

Active Member
Thanks Chris, movies are a good idea.

Today is day #13!  It started late, because I made a mistake in setting the alarm on my new alarm clock but I figured it out for tomorrow.  So my morning routine has been cut much shorter, but at least I am not late for work. 

tomorrow is going to be two weeks clean.  I had a dream I relapsed last night, which bothered me, but waking up felt great when I realized I had not.  Today is the start of my adjusted system, so it should be good.  I feel confident going forward.

We're in this together.  See you all later!


Active Member
I've had about half a dozen dreams where I literally just relapse and i'm deeply disappointed.

Then I wake up and realize it was just my subconscious fucking with me.

It's a good sign though! It means that change is happening slowly but surely - it's the reboot at work!


Active Member
Day 14!  two weeks clean of PMO.  It feels like it has taken ages to get this far, this is my personal record since starting my journey in March!  I am happy.  My new system works well.  No electronics allowed in my bedroom, period.  Just that alone helps so much with the chance of relapse.  I'm working out an hour a day now which feels great.  I hadn't eaten much yesterday when I exercised so today I made a more robust breakfast and I'm trying to eat better.

my girlfriend and I will be moving in together in about three weeks or so, which I am ecstatic about!  It will mean going from a toxic environment to a wonderful, positive one.  I will be starting my Master's Degree program in a few weeks as well, so I will need to carefully adjust my system to fit my new living situation and schedule.  This is a place where slips can happen, so I'll have to be very careful.  But overall, I feel great.

On the down side, I find myself wondering what erotic content is on spotify, since I have blocked just about everything and other searches would alert my blocker.  The thing is, even if I do search, it's just audio content which I wouldn't listen to anyway, but I don't want to be searching for that junk.  It feels like my addiction just trying to grab onto anything.  I am being extremely careful to not put myself in any high risk situations, and to practice self-care religiously.

We're in this together.  See y'all soon.


Congrats on two weeks, wwalker19! It is great to see that you are moving upwards and forward with your recovery and with each day, you have helpful and supportive changes happening in your life. Also, good luck with the start of your master's degree! Learning interesting courses is a surefire way to redirect your mental capacities towards a more productive avenues. My graduate degrees have been my most mentally rewarding period. Wishing the same for you.


Active Member
Aaaaand I slipped yesterday.  It was my fault from the beginning, I had preserved my access to facebook because I rationalized that I needed to talk to my D&D groups through it, but I was ableto see softcore stuff through it, and I binged.  It feels bad.  It makes me feel like I lost two weeks of my life, though I know it is not true.

I am hoping to get through the first 4-6 weeks where withdrawal symptoms are strongest.  I hope that at that point I will start to really improve.  But I've been stuck at the two week wall for months now.  I've improved my system, and these past two weeks went by more easily, but I still relapsed.  There must be something I'm not doing.  I don't know.

We're in this together guys.  Let's do this.


Hey Walker,

I slipped for two days as well, we are in the same boat. Had a decent streak of no P for 46 days. Gonna go full NOFAP now.

We can do this. Good luck to you.


Hey wwalker19,

There are always alternatives to staying in touch with your friend groups that does not involve having access to the whole facebook site.  When you start your classes and are occupied, you will find it easier to keep this system moving smoothly due to your routine, in my opinion. Also, I definitely agree with your assessment - 14 days minus 1 relapse does not equal to 0 days progress. Just like when someone works out, you are stronger than before and know more ways that your mind can trick you. I am sure you have already addressed that blindspot and before you know it, you'll be back. You've got this!


Active Member
Thank you Avi,you're absolutely right.

Today is day two, and I have been blocking new potential high risk websites like crazy.  I have found not having access is the best feeling, because I just don't have cravings if I know it's not accessible whatsoever.  It's crazy, the first few days after a relapse I feel totally fine getting back on the horse, but a week or two in and the cravings hit like a truck.  I realize now it's definitely withdrawal setting in, and I'll have to amp up my self care and stay especially aware of myself during the withdrawal.  Now that I know I'll get stressed and frustrated more easily, I will be aware of that, and I will try to fall back on my self care when I notice.

I have been exercising consistently, which is a big win, considering I can actually feel my body changing.  I want to add meditation to my routines, but I need to prioritize it and I haven't been yet.  However I have noticed that a mindfulness technique is pretty helpful, that when I feel a craving, fighting it gives it strength.  Rather, acknowledging it is there and letting it be, knowing that urges pass and this one is no different.

Hopefully I'm on the right track this time.  I want so desperately to be successful, there is no other option.  We're in this together everyone, so let's do it.

Chris Oz

Well-Known Member
Hey Walker, I just read through and learnt about the relapse. I'm so sorry for it but I believe you've made huge progress still. After having a streak for 46/47 days,I've been stuck at day 3 for couple of times(it was funny but , that was the reality). A relapse can fuck with our minds in some ways we don't expect. But Keep fighting, and remind yourself of your WHY. .... knowing that in the end ,it's worth it.

Only the resolve to quit is progress on it own. And you're sure right about the not having Access. Blocking accessibility to these sites and forum helps reduce the cravings. It doesn't take it away completely though. Through innocent normal apps and activities, a random AD, literally anything can suggest you to use porn. So you have to be really vigilant.

Congrats on Day 2.


Active Member
Hello everyone!  I've been away a couple of days, looking for an apartment in a new city with my girlfriend.  We found one, which was so exciting!  The weekend was great, though not without stress.  I had done really well on thursday and friday, and yet I had slipped on friday afternoon right before I saw her because I put myself in a high-risk situation.  So that makes today day four. 

I have returned to my exceptionally rigorous schedule of two weeks ago, with additional adjustments.  I am getting up quite early to meditate, eat breakfast, and post on the forum, as well as keep my space clean and tidy.  I will continue exercising every day, and meditate in the evenings, and otherwise, I have blocked out all of my time and activities for the day.  Blank space on the calendar is the enemy.  The rigorous routine is what made my two week streak so easy, and yet when I let up, that's when I slipped. 

This is a process.  I am learning much about myself in it, in ways that aren't directly related to PMO.  You don't find yourself, you build yourself, one day at a time.  And I want to be a person I would respect, so this journey is not going to stop.

We're all in this together.  Let's make it happen.


Congrats on finding a new apartment there, wwalker! Its a difficult one but once that is sorted out, everything else during the start of a new school year feels very straight-forward.
Good luck with your routine. As long as you are creating and making things happens, your time will pass like a breeze.


Active Member
Today is day 5 of my current reboot.  Soon the withdrawal symptoms are gonna creep in and cravings will be bad, as they always are.  I need to stick to my routines like glue for the next several weeks.

My routines are going well in general, I am exercising regularly and now I am learning to meditate.  I anticipate that in the days around the move it will be challenging to maintain my routines, but it is necessary.  I look forward to living with my girlfriend; I think it will help quite a lot.  The times I have been with her for an extended time are always the easiest to avoid PMO.  And yet simultaneously as a student online, I am going to be spending a lot of time home on my computer, which is very high-risk.  I will try to go to the libraries as much as possible, but they are not super accessible yet.  The bright side is my girlfriend will be working from home all but one or two days a week, so that should make my cravings manageable during those days. 
I will have to set boundaries once I am there about putting my laptop and phone away... I will have to think carefully about what exactly will give me the most success.  This is a new hurdle to conquer.

I just want to be free.  This is one of the most challenging things I have ever done, by far.  It is daunting and difficult, but I have no option.  Porn must go.

We're in this together.


Active Member
I slipped again yesterday, which just marks another short range relapse.  I am having trouble, but I also feel I have come to an understanding of why.  I feel like somewhere along the line, I stopped trying.  I would rely on my systems to keep me from feeling urges, but when I did, I would give in with no fight.  thought using willpower alone was destined to fail, and as a result didn't use any willpower at all, which is absolutely destined to fail.  I just was not even attempting to resist.

I feel confident this time though.  I am going to apply a few urge coping skills in concert with my systems and routines, which I think will be a solid plan.  I wonder, what are some other people's ways of coping with urges? 

In other news, I have never been more consistent about exercising and I can feel and see myself actually getting muscular.  It's very rewarding to see my body change!  I've also begun meditating, which is very relaxing and empowering.  I love the feeling of stepping back, everything in our day to day is so busy all the time, this is a practice I intend to stick with.  On the whole, though I have been stuck at the earliest part of my recovery for quite some time, I am growing, and learning.  Sooner or later I will get this, because I am not going to stop trying. 

We're all in this together.  I wish you all the best of luck on your journey.


I think it takes a while to iron out the kinks in your system. It seems that you have the right idea and plans laid out so while you did relapse, that does not define you. Your actions now and your future does. Regarding the urges, my attempts have always been 2 parted - 1) Out of sight, out of mind 2) and this might be specific for me, but drinking a lot of cold water. For some reason, though I am not sure about the biology behind it, consumption of cold water and urges never go together for me. That's why I always sit with my 40 oz water bottle full of ice in front of me. That reminds me to keep hydrating.
I am sure you will find your own way to plug the gaps and move steadily ahead in no time. Good luck! 


Active Member
Today is day 2 of my new try!  I am very optimistic.  I feel good this time about handling my cravings (because frankly I just wasn't really trying before).  Anyway, today is my st day at my summer job, and right after work I have an interview online for a possible internship that I would really love to get.  I am well prepared for it, and I know that I have a good amount of experience compared to most other possible applicants.  I would be an excellent fit, and they would be a good fit for me, so I am looking forward to the interview.  Hopefully it goes well!

I have been meditating twice a day now for about four days, and I really like it.  It is incredibly relaxing, though I have trouble with my thoughts.  They run wild.  I think as I continue I will improve, which I am excited about.  I have also been playing more guitar, which is very relaxing and pleasant.  Despite the past week and a half being especially difficult for me for PMO, I am growing and improving.  I know that I am doing at least some of the right things.

That's it for today, I suppose.  I like to journal in the morning to try to set a tone for the day, though clearly that doesn't stop me on the basd days.  But I feel good today anyway.

We're in this together.  Good luck guys.

Chris Oz

Well-Known Member
Yes, we're in this together. I hope you get the internship.

I understand what you meant by sometimes was stop trying. It has been happening to me in my restarts. I had to realize that I'm not in control and I just have to let go id my control until I do have one- self-control.

Decided to give me on and off times with my phone. The number one and only source of relapse and access to pornography but something I can't do without at the moment.

Stay strong.


Active Member
Hello!  It's been a while since I posted (4 weeks?  give or take.)  But I am still chugging along.  in the past four weeks, I have moved to a totally new city with my girlfriend, started a master's program, and continued my journey of becoming porn free.  In general, life is really good.  Yet, I have not had any kind of crazy change in my behavior.  I had to face reality that moving in with her would not solve my addiction, which deep down I knew. 

I started seeing a new therapist, and I like him.  He's helpful.  he has helped me see that my behavior is really just a form of emotional regulation and stress management.  I don't act out when i feel happy and good about life.  It's only when I am in a bad place, when I am upset or stressed about something.  So that has given me tools to work through this. 

I have relapsed multiple times in the few weeks despite living with her and having consistent sex.  Telling her about my relapses is pretty awful!  But it's important to be honest. 

In light of what I have learned about myself and my behavior, I have created a new plan for recovery that has been pretty good so far.  I'm still less than a week in, but I feel really solid so far, which is world's of difference from how I felt this past week, where I would relapse, then try to stay clean and relapse again the same day.  I crawled out of the pit, and I am standing again. 

My plan is four points:  emotion and stress regulation, a plan for how to minimize risk while working on my laptop in quarantine all day, a plan for stability and health in day to day life, and improving my self image in general. 

Let's start with stability and health.  I am exercising and meditating every morning.  I have to say meditation is key so far.  It helps me find my center and feel at peace.  It starts my day off on a good note.  In the evenings, I will come back and post here every night.  I also am going to joing SAA meetings weekly, and I am going to continue talking with my therapist weekly.  My brother is recovering as well, and we are holding one another accountable. 

For regulating my emotions and stress, I am breaking down all my tasks into manageable chunks.  This makes it seem less daunting.  On top of that, I work for about 40 minutes, then stop and meditate for 5 or 10.  this helps me check in with myself, see how I am feeling.  I am also taking a walk outside midday, so I am not just in front of my laptop all day; that would contribute to my stress and unhappiness.  When I feel unpleasant emotions, I am naming them, and working through why I feel them.  this helps them feel not so overwhelming.

For my computer use plan, I am working in my new apartment's living room, which is an open space where I cannot shut a door and be alone.  I am also ceding my desk, because I have found it helps to have my laptop on a pillow on my lap, so that I cannot start absent mindedly masturbating as if my laptop were on a desk.  If need be, I will also download my readings and shut off my wifi. 

Lastly, I am working to improve my self image.  This mostly takes the place of adjusted my self talk to be more positive, and recognizing I have free will and control over my behavior and recovery.  I am proud of the work I am doing, because I am working hard in many aspects of my life.  I want to accomplish so much.  I will do this.

We're in this together, everyone.  I hope you and I both come through this stronger than ever before. 


Active Member
Hello all,

I'm doing well.  I am sticking to my routine (ignore the fact that I didn't post last night.)  I joined a group meeting with SAA, Sex Addicts Anonymous.  It was good.  It felt good to be a part of a community, to admit to other people out loud that I have a problem.  There's something different about saying it out loud than typing it.  It's a stronger connection.  I am going to continue with the meetings, I have a good feeling about it.

I am feeling more stable of late, much in part to my routines that I have been sticking to.  I am working out consistently which is a great win every day, it's something I can be proud of and it helps me feel grounded and stable.  I am meditating every day, often multiple times a day, and I am getting better. It's really quite satisfying, and it is the best tool I have for dealing with urges.  I intend to stick with it. 

I am now working on getting more consistent in my evening routines.  My mornings are very consistent, so I think if I can get better about routinizing my evenings, it'll provide a really positive bookend to every day.  If you aren't willing to change your lifestyle, you won't move on from this behavior.

I feel quite happy.  We'll see what results I actually see, but right now things are looking good.  Hopefully they stay this way, but I know this is not going to be an easy path.  It'll be really hard, but I am getting better at resisting.  It's about realizing when I am stressed or upset, and taking care of myself.  I can tell I am growing, and it feels good.

I wish the best for the rest of you as well.  We're in this together.  Good luck everyone.


Active Member
I'm constantly slipping about twice a week.  I get a few days in, and it's like everything goes out the window.  I don't know what I am doing wrong.  I don't know why my mind just shuts off.  This has been so important to me for the past 6 months, and yet that just shuts off.  I don't know what to change to find success; I can tell I am understanding myself and my addiction better, but it isn't leading to changes in my behavior.  I am so sick of feeling stuck, I need progress.  Even just a couple of weeks clean at this point would feel amazing.  I don't know.

I feel so good, so in control when I'm doing well.  Like the idea of porn is ridiculous, I would never choose to.  and then, that changes so quickly.  I don't know how to work with it.  Something has to change.