Trying to stop PMO


56. Besides getting over approach anxiety, gaining confidence, making new friends, starting social circles, pushing myself socially, going up to gorgeous women and 'cold approaching,' getting out of my head and having fun, the hardest part of this whole journey...was when I actually started getting results. When girls actually were ready to come home with me, it was the hardest for me because my brain was FRIED from internet porn. Why? Well because I had 24/7 access to unlimited stimulation during my brain's most malleable years. During my teen years,and into my early 20's, I looked at, and used as a source of stimulation, hundreds and hundreds (probably thousands) of hours of internet porn to get me off in ways that I wasn't getting in real life. When I started hooking up, my brain didn't know how to react. Sometimes I'd do all right, but never like I could get off when I first started looking at porn. I could blame it on whiskey dick or whatever, but even when I didn't get that I'd run into problems like not being able to orgasm, going soft in her, etc. I can tell you that after years of improving my confidence, learning this stuff, approaching, and having it all actually work to get a girl to come back with me--the hardest part was having that all work, being so close to what I wanted and pictured myself having, and then being naked in bed with a gorgeous girl and having her looking at me hurt and saying, 'You don't find me attractive' (happened more than once). Now it took me HIGH and LOW of searching for almost a year on to why this was happening to me. I tried a TON of different things to try to help, some of which helped, some of which masked the problem, but nothing really hit me until I read this website (YBOP) and I could relate to pretty much every article I read. Don't waste your time on supplements, herbs, getting your testosterone levels checked--anything like that until you read this website and realize how much damage a porn addiction can do to you and your (possible) relationships. If any of this applies to you: 1) trouble getting it up with a women, but no problem with internet porn, 2) difficulty reaching orgasm, 3) need manual or oral stimulation to get 'all the way hard,' 4) go soft while inside a women, 5) been looking at high-speed internet porn for years and years, 6) looking at porn almost daily, 7) under the age of 25 (you're around my age and I assume with the ease of access that we've had during our adolescent years, you've easily fallen into this trap too), 8) you're just starting into this and haven't been with a girl (or many) girls and use porn as an aid to get off, 9) you watch porn a lot in general, look at this site. I've been without porn for a little over 5 months now and can't begin to explain how beneficial it's been to me. The good news is, there's a way (although not easy) to recover from porn-induced problems and addictions.


57. I stopped fapping just over one month ago and my life has drastically transformed. I tried quitting for years but never stuck to it, so one day I decided I might as well legitimately try and see what happens. For the past year or so I was suffering from what I thought was social anxiety, but I've now realized that it was actually the fapping. It consumes your mind, and even if you don't think it affects your daily life, it really does. This leads me to my current situation. When I started school this year I was crushing really hard on this girl, but a month went by and I never talked to her. When i quit fapping, four days later I talked to her for the first time - because I was no longer scared. Now, over one month later, we're together and things are amazing. I am no longer scared of everything and am rapidly gaining friends. If you're on the fence about quitting I suggest you do, and trust me, if you stick to it, you will gain willpower. The hardest part is the first few weeks but honestly, think about it, things can only get better.


Some more advice that has helped me is to think of 100 ways to help stop PMO.

I've tried to make a list from what I have read from other people.

1. If you get turned on, for any reason at all, or you are feeling horny, try to go to the bathroom. Sometimes being hard just means your bladder is full. If that does not help, drop down and do pushups until your arms hurt so badly you cannot do more. All the energy that was going into making you horny has now gone into nearly murdering your arms.

2. Use the sudden strength from the urges to go work out.

3. Do you have any favorite activities that you can focus your mind on? For me, I bury myself in video games, not the mindless action kind, but the slower-moving story-driven kind, and it works really well to take my mind off withdrawal. It is true that certain video games can be just another addiction for some people, but I find that the slower-paced games don't exhibit this problem, at least not for me.

4. Go do things you've never done in your town, now that you're not sitting in front of your computer with your pants down.

5. First off, commit pornocide; delete your ENTIRE collection. I do not care how attached you are, but if you are serious about quitting, and you still have it, your logic fails. You are trying to quit your addiction, but saving your stash for 'later.' It is like a recovering alcoholic keeping his cupboard stocked full of his favorite beer 24/7.

6. If you live with your family or anyone else, use your laptop in the busiest place in your home (dining table, living room) for most of the day. This way the only challenging part of the day will be when you're home alone or when everyone is asleep. You can handle that shit. This has helped me so far and I think from now on I'll just be using my bedroom for my bed :)

7. Don't put goals in front of yourself. I used to do that, but I ended up relapsing badly, and was so frustrated that I would keep on relapsing again and again for few weeks. Just treat every day as if it's your first day of abstinence. And the most important thing is not to get disappointed or frustrated, because then you will relapse more and more. Just be gentle with yourself. This PMO addiction can take several months even years to disappear completely. Just keep on trying and trying and one day you will succeed.

8. Moving beyond your own problems is essential. Once you put positive energy out there for others, it is very hard to go back to wallowing in isolation. The mind doesn't like internal hypocrisy. In contrast, focusing only on the cycle of counting, relapse, etc. offers little outflow of positive energy.

9. Just say no!: Edging and porn are pointless and counterproductive. Sure, you can watch porn and touch yourself without resetting your badge. It won't make you feel any better, and it makes nofap 10x harder for a good while after you do it.

10. Sometimes when I'm low and contemplating caving, I tell myself to stop being a little wiener and get going.


11. I'VE FINALLY GOT IT! NO MORE PORN. I DON'T NEED IT. Not even every once in a while. I don't even want to look at pictures. That's NOT the f*cking way I want to relate to women. I feel incredibly centered, just from the mindshift.

12. I want to make this my new motto: 'Learn from the past. Plan for the future. Live in the moment.' The challenge is to do something productive, either physically or mentally, during the times when you are tempted to fantasize.

13. Go out more: It's easier and easier. I was the type of guy who avoided being around other people. Now I WANT to go out and meet people, have fun. Not a habit, but a state of mind I now have, I'm not closed anymore. I can make eye contact easily and social interactions are natural. I also dress better and it helps the confidence.

14. Music "Music soothes the soul." It can be absolutely essential during emotional times. Luckily, it's easy to find music on the internet. Pandora radio, Playlist and Youtube can help you find specific music you are looking for.

15. Don't worry about your libido or whether you are going to have a wet dream. Your goal now is merely to avoid masturbation and porn. Anything else is just unnecessary drama.

16. After you get deeper into the reboot, the only part you need to beware of is your brain trying to rationalize. I've learned to recognize patterns that lead to relapses, like what thoughts pop up in regard to porn. For example, the biggest one is 'Let's just see if xyz has any new videos up, we won't watch lets just see if there are any new ones.' Well I know now that when my brain says that, that 'giving in just a little' will lead to a relapse. It's a slippery, slippery slope.

17. I advise finding some healthy activities you can engage in when you feel an "urge" to watch porn or masturbate (or both.) Take a walk, jog or run. Visit family or call a friend when you feel that urge. Get a hobby that takes you away from the computer for a while and engages your competitive or athletic side.

18. If you think the computer itself is a trigger, find another activity. Stop turning the computer on after you get home from work/school. If you can't control this, give the computer and/or password key to someone you trust and also someone who knows what you're going through. They may have to manage you for a while.

19. I've kind of gone about my recovery all willy nilly, like, "I'm not that bad off so I shouldn't work too hard at it." That is really just a big fart lie my lizard brain tells me so I binge. It really has to be the "I'll Do Whatever it Takes" approach in order to recover and heal I've found out.

20. Video game addiction is very similar to porn in the sense it cuts me off from the outside world; it stimulates me visually and keeps me glued to a computer screen; and it can be very difficult to break out and come back to the real world. So the advice I have for myself is, "Close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply, ask yourself - do you really want to spend the next hour glued to a computer screen? Is there something else that you would rather do , like going for a walk, calling a friend, do some sports? Or something that needs to be done?" Taking care of everyday life that might be a bit boring to do, but what a satisfaction to have your home clean again, your clothes washed, your dishwasher working again. By staying at your computer, the risk of getting drawn into porn is always greater. Get up, walk a few steps, go to the window, breathe, smell, listen, look. The answer is easy. Interacting with real people, real problems, in the real world, will always be more rewarding, bring you forward in life. Gaming will bring you forward in the game level.


Update to my journal: It's approaching 2 weeks without PMO, & my symptoms of chronic fatigue are disappearing!!! I no longer feel so tired, and actually find my sense of humor and mood are improving. WOW my doctor would never in 100 years be able to detect the cause of my fatigue was from PMO!!!


Active Member
Glad to hear about your progress!

The medical profession has a lot to catch up on in this matter. Its good if we can actually point this out to them if possible. They will catch up and then many guys will take years of issues off their lives! (possibly)


Journal update: Woke up feeling more awake and happier than ever, normally for the last 14 years I wake up feeling tired and grumpy from PMO, that's all changed. I have now understood what I was doing to myself for the last decade and a half. After only 2 weeks my body is showing me that PMO addiction did not actually help me with regards to my needs. I think PMO is not the only addiction that is destructive to people, eg. computer games, facebook, they are all pleasure seeking activities that don't really add any value to our lives when they become an addiction.



Apparently semen contains chemicals that elevate mood, increase affection, induce sleep, and contain at least three antidepressants. It also contains cortisol, which is known to increase affection; as well as estrone, which elevates mood; oxytocin, which also elevates mood; thyrotropin-releasing hormone, which is another antidepressant; melatonin, which is a sleep aid; and serotonin, which is a well-known antidepressant neurotransmitter.


Journal update: I watched a porn vid for few minutes and closed the vid, felt starved after 2 weeks. But, i feel so much better for not fapping off. I feel I need to BECOME VERY DETERMINED AND STRICT WITH THIS. I have added some rules watch porn for 1 minute max per day and no fap, to ease withdrawal symptoms!

I'm feeling bit frustrated after 2 weeks but I will graduate from this addiction, and become better.


jon86 said:
Apparently semen contains chemicals that elevate mood, increase affection, induce sleep, and contain at least three antidepressants. It also contains cortisol, which is known to increase affection; as well as estrone, which elevates mood; oxytocin, which also elevates mood; thyrotropin-releasing hormone, which is another antidepressant; melatonin, which is a sleep aid; and serotonin, which is a well-known antidepressant neurotransmitter.
So you are saying that we should eat it if we spill it on relapse? :D (just a joke)


jon86 said:
Journal update: I watched a porn vid for few minutes and closed the vid, felt starved after 2 weeks. But, i feel so much better for not fapping off. I feel I need to BECOME VERY DETERMINED AND STRICT WITH THIS. I have added some rules watch porn for 1 minute max per day and no fap, to ease withdrawal symptoms!

Wow that is some really, really bad idea. I mean it is so crazy that it could work for you (NOT). But watching it is like using a loaded gun instead of a spoon to eat food with your fuinger on the trigger (and that is some really really bad metaphore). You can?t watch it. It is like you are giving yourself excuses and you do not really start a reboot. When you are still watching it the neurobiological recovery effect is almost zero. It is watching it for just a little bit then it is edging (which I have read to be even worse than finishing) and then it is full blown PMO again. I really mean it, I have been there. Rather masturbate once a week without porn than watch porn every day. The true reboot starts when you stop. Honestly.


Some more results from people that have successfully stopped PMO:

1. I used to have no response to vaginas, due to watching years of anal porn. I got my brains wired for anal so vaginal sex wasn't that interesting. I used to get an erection from a blowjob or a handjob, but when it came in to actual vaginal sex my erection always failed. Now this is something really hard to face, you have I woman of your dreams in front of you totally naked, waiting for you to take her and you see and rationalize that this is where I always wanted to be, but nothing happens downstairs. But after a long reboot period that has changed for me. Just keep up with your rebooting and make it total.

2. I feel amazing. All around better and balanced mental well-being, better focus, I sleep better, and have better self control in all aspects of my life. The biggest thing I think is my performance at the gym (I am a MMA fighter). I feel like I'm on testosterone replacement or something. It is honestly crazy. I honestly can't believe that cutting out porn has been so beneficial to my life. I suggest all men do this, and kick the porn forever. It is poison.

3. Three weeks in and I am actually beginning to feel things again. I don't remember the last time I actually felt horny, I suppose I was a teenager at the time. For a long time PMO has always been a matter of routine rather than release, relief from boredom and loneliness rather than passion and so I never really had the pressure build up in the old engine cylinders. I never really had fantasies - who would need them when I have access to all the scenarios the internet has to offer? Now those things are slowly returning. Not at the howlingly imperative levels of the mid-teen years - before the porno feeding tube was installed, but at this point anything at all is an improvement. I am keeping a tight reign on the fantasies though. I want nothing to slow my progress. Now though - morning wood! Hello old friend, let me shake you by the hand! On second thoughts I am supposed to be avoiding that at the moment. I wake up and I luxuriate in the feeling of just having an erection without some silicone hottie on screen in front of me doing bad things with a bucket of soapy eels and a dwarf. Perhaps I am a man after all. The other amazing thing is how much more sociable I am at the moment, and how people are responding to me too. Before this I was invisible. I would be ignored at work, even talked over. Now I am on peoples radars and it's incredible. People who have never had a problem with this cannot appreciate just how monumentally great this change is to me. From this point on, even if I get no other benefit from this, I have at least had a taste of what it is like to be something approaching socially normal. Obviously I am still socially behind the curve but it is a quantum leap from where I was before. 

4. I can hardly believe I've finally made it 5 months, but here we are. My biggest observation about the whole process thus far is that my goal for this whole process has been constantly shifting the further along I get. From 'Be successful with women' -> 'Don't be a fucking creep' -> 'Don't get bent out of shape over women for no good reason' -> 'See women as real people rather than fantasy objects.' My sex drive still isn't all the way back, but I'm not even worried about it anymore; there's just no comparison between the quality of life I have now versus 5 months ago.

5. I genuinely enjoy my schoolwork nowadays. When my roommates are sleeping it off due to their desire to avoid schoolwork any chance they get, I'm diligently reading a book or doing coursework. I've noticed that abstaining from PMO has caused me to have a much higher energy level than others around me. The only time I ever had experienced this was in middle school - right before I became hopelessly addicted to the poison of the mind that is pornography. I think I have reached a new golden age for myself. I feel a sense of euphoria and wonderment that I haven't experienced since I was a child/adolescent prior to getting caught up in all this.

6. (Day 40) I've always been happy with (and in) my life, except for the masturbation habit. In the previous weeks I've had days when I was even happier, even brighter, even more confident. I also notice some changes in my personality. I am way more interested in other people's feelings. I can listen to what people are telling me, instead just nodding and act like I am listening. It feels great. I do not meet girls often, but now when I meet them, I see they are truly interested in me and I in them. I also noticed girls don't have to be that perfect like they are in porn movies. Girls are beautiful, every girl in her own manner. I met a girl a couple of days ago and I kissed with her for the full night (we were in a bar). Everything went just naturally, and I had a great night. I had not expected things would change that dramatically (in a positive way).

7. I have used gyms on and off for many years, but this is the first time I have ever succeeded in getting a very good physique. I always wondered why I never got results from earlier gym eras. Now I know - I was too drained from fapping to properly care about pushing that iron for real.

8. I've lasted 6 weeks with no pmo. Early into week 2 I tried having sex & my cock was dead as a door knob even after she gave me head. Then last night, which was my last day of week 6 I tried having sex again & IT WORKED! ....I got really hard at some points, other times maybe depending on the position it was a little weaker, but a far cry away from what I dealt with for the past 5 years. I even had to run out of my house mid session half naked to get the condoms from the car & I was still able to have sex, fucking mind boggling. Now I will say... I wasn't able to bust that night, prob could have if I really tried but we were drinking pretty heavily before. Any who, the following morning when we woke up together we had sex again & this time I busted! I'm happy as hell right now.

9. (Age 17) I am a 17 year old male doing nofap for personal betterification, to get more confidence in talking to women and to test my own will. First I got down to once a week. Now, 3 months into nofap, I'm really happy with the results: More energy, More willingness to study, More energy and drive to work out, More confidence in speaking to people, More confidence in my actions and decision, and Feel stronger and more 'alpha'

10. All the things that I used to take for granted in my mood and mind are slowly returning. I have not felt normal since the start of my addiction. I get glimpses of clarity here and there. It?s enough to keep me going and motivated. I spent about 2 hours in nature tonight just enjoying being outside. Spending time with family, or talking to a friend?these little things add up after a while and before you know it, life is somewhat normal and doable. Honestly porn just doesn't seem to be on my mind a lot now. I have had some very sexual dreams and I wake up thinking, "What was that all about?" But I just ignore it and go on about my day. This experience is something that one would have to try and see for himself. I'm happier now, and, well, I'm making things happen in my life.


Taka said:
jon86 said:
Journal update: I watched a porn vid for few minutes and closed the vid, felt starved after 2 weeks. But, i feel so much better for not fapping off. I feel I need to BECOME VERY DETERMINED AND STRICT WITH THIS. I have added some rules watch porn for 1 minute max per day and no fap, to ease withdrawal symptoms!

Wow that is some really, really bad idea. I mean it is so crazy that it could work for you (NOT). But watching it is like using a loaded gun instead of a spoon to eat food with your fuinger on the trigger (and that is some really really bad metaphore). You can?t watch it. It is like you are giving yourself excuses and you do not really start a reboot. When you are still watching it the neurobiological recovery effect is almost zero. It is watching it for just a little bit then it is edging (which I have read to be even worse than finishing) and then it is full blown PMO again. I really mean it, I have been there. Rather masturbate once a week without porn than watch porn every day. The true reboot starts when you stop. Honestly.

Yeah, I've been able to be completely PMO clean for 13 days except for 1 slip for a 1 minute video on my phone today. I will be more strict! Thanks for the advice bro.  No more porn videos/pics now at all.


I found a cool link that is probably useful to most people trying to stop PMO.  <-- click, click, click


Journal update: feeling good this morning, just need to be strict with this now not to give in to any urges. As soon as I feel like PMO I will interrupt it with another activity.


By the way I'm starting to love this site it's really getting me through this no PMO thing. I could just imagine visiting a doctor about this would cost hundreds of dollars for the advice not to mention the embarrassment of discussing it. I think most guys would agree with me on this. I'm so glad I even found this site.


thank god for this website!!!

First guy: I've seen multiple doctors and have wasted thousands on office visits, drugs and tests. Now, I've experienced my first successful intercourse w/o meds in 7 years...after only 17 days of no porn. This works.

Second guy: A year before I started giving up PMO, I even went to see psychiatrists and psychologists who diagnosed me with severe social anxiety disorder and depression, and wanted to put me on antidepressants, which I never agreed to. When I found out that the central problem of my life (ED, lack of responsiveness to real women) that was on my mind 24/7 can be reversed, the heaviest rock was lifted from my heart. When I went on my first NoFap streak (cca 80 days) I started noticing similar super powers as reported by others.

Third guy: I tried all the ED drugs. I went to a urologist 5-6 times and they all said, "Nothing wrong physically." I tried sex therapists, they said it was sexual anxiety. Yeah, didn't work out well there either. Turns out the truth as we know now was the dulled pleasure response perpetuating impotency perpetuating the anxiety.

Fourth guy: I told my therapist about my porn/masturbation addiction before I was able to deal with it myself. He denied that such a thing could exist and recommended that I just watch porn and masturbate once every day.

Fifth guy: (Age 38) Over the last ten years or so I've had various scans (like MRI), cerebro-spinal fluid analysis, endocrine analysis, nerve conduction studies (electromyograms), consulted a urologist, a sexologist and a psychologist. Not a single one has asked me about porn usage. I think there's a real problem here. I'm now doing what I can in my own way to spread the word too.

Sixth guy: (Age 51) I'm 65 days porn free now and seeing results. I've had ED since 2007. It had steadily gotten worse to the point that even Viagra didn't help. I was getting depressed and desperate. I've searched for ED remedies for months. I've tried everything, quitting caffeine, DHEA, vitamins and minerals, losing weight, adding muscle mass, increasing my cholesterol, herbs. I was starting to think it was something that I was going to have to live with, that it was just a part of aging. I stopped cold turkey on the porn and I haven't missed  a bit. If porn robs me of real sex then it's not worth it. My recovery's been up and down. But my morning erections have been very  consistent the past couple of weeks and the last two times I've had sex I got the rock hard erections I hadn't had in years and I maintained them the entire time. And ejaculations are coming more easily and feeling so much better. The sensation of sex is coming back too. Before when I was able to get a hard enough erection for sex it felt like my penis was almost numb. It feels WONDERFUL.

Seventh guy: Porn CAN alter a person's sexual tastes. This happened in my case lightning fast. Porn badly knocked me out of sexual norms. I asked a few professionals along the way, "Is porn safe?" and "Can porn change your tastes"? And just only got a "Nah, you're just kinky my friend. That's normal. It's good for ya!"

Eighth guy: In the back of my mind I always felt like too much masturbation and porn was causing these problems (social anxiety and erection issues). I even asked the doctors at They all laughed at me and insisted masturbation is healthy and that you can't masturbate too much.


Hey man I can't imagine what you went through. I have "only" been suffering from ED for one year (maybe longer but I didn't find out since I didn't have sex before). And just like you I tried tons of things from living healthier, working out, meditation, doctor, viagra and so on... nothing worked in the long run. This is by far my biggest problem I've ever had in my life! And I was literally going to call a sex therapist the next day, when I discovered Gabe's youtube video and / reboot
I can only confirm that doctors keep saying that masturbating is healthy, even multiple times a day. That's why I never questioned my behavior, which now hit me hard. It worries me how all those people played down your problems by saying that "porn and masturbation once a day is fine".

I wish you all the best! You already got some results, there's still more to come!