Dealing with Shame, PIED and Addiction!

Phineas 808

Staff member
Good job on catching that, and sleeping instead, Nico!

Each time we're true to ourselves, true to our stated goals or intentions, we trust ourselves more, and build more confidence. Every day you're increasing your self-esteem and attractiveness toward the opposite sex. There's that strange attraction that women have toward a man in control of himself.

You're doing great, brother!


Active Member
Thanks. Yes feels like there is a bit of work in terms of being in control of myself! I am seeing today that this staying up late might be a sabotage thing..its affecting my recovery. I remember in rehab being told that the addiction is like a demon that wants you messed up or dead, and finds ways to sabotage your recovery and lead you back into self-destruction. I really thought I had it beat, but its come back in a different form and a different addiction..very humbling.
I am dreaming today about a community based on healing and recovery, with limited internet, lots of activities, fires, swimming, connection..or staying somewhere like that for a while. I did say to myself I would find a rehab if I can't sort this out but they are very expensive. Escapism or a good idea? Anyway the work is here and now.


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11. Got to sleep at a less absurd time, and feel better for it. I have a healing practice session online later, for something I haven't practised before but is meant to be intense and powerful. It is part of a long online shamanic healing training, and a few of us are still catching up. Anyway i have some homework to do first, and feel some resistance. I think I am going to make today a mini retreat, do some rituals, breathwork and meditation, then study and then this practice session.

It is interesting at the moment, I feel disgust towards the kink. A good friend on here has helped me to see how toxic and actually abusive the connection I have with the feeder, and though it is hard to accept given that it was consensual, but it is/was so manipulative and unfulfilling. That, and the shift into more vanilla sexual triggers makes me feel like there is hope for this rewiring. It reminds me of being in rehab in 2001, and a counsellor insisting I was abused as a child, which I also found very difficult to accept. Its sad that the template is still being activated. Its as if I am slowly reclaiming my right to be loved in a healthy way, and of course that starts with me loving myself in a healthy way. I am loving myself by doing this hard work, and have for decades with spiritual seeking and practice. I just need to try to love myself in a more mundane way as well - sleep, food, and definitely bloody sex!!

Phineas 808

Staff member
Its as if I am slowly reclaiming my right to be loved in a healthy way, and of course that starts with me loving myself in a healthy way. I am loving myself by doing this hard work, and have for decades with spiritual seeking and practice. I just need to try to love myself in a more mundane way as well - sleep, food, and definitely bloody sex!!

I like how you said this, brother! ☝️


Active Member
Hey @Nico - a quick one to say I've just read through your journal from the start. It's a really inspirational thread and it sounds like you're putting in all the right steps for a meaningful, long-term recovery, regardless of any TEMPORARY roadblocks upon the way.

This isn't an easy fight but we know so deeply how essential it is we keep at it. We have only one life and there is no simply no alternative if we want to make it a worthy one.

Here with you brother.


Active Member
Hey @Nico - a quick one to say I've just read through your journal from the start. It's a really inspirational thread and it sounds like you're putting in all the right steps for a meaningful, long-term recovery, regardless of any TEMPORARY roadblocks upon the way.

This isn't an easy fight but we know so deeply how essential it is we keep at it. We have only one life and there is no simply no alternative if we want to make it a worthy one.

Here with you brother.
Thanks, I love that - we have one life! I just looked through yours too and got a lot of inspiration from it. Wishing you strength and good times in your relationship, lets do this today and make that life worthy just for today :)


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12. Beautiful morning here, was just sitting in the sun in the little courtyard garden where I live, and it was stunning. The dew was catching the sun and winking rainbows at me, and it was the perfect time to pray a little and take some breaths. Last night I did have temptations, saw a picture of my obsession and felt the desire to give myself to her come back, then the resolve kicked in so I didn't send her a message and thought it through. Its like with early days alcohol recovery - that first drink looks so harmless but you have to play the tape forward and see where it will take you. I am not saying that was easy, but this stuff is hard because love and sex and needs and wounds are all tied up with it. To me, giving in to her and kink is like a up the fight against this kink. Sometimes it appears more attractive than a healthy relationship, more alluring..but playing the tape forward she turns me into a man I don't wish to be, not truly. Again it feels like the true temptation is her rather than porn itself, the kink. I have to acknowledge that she still holds a lot of power over me, but also that I am not mindlessly going along with it and that that power is weakening slowly. Just for today I choose genuine nurture and love, even if it is just from myself!
Anyway, I want to go back and sit in the sun and kind of take this stuff to the sunshine which is like my higher power. Focus on beauty, wellness, and gratitude. I am feeling so much love and gratitude for this place - RN, was browsing some threads yesterday and just really appreciating all the kindness and support people offer. It really is beautiful, gives me faith in humanity, if even us screwed up sex addicts show such wisdom and compassion.


Respected Member
Hero. You are on the right track, pal. It’s so fn hard, but you know that and you fight hard. Don’t be tempted. Easy for me to say, right? No, very hard for me to say because I know. You are a good man who is getting (even) better.


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You’re a big part of that GBS, your strength is very inspiring and your support much appreciated 🙏
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Thank you, you too Beautiful, weaving your kindness everywhere! x

Just reflecting on cravings and temptations. In a way they are born from some kind of sense that there is something missing from the here and now, or something wrong with how things are. I know the remedy is turning inwards and finding that peace. It is temporary, a fleeting thought or sense that if I do this I will be happy..and its empty. I mean, the craving itself is empty and has not solid basis, its just a passing thought. But so is the object of the craving. Any satisfaction or benefit gained from what it is I crave is also temporary and can give no lasting happiness, and actually brings the opposite which is more suffering. The Buddha said that the root of suffering is craving, and I really feel that truth today. Both sides of the craving equation; the craving itself and what it is I think i want, are illusions. The only happiness there is is right here and now, it isn't in the future, or dependent on doing or achieving or anything external. I feel like I have been trained to assume happiness is in the future, if I do this or that, but it doesn't exist anywhere but now. That means the best remedy is coming home to presence, to the body, to what is, and breathing. In those difficult moments, I have to remember to come home, to fall in love with the present moment and see all there is to appreciate..


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13. Just been working a 26 hour shift, bit of a day from hell. I tried replying to a few threads and journalling this morning following not much sleep on my shift but was bleary and couldn't find the words. Very stressful day at work, and got a text from my Dad to say my uncle had passed away. Haven't had much time to process but have phoned my cousins and chatted or left messages. Work hasn't been stressful like this for a few months, so just being really mindful of my pattern of switching off/unplugging using PMO. Sometimes its hard to leave work at work, since I work with people and grow to care about them. I think it would be a good idea to do a breathwork/meditation session instead of just switching the TV on, practice good self care, and perhaps grieve a little if it comes up.

I had a powerful healing session on Sunday evening, I received, so next week I will give one back, and its definitely created a shift. I was in a really good state yesterday and I am sure it was due to that. This gives me confidence that the skills I am learning do work! I will try some out on myself this evening. I could actually go dancing, but feel pretty wiped out so we'll see.

Just for tonight I will sit with the feelings, and not run away, and try to practice good self care and nurturing..


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14. Did well last night, lay down and felt, meditated, drifted, then forced myself up and out to dance. Had a great dance, very much in my own space; moments of joy and embodiment, moments of dancing with anger and rage, and at the end grief and a few tears. A song came on which brought to mind my healthy ex, and memories of her opened up this knot in my heart that I could feel physically. Strangely I really connected with a woman afterwards who I haven't seen since before covid, and feel a little obsessed now lol.

Something someone posted this morning made me think about victimhood, and it provoked some feelings. Not in a bad way, just a recognition that I have this tendency, and an entrenched story that I need healing and am screwed up. Victim of my circumstances, people, childhood, my kink, addictions etc. It made me think and want to take my power back, drop these story lines, I mean how long am I going to live in the shadow of these bloody stories! I know its important to understand the story and heal the inner child, but its also time to take charge, and make the best of this precious life - quitting PMO is a huge part of that, but so is feeling empowered and choosing to live my best life.


Active Member
15. Sorry another long post, felt the need to write some stuff out - tired, frustrated, conflicted, confused.

Not slept well the last few nights, but have held on. Feel tired and discouraged even though I haven't lapsed. I have slipped into a grey area again by contacting my obsession, and then the strange mix of feelings she brings. I found myself upset and angry quite late last night, and even woke up after just two hours sleep with her still on my mind so had to read for a while. Why do I keep punishing myself, I keep reaching out and getting myself upset.The main dynamic is a huge trigger - in that we seemed so perfect for each other, with unbelievable chemistry, a touch of thrills and danger too, but she wouldn't commit. This sets up a dangerous cycle of wanting her to change, wanting to become enough for her to love, which is basically the pattern with my mother all over again. I have to be honest with myself with this, she doesn't really care, and every time one of us reaches out I end up feeling hurt and triggered. And of course tempted. I think she has narcissistic tendencies, and I am really trying to shift my perspective from lust to awareness of how toxic and abusive it has been, and how dangerous this dynamic is for my wellbeing.
Obviously I should stop contact, but the simple fact she still wants to meet and play is enough to keep any boundaries I try to put in place far too fluid. I find her too alluring really, its like moth to a flame. I don't blame her, only myself. Serenity prayer. Also I know that contact with her fans the flames of what I am trying to let go of..but boy there are times I don't want to let go. In some ways she is symbolic of porn and the whole set of issues I have, a highly seductive and dangerous world, addiction, and everything I have to leave behind.
Yes ok - porn and PMO free, even MO free, and doing well with diet and food which of course are a part of it - but its 2 steps forward then a step back, I am still so drawn to women who get/share my lifelong kink, and connections where I don't have to fight with it! Some days I feel I can change it, others I feel overwhelmed by it and want to throw in the towel. It is a battle that has gone on for decades now and I am sick and tired. Another reaction is to find someone else who shares this thing, perhaps someone more loving. But no, I am going to keep trying to change it. No more victim mentality. I say that but can feel it there as I am writing. I am going to write about and visualise my ideal future, partner and sex life today. I feel frustrated with myself and angry, and need to use that to create change.
I know I write long and probably annoying posts, and perhaps overshare, but it does seem to help work things out. Reading someone else's journal made me realise this morning I should be deleting videos she has sent me, breaking contact, deleting profiles from sites..but I am not there yet, don't feel able to. I will give this some thought and write it out. If i am really honest its because a part of me still hopes it will work out ffs. I had this idea in the past that if I was seeing her, and MOing over her then it was ok, as I want to only focus on a partner, but really thats delusion at least in relation to her. Hopefully I will find more clarity and common sense with a few good nights' sleep. I don't want to post all this now, but I am hopeful that in time I can look back and see how hard this is at times, remember the battle, and celebrate and honour any changes that are to come. I also hope that someone might relate to the battles if not the specifics.
I also feel confused or indecisive - because this is how my lapse happened a few weeks ago, the horniness builds up and flows into the kink and 'grey areas.' Because I am not actively forging new pathways (sacred sex, mindful pleasure, etc) all the energy runs down the familiar channels. So I don't know whether to start something healthier, or keep fighting with hard mode first. I feel the need to focus on the solutions and not the problems. I think all the warning signs are there, again, and if it gets too much again I will gift myself a mindful MO session and make a ritual out of it. For today though, I am ok with not knowing the answers, and all the energy in the horniness and anger needs to be channelled into self reflection and inner work. I have to let go, hand it over.
I have just noticed the sun has come out, so will go and sit in it and pray and meditate...this will be another day where PMO/MO is not an option, and I try to release the attachment and conflicts, focus on sunshine and brighter days to come, a brighter being to come..

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference


Respected Member
I once too had someone I absolutely adored. I would have given everything to be with her. Like you I never quite felt her commitment.

When we broke up, it brought me to the very edge. I almost didn't make it. I was an empty bottle for so long. I have never felt so dark and gloomy for so long in my life. Everything was black and tasteless. Months of depression.

Today, looking back, everything about her was based on my inner drive and imagination how wonderful life would be with her.

I realized while I absolutely loved her, I didn't love myself sufficiently. This is unacceptable in so many ways.

I do not wish this upon you.

Believe me when we put ourselves through so much pain seeking love from someone, something is very wrong.

I've been in enough one sided relationships to know it's not worth it, whether she's the one asking for more, or I'm the one not giving too much a damn about her.

You may have gone beyond love and into an addiction on her, and all addictions are very influencing and self damaging.

I cannot advise you how you should move forward, aside from keeping yourself safe.

All I can say is:
Please find balance in your life.
Please prioritize yourself.
Please always make the best decision for yourself.
In relationships, please always make sure you get your share of love and care.

Please take good care of yourself.
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