Starting my 30s Porn Free, one day at a time


Active Member
DAY 44

First, I gotta say that if it wasn't for this forum, I probably would have looked at some P already this morning. I'm alone for the first time in 2 weeks, and the loneliness is a trigger for sure. There was a voice saying "okay, cool, all alone, feeling a little lonely

My vacay with my GF was incredible. I've made a lot of progress in terms of intimacy and being more present. There were some ups and downs for sure, and I had to keep an eye out for thoughts of P while I was with her. But I'm lightyears from where I was when I was trying to have a relationship and look at P regularly.


MindOverModem said:
First, I gotta say that if it wasn't for this forum, I probably would have looked at some P already this morning. I'm alone for the first time in 2 weeks, and the loneliness is a trigger for sure. There was a voice saying "okay, cool, all alone, feeling a little lonely

I relate to this. This place is the best place to be. There is a lot of knowledge here and a lot of success to motivate us. I have to say the same thing: If it wasn't for this forum, I would've relapsed 2 days ago or yesterday, even this morning. But I thought: "I can't write: Today I have 1 week without P," and then relapse the minute after. Stay strong. 


Active Member
Hi MindOverModem.
Just wanted to follow up and see if all is well with you.
write whatever, whenever you feel like.

all the best,