Porn is not an option


Respected Member
😂This was a hell of a read. Let me tell you, I can't talk about killing people and stuff like that, as I don't do it, but I've tried the "forearm workout" three times a day and it fucked me up big time. That's what I know for sure.
Thanks @Escapeandnevercomeback, I'm glad you liked it. Yes the old "forearm workout" has not fixed society's problems in any way, much less on an individual level.

Yeah man, you got this
Thanks brother
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Respected Member
Day 15
Day 7 of no O

So this is funny, the Russian Communist I wrote a satire of here, where I made up his use of daily masturbation to relieve the stresses of enforcing Communist collectivization, actually WAS a porn collector and wanker! I literally made that shit up pretending he was saving the world from fascism by wanking everyday, little did I know it was actually true. Apparently after Stalin executed him in 1938 for treason and conspiracy against the Soviet Union, they found that "Yagoda's two Moscow apartments and his dacha contained, besides a large collection of female clothing and apparel, 3,904 pornographic photos, 11 pornographic films, 165 pornographically carved pipes and cigarette holders, one rubber dildo, the two bullets that killed Zinoviev and Kamenev and 549 books - some of which were Trotskyist works"

You can't make this shit up folks! It seems sometimes satire is actually more true than the truth these days! :cool:

I'm going to be on my guard this next week. I have ten more days to go before I beat my last relapse streak. No urges so far though.

You all have a great porn-free Thursday.
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Respected Member
The Prettiest Girl in Class

She sat beside me today. Lovely in her womanhood. The prettiest girl in class. And when we had a small group assignment, us two were put together. She talked I talked, we both shared ideas on our projects. The prettiest girl in class. I was normal and calm and we both carried on. I looked she looked we talked. The prettiest girl in class. There was nothing sexual about our conversation just a conversation. I felt clean and pure and she of course was lovely. The prettiest girl in class. I noticed her eyes were beautiful dark brown if I remember. I noticed her soul as well. The prettiest girl in class. She felt as if a sister not an object of my desire. I would sing her praises to my sisters yet not brag to my brothers. The prettiest girl in class. Yes I am a man and she a woman. But am I the same man? The prettiest girl in class. This man is a new creation. My thoughts cannot be my thoughts. The prettiest girl in class. She is beautiful where is my lust? She is a woman why not peek at her bust? The prettiest girl in class. I feel calm I feel serene. I feel as if finally a human being. Thank you to the prettiest girl in class.

For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he - Proverbs 23:7


Respected Member
Day 19
Day 11 of no O

Question. Did she have big tits?

Sometimes out of nowhere it will hit me that I've had my big relapse and I'm not even to 20 days yet. It's a sad thought indeed if not utterly humbling and sometimes it just hits me out of leftfield. It's like I'm living in a dream but then I suddenly wake up and realize it's actually true, I did relapse. I'm not overly reflecting on. I'm not even overly depressed about it, but it IS the facts and sometimes it sucks when it hits me and I have to fight it during the day to stay positive. However, there's only one way out of this shithole and that is to keep moving forward and looking ahead and not to the past.

No temptations currently, but I'm going to stick to my motto, actions speak louder than words.

You all have a great porn-free Monday, I know I will.

A few more days and I'll beat my longest streak since I afflicted this nightmare upon myself again.

Keep your eyes shut.jpg