A Pastor's Journey: A Year without Porn


Active Member
I don't know how it could possibly open a browser without that software installed on your device. If it opens up chrome or similar then you need to delete those apps off of the iphone as well, if there are no browser apps and/or they are all disabled then it can't open anything up no matter what wifi area you roam into. Failing that just buy norton or covenant eyes or something, it's not expensive, especially when considering the cost of not stopping yourself.


Active Member
Day 38 -

I'm feeling intense temptation this morning. I started to look at subs, but have jumped off quickly and came here. Haven't posted in a while. i've been busy and active, which has helped a ton. One thing I've noticed is that when I do start to go down a road of p or subs, my desire for them has changed dramatically.

Anyway, I know it's not worth it. I choose my God, my church, my family over this crap.


Active Member
Keep it up.

Make a note that u will have a "period" around day 40. And be prepard next time.

Thats what I did. I had day 3, 10 and 40. After that it have been controlable more then PMO trying to control me.

U are doing great. U are a great person who suffer from past  bad influences. That does not mean u are bad.

Not many people do what u do, and that is something to really rejoice over.



Active Member
cknfella said:
Day 1  :-\

All right day 1 but you did 38 days.

Come on man, 1 stand up for every fall. Just keep it up.

It's common to suffer the chaser effect after relapsing. That means repeating relapsing.

Just manage to stay clean after the storm is over and you will be soon on the right track again...

Remember 38 days were just in the corner.

But even when relapsing, which obviously is not good, your brain still takes advantatge of those 38 days.

It's not like starting from scratch.

Come on man, be strong when you have to be strong, and be water against temptation.



Active Member
Thank you guys for the encouragement, it really means a lot.

Day 6 here.  Today is my day off. Grateful for almost another week of no PMO. I'm definitely going to be more aware of Days 30-40.  An interesting thing has been happening as I look at my temptation and draw to porn.  Even though I fell, it's pull is having less sway over me. It's allure is less appealing, it's power less potent.  I believe that's signs of change. I really find it far less desirable than I use to and simultaneously my awareness of it's draw and power over me is increasing. It's an odd mix, but I think its healthy.

Here's to another week! Keep up the fight fellas.  PMO free in 2018!


Staff member
cknfella said:
Thank you guys for the encouragement, it really means a lot.

Day 6 here.  Today is my day off. Grateful for almost another week of no PMO. I'm definitely going to be more aware of Days 30-40.  An interesting thing has been happening as I look at my temptation and draw to porn.  Even though I fell, it's pull is having less sway over me. It's allure is less appealing, it's power less potent.  I believe that's signs of change. I really find it far less desirable than I use to and simultaneously my awareness of it's draw and power over me is increasing. It's an odd mix, but I think its healthy.

Here's to another week! Keep up the fight fellas.  PMO free in 2018!
Around day 40 is an interesting time. I think it's one of the major hurdle periods. The first week is difficult, then it gets a bit easier, then it gets harder again during the 35-40 day period. I think it's because complacency can set in. You also forget that determination you had when you first started. Your mind can start to entertain the idea of trying it out again - for various possible reasons:

- to test your physical response in the case of PIED, sometimes to remind yourself why you ever felt so strongly about using P (or quitting it.),
- because you start to wonder if you ever really had a problem and whether it's really that bad for you,
- because you miss the thrill,
- because you felt a bit numb about sex, which feels strange when it's been at the centre of your life for a long time.
- because you are in a depressed state or "flatline"
- because you failed at something else and decided to wallow in low self-esteem and mess up your reboot.

There are other reasons too why somebody might relapse, but you get the idea. You definitely have to be watchful all the way through your reboot. There are no truly safe times when you are quitting an addiction. You have to be very aware of what's building up in your mind - and take evasive action if it looks dangerous.


Active Member
cknfella said:
Thank you guys for the encouragement, it really means a lot.

Day 6 here.  Today is my day off. Grateful for almost another week of no PMO. I'm definitely going to be more aware of Days 30-40.  An interesting thing has been happening as I look at my temptation and draw to porn.  Even though I fell, it's pull is having less sway over me. It's allure is less appealing, it's power less potent.  I believe that's signs of change. I really find it far less desirable than I use to and simultaneously my awareness of it's draw and power over me is increasing. It's an odd mix, but I think its healthy.

Here's to another week! Keep up the fight fellas.  PMO free in 2018!

All right. I guess your day off wasn't Sunday :))

6 days after relapse is awesome.

One day at a time, man.

Congratulations ;)


Active Member
Happy V-day fellas.

Day 18 here.

Thanks for the encouragement guys, still trekking on.  Masturbated a few days ago...probably the first time in 2 months, still hated it, but am grateful I see this becoming more of a rarity.

I'm seeing as I progress in this fight...my desire and attention to masturbating, and for P mostly has diminished significantly.  I love to see less attraction to it over all. 

Read this article on NY Times: 'Let's Ban Porn' - fantastic, and agree wholeheartedly.



Well-Known Member
That's a super article. I have friends who see themselves as right-on, feminist ally types who'll still fight wholeheartedly for their right to watch porn. It's almost as if people think "oh I'll defend women's rights to the death, except when it suits my own habits / gratification".

I liked the line about rediscovering eros- that is, rediscovering the pleasure of sex, free from the framing and expectations that porn places on people's sex lives.


Active Member
Day 1 here unfortunately.  Pretty frustrated with myself.  i didn't fight this morning like I should have, and ended up m'ing to some vids on Vimeo.  It wasn't porn but it was porn-esque, so decided to reset counter. 

Set up a couple of things to go hard the new 40 days, preparing for Easter, so I want to ensure that I'm fighting well every day.  I often find that after a few weeks of "doing well" that strangely enough, it seems to slip my mind to focus on the fight.  As though this is behind me, or not something I'm struggling with, or can struggle with at any given moment.

Such a lie.

Day 1 - let's do this.


Active Member
cknfella said:
Day 1 here unfortunately.  Pretty frustrated with myself.  i didn't fight this morning like I should have, and ended up m'ing to some vids on Vimeo.  It wasn't porn but it was porn-esque, so decided to reset counter. 

Set up a couple of things to go hard the new 40 days, preparing for Easter, so I want to ensure that I'm fighting well every day.  I often find that after a few weeks of "doing well" that strangely enough, it seems to slip my mind to focus on the fight.  As though this is behind me, or not something I'm struggling with, or can struggle with at any given moment.

Such a lie.

Day 1 - let's do this.

To fight it doesn't sound good to me.

I would rather preffer not to put myself in a place where I have to fight...

Cause I have every chance of losing the battle...

Don't use K9?

Maybe you could explore that possibility

After making a trial you can ask somone to keep your email password
