43 year old tired of pmo


Active Member
I was bored last night, and I pulled up my porn site, for about 30 seconds. I can't believe  I use to spend hours watching  that crap. If I would've spent all that time studying the human body, I'd be a doctor. I was thinking  about  all the good  stuff  that has been happening  to me, and I kind of got sick to my stomach


Active Member
Today  I went to my favorite  porn site, and cleared  everything out. You might say I "retired ". As I was getting  rid of all my "friends ", I noticed  a lot of them have "retired ". I hope that that is a good sign, that people  are sick of all the crap that goes along with PMO. I have to admit it. While I was "retiring" everything it would've been pretty  easy to slip up today. I stayed  strong, and thought  about all the great  things in my life, since I gave all that  garbage  up. Porn is not an option, ever


Active Member
The wife and I had good  sex last night. I was as hard as a rock, but after  a minute,  it went down. I'm discouraged. I finished,  just not the way I wanted.


Active Member
Day 60. I feel ok. I'd still think about the porn. I almost feel like I'm flailing again. And I feel anxious. I'm not sure why. I'll just keep holding  on, I'm sure it will pass, they all have so far.


Respected Member
Hey brother. Thanks for sharing. What do you mean by flailing? Can you provide more details? I look forward to catching up on your posts and hope you are well. Congrats on making it to 60...a milestone!


Active Member
Thank you lyon. I meant flat lining. I feel, like I felt the first,  or second week. I'm kind of sad. I guess that's the best description  if it. I need to exercise  more. I'll  get past it. I've made it this far, I'm not turning  back now. Thanks for responding  lyon


Active Member
You are where you need to be...  Took years to cause the damage, will take a bit to fix it.  Progress my friend!




Active Member
Thank you poker. I've been  exercising  hard, the last  couple  of days. When I exercise,  everything is better


Active Member
I know poker, with this nasty weather,  it's tough  to stay on the ball. This weather  will be over soon enough
Stay strong guys everyday,  we get better


Active Member
Happy weekend  rebooters. I've been good, mama's going to take care of her 64 day clean rebooter. Everyday life us getting  better.


Active Member
Good evening  rebooters. Been real busy, with my kids. I don't think about porn during  that time
Tonight  I'm all by myself, my room is clean, and I want to start  surfing a nice dopamine  high, til about 2 or 3 am. You know why I wont? So many things  besides  my wife and I having  pretty  regular  sex. It's my  confidence,  my unfoggy brain, my attention  span,.and my communication skills. I have soooo  many reasons  not to do that anymore. Instead of surfing  tonight,  I'm going to read rebooters stories. Thank you all


Active Member
Good job man.... proud of you.  I have also replaced wasting time on porn with....  "Ted talks" on Youtube and "ASAP science"...  I find them rather interesting.  Point is, a lot out there to fill the void.




Active Member
81 days clean, and sober. I feel like an old timer in this forum now. I'm hoping  the worst  is over. As long as I can keep busy,.exercising, or reading,  I do ok. It's when I'm kind of idle is when I think about a nice trip down porn lane. I will never do that. Keep up the good fight  rebooters


Respected Member
Congratulations! 'Old timer' I love that. It's true that after 60 days, you feel like a bit of a war veteran. Keep going my friend. As I've learned, this addiction is a bit like an onion - many layers until you reach the real cause. Be strong my friend. PORN IS NO LONGER AN OPTION.


Active Member
Thank you so much, lyon your support has helped me so much. I'm sitting  here, kids are watching  dukes of hazzard, and I'm surfing the reboot  nation posts. It would've  been so easy to surf the wrong crap, but it doesn't  really  even cross my mind.  I (we've )worked too hard. When I think about my life now, compared  to 73 days ago, I'm amazed. I can't believe  that stopping  1 thing, well 3 things could  make me a completely different  (better ) human. Thanks again  lyon. Porn is not an option,  ever