I have been having "slips" on YT for three days in a row. From now I will not refer to them as "slips" but as "f*ckups" because they are not okay for me to keep having. I shouldn't beat myself up for having a slip sometime after some struggle but It has become a way to casual occurrence. It has been like presents that I have been giving myself.
I'm grateful for you recognizing both the good things that you're doing along side the unfortunate struggles. So important to have that healthy and holistic view.
This can be a challenge, how to regain a laser-like focus on recovery, which of necessity means cutting out all our actions that feed the addiction, without hurting ourselves in the process. If calling them that ^ helps to regain this focus, without unduly shaming yourself, go for it. I call such things for myself 'episodes' and this lets me know that they are not okay, but without judgement.
I may have posted something before about how these goals can be hijacked by the lower brain as 'excuses' to reward yourself? The beast-brain will say, "Wow, you've done so well this week, time for a little reward..." and then proceed to suggest its dopamine hits.
Likewise, it's using shame and perceived rejection (the Tinder girl not understanding you) as an excuse to be 'comforted' by the dopamine hits...
Standing with you, Josef, as you work through this, and reestablish that focus.