30 year old kicking a 17 year addiction ? my journal

Day Eleven:

Interesting day so far. Stumbled across a few triggers online, but didn't give in. Just looked away and left where I was. So things are going well so far.
Day Eleven - Evening:

Struggling with anxiety and worry.

I don?t want to appear needy on these forums. Just made a post to the main P addiction board and feel kind of stupid as I asked allot of newbie questions.

I know I shouldn?t feel stupid, but one of the problems I?ve faced during the opening recovery process of any substance (and I include P in the substance category, it is a drug) is how my brain twists people?s behaviour into being negative towards me.

I can tell my brain this rational explanation all I want, but as of yet, I can?t easily alter my emotional state to fit with what my rational brain knows to be true. All I can do is sit this one through.

Hence why I?m righting this now as its keeping my mind of things. Not so much the P, but more the anxiety. As I know that, like it almost did the other night, if I allow the anxiety to spiral out of control, I will reach for the P as a short-term emotional programing tool to get over it.

But the idea of doing that actually makes me want to cry. I?ve lived with so much self-hatred for so many years, I?m tired of it. I can?t go back to that endless cycle of shame that?s been my life has been for so long.

I?m going to skype my girl now, that should keep my brain occupied until I go to sleep. I just hope my emotions don?t swing weirdly when I?m talking to her ? she doesn?t know what I?m doing yet.

Anyway, thanks for listing. I hope your reboots are going well!


Good luck - hope you get through it! I guess I'm fortunate - I think I'm feeling less anxiety and less perceived negativity as I'm getting this under control, I think do to increased confidence. I hope you find the same soon!
Thanks for the continued support AomSentMe :) Glad to hear your self-confidence is improving :)

Day Twelve:

Weird day today. Am struggling to stay focused on writing my book. Not sure if this is Reboot related or something else, but its difficult.

Anxiety is less today. Over all, the anxiety I?m going through is no way near as tough as previous recovery processes I?ve been through. It?s still challenging though.

My problems around anxiety stem from other, non-P related issues. Going completely O free is just exasperating them. Hopefully though, once this reboot is complete, then my anxiety over all will decline a notch, as an element that makes it worse will have been removed :)

Calling it quits on my book today. This is a pain. I can?t afford to waste time but I just can?t focus. Going to have to deal with the fact that this reboot will slow down my writing process, which means me continuing to work a crappy nine to five job longer than I want to. But removing the P daemon from my life is way more important in the long run.

Only two days to go and I?ll have hit my two week target. And that?s two weeks closer to the sober life I?ve dreamed about living for years - which is a real good thing indeed  :D

Thanks for listning.
Day Thirteen ? Morning:

Haven?t had morning wood for the last two days. Still feeling overly tired and finding it hard to motivate myself. Had my first sex dream last night. It was about watching P, which then lead onto me (in the dream) think I?d failed my Reboot and getting upset. Was nice waking up from that one :D

Need to keep my mind on this today. Perhaps I?ll wright up the history of my relationship with P and share.

Thanks for listning.
My history with P:

Having read through this forum, I count myself lucky. For my entire adult life I?ve struggled with this problem alone and ? because of this ? have thought it to be worse than it actually is.

That?s not to say that is hasn?t damaged me, far from it, but reading other peoples stories of recovery from darker places than me is heartening.

Ok then, down to my story with P.

I first M when I was nine. I?d come home from walking the family dog, far later than usual (it was the summer) and I?d missed my bed time. On the TV was a sceen in a drama of a man having sex with a woman.

When I was upstairs in bed that night, I worked out how to simulate what I saw with my hand. I don?t think I?d even heard of M then, so it was all a bit of a revelation. However, my first ever sexualy realised fantasy was based around pixels.

I then progressed onto using clothing catalogues etc. Until, a year later, I was on a school trip in France. The hotel room I was put up in hadn?t been vetted properly and had a free adult channel. It was only for a night, but it exposed me to P for the first time.

Then over the next few years I came in contact with it every now and again. I usually used clothing catalogues. But I became completely addicted to M to the point of obsession.

I brought my first P magazine when I was 12. To this day I don?t know why I wasn't refused. I brought a tone of P between then and the age of thirteen when my family got internet access. I can remember my Dad trying to put family blockers on, but he couldn?t work out how to do it properly and it kept blocking him from doing normal stuff, so he took them off.

With an internet connection (still only a modem) my P consumption increased massively. I also became exposed to some really extreme stuff at a very young age. The link site I used had allot of sick stuff on it, far more so than modern sites. The link site I used was popular as well, as I knew friends who used it. It was the normal one for us to use, which normalised what I was seeing in a really damaging way.

It wasn?t until I was 18 though that my family got broadband and I had access to high speed videos. By that time I?d already been exposed to a host of darkness which will forever twist my mind. Even before the high speed family connection, I was averaging around three or four hours a day PMOing. And that was just a normal day, I?d often go for longer at the weekends or during school holidays.

At the age of 16 I got my first girlfriend. She had no problem with using P, said it was normal and what boys did, so I never questioned my consumption. In fact, throughout all this I thought what I was doing was normal. It was just a healthy expression of my sexuality. How wrong I was.

In my early twenties I tried to stop using P for the first time. My then girlfriend had an eating disorder and my use of it hurt her massively.

It was then that I realised I had a problem, because I couldn?t stop. I ended up in a situation where I didn?t have 24/7 internet access and started buying P on mass (DVD?s, magazines). She?d fined my stashes and would go mental. Things went sour for us for a number of reasons, but my inability to stop using P certainly contributed.

Since then my life has been one endless cycle of abstain, relapse, binge, shame, repeat. I?ve struggled with ED on and off for most of that time. Looking back, my ED correlates exactly with when I?ve normalised P usage and am using heavily again.

What?s changed things for me is that the ED with my current girl is the worse it has ever been. I just go soft. Half way through. For no reason. And that?s if I can get it up at all. I end up having to make myself O and am soft throughout. My morning wood had become random and only semi-hard. Plus I was struggling to stay hard or even get hard when using P.

I?m lucky because I didn?t get access to high speed P videos until I was in my late teens. For this I am grateful. I am also grateful that I realised I had a problem in my early 20?s, but there was no information ten years ago about P addiction so I struggled to do anything about it. This meant, however, that I haven?t been using constantly throughout my 20?s, which means my mental wiring isn?t as fucked as it could be.

I?ve also had numerous sexual partners in my 20?s, so have some wiring there that has been normalised. I think the problem is that, because of the period of so called ?celibacy? I placed myself in ? which basically just meant using P three times a day, every day, as a replacement for real human contact ? that my brains really begun to wire itself up badly.

Hence why I?m here. This time I know I?m going to beat it. I'm keeping posative about my situation and putting it into a wider context, but at the same time P is something thats caused my allot of problems so I wan't it out of my life.

Thanks for listning.
I had a similar dream last night. I was watching hardcore porn and then I thought I relapsed. I dream it twice. I guess is just my brain cleaning itself up.
Thanks for your support you two, means allot :)

Day Fifteen -

Made it to my two week target yesterday. I Md this morning but didn't O or fantasise over P. Am really feeling the effects though. First anxiaty attacks I've had in a few days. More of a reason not to M in the future, which is a good thing.

My next target is a month :)

Thanks for listning.
Day Sixteen - Morning:

Decided to shorten my target from a month to three weeks. Better to take things slow at the moment.

Awoke with wood this morning, but its still not lasting very long and disappears soon after waking up.

Noticed my first leakage as well, which is strange. I have never, not in my entire life, had a wet dream. This wasn't a wet dream, but knowing my body can 'leak' is a relief. I've often wondered if I'm capable of doing that. I really want to have my first wet dream in this process, but I know that some guys just don't so its cool if I don't.

I'll be heading away for a short holiday next week with the girl I'm dating. Am thinking about asking if she wants to make things official during it, and I'm pretty sure she'll say yes. I am nervous about the S part of things though... I'm worried that its too soon and I won't be able to get hard. I'm also worried that, if I turn her down, she'll take it the wrong way.

I'm going to tell her about my reboot attempt, I don't have any other option. But this also makes me worried because, in the past, when I've talked to people I get one of two possible responses. The first is to just laugh at me because they don't believe P is bad or that you can get addicted to it, the second is to classify me as a pervert. Her doing either of those things would be triggering, but I do have a feeling that she won't...

Anyway, roll on day sixteen :D

Thanks for listening :)

Great news. Your getting morning wood and a leak. :p :) Well that is definitely a sign that things are improving and your body and mind are rebooting.

Good to know about your next week plans. Your idea about telling your girl sounds good. If she is understanding then she will not make fun of you. Even if she makes fun, just ignore that and think thats natural. You can try and convince her to read stories of people at this forum and at yourbrainonporn.com. I hope she will understand then.

All I have to say is that, have fun, enjoy this time of rebooting. And your advice of helping people is really good. I am already involved in a couple of things in that area. One of them is a corporate social responsibility team in my office. I really appreciate your advice and will think upon involving myself more in this area.

Keep going until you reach your goal. And yes take one day at a time. Remember, one day free of pmo is an achievement. :)


Caught up on your posts, Perseverance - you've got your hands full! I feel you on the anxiety - it's been hitting me hard lately. Good luck! And good luck with telling your girl about it - that's gotta be tough. Hope she understands and can support you.


oh yeah, from day 12...

Thinking people's behavior is negative towards you is a cognitive distortion called Jumping to Conclusions. There's help out of cognitive distortions... check them out and let me know what you think...x


I?m relapsing :(

And I?m so angry with myself about it!

Twice now I have MPed. I have stopped myself Oing each time, but it only feels like a matter of time before I cave in. This is horrible.

I?ve just come back from eleven days away with a girl I was dating. We have now made things official and have gotten together. All the more reason *not* to relapse, I hear you say. Well, that would be the logical way of thinking about this.

The problem is there?s a pattern here that I?m struggling to break. Whenever I go away from home for a few days, when I get back, I always relapse and PMO. I don?t know why, but I always do. And the more things I do whilst away that are good for me, the more I crave P when I get home.

After me and my girlfriend parted ways yesterday, I found my feet walking to an adult cinema in the small town we?d been staying in. I didn?t go in, but my feet still walked there, even though I was trying to tell them not to.

I was very pleased that I hadn?t given in, so when I got home I arrogantly thought I?d broken the pattern. I knew I was entering into high risk area (especially because me and my girlfriend had been S active whilst away) but thought I?d already beaten it. So I stupidly took my laptop to bed with me to watch some films.

And then the usual happened. I woke up in the middle of the night completely out of control. I broke through my internet blocker and started to use.

The strange thing is, I didn?t get hard straight away to the P. This is a good sign, along with the fact my ED was hugely diminished whilst away. I stopped myself from PMOing that time, and spent the rest of the night awake battling with cravings. I then awoke again this morning. Same situation. The craving got to strong and I caved in.

I hate this shit. I?ve got a new girl in my life, my S health is improving for the first time in a long time, and I go and do this! Even now as I type the cravings are killing me. I?m in high risk territory and I?m screwing up badly.

If I don't use again then I will have at least partially broken the cycle. But its always the same. I go weeks without using and then bam! I leave home for a bit, come back and then relapse.

So yeah, I?m feeling like dirt at the moment. You?ll note I?ve not listed a day number at the top of this post, as I will be starting from day one again tomorrow. This is shit :(
Hi buddy,

You do not sound good. Don't feel bad about it. I know the cravings and I cannot rule out the same for me. Its not easy. Not at all. I understand you.

But we have to overcome this. This is the biggest test of our lives. Our biggest challenge. And don't make it too hard for you. You know the result now. You know how bad you feel after relapsing. The guilt that comes with it is not easy to handle. Even I have cravings but thanks to my mom and dad who are these days staying with me and that is what is occupying my time and space. But they will be going back to the hometown this weekend. And after they are gone, I will start with my testing times.

For you, don't make it too hard for you. Take it easy. You know you are improving and you can do it. The only thing we require is the will power. Our will power has become weak over the period of time. We need to take control of our lives. Be in charge and sit in the drivers seat.

Once I told to a doctor that I have become habitual to porn and that appears to be reason of my ED. Since our modern day science and doctors fail to acknowledge excessive and addictive porn as a possible reason for ED, I had to tell him this. His only reply to me was that "how do you get time for these activities". I think his question has the answer in it. We do have considerable free time. We need to take care of that. We sometimes give more importance to P & M rather than to simple activities like sleep and food. In fact we get into an auto pilot mode and then appears almost impossible to come out. We need to dismiss things, dismiss the cravings on the first thought. I got few videos on my whatsapp shared by some friends and I just deleted them without seeing them. We need to be strict with ourselves.

Buddy, don't loose heart. It happens. Shit happens. Just take care of your self and your girl. BTW did you tell her about your P use? Prepare well now and things will soon be alright. Your live will again rock. My all good wishes are with you. Best of luck.



Well-Known Member
Man I hate that feeling. I've done that so many times it's almost like I'm addicted to relapse as much as PMO. Hope you keep coming back. And try not to waste too much time and energy on feeling guilty being down about it. For me that always just perpetuates the cycle. When I accept it and hold my head up and carry on it seems to help break my usual pattern.  Hope some of this was helpful. 
Oh, and all anybody really has is today. Good luck


Active Member
I completely second what pinkerton has to say Perseverance. Don't dog on yourself for not being able to quit cold turkey. I wanted the same result when I started out.  "I'll be the Golden Child that quit my first time trying, it'll be easy, I'll show them. I have control over this" That didn't happen. I have slipped nearly a dozen times since I started out back in July 2014. Now, I have accepted that it has a control over me, I have no control over it. A slip doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean you are a hopeless case. It doesn't mean that you are less than anyone else. You just have a problem with objectification and that's OK. Because you are working on changing that. Progress, my friend, not perfection. Mindful Choices + Time = Success! Give yourself a break, learn your lesson, dust yourself off, get back in the game.

We've all been there. We knew we had a choice and we knew we were making the wrong one. But we learned how to escape to a place that feels euphoric for a few moments. For me, it was such a welcome release from pain and disappointment. But when the illusion fades and we come to find that the real world is unlike our fantasy dreamland.

So you went back for a ride on the merry-go-round. Big deal. I bet you found yourself beginning to resent the pointlessness of this childish ride. Around and around you go. Yeah, as a boy it was a great ride but as time goes on we begin to understand that the fantasy dreamland crumbles into a living nightmare. We're left going in circles while the flow of the world passes us by.

As time goes by and we stick to our plans to quit we begin to see that the porn merry-go-round, while pleasurable, is a humongous time-sink. A black hole of emotions. More time goes by and you being associating feeling good and confident with quitting porn. Getting to that stage takes time. It was just a minor retreat, catch your breath, then back in the fray with the rest of us.

Peace and Love
Thanks for the support hatesporn21, means allot. Sorry that I haven?t been around as much for you. And your right about the guilt. It?s usually the driving force behind every full relapse I?ve ever experienced. I hate it.

I think you right about the distraction element. When I?m away I?m fully distracted, but when I come back home, not only has my routine been broken, but I?m not distracted anymore. It?s just me alone. In my room. With a free portal into the dark hart of humanity in front of me.

This is one of the biggest reasons why P makes me hate myself. I hate the P industry and what it does to the women and men involved with it. It promotes violence against women, the objectification of women, and the exploitation of women for profit ? all things I fined morally repugnant.

And yet there?s this hunger inside of me that?s bene programed since I was young. And this hunger over rides all of my morals?

I can do this though. I?m going to update in my report below, but I?d just like to say thank you for taking the time out to come on here and reassure me. Stopping this turning into a full blown bindge relapse has been difficult, but your comments have really helped.


So true. And yes, what you say is helpful. Just knowing I?m not alone in this has made all the difference this time around. I?ve been battling with this alone for so long, knowing there are others (and that I am lucky compared to many people) helps loads. Thank you for the support :)


I?ve been trying to quit P on and off for nearly a decade, but I just keep relapsing. So sadly, this isn?t my first slip up. But you are completely right. Dogging on myself only ever makes things worse. In fact, almost all of my major relapse bindges have been driven by guilt and shame at relapsing.

This time around though I?m taking yours and others advice here. I?m not going to blame myself, torture myself or decide that there?s nothing I can do. I love what you say about progress not perfection. I?m prone to being hard on myself for not being perfect, something my friends often point out to me. Well not this time. Kicking this shit is hard, so I deserve to give myself compassion and respect for even trying.

And your right. I did resent the pointlessness of this childish ride. More so than ever before. And that fact gives me strength that ? this time around (not least because of the people on these forums and the education on offer here) ? I?m going to make it.

Thanks for the support bro, much love to you.