Hi guys.
Not doing so good. I have an appointment with the doctor on monday to check what I can do for my mental health. I'm struggling with anxiety, stress and suicidal thoughts.
Nothing new, though, only it is more intense this period.
Hanging out with friends has helped me a lot. Sad we are living in different cities now.
I'm still holding in there.
I have went for a run today, and I honestly feel great (physically, at least, after that) exercise do help.
I have also reqched again the mark of 15day without PMO. A small achievement, but a good achievement. I'm trying not to obssess over numbers and dates, just focus on choosing what is good for me every day, one day at a time.
And that is, no P, no fantasies, and no subtitues. Also, limit my use of social media, reach out for help, eat healthy, and do things that help me (exercise, playing music, socializing and reading).
That's all for today, see you next time guys.