Reboot take two

And to mark two weeks clean, I put a blindfold on, went on to my problematic cam site and deleted my account. OK I didn't have a blindfold on, however I didn't go anywhere other than the settings page...

Not sure why it took me 2 weeks to do it, well I probably do - just didn't have the courage when starting this recent reboot effort - the finality of the decision is something I struggled with at the time. Now I just don't think about it - focus on the here and now, not what was or what could have been.


Well-Known Member
Lots of positive momentum, soa. congrats on good work! Don't take your eye off the ball, now, will you? Not being a "mood hoover", but you know how it is :-\. Make hay while the sun shines.... keep up the good work!


That's great. I know how it is getting obsessed with some little thing or some little aspect of porn. Maybe it's just a way our minds try to keep us "in the neighborhood" of the destructive thing, so that we generate thoughts about it even when we're not engaging with it at the moment. But it's never been any good, at least for me. Those thoughts have just been like a tether, keeping me tied to the habit. Again, I think it's great you deleted that account, and congratulations on that move.
11/07 11.59 (well actually after midnight, but logging it at that time helps me keep count :) )

Thanks WIP, BigMog and Idunno. You all know how a wee bit of support on here really goes a long way to making things feel better.

A bit of a hedonistic/ libido charged mood going on today. Where does it come from? I've been doing some potentially fairly high profile stuff for the Chief Exec at work and I suppose that could have been the start of it. That hyper, energised mood starts to kick in... But at least I'm aware and have come on here. In days gone by, this mood would absolutely have ended up at only one place, then tomorrow would've been a wash up... A guilt ridden sense of hopelessness and failure...

Anyway... I'd thought about sending a message to my wife earlier when I was feeling charged up, but I've done that before and fallen flat on my face. These things only work when both parties are sharing the same mood, and that only happens when you've had the time to relax together and gauge the energy. So I didn't. Again I think I've learned - it's unfair on my wife to expect her libido to stand to attention, just because mine has. Just need to be patient - we have a wedding reception this weekend - might be a better opportunity to get in the mood together.

And as I'm in quite a light hearted mood... I continue to be amused when innocent things act as a trigger. Today I was preparing a salad for tea and the girth of the cucumber got me thinking!!! So silly how the male libido works!  :)

And another thing. I see that CH4 (UK Tv channel for those of you elsewhere) are doing a series on porn. Jeez there's a trigger laden accident waiting to happen! Avoid!! I wonder if at any point they'll explore the downsides? The addiction, the PIED, the negative mental health effects, the devalued relationships? Who knows? Obviously I won't be watching to find out...

Anyway... Another day clean. I've stuck to the plan and that's the main thing. This hyper mood will have gone tomorrow.

Stay strong.

17 days clean
13/07 - 23.30

Saturday evening. Feeling very sexually frustrated. There is no room for our relationship because of relationships with others. I'm not going to relapse though. Just another boring evening.

19 days clean


Well done, we are both around the 20 day mark. You are doing well as the first weeks are so hard on the brain. I found that it is good to remind myself how hellish it is in those early stages; it is so easy to forget. The most I have made it to is six months so let's keep on trucking until we get past that mark and beyond. :)
16/07 - 22.44

Thanks for the support TW. And yeah, you are right, it is good to remember that the early days are a bit of a mood rollercoaster.

It has been a rocky few days, a lot of sexual frustration being the main characteristic. Ruminating on sexless marriage etc. This is not the time to fix that - these thoughts are just sex starved chimp complaining... Wait until I'm more stable and see how I feel then.

No relapse thankfully, although I suspect I was closer than I realised, knowing how quickly things can escalate if chimp gains the upper hand.

I went out on a fairly energetic bike ride this evening, and no surprises, feel a lot calmer as a result. It's all about sticking to the basics and keeping mood under control.

Stay strong all.

22 days clean
19/07 - 23.59

Not in a particularly good place mood wise, but determined I'm not going to wash this streak down the drain in a nilhistic bout of self-indulgent PMO. All moods are temporary... There are good reasons for this one. Accept it. Life sucks at times. It's not all PMO related...

Stay strong

25 days clean
24/07 - 23.32

Just checking in. Not a lot to report. I had a difficult weekend for other reasons so trying to focus on the basics this week. No booze, good sleeps, that sort of thing.

Stay strong.
29/07 - 23.32

Hey all - I fucked up my latest streak this weekend. Bah... It wasn't the worst relapse... I'm not going to bash myself over the head with big sacks of guilt. But I am getting back on the wagon. I need to know I can do this.

Stay strong.

0 days clean


Active Member
Hi Switched-off,
Yes, get straight back on the wagon! This was just a glitch and generally you?re heading in the right direction. I know it is so frustrating, because we know what to do but the pesky compulsion can catch us off guard.
Anyway, there are enough success stories on this site to show us that we are doing the right thing and can overcome PMO.
Stay strong!
30/07/19 - 23.59

Another clean streak kicks-off - feeling balanced if a little lacking in self belief. I'm reading a book called Willpower at the moment and have The Power of Habit to read next. Who knows - might give me another way of working through this. I have other long running habits I want to change (attitude to money, secret smoking...) - one reboot at a time, eh!!!

Where did it go wrong last time relapse? Possibly something to do with wallowing in self-pity regarding life in a sexless marriage. Possibly that's just an excuse - chimp might already have been heading in the wrong direction and the thoughts about marriage was all part of the deception. Don't know.

Stay strong.

1 day clean
31/07/2019 - 23.59

Wrapped up in my other ruminations tonight. This particular self-improvement project isn't figuring...

Stay strong. Find a sense of purpose that brings you fulfillment...

2 days clean
Hi SOA, hope you?re doing okay. This new free drug is probably worse than anything other addiction so keep fighting. Read a post today about treating this like it?s something we?re allergic too. Like peanuts for some people. Just something our minds need to stay away from. Anyways, good luck with the battle!
Hey all

I think I might be back.... New Year. New go at this. I think I'll start by reading a bit of my thread to remind myself where I'd got to, and why this 'self-improvement project' is particularly important.... Speak soon.


New Member
switched_off_again said:
Thanks for the support jixu.

So far so good on my week at home. Mainly because the DIY I'm doing has engaged me both mentally and physically so what's going on down below is the last thing on my mind!

Having said that I'm not in the best of moods this evening, mainly I think because I'm knackered after all the physical exertion today. There was coverage in the news  of UK plans to introduce age verification for P sites - this was slightly triggering mainly because it reminded me of just how mainstream and pervasive P is. Why do I have to abstain when the rest of the world indulges? Yes, I know the answer, just tired and moody...

The other thing bothering me during this moody evening is my relationship with my wife. In the early days of the reboot process last year, I channeled all my excess libido in to our physical relationship. I thought we could re-kindle a physical relationship with a bit of spice. Now that I'm well over 6 months in to the reboot process I'm sort of resigned to the fact that that is not happening. We've been together so long. There really isn't anything other than the occasional very ad-hoc coupling to be had. Forget any thought of dressing up or pre-sex courtship - it's put down the book, strip off pyjamas and t-shirt for a quick 10 minute act if we're lucky. And there-in lies the dilemma... I don't want to do P but there isn't much of an alternative sex life to be had... Oh well.

Sorry for moodiness. On positive side, despite feeling low this evening, I've stayed away from P.

Stay strong. Promise to be more positive next time I visit!

I appreciate this honest assessment.  When you say, "I don't want to P but there isn't much of an alternative sex life to be had..."  I need to say, "Amen, Brother!!!"

I find myself in a sex-starved relationship with my wife of 28 years.  I enjoy almost everything about her, but the sex is inadequate. I won't bother to quantify.  Lack of healthy sex does not excuse  PMO, but many of here understand the predicament.  Every time my wife and I are intimate, it is immediately followed by feelings of joy and fulfillment.  Every time I PMO, it is immediately followed by feelings of shame and regret. 

So, after 6 moths of pursuing a more involved and meaningful sexual relationship with your wife, with little if any change, where does that leave you?  Where does that leave me?  And where does that leave the rest of us who closely identify with your frustration?  (from Proverbs:  People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.)  I don't want to be a thief, but sooner or later a man must eat. 
Is there another option?
SaxonJack said:
switched_off_again said:
Thanks for the support jixu.

So far so good on my week at home. Mainly because the DIY I'm doing has engaged me both mentally and physically so what's going on down below is the last thing on my mind!

Having said that I'm not in the best of moods this evening, mainly I think because I'm knackered after all the physical exertion today. There was coverage in the news  of UK plans to introduce age verification for P sites - this was slightly triggering mainly because it reminded me of just how mainstream and pervasive P is. Why do I have to abstain when the rest of the world indulges? Yes, I know the answer, just tired and moody...

The other thing bothering me during this moody evening is my relationship with my wife. In the early days of the reboot process last year, I channeled all my excess libido in to our physical relationship. I thought we could re-kindle a physical relationship with a bit of spice. Now that I'm well over 6 months in to the reboot process I'm sort of resigned to the fact that that is not happening. We've been together so long. There really isn't anything other than the occasional very ad-hoc coupling to be had. Forget any thought of dressing up or pre-sex courtship - it's put down the book, strip off pyjamas and t-shirt for a quick 10 minute act if we're lucky. And there-in lies the dilemma... I don't want to do P but there isn't much of an alternative sex life to be had... Oh well.

Sorry for moodiness. On positive side, despite feeling low this evening, I've stayed away from P.

Stay strong. Promise to be more positive next time I visit!

I appreciate this honest assessment.  When you say, "I don't want to P but there isn't much of an alternative sex life to be had..."  I need to say, "Amen, Brother!!!"

I find myself in a sex-starved relationship with my wife of 28 years.  I enjoy almost everything about her, but the sex is inadequate. I won't bother to quantify.  Lack of healthy sex does not excuse  PMO, but many of here understand the predicament.  Every time my wife and I are intimate, it is immediately followed by feelings of joy and fulfillment.  Every time I PMO, it is immediately followed by feelings of shame and regret. 

So, after 6 moths of pursuing a more involved and meaningful sexual relationship with your wife, with little if any change, where does that leave you?  Where does that leave me?  And where does that leave the rest of us who closely identify with your frustration?  (from Proverbs:  People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.)  I don't want to be a thief, but sooner or later a man must eat. 
Is there another option?

Day 0 - Jan 5 2020

Hey SaxonJack - thanks for checking in. Yep, everything you say echoes my thoughts on this. I have no other options to suggest....

All I know just now is that I know have a much more realistic expectation of what sort of married sexual relationship we are likely to have. And with that, I still want to ditch porn. I thought I was in control only occasionally and very casually engaging with PMO. However that casual attitude caught me out - habit and frequency creeps up and before I know it, I'm back waking up with feelings of total self-loathing and anger at my stupidity. I know I need to look after my mental health. and these moods which are directly related to porn have to be avoided at all costs. I just want to forget about sex really.

I'll be going through a few of the basics over the next few days - deleting my web cam account, taking Instagram off phone, cutting out drink (always a factor when I end up slipping) etc.

Feeling a bit flat about this having failed so many times before. Maybe this time.


New Member
"I just want to forget about sex really."


I don't agree with you on that comment,  and I'll bet that you don't agree with you either.
I like sex.  It's good, it's beneficial to my marriage relationship, and it can be a lot of fun too.  What's not to like?
I understand your attitude (trust me, we are alike in many ways).

So what if you've recently lost a battle,  together, we will win the war!


3 days clean - Jan 8

Briefly checking in. Not a lot to report. I actually find it very easy to stay clean 90% of the time. I suppose if I look positively at this, I've been in and out of rebooting mode for well over a year and have developed habits to fill my time. The problem is getting caught out by a day of high or low mood which triggers a relapse. I suppose I should be more aware of the patterns - it's likely to happen at the weekend, and almost always after a couple of beers. So I need to have a plan prepared for this. Hmmm... Something to think about.

Keep rebooting.