My journey


You're doing great T!

Being truly, deeply honest with yourself is never easy especially when there are others that we care for who will be affected. Keep doing what you're doing and stay positive.

You said you feel like a pervert - I felt the same way. All we can do is move on. Focus in how you want to see yourself and that is what you will become. All you can do is move forward and do it with a smile. You will overcome this, I can hear it through your words.

Please keep sharing


tbriana01 said:
You're right.  I've spent a lot of time beating myself up about this.  Not about the porn so much, but more  because I've allowed myself to become addicted to something.  That realization is really screwing with me right now.  Then, of course there's the part where I've ruined jerking off for myself.  It's going to be "a thing" now forever.  I'll get over it, but for now that's how I feel.  I watched the Ted talk with my wife.  Her biggest issue is the lies, not so much the porn.  Yeah sure, she has a huge problem with the webcams, but had I admitted it a while back when I was caught the first time, we wouldn't be here now.  She's coming around and so am I.  We're going to make it.  Thanks for your post.

I'm glad to hear that she's coming around - it's gonna make it easier for you to stay focused knowing that she is gonna be there and your relationship will be that much stronger because of it.
Keep moving forward - dont look back!


Active Member
tbriana01 said:
I had dreams last night that I pmo'd.

Lol, I've had those sort of dreams. Makes me lol because I think of lads discussing it something like this:

Guy1: Hey dude.
Guy2: Hey man, I had a dream last night.
Guy1: Cool, what about?
Guy2: A porn star!
Guy1: cooooool, what sort of kinky stuff did you do with her man?
Guy2: I totally fapped to porn she had made!
Guy1: Dude! In your dreams! What!?!



I had those dreams as well.
Nothing but mind sickness, let?s get rid of it!


you're at 15 days and breaking the cycle, you're in control

Stay strong buddy! Keep it up! You're doing it.


Active Member
It's always good to get out I find and remove myself from any chance of isolation as this is when I'm most likely to act out. Interestingly if you're like myself (rather introverted), you prefer to stay in. But as a friend once said to me its when I don't want to do things that I should probably do them. After all, the inner addict is always pumping iron and ready to put up a decent fight.


Congratulations on all of your success.  It sounds like you're making great strides in beating this thing.  I think I'm starting to improve too.  Every minute that goes by that I don't relapse is another minute heading toward being cured of this demon.  Best wishes!


I know what you mean. I always felt weak in the mornings during my prior reboot attempts. Directly after waking up, the will power is really weak. I think that is natural (not only talking about PMO urges), but it passes.
If you manage to get through that time of the day, it gets easier.

I?m happy for you and your wife, you seem to get things to work out.


Active Member
Good for you for coming on here and posting. You just inspired me to keep going as well. Can't believe how tough this is.

Thinking I may pitch the idea of Karezza sex to the girlfriend. I think the chaser effect ever since I had an orgasm is setting me back a bit.


Active Member
I'm glad you are having success! Hitting three weeks was huge, but I can't let my guard down. Urges still hit and they hit hard. I feel like it wouldn't take much too slip up so I refuse to get overconfident. Just have to keep working hard.


I definitely have the mentality of when things are going well, I feel like I'm cured and let my guard down.  So tempting to look at porn then.  Keep up the good work and remember you aren't alone!


Yeah, handle it better than me!
Don?t let no urges get in the way of you and the life with your wife, that you both deserve.


I know what you mean. Most of those so called natural urges disappear after quitting P consumption.
And for good, you can use time for more important things in life!


I definitely have a clearer head.  I can focus on important things without worrying about P or M and just focus on O with the wife.  It seems like you're improving!  Congrats!