This will be what is turning into a different kind of post for me. It began earlier, but it is morphing into journal entries that will truly help me as I go forward in this journey.
It is a completely different understanding from what I've been doing for the past x-years. Though, of course not entirely different. Because behind any successes, and the lengthier streaks I've had in recent years (and even 5 years ago), the 'spirit' of this deeper understanding were always at work, outward methodological differences notwisthstanding.
I went back and updated my (now) 6 Core Questions and my 30 Special Questions to reflect this 'new approach'. I'll ask 1x question from each of these categories below.
In keeping with this, I'll begin with stating certain things- which I may not have believed deep down before. I'll state an affirmation, but it would sound hollow, unbelievable, or out of reach for me. But this is the crux of the matter, beliefs are among other fundamental and deeper understandings that are now being fully explored. Before, it was all about methodology, plans, approaches, goals, tactics, to try and change from without unwanted behaviors. But now, it's all about getting as deep as possible to affect change from within. True, before I would actually have both approaches to varying degrees- but as an example, I'd always say, "I need to change what porn means for me", like, why did I always return to it- as I must've seen some value in it, despite trying to quit it. Anyways, here goes...
I am no longer a porn-user.
I am a man who no longer uses porn or masturbation.
I quit, I no longer rely on porn or masturbation, p-subs or edging to alter my mood.
I no longer feed an addiction to dopamine.
There is no value in porn. There is nothing there for me but an immediate high followed by shame.
I am not quitting porn, I've quit. I am not reccovering from porn or sex addiction, I am recovered.
I am free! I am free! I am free! I celebrate my freedom, I rejoice in my salvation. I am a new man!
These are not mere empty affirmations, some kind of wishful thinking. More is going on, but namely this: that there are two worlds in front of me, one is illusory and non-existent (even if engaged in), and one is true, real, and actually the default mode even if faulty behaviors are engaged in. This isn't some clever way to 'get away with it', but rather a challenge and a shift to not live in some perpetual recoveryism, but to actually walk out and live in the freedom and salvation that is inherently yours.
Core Question #2. Am I trying to fix myself? Like, is there 'a plan', is there 'a goal'?
Currently, No. This may sound scandalous, but this is a major reason why I'm still dealing with this stuff in my life, even after years of trying to fix myself. During those times when I didn't pay as much attention to it, I did better. I had quit posting or even paying much attention to RN, and had no obvious plan, wasn't trying to fix anything. If I lapsed, I'd just go on paying it as little attention as possible. Of course this wasn't always easy for me, as I'm prone toward shame- and if there was a repeat performance ("chaser effect"), I'd conclude that I had a problem, and I'd start trying to fix things, create plans, make goals, etc...
Getting away from that now. Going back to what works the best for me, although wiser, I hope. I'm not going to create a world where a lapse is inevitable or even encouraged. But if internal pain, brokenness, and outside stress and cues elicit a response from me, or even a lapse, I will do what I know works, including dismissing urges, and being self-compassionate.
The reason why this question would be a 'core question' is because of my tendency to see a problem that may or may not exist, and try to fix it. But this has only prolonged my own healing.
Special Question #29. Are you turning toward the Lord to meet your emotional/spiritual needs?
Yes, more and more. However, I'm not perfect in this, and sometimes fail in this regard. Ideally, at the slightest tinge or craving, I'm to turn aside whatever this looks like based on context, and pray, worship, speak in tongues, until the mood alters.
This can be contrasted with simply dismissing urges, which if mindfully done, is quite sufficient. But if urges persist, or the need becomes stronger, approaching it spiritually has more than once averted a lapse.
Be blessed, All.