Reboot take two


Curly Bill

SaxonJack said:
I find myself in a sex-starved relationship with my wife of 28 years.  I enjoy almost everything about her, but the sex is inadequate. I won't bother to quantify.  Lack of healthy sex does not excuse  PMO, but many of here understand the predicament.  Every time my wife and I are intimate, it is immediately followed by feelings of joy and fulfillment.  Every time I PMO, it is immediately followed by feelings of shame and regret. 

So, after 6 moths of pursuing a more involved and meaningful sexual relationship with your wife, with little if any change, where does that leave you?  Where does that leave me?  And where does that leave the rest of us who closely identify with your frustration?  (from Proverbs:  People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.)  I don't want to be a thief, but sooner or later a man must eat. 
Is there another option?
Wow, I have to say your post spoke to me.  My situation is a bit different I suppose, the sex me and my wife have is still amazing after 24 years, but due to illness and schedule its been so infrequent/irregular the last few years I find myself quite hungry.  I do not blame her at all, but I do get hungry.


Active Member
Hi Switched-Off,
Just checking in with you. Hope the Reboot is still progressing..
switched_off_again said:
3 days clean - Jan 8

I actually find it very easy to stay clean 90% of the time.

I know exactly what you mean. I hope you?re beginning to have some success with that other 10%.
Day 0 - 26/05/2020

Here we go again. I don't actually have a lot to say today. Feeling down and doubting myself but I need to try. Just wanted to mark the start of another go at a 90 day reboot. I've done well in the past, but always fallen. I need to be clear why and how I'm going to manage.

In some ways it's easier every time I try, but in others it is obviously harder.

Over and out - let's see if my mood lifts over next few days.
The last few days I've been a bit depressed but hanging in there. Still not feeling the motivation. Thinking a lot about life in a sexless marriage and all things which contributed to us ending up here. Can I accept sexlessness at 53?? It appears to be the only option if I reject porn.


Glad to hear of your decision to start back up again; you are doing the right thing.  Keep going forward and see what develops. 