
Active Member

you have proved to yourself you can stay on the path
the urge was there for you, and you stayed true.
something here we all can learn from and apply in our lives.

Hang tough my friend,

thank you for sharing.


Active Member
Thanx to all

I had a very good day, didn't even cross my mind that I was so upset and fed up. I had to consciously recall it to be reminded of it.
The best part of it, I had no guilt to deal with. No relapse no PMO. What a great feeling!

You all are so precious to me in all the support, wise words, Private Messages, you name it!
This is what the Nation is all about!

Thanx again.

Stay strong and receive the Blessing!


Active Member
Tell me about! Fight with the Wife and that urge to beat tend meat is just massive!

You would not be alone. In fact, it was often computer or tech related stuff that caused the irritation with the ex Wife. I'm no expert but if the Internet failed she'd get pissed off and somehow suddenly I was meant to become a super Geek over night! There was more chance of one of our kids sorting it out! However, she had stuff to do, people to see, places to go and I was simply failing in my 'fix it now role.' Same thing reminded me about fixing a curtain rail. You visit B&Q buy every drill bit there is, try hammer action, no more nails, and discover you will NEVER drill into a concrete lintel behind a think plaster skin! However, 'the man of the house' should be able to over come this, penetrating concrete being just about as easy as penetrating her some times!

So, you feel a failure, frustrated, irritated, blamed for stuff you can not over come and of course the sheer delight of Porn Heaven beckons all the more loudly! Yes, I recall giving in, alone in the house and roundly abusing her at the all too soon moment of pixilated climax! It seems to me now what I needed to have done was to have dealt with that situation better. No matter what I was getting back from her, I should have enforced some ground rules. Something calm and measured like 'I need to explain what's going on to the bloke in B&Q and we'll see if there is another common solution. Then possibly no, it's too late, I'm not rushing over there now just before they close but leave it with me I'll shoot over in the morning. Knowing her, if she were irritated enough, stress enough or just in her often foul mood, even that would get some personal abuse. Her favourite phrase was 'if you only had a brain', then followed up by a salvo of character destruction. My problem was my sense of self had been eliminated decades back in the relationship. I was sick of her constant nagging and it was easier just to roll over and play dead. This left me with the ANGER that was perfectly worked through by a bit of self medicating PORN. What I should really have done was directed that at her...One of the reasons she left me was to find a 'stronger man.' The guy sheets now with simply would not put up with this from her.



Active Member
It seems to me now what I needed to have done was to have dealt with that situation better. No matter what I was getting back from her, I should have enforced some ground rules.
We all are masters at everything in hind side!
On the other hand I am a very handy man and can do almost anything in and around the house. The problem is, I am asked to do things when I want to relax and just chill. So it creates a lot of tension!  :mad:

But I must say since I have no PMO issues and are having more free time, time that I would have PMO'd, I am more relaxed about my precious time and I actually like to help my Sweetheart getting things sorted out in and around the house! ;)

So as always, stay strong and receive the Blessing!


Active Member

All that time i was PMO'ing, i was irritable, ornery, and would cause issues with my wife about doing this or that.

Since i have removed all that from my life, after all this time i find i cannot wait to do things with my wife - whatever they may be.  That hour period in the past when i would look to catch a fix, i now find that i seek only my wife - wanting to help where i can, do what i can for her, spend the time with her, talk to her. 

I know i can't get that time back, but i know i am not going to waste anymore!

Stay strong my brothers.


Active Member

Thanx for the reply.

I Wonder how many men are, of have experienced the same phenomena?

I would like to hear from you guys!


Stay strong and receive the Blessing!


Active Member

In regard to what SMS has said about wanting to do more with my wife. I have experienced similar feelings (and I don't mean I yearn to spend more time with SMS's wife)  ;D

Through sharing the bonding techniques I am enjoying time spent with my wife more. It feels as though live is in much less of a routine (rutt) than it was before. But having said that I also realise I need to let go of some inner feelings that cause me to not give all of me to my wife.

I was hurt emotionally very badly when my first marriage ended, even though it was largely my own fault due to my porn related activities. The experience of that intense pain has made me a bit guarded with my emotions. I know inside I kind of feel like if I don't allow myself to get that close and be that vulnerable again, I can't get hurt that badly either if things do go wrong in this marriage?

Not all the time, but there are definitely times when we go to make love that when we are kissing I can't feel any connection or chemistry at all, even though I love her and I know she loves me. 

So I have that to overcome too.


Active Member
Thanx Rider

In general I think a lot of men are feeling the same.
I would still like to hear from more men about this.



Active Member
Rider I think I still retain that hurt from my first marriage. Like you I love my partner very much and we've been together for ages now. I'm actually perfectly happy that although we enjoy closeness and touch, we don't really do all that much sexually. That does not mean we have not done so but since my heart attack in June last year it's almost as if I don't feel the need and she is just as happy without sex.

I must say though it is truly GLORIOUS just hugging her and holding her hand. It feels, well it feels so CLOSE and what is more important so SAFE!

I too will admit that PMO was part of the Problem in my last relationship but so also was this feeling of emotional coldness from the ex-Wife. I'm reasonably convinced this has made me very cautious sexually but, oddly enough, NOT emotionally. I share my emotions and my true feelings so much with my partner. There is this amazing sense of wordless but truly DEEP emotional communication and connection. It's so strange because I NEVER had that with my first wife.


Active Member

I am working on building that deeper connection, I would truly LOVE to have that with my wife. 

It has really only been the last few weeks that I have begun to realise the degree that I am holding back emotionally out of fear of being hurt again.

There are deep scares that need to be healed, and I haven't really acknowledged that as yet, let alone allowed anyone to treat them.


Active Member

I really appreciate your reply. What you are saying is so significant.

We men, and society as a whole place so much emphasis on sex that it shapes our whole perception of it. The problem is that this emphasis is so distorted that we don't really know what it is supposed to be. We believe that the more we can have it. The wilder it can get. Even if we can have it with the most woman possible. The better it will be and that this will define us as real men!
What a lie it is!
And sure it brings forth its own bag of more heartache, and lies with it...!
I think that men (humanity) as a general have done a lot of hurt and harm to the beauty of what sex originally were meant to be, apart from procreation.

Having gone through the reboot and are still convinced that PMO will and can never be part of my existence here on earth, ever again, I look at sex and the act of making love to my beautiful wife with new eyes.
A happy marriage should not need to be build on our sexual performance!
I'm actually perfectly happy that although we enjoy closeness and touch, we don't really do all that much sexually. That does not mean we have not done so but since my heart attack in June last year it's almost as if I don't feel the need and she is just as happy without sex.
I share my emotions and my true feelings so much with my partner. There is this amazing sense of wordless but truly DEEP emotional communication and connection. It's so strange because I NEVER had that with my first wife.
This is the true essence of what it should be!
Without my awareness and new eyes I could and would never have grasped it!

Stay strong and be receive the Blessing!


Active Member
Bless you SMS and thank you Rider! You BOTH encourage me so much! I am glad to encourage you both as well!

Rider, those deep scars will continue to heal. One of the best images I could construct about my separation from my ex-Wife was that it was like a physical wound. At first it was a sharp, stabbing pain and then I sort of went into what I can only describe as 'emotional shock.' Everything seemed to slow down, the world became distant, almost unreal and it was like I was walking in a dense cloud of fog. However, very slowly the wound began to heal. The bleeding slowed down, the shock began to wear off and then more of the pain kicked in...I was angry that I felt injured and really furious with a person whom I now saw as a long time assailant. As the wound Scabbed over I felt stronger. In fact I began to taste liberation and it in fact felt like a MASSIVE eighteen year weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Then I free to start grieving the loss of my relationship. It's totally surprising how much that grieving mirrors grieving the death of a loved one. The stages were identical. SHOCK, ANGER, DISBELIEF and finally, at long last, ACCEPTANCE. What was even stranger was that you would flutter back and forth between them for ages. There you would be one moment thinking you'd passed through all that anger, thinking all the scars were nicely healed and something would happen, you'd hear or see something and you'd be right into the searing, visceral want to rip things apart anger all over again...So don't worry that your healing comes slowly. It's bound too and it's also likely a part of us may NEVER heal. We may just have to live with our brokenness as well as our happiness and our wholeness. However, if this is happening within ourselves, even STILL in my case, might it not also be happening in our ex Partner? (I can talk to my ex Wife on the phone really well now. We hardly talk at all but you know we talk better now than we ever did in 18 years married. I honestly mean that! It never ceases to AMAZE me that we even make each other laugh! I actually think that is exactly BECAUSE we no longer live in the pain of a relationship that was broken beyond repair in about year one or year two....So take your time, let the healing keep on happening. No need to force anything, just carrying on being YOU!

SMS, so nice to know that you too get this bit about love, caring, affection, gentleness and not having to have a relationship built on and full of sex. You are so right, as kids even we were taught to chase sexual fulfilment and gratification. I was the same as many men, anywhere I could find sex I be in like Flint! I'm not saying I did not fall in love many times as well, neither am I saying that sex was not great fun because it really WAS but it so quickly became an end in and of itself! Truly, if I were asked now would I have turned those sexual encounters down at the time, I would still say NO! They taught me something beyond just genital sex and it is now possible to quietly reflect on them as moments of loving and kindness as well.

Thank you both for your massive encouragement. Stay strong and God bless you now and always!



Active Member
Hi all of you! I just had this thought while sending a PM to another Rebooter friend if mine.

What I keep on finding more and more.

Those of us that has gone this far with no PMO,
it's like first of all we never thought it could be done.
Though we yearned for the desire to break the terrible grip PMO had over our life's for many years.
Secondly, now that we could do it and prove it to ourselves it's like. Why did we ever struggle with this in our life's.
And then, thirdly, I newer want this in my life anymore, ever again.

I must say though getting the right mindset is of utmost importance and it most definitely helps with the journey.

If everybody can just make that connection!

Porn is NO Option!

  :) :) :) Stay strong and receive the Blessing! :) :) :)


Active Member
Thank you so much for what you said Rider. It means a lot to me! I have stayed off here for a while because I have been on holiday with my partner. Hope you are continuing to progress, love and HEAL!


Active Member
Glad to have you back DFA

It looks like a lot of the rebooters are regularly on holiday or short breaks. This is good and it helps you to also clear your mind and focus on what is important.

The wife and I are leaving for a 5 week break to the USA on the 1st of October, this will be our first visit to the USA. I will have to see how often I would get the chance to do posts here on the forum during this time.

Stay strong and be Blessed!


Staff member
Have fun on your trip to our country!  Hope you get to see a lot while you are here!  Be blessed and safe!