hurt. Withdrawal headaches.
I guess bottom line is I?m struggling with my own stupid brain these days. It?s been conditioned and short circuited for so long it?s either almost toast or beginning to heal. I?d like to think that it?s beginning to heal, this has been nearly a year of habit-changing hard work.


Active Member
Today started out decent but it?s been a mixed bag since then. Breakfast and a short walk brought some tension or anxiety on (whatever it is- the feeling of your heart beginning to pound out of your chest for no reason). Even with reduced caffeine this morning. Meditation helped for a short while, but anxiety returned before I worked out (no pre-workout today). I felt even that was compromised because of this tension. After some running intervals I felt better.  Exhausted from not much work but I feel going out to the gym was good for me. No sense staying home thinking about this whole mess all day.

It?s been a difficult week, I wasn?t looking forward to talking to my doctor about this (she was totally professional and great about it) and not willing to accept that I need ED meds at 32 yrs. My fragile little psyche is taking a beating! Hopefully this is only a short term season. Will be reading over Gabe?s story again for some reassurances. 50 weeks in and it seems like I?m just getting started with the mental BS. Seems like this is going to be a long haul. If I can get back to a fairly normal function then it?s all worth it. 