

Active Member
So, my gym partner is having none of it as far as not going to work out tonight.  Good for him, and great for me, eh!  No sitting around on my bum tonight watching tv.  I'll be doing lat pulls, rhomboids, and posterior traps. 

Somehow the thought of exercise feels like a trigger right this minute.  Weird.  But no P no M no O.  I have things to do.

One thing I'm having a problem with, maybe someone can help me out.  The cold showers are chilling me down and I'm not recovering my normal warmth.  I mean I can live with it ok but it feels uncomfortable.  I don't ever have cold feet and now I do.  Any thoughts? 

Maybe two cold showers in one day is too many??

Thanks guys.



Active Member
Made it to ten days...  good for you man.  And......  you lived.  Just keep on keeping on my friend.  One day at a time.  You deserve a good sex life, and staying away from the garbage is the way to ensure it.




Active Member
Today will complete ten days. 

Looking back on where I was ten days ago - I was ready to off myself, I was ready to leave my home/family and actually had the car prepped to do it.  I had quit my horrible disrespectful exploitative job in favor of who knows what, and I was in bed edging to porn 3-5 hours daily. 

Now - working out almost every day with a new gym partner, taking care of business, actually in the midst of opening a business, no thoughts of ending it all, no thoughts of leaving home without taking my wife with me - after her telling me she wants to leave with me, telling people I know who suffer ED to check into PIED just in case it applies to them.  Colors are brighter, conversations are livelier, people think I'm even more awesome than I already am. 

If those kinds of improvements hold up with time, you know, if the boner never comes back it wouldn't be such a bad thing in comparison to what else has already shown remarkable positive change.  A working boner capable of doing anything we want with it, as long as it is with a person, would be icing on my cake.  I love icing, but cake is also pretty good just as it is.


Respected Member
Hey brother. Thanks for sharing. I didn't know you contemplated suicide or running away...both are different kinds of escapes I guess. That's some heavy sh*t. It sounds like you're building a better you, rather than a better boner. If I may make a request, I'd like to read more about you and your current relationship because I'm intrigued. You're married, yet sleep with men, and she seems to be ok with it? The reason I'm fascinated is I am divorcing because I chose men. Hope that's not prying. Be well and keep posting brother. You're not alone. PORN IS NOT AN OPTION.


Active Member
Lyon, I'm always full of heavy shit.  If i'm not full of my own, I'm listening to and dealing with someone else's.  It's what I do.  I love it all, except for the paperwork.  So when you say I sleep with men, that is a bit optimistic, perhaps.  Actually way optimistic.  In my youth, which is a long ways off now, I did that, along with women.  My wife knew before we were married and aside from a boyfriend partner for about 2 years, starting 10 years ago, and another would-be that started about a year ago with whom I have not slept but we tried a fuck buddy session that both of us ended up finding awesome but no bones to share and he doesn't do porn at all, there isn't that much to know.  But I stay in touch very closely with my full time gay friends.  I'll have to go back when I'm more bored than I am now, and re-read my journal.  I thought I put that stuff in there but maybe I was hallucinating.  I was having a really bad time when I started this.  This has been like a 180 flip.  Nothing short of amazing.

For my 10th day, almost concluded, I need to extend my counter.  I'm not sure how to do it, so I'm going to wait to get that big green check on my current counter just in case I lose it when I try.

My right arm is moderately painful from some sort of injury I did to myself when I wasn't paying any attention, so it must be a repetitive motion thing?  Bah.  I'm back to the gym rarin to go, and look what happens.  Oh well, more legs I guess.

No bone last night that I know of, no morning wood that I know of.  Just getting the day going at 10:00 (I worked out too late last night) and was totally pumped until about 2:30.  It's dark, foggy, and cold.  I need coffee.

Cold showers are chilling me down and I wonder if I need to cut back.  Anyone have experience with this?

Thanks guys. 


Active Member
This is being a ridiculously difficult day.  First a blow up with someone at home, which was nasty and completely uncalled for on both sides; a bunch of paperwork from the government which has to be done or you end up in some sort of bureaucratic nightmare for years and the paperwork is so complicated I can't figure out what to be done and it's totally unnecessary anyway...typical shit we've all dealt with before; and a list of assignments from some organization I volunteered to help as an executive and instead get this list of someone's else's followups not getting done.  Kind of a waste of my talents and not the reason I volunteered to help.  Yeah we all have stuff that we don't like, I get it.  But

This adds up to huge freaking trigger time, I don't want any part of any of it, it has taken up my whole day so far (it's almost 3pm) and I just want to climb into bed with my laptop, find some good scenes, and fap away for a few hours. 

I won't do that.  But, clearly, I don't have my contingency emergency planning trigger list handy.  Things were going so well I thought I was done with it.  Not so fast...

So here I am hoping for a hug and a "you can do it r2g.  Keep going."
And I feel it, just being here.   


Active Member
Finally this day is over pretty much, and the end of it was lazy, uneventful, couchy potato-ish.  My gym partner came out of surgery which was not expected, and I got one SMS from him and then he probably went to bed.  I guess we won't be working out together for awhile, but, I'm glad he came through it well.  Maybe that's why he was hugging and kissing on me last night a little bit. 
I've been working out a long time, so there really isn't a change here, just in what/how I've been doing it the last week since his program is modestly different from mine.  The reason I mention this is I wonder if my weight is decreasing since stopping PMOing.  My clothes are surely looser.  My weight went up when I started HSIP so maybe stopping will bring it back down.  That would be a great side effect.
I never got close to PMOing today, though the thought was there for a while.  After a day like this I feel hungover.  It would have been much worse if I'd given in to those urges earlier.  I feel beat up but proud that I'm still standing and ready to try it all again tomorrow. 

You guys are awesome.  Thanks for being here with me.


Respected Member
Thanks for sharing brother. I'm intrigued by you my friend. Gay, straight, bi...who gives a damn! But dammit if you don't have my interest. Look forward to following your journey and thank you so much for following/sharing mine. Be well. PORN IS NOT AN OPTION.


Active Member
Laying in bed at 715 in the dark feeling sorry for myself.  I want to feel something other than used up.  I could fire up a site and porn up but I won't.  I might feel something for an hour or so but then what?


Active Member
Woah.  NASTY case of insomnia here at 2:49 a.m.  I've been up for about an hour.  Normally I'd have a P a M and an O and slip into some sort of slumber, but I won't be doing that tonight, or any night I can forsee.  Or any day for that matter.

Feeling used up is not a good place to be.  I don't know where that is coming from.  Starting a new business, things improved at home a whole lot, working out every day for at least an hour or two.  The dog loves me. 

Could this be the flatline I read about?  If so, this really sucks.  My penis is shrunk to the size of a marshmallow *the little one not the big one* and the feeling down there - zip. Normally when I work out as much as I have been my horniness is raging.  This is next to nothing.  :(  I like being horny.  It makes me feel alive.  This feels dead and pointless.

Although in phase two sleep yesterday morning there was a near wet dream.  I woke up first and the bone went down right quick.

To help with sleep I was listening to hypnosis files on Youtube, being very careful to avoid the sexual ones which seem to have proliferated.  I erased as many as I found but they still pop up somehow.  I think there is a filter on there somewhere.  My will power is pretty darn strong so I haven't felt like I needed a filter for my computer but I may figure one out for the phone.  I have noticed if I was going to do something very spontaneous and reactionary it would probably be with the phone.  It's always there, its quick, easy, one letter in the search bar and there it is.  So yes, filter the phone.  I'd do it now but its under the pillow to keep the light from waking up my wife.  Not my pillow, the one next to me on the outside of the bed.

I'd like to say my new business is going well.  There have been delays in signing the lease, delays in construction for the area I'm leasing, file conversion issues for billing.  What I do, I love, but all the bullshit around what I do would be triggery if I let it be because honestly, it's all bullshit imposed by ... well never mind.  This is self indulgence at its worse.  I'd be better off eating carrot cake. 

Well keep good thoughts for me if you're reading this fellas.  I'm needing you more than ever right  now.  Peace.  And Love because I do love you, each one.  We are all so much alike.  I read your journals and I kind of flip out a little how much your lives mirror mine. 

My birthday is Sunday-ish and that depresses the fuck out of me.  No wonder I feel washed up, used up. 
Tough times, these.



Active Member
Dude, I hear ya on the insomnia.  Sucks, but part of the journey, I guess.  See it as progress that you are continually, artfully dodging triggers.

And don't' look at your impending birthday as anything other than a time to celebrate your newfound sobriety.  May be the first birthday you can really remember in which you feel alive and open to the possibilities.  Embrace that.  Live it.

Keep going.  You're doing great, my friend!


Active Member
Started today with coffee and anxiety.  I had a tough night the first half last night, with insomnia, being up, trying to figure out how to spend that time while not PMOing (of course I came here - I feel like maybe I need more of a life), then got back to sleep finally and slept until 930ish.  If this sounds outlandish, I'm now self employed, can sleep when I want, and if it's dark and cold outside at 9:30, I'm in no rush to get up and take on the day quite yet.  I need the rest desperately.

So, instead of PMOing this morning when I was home alone, I fixed and drank a nice healthy smoothy full of good things like cream, whey, peanut butter, and blueberries.  Yummy!  I have not quite yet diagnosed diabetes and am trying to starve out the need for endogenously elevated insulin with as few carbs as I can tolerate.  Fats and generally proteins will not surge or spike the insulin.  Giving the beta cells of the pancreas a chance to rest may actually cause them to heal and start working right again.  Fingers crossed.

Then my daily cold shower.  This was the coldest yet, and it wasn't really very painful; actually kind of nice.  The first little blast when I step in is even better than it has been.  My only issue with cold showers is I'm not warming up afterward.  The blood is staying in my core.  It is so unusual and so uncomfortable to have cold feet.  This is not me.  Also, there's that shrinkage issue, which when I look in the mirror is disconcerting.  I can feel it too.  It's like there is nothing there. But I have such an intermittent libido now - either all on, or all off - mostly all off, it's like who gives a fu*k if I have a libido??  What difference would it make if I did?  Just what would I do with it?

What else - oh yeah I got my billing accepted after several hours of messing with the little boxes.  I think.  We'll see when they get batched tonight.  I really would just like for some of this to start going right and I start getting paid, and yes I'm grateful I have the receivables and yes I'm grateful to know that I *could* actually be paid. In fact I'm almost beginning to expect that I will be.  There have been so many years of dashed expectations since the bankers ran off with the loot that it's no wonder I porned out all these years.  That doesn't make it right, it just makes it recognizable as a poor strategy for dealing with my pain.

I've been asking, straight out, for hugs.  So far, no takers.  Well except my gym partner who is now down from surgery and If we hugged, I'd rip something go there quite yet.  I need some physical contact with someone.  I won't act out to get it, I am just recognizing and admitting I need some.  People today are thought of as freaks for letting their vulnerabilities and needs be known. So be it.  But if I don't ask, I'm not going to get.  I usually go for the hug on my own, the first to go for it, that is with a friend or associate or whoever.  But I'm always the one initiating.  I guess there is some energy thing going on I could listen for.

My assumption is people think I'm some kind of freak from a different planet since I have this aura of former porn pervert and masturbator - edger.  At least the porn is in the past, and so far so has the masturbation and orgasm been.  I will just continue to leave it in the past for now.

Sorry for the stream of consciousness here.  This is really for me to get this shit out of my head and not so much to be entertaining or helpful.  I'm having a tough round now, and think this is flatlining, or at least the beginning of it.

Thanks men.  I get more out of reading your journals and stories back and forth than you can know.  Keep going!


Respected Member
In my first month, I would wake up consistently at 4:00 a.m. It was hell. Now I drop at 11:00 p.m. and sleep deeply until 6:30-7:00 a.m. so here is hope brother. No alarm...ever. I had heavy withdrawal, complete with the night shakes, but a relatively short 5 or 7-day flatline, but it's all healing. I'm no veteran my friend but keep going! In a way you have to love the pain because pain = healing. Be strong. KISSING WORK OUT PARTNERS AT NIGHT IS NOT AN OPTION (just kidding...actually that story was kinda hot.) 


Active Member
He kissed me.  If you could see this guy.  YEAH it's hot!!  Kissing after workout with a real human partner...priceless.  Ok can we call it a rewire?


Active Member
Not too much of a struggle against PMO today.  The new routine seems effective, but I see huge areas I want to make improvement.  This thought from another post is especially pertinent to me lately:

"Deflect and dismiss thoughts - force you mind to healthy, constructive areas when dark thoughts present themselves."

Savingmysoul wrote that in another journal.  It really speaks to me right now.

Things I've figured out today:  I'm not getting enough physicality with people.  I'm a very physical man so now I see more clearly the whole illusion of intimacy by PMO.  There is no intimacy, no physicality.  I'm going to have to find that in real human flesh and blood breathing like-minded bodies.  This also includes the emotional mental connection as well.

Good work out at the gym solo while my partner recovers from surgery at home.  It may be a few weeks before he is eligible for lifting again.  I miss him already.  And it's not just the hugs and kisses after working out.  I miss him making me work harder than I otherwise do.  Transforming that thought a bit, I'm grateful to know he is recovering and will soon be back with me so we can develop our healthy bodies together, as a team.  There for each other the way the men are here for each other.

I know I write in sentence fragments.  This is something new lately, I don't know where it came from, and hopefully it is a passing phase.  Knowing Dharmabum may see this makes me cringe just a little. 

Nap earlier went fine.  I put on a french movie on netflix and drifted right to sleep for an hour or so.  Woke refreshed and ready to take on some more of this paperwork associated with my business.  Nasty stuff.  Transforming that thought - the paperwork is a necessary step in my getting paid and I will learn how to stay abreast of the changes in that area with a minimum of fuss. 

We, my wife and I, talked of leaving earlier tonight.  So the exploration I was going to do on my own is now going to be a team event.  I have mixed feelings about it.  My head needs some space to expand and experience and solitude would be so welcome.  That said maybe there is a compromise we could consider.  Back when we dated many many years ago, I had a similar need for solitude (this doesn't come that often so I think the need is to be respected) while we were traveling with friends in Alaska.  They kindly dropped me off in Moose Pass for a few days, where I hiked into some twin lakes place and chilled with the grizzlies and the salmon.  We didn't bother each other, and if I'd been eaten, it was all part of the larger plan and I wouldn't have really struggled that much.  Back to today, maybe there is that kind of solitude to be found again, sans the grizzlies this time.  I'm not prepared to be eaten this time as I was then.  I don't want to die yet, even though there are still thoughts that sometimes the shit I deal with is so ridiculous that death is the preferred state of being.  Not so much now.  Avoiding porn in all its forms, and consequently no masturbating, edging, orgasming, or boner play has kind of taken on a life of its own.  Tonight, there are tinglings and movements down there, which is kind of weird, because I'm not horny or thinking of sexual things at all.  Once again, there is some sort of life there.  The thought occured maybe I should jo once just to see what happens, but then, I'm actually enjoying not doing that. 

As I prepare for bed, I hope the insomnia isn't an issue, but if it is, I'll find something to do. Last night I found you guys here, especially the ones having morning over in Europe, and then the ones on the east coast, so there is always the hope of being with you men.

Thank you all.



Respected Member
Thanks for sharing brother. The genital buzzing is something I too experienced in my first month. I saw it two ways: psychological ("Hey touch me!); or my body healing with sensitivity returning to my d*ck. I also understand your need for solitude and found a certain degree of this during my recent solo trip to Israel, and now living delicious solitude. As for my insomnia, screen stimulation didn't help slow down my brain, so I stopped watching TV (just low-grade porn in my opinion) and started reading again. Now I have a ritual of reading at least 30 mins before sleep. It works like a charm. Be well brother. PORN IS NOT AN OPTION.


Active Member
Today went pretty well, all things considered.  I avoided things that would anger or trigger me *for the most part*.  I'm surprised how many triggers I have.  Not just to PMO but triggers to emotions. 

I came out to my gym partner about being here on this site and what it was about.  He was interested and not heard of this but seemed to think it made sense.  He does not have an ED problem so wasn't sure why I'd find myself here, so I did my best to explain and I think I got the major points across. 

So that speaks to two points.  1)  He is just an awesome dude to not run fleeing in some other direction and 2)  I'm dealing with this head on and not ashamed.  There are perfectly good reasons, however, to use discretion in whom I may ultimately decide to tell - or not tell.  Certainly most people have no need to know, but anyone who may give me indications of functional compromise with their boners, I'll at least tell of the site and the phenomenon.   

I was exceptionally horny for several hours, and there was lots of tingling and talk to me from down below.  A nice little change.  Had the now typical cold shower but this was a short one as I was in something of a hurry. 

Thanks guys.  Without you, I'd still be boppin the baloney to porn.  I think I finished 12 days clean today.  So truly, thank you.


Respected Member
Hey brother. Keep posting. I'm still intrigued by you, hence why I keep coming back to your thread. I'm afraid you've ruined me in a way. Now every time I leave my gym, I look around for some buff guy to kiss. All kidding aside, I look forward to getting to know you through this journey. Be well. PORN IS NOT AN OPTION.


Active Member
It's only 9 15 am and I've already exposed myself to more triggers than would be legal in many countries, and still!  No PMO!  Not even much (okay, a little) desire for PMO.  I just know that is not an answer, hiding out in my own dopamine and ejaculate.  Nope!  Even though I am home alone with just me and my computer. 

So instead, I actually just recognized hey dude!  These are triggers you're doing here.  Stop!  You dont' have to trigger yourself like this.  There are other ways to get this stuff done.

The paperwork, omg, it is piled up to the ceiling and none of it is pleasant.  But it has to be done, even if I hire some of it done.

Back to dead down below.  I think I need to just forget about it and let whatever happens there happen there.  It's not worth worrying about.

My wife has decided she is not leaving with me after all, so I'm back to being on my own.  This has been a repeating theme the past couple of years and I think in and of itself has become triggering.  The details of this are not worthy of the time to go through them, so I won't bother you with them.  But I do see the pattern now, and though I don't know the cause of the pattern, well, there is one.

Since most of the priority of all this paperwork is of equal value, I think I'll take the least enjoyable and put them on the bottom of the pile.  The reason?  It is because these are the ones that no matter what I do, they keep recurring due to being rejected.  I need a little something pleasant, satisfying, and that actually has an end point to it.

I have had two too many cups of coffee this morning and should eat something and have an icy cold shower and start again.
Cheers guys.  The day is young, I can make it a great one.  In fact, that is my commitment for today.  This will be a great day, regardless of what I have to do to make it so.
