Realizing I'm in hell


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Hi Gummianka,

Like your approach!

I think you have every right to keep your skeptical mind.  And let's face it, this is an emotional area for everyone.  It is about sex, intimacy...and there are people out there with strong views who can be judgemental.

I think a good way to look at what you are doing coud be as a scientific experiment.  The hypothesis the experiment is meant to examine is whether you have PIED.  It is further hypothesized that if this is the case, stopping PMO will end the PIED.  The method is to  abstain from PMO for 90 days.  We will see the result at that point.

Either the hypothesis will be proved correct at that point, or you can then examine alternative hypotheses.

Such as:

1) Am I just giving myself a hard time, (pardon the pun), and it's quite normal to be unable to perform occasionally.
2) When I am unable to perform, it may tell me something important about the situation I'm in.  That there is something I am uncomfortable with.
3)  There may be a psychological cause.
4) There may be a physical cause.

Incidentally,- on the subject of NOFAP as a weird religion, I realise some people ae rather ardent, evangelical even, in their views.  I don't think that's true of me, but I do know I write a lot about spirituality in my own journal.  I don't expect others to have the same views.  The reason it is important to me is that spirituality is a central guiding force in my life, affecting every choice I make.  There are loads of great reasons for me to quit PMO - it effects my energy, relationships, friendships and work in massively adverse ways.  But the thing that seems to give me the most motivation to quit is looking at how it affects my spiritual life (which as you can see - for me is kind of my whole life anyway.  Wanting to approach everything about myself and the world around me with compassion and fearlessness.  Big project!).  So I think a lot about this.  But it's ok if other people don't.


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Yes, I agree with your post about this being (at least to some degree) a spiritual journey. In fact, that was actually the word I chose to use when i told a friend about what I am doing as I started this.  :)

I am going to focus on your point 1 first. I think that is the key, but the way you write it is a lazy way of looking at it. I don't mean that you are lazy, that is the correct way of saying it, but that in itself is lazy. is there a connection between those occasions? perhaps even there is a reason why a man cannot perform, since the girl is simply not the right girl? I am honestly more and more realizing that the woman this happened with for me probably was bad news, from a very basic level. Sex is ultimatly about making babies, and perhaps our instincts stop us from having sex with someone that would not be a good match? Perhaps out instincts stop us a few times so we can get to know our partner first? This is what you take up in point number two.

Glad you posted this, as it is questions I am starting to look into. And even if nofap is all wrong, without this I would not have started to look at these things, so I am quite happy I am on this path now.

Two things about porn.

1. Porn is a very large thing and the difference between one kind and the other is huge. I truly buy that a reboot is the best way to get down to the basic level, just as an elimination diet is to find out what causes your allergies, but I don't buy that "its all the same". Also, it probably affects different men differently, and in different times of their lives. The classic example is a child being exposed to internet porn compared to a grown up using porn.

2. I think it is an important part of our psychological make-up. It is most likely not the entire reason why I am this or that way, but it is certainly a part of everything I am. I hope I will find out more about this.

Finally, before I end this rambling post, I really think that we live in a strange society when it comes to sex and relations. I used to be a left leaning progressive and most of my sex life is from that time in my life. I seriously think that damaged me a lot more then porn ever did (not counting the dopamine effect for highspeed internet). As an atheist, I must say that the biblical Sodom is not that far off what is going on most nights in the world today.


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I think I agree with everything you've written.  I believe that sex and intimacy are very connected for human beings.  It is really hard to seperate the two, and most people who can completely seperate them are people who have personal histories that make intimacy difficult for them.  I may be wrong about this, but it seems true in my life, and in the lives of many people I know (some of whom have worked in the sex industry).  So if you are with someone who you are uncomfortable being intimate with in some way, it makes sense that sex will become dificult. 

I also agree that P is not all the same - and can be good and bad for different people on different occasions.  The important thing is to explore it honestly and not BS yourself that something is OK just because you really, really want to do it.  I say that more to myself than you - as I have gone down that particular rabbit hole many times in the past.  For me, my use of P is associated with very particular fantasies that I won't mention here in case they are triggering.  I think I am more addicted to those fantasies than to P.  I used to M to them obsessively long before the interweb.  Easy access to P that fulfilled those fantasies just supercharged the whole thing even more.  There was a point many years ago, when I had realised I had an addiction problem that I decided to look at mild erotic images without fantasizing.  Again, I won't go into details of why this worked for me, but it seemed very helpful at the time.  I would say it even helped me develop the sexual confidence to find my first girlfriend!  So as you say - P is not always bad.

I am also a left leaning progressive who seriously wishes Bernie Sanders would come over and lead the labour party in the UK (But let's not get started on that haha).  As we have said before conversations around P can get very highly charged and emotional.  I think many progressives feel that  even admitting there is such a thing as P addiction might be playing into a socially conservative agenda around sexual morality.  I think this is a mistake.  The important thing is an honest conversation about this.  Using P may benefit some people at some times.  But it can also destroy lives..... Anyway, peace and good luck on your own spiritual journey!


Active Member
yes, agree completely on your note about not using the stuff I think might work as a reason to relapse. Before I can tell what is up, I need some real time off P.

I can already say that there are stuff that I watched that I no longer think of. Almost as if my ideas of sex got hijacked by the sheer multitude of it (if xxx amount million people want this, clearly it must be what I want - kinda logic) that probably is not for me.

Also, in a way I suppose all kind of super stimuli have the same effect, but I also think that I need this reboot to get back a moral compass. Some shit out there is simply bad stuff and I should avoid it. And when sex triggers whatever horrid shit you used to watch, I think things get weird.

I think one thing for me was:

1. I really, really care for this girl.
2. The sex I expect (and actually, she as well) was rough shit that I don't want to do to someone I like
3. Limp dick as my real me does not want this.

Now a note about status. Seem to be in some on and off flatline. I have no woman in my life, I have no desire to go out dating and really no need for a hard-on, but MAN it is depressing not getting an erection. Actually funny how much that affects my mood and self esteem.



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I really think there is more porn and nudity in the world today then fresh water. I cannot use too many filters as my job is pretty much only online and it does (believe it or not)require being able to hit sites where you might see some skin.

However, today I was reading some news on amessage board, completely unrelated to anything sexual, and boom, links to nudie girls. No hardcore porn, but still full monty.

I actually stared in disbelief for a while before I shut it down.

Reflections: Yeah, I would not mind surfing for some hotties again, but now is not the time. It was actually quite easy to just switch off. No second thoughts, no feeling of loss, and absolutely no physical reactions like a p?unding heart or anything.

Somewhat related: Red on some site about ED that a therapist recommended using video with moderation, as she claimed to never have seen any prob?lems with men using images, but did admit that videos (and death grip) was the root to a few ED problems she had dealt with.


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Ordered some natural supplements today that is supposed to take care of ED, so will see what that is like in a couple of weeks. Also read a bit today about people going off sex and into celibacy for longer times and how that might lead to a sort of ED, where it might take a few times of real sex before you are good to go again. The testgroup mentioned a year or two as the most, and I had twice that time under my belt. Use it or loose it, I suppose.



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Hi Gummianka,  - agree with you on the interweb....hard to avoid triggering images.  But your post made me think about how there's always a choice to walk away...or to look at more...and more...and more.  Ultimately, no image is powerful enough to force us to look at it - we have all the power.

I was just wondering if now is the right time to try herbal supplements for ED, if as I remember you're doing the hard 90?  I mean, if yous started to get rock hard morning wood regularly, would that not make the task more difficult?

Maybe worth trying after the 90 days?  Just a thought....


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This is a herbal remedy rather then some rocket fuel. However, I have not made a 90 day hardmode thing, I am on this for July out and then i will see what happens. My aim is to see if I have/had PIED and if so to fix it.


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Sorry, my answer probably came out rather short and not that polite.

Thanks for the concern. I think that something that increases your libido is a bad thing, while a remedy is a good thing. this is basically natural herbs that will be good for my training as well, but specially made for well, the regions down there. :)

Regarding my mission, for me it is all about exploring the PIED thing. I also enjoyed getting a bit of a distance to porn in general and realizing this effect of increasing the content of it. That awareness is a good lesson.

As for my ailments, as I have been devoting my time to look into this for the past three months or so, and there is a lot going on that is not within the scope of this forum, but that I think is the major reason why I failed that night that drove me here.


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I have to go off the grid for some time and have very little or no access to internet. Since I don't want my counters to keep ticking and possibly giving false information, I will remove them and replace them with a fixed line, so when7if I come back, I can start up again.

Best or wishes to you all and take care. :)


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Comment on Reply #23
YOU know, you do show a remarkable persistence for someone going through all that you are going through, to be AT THIS FOR 371 DAYS (WITH WHATEVER RELAPSES) AND STILL AT IT IS SOMETHING.

As you get a handle on the relapses there has to be more rewiring coming your way.  I am going to root that there be a change in "Realizing I'm in hell" for you.