Hi jj07! Thanks for your well-written post. I agree with all your points. It took me a long time to bite the bullet and start journaling, and it?s too early to say definitively that it?s going to make a really big difference but it feels like it?s helping. Certainly, I?ve read in several other places that it?s a strong tool to use.
Yes I think vigilance is crucial. I do have to keep coming back here and YBOP to remind myself that I?m still a work in progress. On other occasions I?ve thought, ?Hey, I?m OK, I?m not missing PMO at all, I haven?t had any strong urges for quite a while.? Then, maybe a couple of days later, suddenly, out of the blue, CRASH! I foolishly find some pretext for looking at something I shouldn?t, and I?m gone!
So, as well as reminding myself every day or two of my intention of being free of PMO and also keeping ?safety straps? in place to make it difficult to access eye candy, soft porn or hard porn without deliberate effort, I?m also trying to do more worthwhile activities for self improvement. I guess, it?s all part of ?Project BigMog.? I?m beginning to read more books, either physical or on Kindle, fiction and non-fiction, but avoiding just browsing on pc or tablet in case I get diverted where I don?t want to go. I?m in gradual training for various running activities. I also have a few other minor hobbies. An important point for me is that these aren?t just distraction activities, to make me avoid porn or to fill in the time when I would otherwise be using porn, they?re activities I feel are worthwhile in themselves and for which I have goals and targets.They are part of what I hope is a positive upward cycle of improvement.
That probably all sounds a bit self centred, but of course by doing these things and weaning myself off PMO, it will also make me, I hope, more stable, happy and therefore attentive to my family. So I guess my motivation is to be a better husband, dad and generally more accomplished all round.
Keep trekking everyone!
9 Days Clean