

Active Member
Great job man hitting those targets! Thats 100% right the more we avoid the better we get. It used to be damn near impossible for me to not PMO, then damn near impossible to not masturbate, now my challenge usually is avoiding fantasy. It gets easier and easier, we may always have the occasional tough few hours, but it's no biggie. If we're used to it, hard things don't feel that hard.

The down feelings happen, but then the good feelings come back. Especially if we're moving in a good direction it's okay!


Active Member
Day 12
Yes I achieved my target.
Feeling good today. Had some anxiety but it is passing.
Thanks Quit, it is reassuring that it gets easier for you. I had some minor urges and employed a technique which helps me. It passed.
I feel more informed about porn and how it isn't good for me.
Target- no PMO from 12.30 to 2.30pm...bit of a danger fir me. Gunna stay off my phone.
All the best,


Active Member
DAY 13
Yes I achieved my goal! Wooo!
I watched a really interesting documentary. That kept me engaged. I think I blocked my phone too using 'Stay Focused' app.
Next goal: no PMO 12pm to 6.45pm.
Going to find healthy ways to soothe. Replacement for PMO will be relaxing with captivating TV, meditating, and getting some sun. These are feel good activities. PMO is an act of soothing for me, I think.
All the best


Active Member
Day 14
I achieved my goal.
I think I kept busy. I did get an urge. But a sat and felt it. Then did some push ups. I think when I am engaged inife then PMO is not really tempting.
Next goal: just get through tonight. About 1 hour. 22 to 23.
Im gunna get off my phone, maybe watch something interesting. Read, journal and sleep. Those are some options.


Active Member
Day 15
Yes I achieved my goal.  :)
I had quite a big urge. I was tempted. Sat on the couch on my phone. There was an opportunity. I managed to 'sit, stay, and feel' with the urge. Then I did some push ups. It helped.
My next goal is to get to 2pm with no PMO.
I am going to keep busy with exercise and other productive activities. If the urge comes I will do my best to manage it.
Overall, I think I am doing well. I remember when getting to 3 days or 4 days was a struggle. Now that is relatively easy! Now getting to a week is even feeling natural.



Active Member
Wow great job man! Those are some of the best moments, having the really strong urges and getting through them. Feels great after and really helps the recovery and setting up new brain patterns/ habits. Great to recognize the progress getting easier and easier to get longer and longer streaks...


Active Member
Day 20
Yes I achieved my goal. Has been going well. No PMO for almost 3 weeks. I've been focused and educating myself on how porn is dangerous.
Next goal is to get to 12pm today.
I'm struggling a bit with emotions today. Doing exercise may help. Getting out too.

achilles heel

Well-Known Member
Thanks for your kind words and congrats on your success!  :)

LeanAndBop said:
I'm struggling a bit with emotions today.

Prepare yourself for an emotional rollercoaster and don't listen to those negative voices that will appear in your head! You are on the right track and feel a lot more balanced emotionally as you move on. Good luck!


Active Member
Day 22
Thanks Achilles for your comment. A lack of skill in managing what I see as difficult emotions often brought me towards PMO. So this is the skill I am learning. There's some techniques that are helping. Your words are reassuring.

I did achieve my goal. I was very anxious but managed to allow it to pass through. It feels really good to get past 3 weeks. I honestly could barely do 4 days two years a go.

Next goal is to get to 12pm. I'm gunna be aware of any urges, and practice a technique suggested Eckhart Tolle (3 mindful breaths, feel the energy for a few minutes, 3 mindful breaths) if emotions start running riot. Going to do my best to connect with the world too.



Active Member
DAY 23
Achieved my goal. Struggled a bit with uncertainty yesterday. But kept focused and busy.
Next goal is 10.30pm.
Im keeping busy and will stay off phone. I do feel tired and at times a bit triggered today.


Active Member
Day 25 - MO relapse on day 24
I reached my last goal. But relapsed yesterday, though without porn. I have an understanding of the triggers. Disappointing but it happens. I'm not going to set my hopes high, just get my focus back and learn. One small goal at a time.
Next goal: get to 11pm
This will be tough as I am fatigued and anxious. Being triggered more easily. An early night and staying off devices should help.
All the best


Respected Member
Sorry about the slip, but it also sounds like you're learning and getting stronger.

Negative emotions are a huge trigger for me. It's good that you've noticed that too and that you're working on your emotions.

Keep at it, man! Tomorrow is a new day!


Active Member
Day 26
Yes I reached my goal. I blocked my phone using an app. But before that I did come close to MO. I have a habit of reading disturbing news stories sometimes, this makes me very anxious and its easy to act out from there.

New goal is get to 12pm, then 6pm, then 11pm. One at a time. Going to keep off my phone and focus on
contributing at work and in my relationships with the people around me.

I am feeling a lot of shame and regret about my past at the moment. How can I redeem myself? I will explore this further. Does a period of my life define who I am? Or is it merely part of my experience as a human being, to make mistakes, to fail to live up to my values?




Respected Member
LeanAndBop said:
I am feeling a lot of shame and regret about my past at the moment. How can I redeem myself? I will explore this further. Does a period of my life define who I am? Or is it merely part of my experience as a human being, to make mistakes, to fail to live up to my values?

Man, I feel you. For years and years I've had so much shame about my PMO habit and have thought that it was the "real" me. I thought that if anyone ever actually found out about it, they would be weirded out and stop liking me. I thought that I could never really have the things I really wanted, like a healthy relationship with a woman, because no woman would ever be interested in me if she found out about my PMO.

I still have a long way to go to get over this shame, but it's better now than it's been. I have told a few people in my life about my addiction, and they've always been supportive and helpful, and they've almost respected me more for wanting to change and for trusting them with this part of my life. Of course, if you do tell someone, you should be careful to tell the right person, someone you can trust.

But here's the point: PMO is not you. Whatever happened in the past is in the past. You can't change it, but you can learn from it and grow from it. PMO is a thing you've done in the past to deal with difficulty in life, but you are way more than one bad habit. Regret is good when it prevents you from messing up again, but it isn't helpful when it just makes you feel bad and prevents from you moving on.

I'm a religious person, and my addiction means that there's a very obvious way that I'm not living up to my beliefs and values. It makes me feel like a hypocrite a lot of the time. But one of my beliefs is that people can change and that where we're going is way more important than where we've been.

Sorry to write so much, but you can do this! We can leave this garbage behind and work towards a full and happy life. So keep going!
Hey man, sorry about the lapse, but 25 days is very good.  And you did mention that you MO'd without porn which is much better than a PMO lapse.  This is just my opinion but I think everyone tackles the nofap challenge differently.  I just went 27 days PMO free and then MO'd without P and didn't feel nearly as regretful about it as I would have had I full on PMO'd.  For the next 24 hours I was way more productive as it got rid of the urges and I still had my long term goals in sight with full motivation.  However I discovered that I started having vivid dreams about PMO relapses much more frequently and with bigger urges.  So I think MO relapses aren't that bad for you (after all it is natural), but it runs the risk of you relapsing to porn far greater.  As long as you get rid of the artificial stimulation that your brain is used to in P, you're making progress


Active Member
Day 27
Reached my goals.
Next goal is just to get through tonight.
Thanks for the comments. It is uplifting. It is great to share and to learn.
A few urges today. Still feeling shame. Maybe that isn't a bad thing.