43 year old tired of pmo


Active Member
I'm so pleased  to see all the new names in here, trying  to beat the porn demon. Congrats guys we are all in this together. Just re AZ d, as many different  posts that you can


Active Member
I can't believe how much time I'm spending here.  But you guys have inspired me beyond what I would have ever thought possible.  Really it never crossed my mind that it would benefit me to give up porn.  I want to know how many guys out there are doing porn as we have done and have no clue it is fucking with their boners, and they're going to the doctors looking for pills, injections, pumps, whatever that is really PIED.  Boggles my mind to think about it.  And really, I'd like to know for sure, just how many guys are watching porn with or without PIED.  Anyone have any ideas of the numbers or percentages?

Keep going guys!  We're winning. 


Active Member
I use to use those pills, viagra,  and cialis,  after a while, they didn't  work at all. You know what does work? Not watching  that crap, we call porn. I spent so many hours,  and years wasting  my time. I wish I could  get that time  back. I cant, all I can do is learn from my past. My life is so good now. It feels so nice to have that fog lifted. I don't know if I've ever been able  to think, and speak  so clearly.


Active Member
I woke up to cravings today for the first time.  My wife is out of the house all day, I don't have to work until late today, so I hav the day to porn up.  At least that is what i have always done in the past.  Hopefully today is the first time that doesn't happen.  But damn, that pull and urge is strong.  Ok I'll post this to my journal, I am getting RN -fatigue just a bit, now that the shock and awe of beginning to recognize my problem has worn off.  Keep good thoughts guys.  I'm still doing this a day at a time, and I did sign up for the year of porn-free commitment.  Today is one of those dark gloomy pacnw days - perfect for - woops not going to describe it, not going to do it.  I'll text someone.  I was hoping I'd have an accountability partner by the time this came up but - since not yet - I'll just have to tough it out.


Active Member
You need to get out of the house, get outside  and do something
I'm in the Pacific  Northwest  too


Active Member
Thanks J.  I did text and got involved in something else.. Going to go for a cold shower, take the dog for a long walk since it's not raining here .. and just be busy.  It's really a tough one today.  My first real withdrawl pang where it's minute by minute keeping busy.  I had no idea it would be like this.  How fucking weird is this? 

I appreciate you.  Thanks for being there/here for me.


Active Member
No problem, ready. My wife and kids are still gone. I've been  outside working. It will be tough for a while
You must stay on this site, if you feel weak. Get rid of all you porn accounts. Stay strong brother
I promise  it gets better. Porn is no longer an option, ever


Active Member
I hear you J.  My wife has gone to bed early, and I'm down here by myself, and suddenly it's like...no porn, no CL, no no no no.

It's ok, but I feel this inner tension which is weird feeling.  It's a physical sensation, not a mental tension. 

Today I was going through my youtube subscriptions while laying in bed at 5 a.m., in the dark, by myself.  It was fucking amazing how many porn-like subscriptions I had on youtube!  I didn't even know since I don't dial through the subscriptions.  There were hypnosis sites, things lurking under other titles, there was a russian thing that god knows where that came from.  So as I was lighting them up to decide whether they were porn related or not, I did get exposed to a couple of quick items that I couldn't turn off fast enough.  Serious.  I was turning the screen, turning my head.  I was proud that I could do it, and yet its like the first spontaneous bone.  So I got it.  Really big time got it.

Since I was deleting and not watching, I didn't reset, and had nothing to be concerned about.  It's gone now. 

But alas, 8:30, alone in the family room. Just me, the tv, and the internet.  Hmmmm.  What would this have been like one week ago? 

So even though I may have read everything on this site, I'm still camped on it just to be sure I'm not somewhere else getting myself into a pickle.  It feels like my safe place. 

I did look at the other sites, but they were not as comforting or addressed *me* like this one does.  Something here matches my vibe the other's don't approach doing. 

Thanks brothers.  My heart is full of and for you.  You have no idea how much I value you and what you bring to my betterment.   


Active Member
It will get better.you will stop thinking  about it, after a while. When you are by yourself, click on YouTube and listen  to gary wilson. Your brain  on porn. You will  be  amazed.  I listen  to him almost  every  day. Now your brain  is going  to really  start  messing  with you. Don't  let it. Stay  strong. Do pushups, or go join  a gym. Keep  busy.if you are in front of that computer YOUR BRAIN ON PORN.


Well-Known Member
Hey jaystock. Congrats on being an old timer! Im Day 41 and feel pretty free of the pull of porn at this point, but still worried about PIED. I was curious, as you near Day 80, are you getting your hardons back? This is my main concern here. I see lots of posts about guys feeling better about themselves and that they are glad they are rid of porn, etc, but what about your ability to have sex again? That is what I have been robbed of and am hoping to get it back. Thanks for any input.


Active Member
Thank you phase. I'm with you on the feel of porn pulling  on me,  my boners have came back  pretty  good. The first  two times  my wife and I had sex it was about 80%. The last time ,about  3 weeks ago, my boner went down. I'm not too worried  about it, right  now. All the other aspects  of my life are 500 times better. I wouldn't  trade that for the world. I tried to rub one out the other day, and I wasn't  close to getting a boner. And I'm not worried  about that either. It will happen eventually. I been hooked on porn for 25 plus years. After 3 months I'm not going to sweat  not getting  a raging  hard on. It will happen.  Stay strong brother. 


Active Member
Had a good  day yesterday. Last night  I got in bed, and started  watching  you tube. I watched  a couple of videos, that probably  wasn't  the best thing I could  have watched. It didn't do anything  for me. I knew enough  to turn off it off. I went to bed, and that was it. I'm really  aware  of my triggers. They are getting  few, and far between. 3 months ago however,  the wind blowing  was a trigger  for me . lol  stay strong  rebooters. We are all in this together


Respected Member
Good job brother. I look forward to celebrating 90 days and beyond with you. Be well. PORN IS NOT AN OPTION.


Active Member
I'm having  a rough  night. I don't know what is wrong. I think I'm having  anxiety tonight. I think  I would be so comfy, surfing  porn, looking  for that video  to make my life complete. I want this shitty  feeling  to stop. Any advice. I know I'm an old timer  in here, but I'm in uncharted  waters. I thought  I was waaaay past this stage. I know if I went to the dark side for 4, or 5, hours, I would  be in heaven.  But when it would  be all over, I'd  hate myself. Stay strong  rebooters.


Well-Known Member
Cold shower! Push ups! Go take a walk! When you are feeling the urge, you have to change your environment quickly, shake it up. Don't let the negativity creep in. Stop it in its tracks.

Hope you made it though, buddy.


Active Member
Well I cut one more waste of time, out of My life...Facebook.  I would look on there at least  100 times  a day, and for what. People  I don't  even  know, and I sure as hell don't care what they are doing. Goodbye  fb. It will be odd for a while. If can get off porn for 88 days I can surely quit fb. Stay strong  rebooters