I'm going to call today a relapse, I think.
Did I outright look at porn? No. But I did search it, and it was on my screen even if I wasn't really looking directly at it. Maybe that doesn't count, but it still feels like a step back. At least where I am in my recovery, this is what I'm trying to quit doing. There was nudity on my screen, and I saw it out of the corner of my eye, but I refused to look. I don't even know if that makes sense, but I really don't want to cross back over that line. It feels like a weird thing to me, but it's like my thing now is not porn but being in the presence of porn. Of course, if this stuff made sense, it would probably be easier to beat.
I've learned a couple of things about myself in the last couple days, though: 1) I'm not a happy person. I mean, I always think that my happiness is in the future, but I've realized I need to learn to find happiness in the moment. I think it would be a lot harder to want to porn if I was able to find happiness. It only ever comes when I'm frustrated or hurting in some way. 2) I've been paying too much inappropriate attention to the women around town. I think I've been telling myself that I'm single so there's nothing wrong with looking out for women. But I'm not realistically going to date any of the people I pass on the street--so giving them the wrong kind of attention isn't going to help them or me.
At times like these, I don't really know what to do but reset the counter and call tomorrow a new day. It's frustrating, but it's part of the process. I guess what bothers me is that I knew it was coming. This is never a surprise when it happens. But I'm just not sure what's still missing--what am I not doing? Hopefully it won't be too long before I learn to recognize the urges, feel them, and reject them or let them pass. One of these days. Starting tomorrow.