A Pastor's Journey: A Year without Porn


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cknfella said:
My pattern lately has been to see how far I can go without claiming flat out that I've seen porn.

I felt a lot like that on Tuesday - pushing at the boundaries. Whereas I shouldn't be anywhere near those boundaries. Do you think maybe we're on a journey of santification? That gradually, God is revealing to us the areas that are unhelpful? You know, if we just left it at "no porn" then that would still leave acres of room for sexual sin. I think our aim should be sexual purity and joy in life.


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I agree 110%.  I think I've spent so much of my 20's trying to fight just porn, and the problem with was that I was constantly excusing myself..."This isn't porn, that isn't porn", pretty much everything became non-porn to me unless it was hardcore, which is obviously untrue, but also speaks to my heart. I wasn't pursuing holiness because of the grace I had been given, because I had been set free, I was a legalist, and then judging myself by my own law.  This left me nowhere.  Over this past year God's shifted my focus to pursuing holiness, and ultimately HIM over simply just pursuing a life without porn.  He's brought me to the point where I can have a day of failure...yesterday had some failure...and I can still run to Him with joy and pursuit, without beating myself up about it for days.

That's because of the Gospel man.  Jesus in our place. Because he took my sin, shame and guilt, when I fail (sin) I can just run to Him for forgiveness, healing and then get back up again.

But I agree with your statement...yes, we're definitely on a journey of sanctification.


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Jumping on here just for a second. I'm REALLY struggling. Super low, tired, discouraged, frustrated and angry.

Got a new phone today...promised I'd be good. I've spent some time reading things that would be considered sub material.  I've fled, and haven't completed M'ing, but feel terrible.  Just got my wife to lock the phone down, as it was new, so tomorrow should be better, but I know this little setback will make this weekend hard.

Just wanted to jump on here. Pressing into the presence of my Father, he never leaves me even during times of great temptation.


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I'm almost 2 weeks clean here. Crazy. I've gone longer, but the fight has not been as tough as this. 

I want P really badly, but I know I'd have to give up so much. Malando, your comment is so true. I would lose much if I didn't fight this thing. 

Honestly, I just feel so sexually alone. With my struggles in SSA (same sex attraction), it makes it even harder, I believe. I feel like even in freedom, I won't ever be able to be fulfilled in this way, I will always have a deep longing that won't be satisfied in the ways I want. I feel a deep longing and loneliness in this, that the further I get away from PMO, the more I realized I've used PMO to medicate that pain. 

I know that God can meet every need.  Hebrews reminds us that we have a Great High Priest (Christ) who sympathizes with our weakness and struggles, because he experienced temptation as well as a man on earth.  I take comfort in this, but today I feel alone.


Staff member
cknfella said:
Honestly, I just feel so sexually alone. With my struggles in SSA (same sex attraction), it makes it even harder, I believe. I feel like even in freedom, I won't ever be able to be fulfilled in this way, I will always have a deep longing that won't be satisfied in the ways I want. I feel a deep longing and loneliness in this, that the further I get away from PMO, the more I realized I've used PMO to medicate that pain. 
Hello pastor, Are you saying that you feel that you might be gay or bisexual by nature? And that you feel that your inability to express that has driven you to seek an outlet via porn? That would indeed be a very difficult thing to overcome - especially in a marriage.

Does your wife know of these struggles? How do you feel about your wife and your attraction to her? I believe that you love her and your children, but I mean as lovers?


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Malando -

Good question. I would say I'm VERY attracted to my wife sexually, which I view as a gift from God. I'm deeply in love and committed to our family, my wife and children. I'm not usually attracted to other women, honestly. I'd say my attraction to women/men is 30/70.  I'm grateful for the ability to have a frankly, very passionate relationship with my wife, it just doesn't always meet all of the sexual needs I *think* I need, but honestly, that's why we're on here, right? Pursuing all the sexual needs we *think* we need leads us to addiction.

Fortunately my wife does know about my attractions, was grateful I shared, and she has encouraged me much in them.

Almost 3 weeks here no porn! Pretty pumped about that. :)


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Today is September 2nd, my 31st birthday. 

I'm overwhelmed by the faithfulness of my God to give me 31 years.  I've rebelled and sinned against him over and over through my years, and he has been so faithful, unrelenting in his love and grace towards me though Christ on the cross.

Almost 3 weeks clean!!!  Fighting for a new year like never before.


Staff member
cknfella said:
Malando -

Good question. I would say I'm VERY attracted to my wife sexually, which I view as a gift from God. I'm deeply in love and committed to our family, my wife and children. I'm not usually attracted to other women, honestly. I'd say my attraction to women/men is 30/70.  I'm grateful for the ability to have a frankly, very passionate relationship with my wife, it just doesn't always meet all of the sexual needs I *think* I need, but honestly, that's why we're on here, right? Pursuing all the sexual needs we *think* we need leads us to addiction.

Fortunately my wife does know about my attractions, was grateful I shared, and she has encouraged me much in them.

Almost 3 weeks here no porn! Pretty pumped about that. :)

Well, that's great that your wife is accepting of your bisexuality - in fact, she sounds like a generally remarkable woman. You are extremely lucky to have such a faithful and non-judgemental wife, who you also find so attractive.

I'm a bit unclear what you mean when you say "she has encouraged me much in them" (same-sex attractions). How do you mean that? She encourages you to share how you feel? I assume she doesn't encourage you in pursuing relations with men? Have you ever had physical relations with men? Is it highly distracting to your life to think about it a lot? Does it torture you to have these desires? I think you need to find real peace with this issue in order to live a harmonious life with your wife.


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Hi friend, thank you so much for the great questions. I am grateful. You ask deep, soul questions that some of my closest friends don't ask me, although the ones you ask certainly roll around in my head, so I'm happy to let you peek under the hood of my struggle, so to speak. :)

My wife is very accepting. We've never really labeled it bisexuality, but if I were to label it, it would certainly fall into that category. From our biblical worldview, we believe that everyone is sexually broken, all of us in need of healing, all of us in need of a Savior.  This has been absolutely vital in helping me understand, process and heal.  It also allows for a framework beyond "This is how I feel, so this must be my identity." It allows hope for my actions to not be driven by my feelings.  And because my wife and I both hold true to Christianity, having her as a partner in this has made all the difference.  She didn't find out until after we were married...she was the first person I ever told, our emotional rivers run deep, over many years of intersecting.  She's such an incredible woman and gift to me in my life.

- How does she encourage me in them...certainly not to pursue them, though if I were being entirely transparent, I'm not going to lie and say I've never fantasized about that scenario. I have, but I'm grateful it's never been on the table, it would have only driven us far from each other.  She encourages me to be honest with her, honest with myself, honest with my feelings. She refuses to let me hide, refuses to let me go dark, quiet, isolated. She stands by me, and asks me hard questions. She is in every way, my friend, partner, confidant and lover. She encourages me in truth, that I'm not defined by my feelings and pushes me deeper in my walk with Christ.

- Is it highly distracting to my life to think about it a lot?  Yes. So I fight to preach truth to myself, focus on others, and spend my life pouring out for others than entertain false realities or ideas about what would make me truly happy or satisfied.  What my flesh wants, to have sex with men, which would also include cheating on my wife and/or leaving my family...there is not a scenario where this doesn't cause enormous harm, pain and betrayal to my wife, children, extended family, church family, friends and neighbors.  There's not even an acquaintance that wouldn't be affected by this.  I just couldn't do it. Simply, as bad as my flesh wants it...it's not worth it. Not even close.
I was just dwelling on this this morning...I could never leave my family to pursue some temporary sexual experience that would only cause pain for me and everyone else. I could never leave my family, because God has never left me.   God has been faithful to me, even in my struggles, my hurt, my pain, my longing, that most importantly for me to pursue my fleshly desires, I would have to leave God to do it.  It just isn't worth it, and pales in comparison to the joy and relationship I have with him now. 

- Does it torture me to have these desires? Yes, at times. Immensely painful. At times, it's thrust me into incredible darkness, loneliness, and sadness. I want them. I can not sugarcoat that.  But, I want other things more. I want a future and a hope. I want my marriage. I want my daughters to grow up with their father in the home, seeing daddy be faithful and consistent in the love I give them and how I point them to God. I want to be present for them.  I also want my God, and the life he's given me. But is this painful? Yes. I could write pages on how painful it is.  Even as I write this now, the pain is deep, the longing is real.  To be intimate with another man would certainly satisfy, temporarily, some life longings I've had.  But I have to remember two things: 1) that satisfaction would be temporary, and in it's aftermath would be full of destruction and pain, leaving everyone in my life asking the question "Why? Why was it worth giving us up to have that?" and 2) to go back to our faith, Christ calls us to "pick up our cross, and die daily", that we are a "living sacrifice".  Christ makes no qualms about following him....if you choose to follow Christ, he asks you to give up everything. When you meet Christ, you are given a new (better) set of desires, purpose, mission and trajectory.  I no longer live for myself, but I live for the One who gave his life to forgive and heal me, and to reconcile me back to my Creator.  So, and I struggle with this on many days, but this reminds me that my struggle is temporary, it won't last forever, and it is expected of the Christian life...to die to what our flesh wants, and it's the least I can do for my Savior who died and gave his life to rescue me.

Wheh...that was a lot, but great questions man, and it encouraged me to be able to answer them. Simply, it's not easy, not even close, but much like all of us are on here to put to death those things that we don't want to rule us...the same is with my attractions. It's worth it.


Staff member
Thankyou for being so open and honest, pastor. That is a brave thing to do - even when you are anonymous on a forum because the thoughts you lay bare feel very exposing and revealing just by speaking them outside of your mind. I can see that you are searching your soul for the truth and that can only be a good thing. I'm happy if my questions can help you to towards clarity on some things - that is my hope and intention when I write to you.

It seems realistic to acknowledge your nature while you strive towards what you want. There is no doubt that using porn can amplify the torture and obsessive thoughts - so as you leave your addiction behind, this should get easier. It will not remove all thoughts, but it will place them in their true proportion. I think porn contorts and exaggerates every corner of one's fantasy mind, so it stands to reason that if one is disturbed by one's fantasies, it's imperative that porn is discontinued. What is scary is that so many men (and women) are not disturbed by the extreme nature of their fantasies and they push on inexorably towards the furthest limits of what humans will do to each other just to get a sexual rush that is simultaneously getting harder and harder to find. It's a shocking state for anybody to be in. It's the dismemberment of one's rationality and integrity to the point of crisis of identity. Very dangerous. Although porn didn't take me as far into depravity as some I have read about, I still abhor what it did to me. The feeling that you have no control of your mind and over your actions is a deeply scary state to be in. For all that technology has given us, I think it has cost us too much - in a lot of areas. Mastery over ourselves and technology is something that is going to take centuries to evolve, I fear.

You are on the right track, knowing the state of your brokenness. Slowly but surely, you can assemble some of the pieces so that you can function as you need to, and give your love and energies where they need to be. Thanks again. I commend you on your courage.


Active Member
Rough morning for me here. I spent some time with subs and ultimately m'd.  Feel like a complete idiot. I'm not beating myself up, I'm fighting the temptation to relapse or despair...fighting to keep fighting. I did not fight well today though, and want to be honest. Shared with an accountability partner too.  hope you guys are doing well!

Malando, your encouragement means more than you know. Thank you friend!


Staff member
cknfella said:
Rough morning for me here. I spent some time with subs and ultimately m'd.  Feel like a complete idiot. I'm not beating myself up, I'm fighting the temptation to relapse or despair...fighting to keep fighting. I did not fight well today though, and want to be honest. Shared with an accountability partner too.  hope you guys are doing well!
You have no choice - you must keep fighting because your future depends on it - as a pastor and your relationship with God, your relationship with your wife and family, and finally your relationship with yourself. How would you live with yourself knowing you had learned so much, seen what you had to do, but walked in the opposite direction? I don't think you would be able to live like that. It would continually lead you back to existential crisis.

But knowing you don't have any other option is a good thing! It makes the decisions easier. People who see porn as an alternative are in real trouble because every day you spend "enjoying" porn, you enjoy other things less. And one day you realise your life is empty and without love, truth, company or anything special. After that, a person is just waiting to die.

Rejoice in your knowledge that there is only one choice! You must leave it behind so that you can embrace and reclaim the best and most productive sides of yourself.
Malando, your encouragement means more than you know. Thank you friend!

You're welcome, I'm here for you.


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Malando, So true...I must resist, every time.  This is the dangerous slippery slope for me. Substituting Subs for Porn, and then convincing myself I haven't looked at porn. Must fight this every time.  Great words of truth. I have no other choice.


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Guys, almost fell into PmO tonight.  Jumped on here instead, but was super close to looking at porn.  I need to remember all that God's done for me and continue to run to him.  He is better this this crap


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It's been about 3 months since I've last written. Lots of ups and downs. Had a binge or two, sadly and a number of subs as well.  I haven't been doing well emotionally or physically lately, and wanted to jump on here. I know I can't do this alone, God is giving me more and more freedom.

I've recently blocked everything on my phone, allowed my wife to be my accountability partner online, and begun to set in better daily habits to help me fight the urges.  We just recently had our 3rd child, so there hasn't been any sexual activity lately, which makes it harder.

My "WHY": My God, my marriage, my children, and ministry. But most of all, because I know I want PMO out of a hunger in my soul that only my God can fill. I'm committed to running to him and LIFE rather than PMO and DEATH.


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PMO free since 12/18/17 -

Day 3:

Filled with gratitude today. Days before Christmas, and I'm overwhelmed with the blessings in my life.  Have spent lots of great time with family and time with the Lord, my heart fills full. I know the tool to keeping lust out of my life is letting God fill me with himself, meeting the hunger and thirst in my soul that I want to run to PMO for.

Not sure if anyone is a fan of Art of Manliness, but read this a few weeks ago on Silence and Solitude, and it was REALLY good. Hope everyone has a great day!