New life begins


Active Member
This counter is really starting to tick me off. Trying to reset it. It won't. I m'd this morning. Ha! Just had to get mad at it for it to work.


Active Member
So yeah. M is still a high hurdle that I struggle with. I can say progress is being made tho. From 3 times a day to once every 3-4 days is still progress. Just wish I had 1/2 the will power of some in here. I tip my hat to you guys.


L.T.D. said:
So yeah. M is still a high hurdle that I struggle with. I can say progress is being made tho. From 3 times a day to once every 3-4 days is still progress. Just wish I had 1/2 the will power of some in here. I tip my hat to you guys.

Hang in there, man!  Ain't nobody here any better than you or more capable than you!  It's a struggle for all of us.  Even the guys who've rebooted were at Day 1--only God knows how many times.

You're going thru some bad karma, tricky times.  I've been there, too.  Change is certain, it'll pass.

Wishing you well!



Active Member
Pretty much the same round here. Going a few days m free then give in. No p. Still going to church and had that financial class this week.


L.T.D. said:
Pretty much the same round here. Going a few days m free then give in. No p. Still going to church and had that financial class this week.

Good job.  One step at time.

Stay strong!


Active Member
Haven't posted in a while. Although, I do read other posts here. Pretty much the same. Struggling.


Active Member
Hebrews 12:11 "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those trained by it."

Pretty powerful.


L.T.D. said:
Hebrews 12:11 "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and pease for those trained by it."

Pretty powerful.

Amen, LTD. 

This beautiful passage affirms for me the point William makes about doing the Hard 90.  It requires discipline and can be very painful, but enduring it will bring great blessings--and among them will be righteousness and peace.

A price worth paying.

Wishing you success.
