And I'm off.


I need to be careful today. Five days down. My wife and I had a fun evening last night. It's surprising how quickly some of the old comfortable feelings are coming back. She's really fantastic and I feel closer to her every day. We've both been stressed out, so it was nice to spend time together just goofing off. But wow, we kinda drank too much. lol I'm not too worried about that. It was kind of a bonding experience. But I need to watch it. A lot of weird dreams this morning in the hangover haze. Thinking about things I shouldn't think about. I did feel much more vulnerable and had to really snap myself out of it. So, even though I'm stressed out, I think I need to avoid alcohol for a bit until I get a few weeks behind me. I need to keep myself in the right frame of mind. But I made it though the morning. Have a bit of a headache, though. lol But it will pass.

Five days down. Staying on track and doing pretty well.


I'm less worried about alcohol than about the P, but I'm cutting back a great deal on alcohol and I can tell that is helping.  I sleep better with a cup of tea and a valerian root capsule than I do if I have alcohol.  If I sleep better, everything the next day is better.  In the past I would PMO in the daytime, and then use alcohol to sedate myself in the evening to quit worrying about, or thinking about the porn use that I was not content with.  So the two would sort of feed on each other.  At the same time I was trying to bicycle a lot and work on improving my overall health.  Of course these two are diametrically opposed. 

Not trying to dictate to you, just relating what I'm finding.  I guess I'm trying to gently suggest caution with alcohol.
Great to hear you and the wife had a good time,  you need to appreciate those times as there are plenty of tough ones in between. 
Jijnyasu said:
Thanks, Dataguy. I'm afraid there's more to share. But I'm not quite there yet. Facing all of it is really hard. And there are parts of it I'm not sure I'm ready to get over. I have a lot of work to do. Getting it out there, even on an anonymous forum, really is helping. But there's kind of a lot to face. I'm going to bed. And when I wake up, it will be five days. One more without giving into this idiocy. One more closer to a more normal life.

Man, I'll tell you. Putting it out there is cathartic. Some of it is pretty deplorable. I really kind of hate the person I had become. But posting it here is a step to putting it behind me. I wish there wasn't still a fair bit to tell. One day at a time. Really, one hour. No, one moment in time after another. Just be the better man I know I can be. And keep being that man.

Share at your own rate, and I assure you that most of us are in the same boat.  The porn addiction had me doing some pretty  stupid low down stuff.  Take it day by day, and share when it feels right.


Well, I'm sitting alone, in a motel room, on the internet. And after I post here, I'm shutting the laptop and going to sleep! I knew porn was bad and I knew it was effecting things. But I've had some time to think about this, and I didn't know it was directly causing my ED. Man, we got to get the word out about this. All I have to do is think about why I'm not using porn, and there is zero temptation. I hate having ED. I hate it WAY more than I liked looking at porn. And, really, every day that passes that I don't look at porn, I realize I did't like it at all. It was just easy. And it helped me calm myself down. I just didn't realize the extent of the issue. I always though it I took a couple of days off, everything would be fine. So when it wasn't, I was sure it was all these issues my Doc. kept telling me it was. He has still never even asked if I use porn. They should. If he had mentioned a year ago that using too much internet porn and masturbating could cause ED I would have known, even if I couldn't have been honest with him. At least I would have the information I needed to figure it out. Yeah, there's a spot in my brain that knew it was causing problems. When I read the reality, I can't say I was surprised. But seeing it spelled out as a cause and effect thing, with a full explanation about the dopamine receptors and sensitization. Then reading it takes several months to get past it if it all goes really well. Dang. I just didn't know that. And just like that, porn holds no appeal to me. I suspect I'll have to fight some temptation at some point. But I think that will be way down the road.

And really quickly, I started seeing all the other issues it caused. Those thoughts pretty much took over my brain all the time. Today on the drive down here, I thought about all kinds of things. I listened to some new music. I through through some projects I'm doing. Just normal stuff. Honestly, just two weeks ago I was on a trip and ALL I thought about was deviant sex stuff. And I made plans for how I was going to use all that alone time. Man. I guess that trip is what pushed me over the edge. It just took a few days to sink in, maybe. But I took it to another level that seems to have shaken me up enough to fix some things.

I mentioned the hangover this morning. lol Yeah. That was really weird. And images of things I'd watched in the past kept popping into my head. It was strange and a little scary. Some of the things kind of shocked me. Things I know I watched many times and found arousing then, just seem really sick and twisted. Why the hell did that turn me on? I gave my wife a long, nice kiss when I left this afternoon. Nothing downstairs at all. I'm not tempted to go back to what used to turn me on, but I'll sure be glad when normal things turn me on again. Right now, there's just hope for the future. That's kind of a weird part of this. When we get it all messed up in our head, there is no healthy way to get aroused. Healthy things just don't do it. You just have to wait it out. And that's what I'm going to do. There's nothing else I can do.

Good night gang. I'll wake up and it will be day 6. Darn close to a week. And I don't miss porn one bit. And I'm going to spend an awesome day with my wife and kid tomorrow. Life is pretty good. And in a couple of months, it will be even better.

Guys, thanks for chiming in on this thread. I really appreciate it. Every time one of you shares something so much like what happened to me, it makes me feel a little better. I'm sure you're all good men, too. This thing beat a lot of us down. But we're getting out. And talking this through is helping keep me focused. There's some bad stuff in the world, and people who are in a frightening frame of mind. They're all too willing to drag a bunch of us down with them. It's up to us to say "Enough!"


Hey Jijnyasu!

How are you making out today man? You've been really faithful about posting over the past few days. Because I hadn't seen any postings from you today I wanted to make sure things were still going well for you. Being in a hotel room by yourself can be a slippery place.

Thinkin' of you and rootin' for you,



I'll admit I had the most temptation yet, but I made it though OK! Having a fun day today. One week coming up fast.


Glad to be back home tonight with my wife. One night was OK. Not sure I'd make it through two. I don't think I'll have any reason to be alone over-night again until I have a better handle on this. I had a lot of thoughts today. It seems like every day since I started this, I put more things together. This is about so much more than porn and ED.
Hey Jijnyasu,
Hope the trip is going well.  Sounds like you still have that great mindset, that will serve you well in staying porn free over your trip. I have to admit I'm finding your journal very inspiring and having many parallels so please do keep it up! 

It is funny, but porn as an "easy way" really resonated with me, hadn't thought about it before, but that was definitely part of it for me.  simple to just log on, check out the pages and pages of porn and get off.  But what a loss and what a waste it all is, we were missing out on life, missing out on connecting with our amazing wives, and missing out on some amazing sex! 

Was just checking in to see how it went for you, as I head off on a biz trip tomorrow.  This is my first after starting my reboot.  My last trip was to an amazing place, just stunningly beautiful, and I spent a lot of my limited free time in the hotel room with porn.  what a waste, I will not do that again!  I'm heading in with the "porn is not an option" mantra.  Should hopefully serve me well.

Keep strong my friend.



Just replied to your thread before I read this! You got this, man. Mine was only one night. Glad to be home. Check in here if you feel like you might do something you regret. Reading this stuff and typing a mountain of what was on my mind kept me on track until I was so tired I went to sleep! lol


One week. I've read some people say it got easier. I've read others who said it got harder. I don't know what will happen for me, but I'm ready to face it no matter what. On to week two.


Hey Jijnyasu!

I admire your resolve and your fortitude. Stick with it. Even though you've only been at it a week you are an inspiration to me.

The urge came upon me like a ton of bricks yesterday. Absolutely overwhelmed in my gut by the yearning. Additionally, I was at home alone. Unfortunately it did not end well.

But... gotta pick myself up and start again. Only way to go is forward.

I hate admitting that I slipped yet again. Makes me feel like such a loser, especially when I read so many success stories on this site. But I know that the only other options would be to: 1) stop visiting this site altogether, and then I would be totally isolated with this stuff again, or: 2) lie to all of you and pretend that I'm doing well. That would be worse because my lying would only continue. The only way is to 'fess up to the truth, face my embarrassment and start again.

I read somewhere on this site about the 'porn is not an option' concept. Try as I might I can't hold on to that idea for an extended period of time. When the urge takes over as powerfully as it did yesterday NOTHING else matters. All the fears, warnings, memories of past embarrassments and awareness of potentially nasty things that may follow as a result of my behavior are totally inconsequential. It seems that the only time I find the strength to let go of this stuff for an extended period of time is when I have been caught in a humiliating situation. That strengthens my resolve for a while but then the urge gradually seeps in and overrides the memory of my embarrassment. The only thing that I know how to do is to keep telling my truth to somebody. That be you people at the moment. Speaking my truth has a temporary humbling effect on me and allows me to carry on sober for a short period of time.

I had a really good run of sobriety a few months ago. One of the primary reasons I did so well was because, whenever I had the urge I went to this site and surrendered myself prior to going to a porn site. And it worked. However, yesterday being a prime example, even though the thought of visiting this site first entered my consciousness, I chose to ignore that idea and proceeded instead to satiate the urge. In the past, when I have come to this site first, the urge has temporarily dissipated and I have been able to carry on with my day. But yesterday I LET my addict win. And that's a key word - LET. I had a choice. Even though the choice is not what my addict wanted I did have a choice. I simply made the wrong choice.

I admit there is a part of me that does not want to give this stuff up. I cannot imagine living without it. That's the part I need to work on, trying to get my head around the concept that I can live a satisfying, fulfilling life without having this compulsion rearing it's head. I understand the concept that the obsession and compulsion will lessen as time goes on. But because I've never gotten to that point for an extended period of time (my longest period of sobriety in fifty plus years has probably been about 35 days) I have never experienced an extended period of time free from the compulsion. It's an absolutely alien concept to me. Furthermore, it calls up the idea of being OVER THE HILL. If I am unable to have sex then I no longer have any value as a man. I am now a neuter, of little value to anyone and, worst of all it signifies to me that women will no longer find me appealing. I know what I just said is not true, however, it's one of the things that I have always struggled with. My entire life has been based on the concept that I have to be sexually appealing for women to be interested in me and that I am worthless if women aren't attracted to me. I'm a married man and don't need women other than my wife to be interested in me. Yet I still crave attention from other women. Obviously it's a character defect connected to low self esteem. Always has been. I need a woman to validate me and if a woman is sexual with me then I must be worth something to her and, therefore, 'I' must be worth something. That's how my brain works.

So... when I go to porn what I'm really doing is trying to convince myself that I'm man enough as a result of satiating a fantasy image on a computer screen. Bizarre!

I also have to admit that part of it is about control. When I'm fantasizing about an image on the computer screen I'm in control. It's gonna turn out the way I want it to and I'm gonna get what I want. No tradeoffs. 

The trick for me is to know that it's not about being MAN ENOUGH so much as it's about remembering  there is absolutely nothing wrong with me and I am complete, whole and worthy of being on this earth simply for who I am, a message I was never given fully as I was growing up. I will probably spend the rest of my life trying to assimilate the message, however, at times when the doubts and questioning seep in I need to remember that they are A LIE! I am complete even when I don't feel it.

That's enough for now,



Sorry, Survivor. But hang in there. I'll tell you what I think, and it's worth what you paid for it.

I don't know about you, but on a slow day I was masturbating to porn a couple of times a day. More often it was three or four. If you think about how all this works, and how your brain gets messed up by it, cutting that way, way down has to help. You had a set back, and I can see how reinforcing the old response/reward system messes things up. But it doesn't make all the progress go away. You're still in a better place than you were, and you're still moving forward. Just don't let one slip up turn into a week long binge. Get right back on the horse.

Man, I KNOW it's going to happen to me. And that's what I'll tell myself. It's a slip. Get right back on track, and the quicker the better.

Really interesting you mention the thing about equating value with attractiveness. I've had some weird thoughts about that for a while. One of the ways I knew something was really wrong is, I knew people are worth more than their sexual attractiveness, but I felt like I had to get approval from women to feel like I was worth anything. "This is stupid, I don't even like this woman! Why do I care what she thinks?!" But I did care. Not to mention, I have a wife, and I love her. It sounds like you have the same thing. You KNOW it isn't true, but you feel like it is.

That thought makes me really nervous. I'm starting to realize that I'm committed to this, at least in part, because I just want to solve the ED so I can perform better when I'm doing things I shouldn't be doing in the first place. Things that would put me right back where I started. It's a big problem, and I don't have it solved. I'm maybe a little further along with it than I was, but a long way from where I need to be.

That mantra is helping me. "You're a good man." I keep saying it to myself. I know I am a good man. Even at my worst, there were very good things about me. As I improve, I'm getting closer to being the man I want to be. Saying that helps fight that feeling that you're not worth anything. It isn't about what you look like, or how sexually attractive you are. We've just spent way, way too much time judging others that way. Of course we start to judge ourselves that way too. That's why I'm working really hard to stop objectifying women. It's tough, but I'm moving forward. But I really think it has to start inside. You nailed it, it's low self esteem. But we created it ourselves. I think it's why re-connecting with our wives is so important too. We need to wake up that relationship and those feelings that are about more than being attractive in a sexual way.

Don't beat yourself up too much. Just get back on track. Try to learn from the slip and get a little stronger. You didn't fail. You just took a step in the wrong direction. The faster you get moving the right way again, the sooner you'll get where you're going.


Here it is Survivor. Read this.

"Counting days is purely psychological. What's happening in your brain is what's important. A very common question is "does this relapse set me back to day one?" or "have I lost all of what I gained?" Even though we cannot peer into your brain, the simple answer is no. The gains you made cannot be erased with one binge. Each time you restart, it should become easier, depending on the length of your abstinence. Keep in mind that nearly everyone who recovers from porn addiction relapses."

It didn't erase all the progress. Just get back on the hose.


Hey Jijnyasu:

See! It works when I work it!

My wife just left for work. I had every intention of going back to look at some more sites. However, I decided to check this site out first. And there you were! After I'm finished this post I'm gonna get some more yard work done.

Thanks for the 'one slip is not a back to zero restart' thing. It helps me believe I'm moving in a positive direction rather than spinning my wheels. And I guess, because I checked this site out first rather than going to a porn site, I am moving in a positive direction.

That thing about giving women power has been a part of me all my life. This is not meant as a put-down on women in any way. The truth of the matter is that, rather than seeing women as equals I have always put them above me. I assign them power based on the fact that my need to be sexual as a means of proving to myself that I am loved or worthy somehow has caused me to view them as having the power to control me. Truth be told I have been with women that have done that. But... not all women act that way just as not all men are chauvinists. It's an individual thing, not an overall gender trait thing. I try to deal with issues, whether they be gender based, racially based, culturally based, spiritually based, etc. on an individual basis rather than applying a blanket judgment. This is no different.

That being said, I think my objectification of women stems from a need to prove my self worth. I know I'm repeating myself here. The idea that I could have sex with a woman, or many women, enhances the belief that I must be appealing to them because they allow themselves to have sex with me, therefore I must be okay. Porn fits into to that like fingers in a glove. Porn imagery (the type that I watch anyway - one man and one woman) creates the illusion that a woman is totally physically hooked on her sex partner. It creates an illusion of the man as being some sort of omnipotent being. Although I have always known that the imagery generally portrays the male as getting his needs met over the female. However, because there is also this illusion that the female is satiated I have never wanted to acknowledge the blatant fact that the imagery almost always makes women subservient to men. I never consciously acknowledged that fact to myself before. I have to admit that the subservience to my needs aspect has always had an appeal to me. 

So.. still got a lot to work at but I count this situation today as a little victory.

I need to share that I personally don't like counting days of sobriety. This is just my own thing but I feel that if I start measuring I can get too cocky (pardon the pun). "Oh, I got this much time. I must have this mastered. I can ease up a little because I'm pretty sure I can handle this now." That's simply not something "I" can take a chance on. I've done that before. I gotta take it one day at a time. Besides serenity there is no reward for me for XXX days of sobriety. 

One more thing. Before she left for work my good wife called me "Her handsome man." I need to remember that everything I really need from a partner already resides under this roof.

Keep sharin' buddy. I like what you have to say.



Way to go, man. Take your victories where you find them.

I'm typing all this crap here because somehow it helps me. If it can help someone else, that's great. But I have discovered I have some desire to get it all out there. Brain dumping some of this somehow just helps.


Hey Jijnyasu!

I totally agree. What I write is really more for myself then anybody else. I'm figuring this stuff out as I go along. Writing it, so to speak, clarifies my thoughts and helps to eliminate confusion.That being said, I know from my 12 step program that the figuring it out is okay, however, ultimately it's about letting go of it regardless of what might have caused, or continues to cause it to happen.

But I've had some really big insights lately. These insights help me become more aware of how my brain operates. That understanding gives me the power to be conscious of when my brain is trying to trick me into my old behaviors. This brain stuff could really be quite fascinating if it wasn't for the fact that it's MY BRAIN that's in need of repair! It's always interesting to examine someone else's behaviors but not as much fun when I need to examine my own. That ole' ego of mine don't like to admit when he's outta line. Well... humility is a good thing.

My wife and I are going to the city for a few days starting tomorrow. As a result I probably won't be near a computer and will not have an opportunity to post while we are away. I'll do some serious posting when I return. However, I will definitely be able to stay sober while I'm gone. No opportunities to act out.

I enjoy your input. Cheers!



Dang, that was weird, and could have been very close. I need to watch it tonight.

Opened an email. Clicked a link. Just wasn't thinking. No porn, but something that got my brain right where I need it not to be. It couldn't have been a minute total, but I spent an hour talking myself down. It was just weird how it all flooded in. At least I was at work so there wasn't any opportunity to go binge on porn. Really glad it didn't happen at home. It might not have gone as well.

Well that was a wake up call. This has been going really well. I've had to redirect a lot of thinking, but I hadn't had any urge to go find porn until that. It hit pretty hard and caught me really off guard. But the weird thing is how it made everything kind of unravel so quickly. My brain, there for a minute, was right back to where it was a week ago.

I guess I should call it a victory. I was able to get back on track. But it was eye opening. And I have some cleaning up to do still so that doesn't happen again. Imagine not being nervous when my wife uses my computer to look something up, or take my phone to get directions. There's a lot of loose ends to tie up. And I need to tie them up before one of them catches me off guard again when I'm in a more vulnerable position.

Date night with my wife tonight. That will be nice, and just what I need to put that behind me.
Good for you jijnyasu.  Glad you were able to push that aside quickly.  You should definitely consider that a victory. And also a good indicator of some serious triggers. 

Cleaning out all of the potential triggers is a key thing.  for me what was key was not only cleaning out the images etc. but also going through all of those emails and doing a delete and block so that if I get any more from that source I never see them.  For me that included a lot of folks that I would chat with/exchange images with just to make sure a simple "hi" email didn't set me down the bad road.  I had a lot of correspondence that I am not proud of, wow, did this addiction put me down a bad path, and one that I don't want to go down again.  Sounds like the same for you.  You have made some awesome progress not only in staying clear, but also with coming face to face with all of the things you've done, owning up to the addiction.  Congrats and keep on going!

You hit the nail on the head about not being afraid when wife logged on or takes your phone for directions.  Felt like I was looking in the mirror on that comment.  I can't tell you how great it feels not to worry about that, not to be concerned about the cache or deleting the internet history.  And man, the phone thing is so true, now I am not worried at all, grab it, search it, open any file and it is clean!  Love it! 

Stay strong my friend.  and enjoy the little victories.


Thanks man. When that stuff hits you and you're thinking about it and feeling really bad, it helps to hear other people say they've been there. You feel like you're the only one who ever did that stuff. I mean, I know I'm not. But it's not the kind of stuff people talk about. Man, it's so ugly.

I had a great night out with my wife! 100% back on track now. I know it's only one week, but I really was surprised how hard that little trigger hit me. I'm a little more prepared now and cleaned up a fair bit of stuff earlier this evening.
Great to hear you had a great night with the wife, and keep on chugging bud.

You are so right on the past, it is so ugly, some crazy shit.
