After a few really strong days, I decide to stay up late and oh, I dunno, maybe watch a little TV, maybe dick around on my phone for a while...
At a certain point, I have to understand when I'm setting myself up for failure and not allow myself to do that.
I was doing okay, or at least not using porn, for a good portion of the night, and then all of a sudden the animal part of my brain comes up and goes "search up some porn." And I was doing it. And I was kind of mindlessly scrolling through some images, not really dedicated to the idea of it, thinking I could still back out if I wanted to at this point...
And then, a gift from God, probably. My phone died. Even when I started scrolling I considered this ("I only have 10% left, my phone will probably die before I really decide to do anything stupid"). And it did. My phone died on me. And I actually thought to myself, "this is a gift. I can stop now and still salvage the night. I will be so happy with myself for stopping here."
And then I decide to go on my computer and search up softcore stuff. Which is stupid, because no part of my brain considers softcore to somehow be Okay. Especially not for an addict like me. It was just an excuse, for some reason, even though it was fooling absolutely no one. I guess somewhere I decided God wouldn't be as mad or something. But it was just a dumb excuse and I KNEW IT WAS JUST A DUMB EXCUSE THE WHOLE TIME. I was not fooling anyone.
Didn't matter. Still did what I apparently "needed" to do.
It's times like this that I really wonder, when did it really start? Did it start as soon as I decided to stay up later than I needed (or ought) to, for no real reason except going to sleep seemed too boring? At a certain point, even though I hadn't done anything technically "wrong" yet, I already knew I was starting. But the thing that drives me nuts is I had a golden chance to stop. And I just threw it in the trash, on purpose. I was sitting there for at least 3 minutes, almost winning the war of the mind, thinking to myself, literally, "Thank God." That's the part that upsets me. That the good part of my brain had a say, and I still decided to go with the base, animal part of my brain instead. That feels like weakness to me.
Okay, so what now. It's late. I really ought to have been in bed 3 hours ago. I considered for a split second, not posting about this event tonight, but by that point, "post-nut clarity" told me that if I want to give myself any serious chance to recover, I absolutely, 100% need to hold myself accountable to this community every single time I have a slip-up. No excuses. So here I am. Now, I'm going to go to bed and try to get a decent sleep so that tomorrow I can try to meet my demons with more strength and resistance than I had today.