Porn is not an option


Respected Member
570 by your (extremely weird) 30 days in a month calendar means you’re on 19 months clean, dear boy. We both know it’s still another week to go of course, hence you’re underplaying of the milestone. It’s ok, we all understand……. Searching for an emoji here…

Wow, there is choice….



Respected Member
Day 574

Five years ago on April the 24th 2018, I decided to quit porn for good. I still remember that morning vividly. I had just blown an hour or two masturbating while trying to find the "perfect" picture. Afterwards, I remember staring at the screen hating myself for wasting so much time on doing absolutely nothing of worth. For whatever reason on that morning, something inside me just clicked and I said enough of this shit! It was time to take charge of my life and quit once and for all.

It hasn't been an exactly perfect streak as you all know, but I tell you what, the man I've become and the goals I've accomplished since that day are hard to fathom compared to who I was just five years ago. For all of us here, there is undoubtedly a BQP and AQP (before quitting porn and after quitting porn) moment, and that day for me was assuredly it. There was no lightening coming down from the mountain, or portents echoing down from on high, no, there was just a sense of steady resolve that I could put this nonsense behind me once and for all. I remember on that morning, not even an hour "clean", walking to my job with pride in my footsteps because I had finally decided to quit.

Have you decided to quit porn today? Because all it takes is a decision. Sure, you might have a few bumps along the road, but that initial decision is all it takes to get your life heading in an entirely different direction.

Fuck porn!
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Well-Known Member
Day 574

Five years ago on April the 24th 2018, I decided to quit porn for good. I still remember that morning vividly. I had just blown an hour or two masturbating while trying to find the "perfect" picture. Afterwards, I remember staring at the screen hating myself for wasting so much time on doing absolutely nothing of worth. For whatever reason on that morning, something inside me just clicked and I said enough of this shit! It was time to take charge of my life and quit once and for all.
Thank you amigo for sharing this indeed very meaningful moment. I am thankful for this moment, maybe this legend wouldnt be here today. Also respect that you realized it on your own without clarification websites like YBOP that were necessary to "fully convince" me back then.

This inspires me, tomorrow i will also share my realization moment or maybe we call it the "True Day 0" on my journal since this one here is yours and i should not post my own stories here, this is your place.

keep fighting it


Well-Known Member
Day 574

Five years ago on April the 24th 2018, I decided to quit porn for good. I still remember that morning vividly. I had just blown an hour or two masturbating while trying to find the "perfect" picture. Afterwards, I remember staring at the screen hating myself for wasting so much time on doing absolutely nothing of worth. For whatever reason on that morning, something inside me just clicked and I said enough of this shit! It was time to take charge of my life and quit once and for all.

It hasn't been an exactly perfect streak as you all know, but I tell you what, the man I've become and the goals I've accomplished since that day are hard to fathom compared to who I was just five years ago. For all of us here, there is undoubtedly a BQP and AQP (before quitting porn and after quitting porn) moment, and that day for me was assuredly it. There was no lightening coming down from the mountain, or portents echoing down from on high, no, there was just a sense of steady resolve that I could put this nonsense behind me once and for all. I remember on that morning, not even an hour "clean", walking to my job with pride in my footsteps because I had finally decided to quit.

Have you decided to quit porn today? Because all it takes is a decision. Sure, you might have a few bumps along the road, but that initial decision is all it takes to get your life heading in an entirely different direction.

Fuck porn!
All hail King Blondie! The baddest man in America!


Respected Member
Thank you amigo for sharing this indeed very meaningful moment.
Hey @swimmer97, I'm glad you liked it.
Also respect that you realized it on your own without clarification websites like YBOP that were necessary to "fully convince" me back then.
Well to be honest, I had read YBOP before, probably ten years ago after my first sexual encounter that went bad, however, I only stuck with it long enough to get my dick functional again and "get" a girlfriend, thus, I didn't do it for myself or all the right reasons. Obviously, there's nothing wrong with doing this to get a girl or to fix your relationship with your wife, or even just to fix your dick, however as for me, real change only happened when I finally decided to do it just for myself and nothing else. Everything else is just icing on the cake!
This inspires me, tomorrow i will also share my realization moment or maybe we call it the "True Day 0" on my journal since this one here is yours and i should not post my own stories here, this is your place.
I can't wait to read it! :cool:

Thanks king @SmokenMirrors! Right back at you.

Keep killing it!
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Respected Member
Day 574

Five years ago on April the 24th 2018, I decided to quit porn for good. I still remember that morning vividly. I had just blown an hour or two masturbating while trying to find the "perfect" picture. Afterwards, I remember staring at the screen hating myself for wasting so much time on doing absolutely nothing of worth. For whatever reason on that morning, something inside me just clicked and I said enough of this shit! It was time to take charge of my life and quit once and for all.

It hasn't been an exactly perfect streak as you all know, but I tell you what, the man I've become and the goals I've accomplished since that day are hard to fathom compared to who I was just five years ago. For all of us here, there is undoubtedly a BQP and AQP (before quitting porn and after quitting porn) moment, and that day for me was assuredly it. There was no lightening coming down from the mountain, or portents echoing down from on high, no, there was just a sense of steady resolve that I could put this nonsense behind me once and for all. I remember on that morning, not even an hour "clean", walking to my job with pride in my footsteps because I had finally decided to quit.

Have you decided to quit porn today? Because all it takes is a decision. Sure, you might have a few bumps along the road, but that initial decision is all it takes to get your life heading in an entirely different direction.

Fuck porn!
Hell yeah my brother. This is exactly right, every man has a crucible -- the question is where do you go after that point? Which road do you take? I'm glad you decided to take this one and LIVE vs. letting pixels on a screen control you

The pride of quitting porn is really incredible, and a HUGE portion of why we can stay away from it. So many people take note of their crappy situation but don't have the willpower to get after it -- the fact that you've done wha you have really makes this special. Proud of you my man, this hits so real