@swimmer97, so sorry to hear about this brother.
I relapsed some days ago and i feel terrible for That. I need to reflect on what went wrong
I get this. I know it can feel like you've returned to your old ways and self again and that there's been no "progress" but it's simply NOT the facts. You had a hell of a streak, only proving that you really have gotten over this, but there might be a few bumps in the road here and there.
One Thing ist for Sure, i will Not Stop moving forwards, there is No P in my life still, my values didnt Change, they got stronger.
This is absolutely true. You're the same guy as you were before, but now a little smarter about this. Was there something in particular that made you go back? Or had it been building up and you just weren't acknowledging it? I know when I've relapsed in the past, there was always something I was not addressing, something I was unhappy about in my life, or, not admitting to myself. Search inside and see what that was for you.
I know you feel like crap, but it takes balls to come back on here and tell the truth, and I completely respect you for doing that. I haven't lost any faith in you. You CAN do this. You HAVE done this. Take it from me, throwing yourself into ditches of despair might be a legitimate feeling but it won't help you in the long run.
I relapsed some days ago and i feel terrible for That. I need to reflect on what went wrong That night and need some time to Rest. I will Take some time off and come Back soon again. One Thing ist for Sure, i will Not Stop moving forwards, there is No P in my life still, my values didnt Change, they got stronger. In the end this ist about recovering my brain and living a healthy Natural Sex Life one day. Thats all That Matters to me. Lets keep going
Fuck yes!
You got this man. Learn from what happened, and let's keep going when you're ready to jump back on the train.