NoFap Consciousness


Well-Known Member
So I've been bothering my teachers with incessant emails eager for new knowledge. I spent yesterday house sitting for a lady friend. I love her and she loves me but we're strictly no sex before marriage and I'm not sure it would last in the long run. Communication between me and my last girlfriend was really bad, I know she liked me, but I was mixing all kinds of things with my tobacco like marshmallow and thyme and she still ended up getting upset. I'm sure I was honest with her, she smoked too, and we both knew it would be difficult. I was mostly worried about how I would support her, and that is at the back of my mind with this lady too. Creation is a funny business, in the end it is all down to communication and we always use tools to communicate, be they mouths or noses. I'm just not ready for kids. Still, we agreed to meet the following week so there's nothing to worry about, just take it at the pace that we both feel comfortable with. I still think she likes the tobacco more than me, but we're getting there.


Well-Known Member
So I have diagnosed myself, I have infosomatosis, a tendency to teach when I should be listening, it is a form of psychosis-schizophrenia that leads to bad karma causing paranoia. I don't know whether I need to get it officially recognised by the psychiatric community, it would be a start, I think it only affects Cypriots and Cubans and maybe Japanese and Koreans. Thank you.


Staff member
Georgos said:
So I have diagnosed myself, I have infosomatosis, a tendency to teach when I should be listening, it is a form of psychosis-schizophrenia that leads to bad karma causing paranoia. I don't know whether I need to get it officially recognised by the psychiatric community, it would be a start, I think it only affects Cypriots and Cubans and maybe Japanese and Koreans. Thank you.
I would hope that is some kind of joke, Georgos! I can't tell because you're also saying you're having psychotic symptoms. But that sounds batshit crazy!


Well-Known Member
So I'm slightly sick of diversity questions, the world is partially ordered like a tree in a forest, there are many trees in fact, each with their own bubble of space and time if I may be so bold. I am Asian Greek, Middle Eastern and North African, Asia starting east of the Bosphorus. I am also Celtic, Norman and Welsh, assuming I was born which my mother assures me that I was. In fact, I don't remember it, only appearing in front of a tank of lobsters and then sometime later in a garden. Perhaps I am a devil; lol ; @ 0 P ?

Jokes aside, there is something serious about intelligence agents, informants and actors that I don't approve of. They all think their in charge of having sex.

Arrogance is a sin, believing in the reality of the dust cloud that is but a mirage. You will never find peace that way. It is better not to judge.

I have been told that it is possible to discern, this is true since the way is omniscient and the logos can deliver all information if you ask. The clave informs the heart of the correct interpretation. We are all oracles I suppose.

But I digress, stay off the drugs that harm you and take those that help. As I said, try not to judge, but discern, even porn is not haram under the correct overstanding, perhaps it is just images of what is happening elsewhere;

I have never been to Venus, Jupiter or Mars, though I'd like to go to the Moon some day, perhaps I am from Titan.

I intend to make a prolonged study of astrology, to ascertain the music of the spheres beyond the pentatonic (five visible planets) and octave (five planets plus the sun and moon and earth) to the stars. From Shoenberg to Stockhausen through jazz and back again, harmony is possible in time.

There is a whole universe to explore, and I am still learning, I just hope I haven't got it upside down.

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
So anonymity is important sometimes, information needs to be released in a balanced and responsible way, that is why I have diagnosed myself with infosomatosis, the tendency to simply express whatever comes to my mind regardless of the consequences. Sometimes it is better not to know, but I have been trying to figure out just who it is I have been talking to. Yesterday I convinced myself that I was talking to two politicians, the head of my local council and a very senior British MP. I also wondered about some of the other people. Did I know them. All this wondering about the true identities of people who have chosen to remain anonymous simply brought me stress. Once you know who they are you have to take what you know or think you know about them into account. If they continue to insist on anonymity then it just leads to further confusion and problems for you creating paranoia. We are all friends here, we trust each other, that is enough. We are all here for the same reason, to stop masturbating and sever our attachment to porn. If my teacher were here I'm sure he would say the same thing. I looked at P today and MO'd shortly afterwards. Still no PMO at least. It doesn't bother me anymore so long as it is not too frequent. It is ok to make mistakes and release pressure. The question is how one releases pressure, which brings me back to my condition of infosomatosis. To act and say the right thing at all times is a challenge. To say neither too little nor too much is another. To make the best of life under all circumstances is what life is all about. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Both the standard model and relativity allow for the existence of tachyons, what is known as the ether, particles or waves that travel faster than light. There is a whole universe of them, of which the Higgs Boson is but one. Beings composed of them live there, unseen by us, as relativity states that nothing can accelerate beyond the speed of light to reach them. Physics has yet to work out how tachyons degenerate, and that is a good thing, because the universe is vast and full of more war and peace than we can fathom. Such beings have been known to all cultures. In the Koran they are called the jinn. It states that their are Muslim jinn and non-Muslim jinn. There are countless religions and creeds, and some come to sow seeds of hatred whilst others come to help. It is not about "race", so much as about politics. The politics of the universe and beyond. That these beings walk amongst us, causing wars and providing insights, is beyond doubt, how they are perceived depends on how the tachyons degenerate. Thank God we do not know how yet. I am ashamed of those who seek to make peace through denial of differences. Life is about economics, the exchange of experiences. To take on the experience of a greater being is dangerous. This is why the Koran says in general one should have nothing to do with jinn. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
So I have been really stressed, but not psychotic the last few days, largely because I have been on a fast moving forum. I need to deal with my problems on slow moving forums like this one, not one's that update every few seconds. The internet is like a psychotropic drug, and can be addictive. Even this forum is addictive to an extent, but it is at a pace that is reasonable. I need to try and read books again and solidify the foundations of my life. My priority remains to stay sane and P and MO free. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
So I'm getting into mediating politics again, diplomacy like Leibniz, I guess that's what I'm paid for, not really, it's just that when you're a ward of the state, as I am, nothing comes for free, which is why I want to transition to being independent. I am sick. Money always comes with strings attached, it is hard to escape. I need to take a break from fast moving internet and meditate, nap or sleep. The internet is too addictive, the thrills of clicking, reading tweets on any platform, and posting nonsense, stimulates massive dopamine overload and stress. I'll try to stick to posting here. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Hi georgos, how are you doing today?

I saw your post in my journal and I was wondering if I or we could help you with something.


Well-Known Member
Fam, I've never read the Bible and that is how it's meant to be, I'm East Side Orthodox knot West Side Muslim or Vudun.


Well-Known Member
So I once read a book on spiritual economics saying we should start stealing from big corporations, I thought it was kind of daft, it's true they exploit people, but some people also exploit them, I don't know, who cares, it is what it is.


Well-Known Member
So I'm coming back down to Earth after thinking I was talking to JayZ and the Khardashinas , it really was a bad trip, I started smoking Sterling tobacco and I could smell the money, it was making me sick, like rotting fridges or bad feet, back to Palmal now, the Irish smoke, really want to get something that's good for my cough, might try mixing it with some ginger shavings, just going with the flow... I'm a Libra, so always try to remain neutral until I make a judgment, discerning which side is more just and who has been obeying the law, but pigs don't generally get the girls, being castrated at birth for the most part, and I'm not talking about policemen, pork is not even eaten by Ethiopian Christians, let alone Muslims and Jews. Will try to make the best of the it, don't feel so bound by P or MO any more at all, it is a joy to go without. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
So I'm thinking back to the time I got picked up by the police for shouting a warning many years ago, some women were stealing energy, qi, or smoke, or ether, or whatever you want to call it, whilst I was walking along, it is true the trees may have been talking, there are plenty of them where I walk, but I could sense what was going on and it was wrong. The police didn't understand though I told them straight up, and I had to do t'ai ji spins which they later said had hurt them, though they admitted they didn't know what was going on, taking me to the hospital was the right thing to do, but even the doctor didn't fully understand, he thought I was talking about sex with my father, or at least my yiayia (grandmother in dialect) who is now dead. I suppose I didn't know then, just a vague intuition about life on the wire, no nafs or ego, no spoken word, so boasting about it here is nothing new, I just want to get on with my life as best I can and I have a few family and love life problems to sort out.

My aunt has dementia, that is one of the first problems in my life, I don't know the cure, she's very old, and in many ways the matriarch. She lives near Famagusta in Cyprus, Islam is probably the best solution, though vitamin K3 can help;

The second problem is sorting out how I am going to live with my future wife, we have such radically different lifestyles, me typing away in drudgery and she praying everyday to pick up something nice. Her flat is filled with junk, my body is filled with pills, neither of us want these things, however I do care for my parents and her brother, so I'm worried that she is taking the piss. It's not that I think she works, she lives like a Queen, and she told me life has always been her dream ever since she was a child, I just struggle with work compatibility issues which help, and when I talk my experience fades away, so we are in love, if it were only possible to sleep for ten minutes before leaving the house;

Drudgery and writing make me happy, they give me purpose, for her, the collection bowl and spoken word satisfy her soul, we can do small talk and quick snuggling, she often kisses me on the forehead, but my mind won't let me partake :(

I guess I'm just a dog, to use a rude word, but I'm not afraid to say it.

Anyway, the counter is still on, and I'm unconsciously counting this time, which is a relief after the last 30 years.

Wondering what my brother is up to today, he's gone silent :(


Well-Known Member
The world is in my imagination, I created my world and gave birth to my own language. I made one mistake, the words ?black? and ?white?. B-Lack and Why-ti where ?ti? is the word for ?what? in Greek. I need to correct these labels for myself. From now on I will refer to bath and wath people. Thank you.