I guess every form of refuge has its price



Thanks WIP!  Feel recharged after a nice weekend outdoors.  I think it is clear that cutting non-essential online time is something I need to continue pursuing.  So many other things out there!

4 Day Clean 


Active Member
jixu said:
Placed myself in a situation that had more Red Flags than a Kremlin May Day parade
I love metaphors!  I cannot resist the temptation to follow this up with: "more Red Flags than an expert-level Minesweeper challenge"?  Of course, nowhere near as good as the original...


Hi Leonidas-your Minesweeper reference is a good one also!

Even though we are engaged in serious business here, not everything all the time has to be heavy, deep, and profound.  Sometimes we have to just acknowledge and laugh at our stupidities, foibles, and frailties.  Take care and keep at it! 


Active Member
Hi Jixu,

One of the stressors centred on a dumb disagreement on a non-essential topic; it got prolonged and more heated than necessary and drained an already limited supply of emotional energy.  It reminded me of a line from the Book of Proverbs that goes something like this:  Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out.

It was good on your part to recognize the disagreement as a stressor and trigger for you, and more importantly, to do something about it. I can't think of a better way to disengage from the stresses of life than to spend some quality time outdoors. Glad to hear the experience left you feeling recharged and gave you some perspective on how you've been spending your time.

Also, I'd like to add one more thought:

more Red Flags than a Kremlin May Day parade
more Red Flags than an expert-level Minesweeper challenge

More red flags than the bull run in Pamplona?

I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. Full credit to your original, which was awesome by the way!


Been doing good on limiting recreational web surfing time- I still like to look stuff up and follow certain stories and events but such usage has been greatly reduced.  Had some recent good walks and hikes and doses of forest therapy, thereby benefiting both lungs and soul.

Hi LIGA-the running of the bulls at Pamplona!  A worthy addition indeed to the Red Flag pantheon-thanks!

11 Day Clean


Thanks Joel-I am making good progress on reducing recreational web time and have all types of reading materials readily at hand as good substitutes.  I really like what you said on your journal about taking a peek is like taking a dose of kryptonite-that is how it all starts, the little doses, the little peeks, the little start down the wrong path.

15 Day Clean


Been doing good recently at keeping suggestive pictures and (more importantly) suggestive thoughts out of the mental fireplace, thus denying the insatiable flames further combustible material.  Yes, embers and coals remain, yet they can do nothing but drift into extinguishment in the absence of additional fuel.  Take every thought captive, and don't let them grow and fester!  Stay in the battle, it is worth it.

20 Day Clean     


Active Member
Hi Jix,  You're one of the best guys I've "met" here. You hit the nail on the head re some non-serious banter. For me the connection w/ you and others can't be fostered w/out some teasing and cynicism. Usually I like to make UK the butt but but but... hahaha
I'm hoping your streak keeps going pal.
Many moons ago I went on a tear w/ literature crossing them off my list:  English, Russian, U.S., existential, mythological, religious... man, I hit every genre. It still reminds me how great heroes/characters faced the same challenges we do. And they flopped a lot. Did you know that Ghandi had issues w/ sex/abstinence/marriage? Check out his autobiography. He was making vows with himself re sex and many of us can relate.


Hi UKGuy-that is a good way to put it; it all begins with a sip, a small step away from the mark.  Sometimes we can catch it, but it isn't worth the risk!

Hello Mr. Slurps! I also like biographies.  If there is one thing I have learned, it is that if you drill down deep enough into a man's life something bad will be discovered sooner or later!  But, like you said, it seems in the end we all face the same challenges.  Keep up the good work!

26 Day Clean


Active Member
Jixu-I took a brief hiatus from journaling, but was pleased to see on my return that you've made it to 26 days clean. That's huge, man. Keep it up. You're doing great!


I recently came across an interesting item in our group health care provider's newsletter.  It seems like common sense but it is a good reminder of one of the tools to deal with some of life's struggles.  It pertained to the basic idea of just getting outside. Leonidas had been discussing it recently.
Anyway, It went like this:

"When you?re feeling stressed or dwelling on negative thoughts, head for the hills [go outside]. Levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress, drop by more than 20% after people spend 20 to 30 minutes in nature. Research also shows that walking in nature can help ease symptoms of depression and anxiety ? and cultivate peace of mind."

Pretty simple stuff, but it is pretty cool to see the little neuroscience blurb embedded in the quote.  Hard to see any downside to getting outside.  Maybe nature helps us see how small we are in the big scheme of things.

LetItGo, thanks for the encouragement and keep up your good restart!

28 Day Clean 



Well-Known Member
Congrats on your 28 days!
Couldn't agree more about the mental health benefits of being outside. I never fail to find something that lifts my mood when I'm outdoors.


Thanks WIP-believe me, I was living through you vicariously during your great recent beach trips!  I love the forests and hills but the beach is my favorite; however, I can only get there about twice a year.  Love those therapeutic waters! 


Active Member
Well done on the awesome streak, man.

jixu said:
Hard to see any downside to getting outside.  Maybe nature helps us see how small we are in the big scheme of things.


It's getting cold and dark where I live; so this is a good reminder. I gotta wrap up and get out there. Yesterday I was home alone most of the day. All I did was one short walk around the block.


Active Member
I can only concur with the arguments presented by the scientists.  We need Nature and Nature needs us.

For those in doubt or on the fence about this I would suggest this: decide to devote an entire morning or afternoon off from work.  Head out into a nature path somewhere in or out of the city.  Some cities, granted, are better organized than others, but still... if one takes the time to figure this out, one can find something.  A great big park, a small hill or mountain, a riverside path or a beach, a botanical garden, any trail that has abundant greenery and is free from any cars.  Take the time you need, but if all you have is one hour then I promise you will reap plenty of rewards, enough time to enjoy the surroundings, the cleaner air, the adventure of setting out and getting a fresh new perspective:

jixu said:
Maybe nature helps us see how small we are in the big scheme of things.


Active Member
Jixu - Nature seems to suit you, my friend. If that's your ticket out of this stifling "faptropolis" (I'm pretty proud of that one), by all means, get out and enjoy the great outdoors. You're doing great!


Doing good at making sure the unwelcome and inevitable intrusive thoughts that arrive don't linger long enough to become urges.  The last few days I have been shaking off a cold but rest and some nice home-made soups have revived me! Hope that is my only brush with respiratory ailments for the foreseeable future.

Thanks guys for your encouragement and comments about nature.  I am going outside now to scan the heavens and constellations and see if I can spot that harbinger of autumn, Orion. 

34 Day Clean 