Very likely to have a weird combination of venous leakage with pied. (25)


Well-Known Member
Hey, Jeks, yea, I can imagine a frequent urination problem is incredibly frustrating. Hopefully, it gets resolved soon and congrats on your continued successes. No matter what you have come a long way and that is something that you should be proud of.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

i am still in it. I still have a tough time with my bladder, but it got a little better with medication.

This night i had a lot of sex dreams and woke up with an erection. After that i started masturbating, which i am not proud of, but i still cant believe it...
It was the first time probably since puberty, that i had an erection while masturbating. Maybe not a 100 %, but at least i got some kind of an response from my body. It was without fantasy and with just very slow and gentle movements. Before that my penis always used to be swollen up after masturbation.

I just wanted to post it here for all the people, who feel hopeless right now. One year ago i couldnt get any kind erection with or without porn and i really thought, that something has to be physiological wrong with me. I also had a surgery against venous leak, which did not help. I am now in it for a little more than one year and it finally shows real signs of improvements.

When i got my bladder problem a little bit more under control, i will definitely start to rewire by starting to date. Also i will keep masturbation at a bare minimum, so i dont losse my progress.

Dont loose hope guys!


Hi jeks..for venous leaks what symptoms did u have..I have severe pied and recovering for 15 months but still I could get an erection for masturbating while standing up onlyand I don't feel to masturbate too..I get morning wood 80 t0 100% nearly everyday and erection while lying in bed but it fades when I stand this related to venous leak

Relentless Observer

Active Member
I am proud to hear you are feeling progress.
I have followed your journey and I am rooting for you.  I am looking forward to the days we both post our full success stories.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

first of all i hope you all doing okay considering the circumstances. It is super tough to live under this conditions, but you all can be proud of yourself for trying as best as you can every single day.

I did not write in a long time. The last months were very difficult, because of problems with my bladder. Surprisingly it really seems to be a big coincidence and that my erectile dysfunction and bladder proplems are not related to each other. Luckily i  have finally found a new medication, that seemes to make it much easier. I just started the medication yesterday, so the fact, that its already helping is a very good sign.

Despite of the problems i had the last months i did not fall back into porn. Unfortunately i started masturbating again, but have been able to stop for two weeks now.
At my first attempts of masturbating i noticed a better erection, but it vanished over time, so i am sure it will be best to give my body and brain a time out again.
Nonetheless i will go to a urologist again to get a definite test for venous leak. After 14 months of rebooting, i just want to make undoubtedily sure that there are no underlying physiological problems. I think that will also make it much easier for me to start rewiring.

Other than that i had some succes with my studies, which really help me to get through this tough period.

I just hope all this shit will be over one day.

You all have a good day.

Relentless Observer

Active Member
I feel you!  I hope this is resolved for both of us soon.
Keep up the positivity and commitment.
Good luck!
*Right now I am about 40 days noFap atop my 2 years no P... giving up M is tough when it seems like we really don't have much sexual energy at all anyway, but we can do it!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support observer,

I will make a new try to reduce the time i spent on the internet. I feel like my procrastination is heavily linked to my internet consumption.
More so it becomes more and more obvious to me that in order to see some new results, i have to get myself into the rewiring process. Just staying away from porn and masturbation wont do the trick.



Well-Known Member
Its simple. The less i spend time on the internet, the better i feel and the more productive and enjoyable my days get.
I got now an appointment with the doctor who did the surgery in about a month. I will ask him about a definitve test to rule out venous leak. When venous leak is ruled out i am gonna throw myself out there and start rewiring. When they find something i will have to see how i handle PIED and Venous Leak at the same time. I guess its rewiring with pills or something like that, but i wont think about that until i have a definitive answer.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man, less internet = better.

I think you are definitely on the money, in terms of masturbating. I found when I did it the same thing weakening erection over time. For me it is a no-no and in your case the break sounds good at least.

Yeah, it is tough times right now! But awesome you have remained abstinent and glad yo hear your medication is helping you.


Well-Known Member
Hey quit, good to hear from you, thanks for the encouragement.

A pleasent surprise this morning. Had a pretty good morning erection, but more importantly it took a while for it to go down after waking and standing up. After peeing i snoozed again for a bit and got a pretty good erection then.
I already noticed that the last days my cravings-like urges to masturbate became much milder.
Also i  noticed much realer and calmer sex dreams then usual. No dreams about porn usage or whacky stuff and much more feelings of touch than just crazy visuals.

I take this as a good sign, even though i experienced such a phase already in january without it having a lasting effect. Dont want to get my hopes to high. But its still good.

Staying away from the internet keeps being tough. It feels often very similar to cravings (strong desire to use, mind tries to come up with excuses, restlessness).


Well-Known Member
Two nights ago i had a intense wet dream. It wasnt about porn.
Then last night i had a dream about porn usage. I dreamt about having an orgasm, but when i woke up i just had a pretty okay erection. So far i have close to zero urges to mastubate, which is unusual. My penis sometimes feels almost numb. Dont know if thats some kind of flatline or what. But it does feel alright. Having no urges is definitely much easier.

I have got to do some tasks the following days, which wont be easy for me. A lots fear of failure involved. I will have to push through it.


Well-Known Member
Hey zander, glad to be back.

I am right now 15 months in without porn. Concerning masturbation i got a new streak going, but it was a bit on and off the last months.

Again an intense sex dream. Whats again fascinating is, that it becomes less and less about visuals and more about feeling and touches in these dreams. It was a dream about a girl i used to go to high school with. Nothing crazy about it, nothing about porn,no crazy fetishes. Woke up again with a pretty good erection. More so i dont have any or very mild compulsive urges to masturbate after it and over the day. No fantasies, they just dont stick. I am much less sensitive to them. Again i dont want to hang my hopes to high, but i think this might be my true libido getting back (or coming out for the first time). It really feels like my brain takes its natural sexuality back.


Active Member
Dude congratulations. What a great feeling that must be. You're a trailblazer. I haven't seen many success stories that were as difficult as yours. I know you're not totally out of the woods, but you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Not much going on the last days. No considerable sex dreams or noticeably strong morning erections. But i still have no urges whatsoever. I am pretty calm these days. I just hope everything will be fine.


Well-Known Member
I have got right now pretty much morning erections every single day. Some days stronger than others, but still a good sign i think. Because of me not worrying too much in this regard i feel spikes in motivation. I have a much easier time resisting procrastination i feel like. I have got my appointment with the doctor in two weeks. All in all i am feeling alright right now. No heavy depressions or mood swings.


Well-Known Member
I was in a little dip motivation wise the last days. I thought i would come up with a cold, but it didnt manifest itself. I am feeling alright today and will try to turn things around again.
I still get some type of morning erection like every single day. Its never a 100 %, but i feel like i am well on my way. Still basically zero urges to masturbate or to watch porn.
Its time to make the last big pushes towards freedom.