20 Something Reboot


Well-Known Member
Doing pretty well man, continuing to grind on goals as always. I was gonna say, you should make a list of your goals for 2024 and post them here -- and then check at the end of the year to see how you've stacked up. I posted my 2023 goals early this year, going to do an update reflective post on everything later this month. Really helps in holding yourself accountable, just a suggestion

You are crushing it with the no MO man! How are you things going with that lady you were seeing? How about the workouts, still hitting the gym hard?
Good idea brother!

Things with the lady are steady and fairly stable, not sure how long it will last though. We'll see! Training is still going well, I'm nearly up to 200 lbs now! Hope your training is as liberating as ever brother


Well-Known Member
Good idea brother!

Things with the lady are steady and fairly stable, not sure how long it will last though. We'll see! Training is still going well, I'm nearly up to 200 lbs now! Hope your training is as liberating as ever brother
Great to hear man! Dang, you're a beast at 200lb! I'm still recomping right now, probably for another 3 months or so before starting to go harder into a bulk. Sometimes tough to restrict calories but the results also feel pretty darn good so I'm continuing on the grind as well


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah! What are the goals for 2024 man??
Thank you for the opportunity to formulate and express my goals brother!

The primary goal for 2024 is to grow my money/assets. I aim to buy my first property to rent this year, and I am going to do everything I can to achieve this goal. My business has slowed down a fair bit since the summer and I don't have another job so I am going to try to get a couple of zero hour contract jobs and lower my business hours to part time, until things pick up again. I actually applied for 3 jobs yesterday and I have had one place get back to me so hopefully the wheels are in motion already!

Another goal of mine is to continue building my physique and ensure that I continue my gratitude journalling. It felt good to have a full year of pages full of gratitude in 2023!

I also aim to become more competent and disciplined, I wish to learn plumbing, electrics, property management and marketing; amongst other things! I believe that the 2 most significant things that make you a man are competence and discipline so I need to make sure that these 2 traits have accelerated growth this year.

Another goal is to improve my focus, I am slacking big time on the development of my focus. When I was a child, I read the final (and largest) Harry Potter book in 7 days; at just 7 years old. There is no way that my 24 year old self could do this, primarily due to porn and my phone.

My final goal is to improve my sleep for a vast multitude of reasons

Side note, nearly 700 days free! Stay strong kings

Day 298 no MO
Day 698 no porn
Day 26 cold showers


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the question king! This year is the year of making BANK! My business has started to gain some traction and I intend to squeeze as much money out of it as possible so that I can reinvest into other avenues and compound my money down the line. Now that my true masculine energy is returning I have stoked the hearth of passion and I would like to put my energy into self improvement. I will do this by:
  1. Continue building my physique and staying disciplined enough to train in the gym every 2 days without fail. This part is going well so far as I trained on Christmas Day and trained all through being ill (I have had a bad cough bug for weeks).
  2. Building my current business and expanding as I mentioned earlier. Work, work, work!
  3. Reading more. I MUST read more this year, I have been slacking recently. I have been reading Flipnosis - The Art of Split Second Persuasion by Dr Kevin Dutton for ages now and I should have finished it months ago. It's a great book, I recommend it! Anything Kevin Dutton is a gold mine
  4. Starting meditation. This is something that I must have the discipline to do, as it provides so many mental health benefits that I'd be stupid not to! It's also a great way to cleanse my tumultuous soul
  5. Coming off antidepressants. I've been weening off them for a couple of months now so this is nearly accomplished!
Day 340 no porn
Bit of a mixed bag for last years goals, my biggest fail was the reading so I must improve on that, which will go hand in hand with the focus.
Goals 1, 2 and 5 I accomplished for sure, number 1 and 2 will of course still apply indefinitely, grind dont stop!

Number 4 was very much an even split between pass and fail, I meditated for around half a year but really fell off in the second half of the year. Shit!


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the opportunity to formulate and express my goals brother!

The primary goal for 2024 is to grow my money/assets. I aim to buy my first property to rent this year, and I am going to do everything I can to achieve this goal. My business has slowed down a fair bit since the summer and I don't have another job so I am going to try to get a couple of zero hour contract jobs and lower my business hours to part time, until things pick up again. I actually applied for 3 jobs yesterday and I have had one place get back to me so hopefully the wheels are in motion already!

Another goal of mine is to continue building my physique and ensure that I continue my gratitude journalling. It felt good to have a full year of pages full of gratitude in 2023!

I also aim to become more competent and disciplined, I wish to learn plumbing, electrics, property management and marketing; amongst other things! I believe that the 2 most significant things that make you a man are competence and discipline so I need to make sure that these 2 traits have accelerated growth this year.

Another goal is to improve my focus, I am slacking big time on the development of my focus. When I was a child, I read the final (and largest) Harry Potter book in 7 days; at just 7 years old. There is no way that my 24 year old self could do this, primarily due to porn and my phone.

My final goal is to improve my sleep for a vast multitude of reasons

Side note, nearly 700 days free! Stay strong kings

Day 298 no MO
Day 698 no porn
Day 26 cold showers
Great goals man! I like that you have several and they all seem to be achievable & within your control. Excited to see where you go from here


Well-Known Member
Gonna try and 'reboot' on my video game usage. I think we put a big emphasis on porn and drugs (quite rightly!) as dopamine nukers but video games are certainly up there! I think I've been gaming too much for sure, let's see what I can do!

Also, a month of cold showers!

Day 302 no MO
Day 702 no porn
Day 2 no video games
Day 30 cold showers
Fosho dude, moderate gaming isn't bad at all. I'd argue it's better than moderate social media even because with social media you're constantly comparing yourself with others, while you're not doing the same in video games. But to each their own