36 year old Christian (will respect the rules) needing to quit 16 YR PMO problem


Active Member
Switch immediately from focusing on time lost and how upset you are at yourself to your future, and what you want to accomplish in it.  The more discouraged you are, the more likely you will relapse again, in order to feel better.  Get out of the cycle by choosing to think positively.  Sometimes there is not much to think positively about if we are real with ourselves, but thankfully, the way we think creates reality, so we always do have some reason to think positively....to experience positive things as a result.  Don't fall into the trap of feeling you must feel bad enough about this, that you don't do it again kind of thing; rather, feel really good about yourself and realize YOU are not your addiction.  You slipped, ok, so now just pick yourself back up and go at it again.  Learn from your mistake, and then FORGET it.  That's how you succeed.  Be strong man.