Getting my life back


Active Member
Day 30 is here. Thanks for all the support. Some MW today, or then it was just that I needed to pee. How do you figure out which?
I am expecting at least 90-180 days to be needed for me to see some real positive impact other than brainfog disappearing.
Morning wold are the first good signs, then random erections, continue with the good work man. Last time when I hit 35 days I was having random erecting and by day 50 I could get hard just by fantasizing although my fantasies were like in real scenarios. But we have to understand that none process is the same. Even for the same person, so hopefully I can recover like the last time but still my goal is to quit porn forever. I feel that once you go back to porn at least once it is so difficult to stop or get out. Also we have a big challenge, once we start rewiring and having sex we can feel that we need P once again that is going to be difficult. Let’s keep working hard! We can do it


Active Member
Hey Freddy, well done on 31 days man! an achievement to be proud of!
Thanks a lot mate. All the reminders and cheers from everyone of this forum helps me to keep going. Currently thinking about social media. Quit it or not? It doesnt really trigger me at least and has never done it either. Also do not use it for looking at pics, mostly for hobbies or worl.(FB groups and linkedin). I will try to decrease my phone usage though and to mute a lot of the notifications.
Thanks a lot mate. All the reminders and cheers from everyone of this forum helps me to keep going. Currently thinking about social media. Quit it or not? It doesnt really trigger me at least and has never done it either. Also do not use it for looking at pics, mostly for hobbies or worl.(FB groups and linkedin). I will try to decrease my phone usage though and to mute a lot of the notifications.
I have limited my FB use and deleted twitter. I have turned off all my notifications on FB and WhatsApp. Not having the constant pinging helps.
Thanks a lot mate. All the reminders and cheers from everyone of this forum helps me to keep going. Currently thinking about social media. Quit it or not? It doesnt really trigger me at least and has never done it either. Also do not use it for looking at pics, mostly for hobbies or worl.(FB groups and linkedin). I will try to decrease my phone usage though and to mute a lot of the notifications.
I've said before here on the forum I've actually traded in my smart phone for an old nokia dumb phone. Removes one potential source to access P and keeps me focused in other areas of life.


Active Member
32 days and counting. Next week should be easy as I am attending a sports competition with 5 others all week. Looking forward to that. Will also mean less usage of phone.


Active Member
Day 33, slept poorly in the morning and the triggers were there. Touched myself a bit, no PMO however. Could withstand the temptation. Writing here instead


Active Member
Fantastic Freddy!
Day 37 is great going. Awesome!

Light MW is a sign of healing in progress.