To Swerve Might Make More Dead


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I'm down 11 pounds since Beer Fest, about 3 weeks ago. 34 grams of carbs yesterday (my electrolytes were so fucked up that my EMT roommate made me drink a Gatorade so I wouldn't pass out, otherwise I would have been at 0 grams o_0.) Once I finish my lemon water, I'll be at about 18 grams for today.

Worked a weird shift yesterday, and because I almost passed out, I didn't get my walk in. Today I was expecting my friend to visit, so spent all morning cleaning up. By the time the house cooled off enough to use the treadmill, my roommates had gone to bed. I was worried about waking them, so I walked outside again. The problem is that I just couldn't get my heart rate up to where I wanted it. Just couldn't get the same pace on real terrain. (Or I've adapted to the workouts I've been doing and actually need to move faster to get my heart rate up to the same level.) Actually, I just mapped my route on MapMyRun and it says it was about 3.78 miles, which took me an hour and five minutes. Works out to 3.53mph, and I've been bouncing around at about 3.5 to 3.7mph on the treadmill to stay at ~156bpm. My average this time was only 135. So, perhaps I've just adapted to this speed and I need to properly start running now to hit my target heart rate. We'll see tomorrow when I hop on the treadmill.

My walk culminated in a stop at the store where I picked up some magnesium tablets. Gonna have to start taking them to keep my electrolytes balanced on my diet. I've been drinking salted water with lemon juice today. It's kind of a weird predicament to have. I've upped my fat intake (lots of heavy cream) and that seems to be doing the trick energy-wise.

Ultimately, my friend didn't visit. Her mom's cancer really started acted out with a vengeance. Had to get the EMTs there. Blegh. Soon, hopefully. I did fantasize about her visit more than I should have, tbh. But never acted on those fantasies. And it was more talk than follow through, if that makes sense. Just thinking about the things we would do without actually visualizing them. Meh.

Have I mentioned that I've made it past the 1-month mark on my reboot? Booya!

Anyway. That's all for now. We'll see what the treadmill says in the morning.


Active Member
I spent 2 hours and 45 minutes on the treadmill today. 45 minutes at 70% of max heart rate, 15 minutes at 80%, and the remaining hour and 45 minutes at 60% WHILE I WORKED ON MY BOOK AT MY MUTHAFUCKIN' TREADMILL DESK! (Put it together the last time I was working out pretty hardcore so I could at least be walking when I had to work at a computer. It's a pretty ingenious design.)

Signed up for 3 DietBets, for a total bet of $160 US. If you're not familiar, on DietBet, you cough up money upfront, which goes into the pot. Everyone who loses at least 4% of their body weight in a month splits the pot. I did one four months ago and won $52.93. I've since gained back all of the weight that I lost on that DietBet, so I've decided to go all out this time. Three DietBets is the maximum that you can do at any one time, so I've signed up for three that are all starting on the 22nd. If any of you guys are interested, here are the links for the three that I'm doing: ($100) ($35) ($25)

I'm not sure where, if anywhere, the service is available outside of the US.

Other than killing it on my book, killing it on my workout, and being generally awesome, I went and saw The Giver. They made a few changes that irked me, but made sense for a movie audience. Overall, it stayed relatively true to the book, or at least true to the essence of the book. Did a good job of dragging you through the dirt.

Ordered pizza for the toppings and fed the crust to the dog, so STILL KILLING MY DIET!

Pretty much killing everything today.

Um... can't really think of anything else to add. That more or less sums up my day.

Although, there's a super cool techy twist to my book that, if I pull it off, I'm going to be super stoked about. I will say this: it's going to be the Mass Effect of books. o_0



Active Member
I feel both good and horrible about today. On the one hand, I spent way too much time on the internet, dealing with uploading pictures for my 3 different DietBets (which I'm totally going to crush!), and then creating a DietBet of my own for next month, which includes a no-fap challenge. It's called Fitness & Fapstronauts. Link in the dobbly-doo. That is, my signature. (Bonus points if you get the reference.)

I did get a fair amount of work done on my book, even if I feel like most of my time was wasted.

And I can't help but feeling awesome, even if I didn't get much done. I'm on one hell of a streak (I'm pretty sure this is the longest I've ever gone without PMO), my diet is going well, I've perfected my recipe for keto-lemonade... er, correction. I've mostly corrected my keto-lemonade. I'm switching sweeteners. I've been using my roommates liquid sucralose, but my preference is for Stevia. Gallon of water, 1/4 teaspoon of regular table salt, 1/4 teaspoon of NuSalt (potassium), three squirts of lemon juice from the big bottle (maybe a tablespoon, tops?), and 15 drops of EZ-Sweetz (though, will be switching it out for whole leaf stevia extract soon.) Makes sure I'm getting my electrolytes.

I do have lots of supplements on the way. I decided to go ahead and re-instate my weight loss supplement regimen, since I have to guarantee that I lose 10 pounds in the next month. GONNA KILL IT! Also going to be popping pills constantly. It'll probably kill me some day. But it did make me a fat burning machine last time. GONNA KILL EVERYTHING! Goal-wise, that is. Killing my goals.

Made some deviled eggs. That's really the only other exciting thing about today.

I suppose I'll wander off. Nothing particular to do, just nothing particular to say either. Ready for everything.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind spending time on the internet if I'm actually doing stuff, it's when I waste hours doing nothing that I feel crummy, so don't worry about that :p  Picture uploadan' and book writan' is all constructive stuff :3

Also, you're not on a streak, you've made a lifestyle change :) This is it now buddy, and you're killing it.


Active Member
Promise said:
I don't mind spending time on the internet if I'm actually doing stuff, it's when I waste hours doing nothing that I feel crummy, so don't worry about that :p  Picture uploadan' and book writan' is all constructive stuff :3

I got lost in the tubes. There were lots of tangents. I ended up doing way too many things on the internet, and not enough of the non-internet things that I wanted to get done.

Promise said:
Also, you're not on a streak, you've made a lifestyle change :) This is it now buddy, and you're killing it.

Hells yeah, I have!

In the past 8 days, I've logged 47 hours of physical activity on my heart rate monitor, which it estimates is 21,721 calories burned. Got my workout in this morning, then worked on the book while I meandered at the treadmill desk. Cold shower: check. Killing my diet: check.

We only had one of the Dole salads I've been eating left at the store, so I decided to to switch it up. Compared the different salad mixes and decided to get a big tub of lettuce and some mixed greens to add to it (kale, chard, mizuna, etc.) And a big ol' jar of bleu cheese dressing. It'll take my salad from 14g of carbs to 4g. EXTRA KILLING IT!

Clark Kent was flirtier today, so she can't be too upset with me. Of course, I haven't been there for 3 days, and I don't remember the last time I saw her prior to that, so she's had time to forget that I woke her up. I'm not sure if I want to continue pursuing that, though. I mean, relationships at work are totally sketch.

Um. Anyway. I want to get done and get to bed. So I guess I'll leave it at that.


Hey really enjoyed reading your journal- its amazing to see your attitude change from the beginning to the end. Its always nice to see that this thing is possible and has good effects on people it helps keep me motivated.

I also lost a ton of weight on low carb diets- one of my favorite recipes was White Castle Casserole- you can google it but its basically 3 eggs, quarter cup of heavy cream, half cup mayo, you brown a pound or so of ground beef with a packet of onion soup mix (hardest part is finding onion soup mix without a ton of added sugar but its out there), shred a bunch of cheese on top of the beef in a casserole pan, you mix the eggs, mayo, and cream then pour that mix over the beef. Bake it at 350 for somewhere between 45mins to an hour. What you end up with is a casserole that tastes somewhat like white castle but is all around awesome low carbness. Its good with mustard too.


Well-Known Member
She's flirtier because you're a sexy beast and she can't help it.  The poor girl is only human, after all.


You got it, man. Stay strong. You're ahead of me and I respect you. You are the master of your body - your body does not master you.


Active Member
It was nice seeing some new faces around here. Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself. :D I mean, I guess technically I am...

Blah432 said:
Hey really enjoyed reading your journal- its amazing to see your attitude change from the beginning to the end. Its always nice to see that this thing is possible and has good effects on people it helps keep me motivated.

I also lost a ton of weight on low carb diets- one of my favorite recipes was White Castle Casserole- you can google it but its basically 3 eggs, quarter cup of heavy cream, half cup mayo, you brown a pound or so of ground beef with a packet of onion soup mix (hardest part is finding onion soup mix without a ton of added sugar but its out there), shred a bunch of cheese on top of the beef in a casserole pan, you mix the eggs, mayo, and cream then pour that mix over the beef. Bake it at 350 for somewhere between 45mins to an hour. What you end up with is a casserole that tastes somewhat like white castle but is all around awesome low carbness. Its good with mustard too.

Glad to get you motivated. And that does sound delicious. I'm thinking about making low carb cheesecake, personally.

Promise said:
She's flirtier because you're a sexy beast and she can't help it.  The poor girl is only human, after all.

I am a sexy beast. And I can't help it either. ;)

Jimmy said:
You got it, man. Stay strong. You're ahead of me and I respect you. You are the master of your body - your body does not master you.

A month from now, we'll see if that holds true. And if I'm $150 richer. ;)

Not much else to say today. No urges to speak of. Got my cold shower in. Only got half my walk in; spent this morning cooking and reading, so didn't have time for a full hour. Did higher intensity to make up for it though.

I did some maths, and if I do everything by the books, I looks like I could be at my ideal weight in about 10 months. And now that I'm PMO-free, I'm feeling the motivation to get it done. It's going to be DietBet after DietBet for me, so I can win money to pay for my grocery bill. :D If I pull it off, it'll be the lightest I've been since like Junior High. If not before that.

Anyway. Tired. Long day at work, and I'm scheduled until 1am tomorrow for some special event. Blegh. Imma go rest and try to get to bed at a decent hour so I can make the best of the late start.


Congrats on hitting one month. It's great to see that you're making good progress on your book and weight-loss too.


Active Member
Grounded said:
Congrats on hitting one month. It's great to see that you're making good progress on your book and weight-loss too.

Thanks. I do what I can. :)

Just had a stressful little jolt. Was looking at some pictures that an overseas friend sent to me, and remembered that somewhere on my computer I have some x-rated stuff that she sent me a while back. There's part of me that really wanted to go find it and watch it.

Part of me doesn't want to get rid of it for sentimental reasons. Part of me knows that even if I do hunt it down to delete it, I'll end up watching it again before (and if) I follow through with deleting it. It's better if I just leave it hidden wherever I put it. Out of sight, out of mind. I really wish she didn't live on the other side of the planet. o_0


Well-Known Member
When I first started this process waaaaaay back when I deleted my entire porn collection.  I can't remember how big it was, but it wasn't particularly hard letting go.  The only stuff that was hard to delete was the stuff of actual women I knew.  All the pictures they'd sent me, screen grabs of them on webcam etc.  But I deleted it in the end.  And I don't regret it.  I think part of keeping a porn collection was that hoarder mentality, keeping everything because you never know when you might want it.  We don't have any need for that stuff any more, brah.  You can't get sentimental over some pixels.  Remember, REAL WOMEN ONLY! :D


Active Member
I messaged the friend in question, and poked around on the forum for an hour or two, and that steeled my resolve. Feeling infinitely better now. And I know that I'll at least be seeing the pictures if I hunt them down to delete them, which kind of defeats the purpose. Part of it is the risk of slipping, but I know that part of it is legitimately sentimentality. I mean, we met through some erotica that I wrote. We've become good friends, but sex was our entire relationship for the first year or so. As bad as it was for me, there is some sentimental value there.

Anyway. Not much in particular to report. I did write a post with my top tips, having nearly made it to the forty day mark. If you want to read it, it's here:

I overdid it on the exercise, me thinks. I feel like I broke my foot.

Also, did I mention that I got a refill on my supplements?



Well-Known Member
Hey mate, how's it going?  I've been offline for a few days, fill me in!  What's been-a-churning in the old Rebootnation rumor mill?


Active Member
Promise said:
Hey mate, how's it going?  I've been offline for a few days, fill me in!  What's been-a-churning in the old Rebootnation rumor mill?

Hey! Not much going on. Been spending more time responding to other journals than adding to mine, though I haven't been around for the last few days at all. Been working on the book.

Been starting to think about marketing materials for the book. I really want to do a book trailer. Found a great filmmaker in Finland who does fantasy stuff with no budget. And Finland would be a great backdrop. I'm hoping I can convince them to work on a trailer for me for next to nothing.

Of course. This is all a bit further down the line.


Well-Known Member
Neato!  Glad to hear it's going well man.  I know first hand that there's nothing more rewarding than making good progress on a creative project.  Reserve me a paperback, mate!