Hello people. I haven't posted in a while.
These weeks have been difficult.
I have relapsed several times. I feel like I've taken back my progress a good deal. but at the same time I feel that doesn't matters. I only have to get up one more time and continue walking, letting this addiction behind.
That's all that matters in the end.
I have realized that is a lot more tiring to relapse and beeing consumed by this addiction than commiting to my recovery and to taking care of myself. Even if it doesn't feel like that in the moment!
I have also realized that this addiction only leaves me empty and sorrowfull, while commiting to my life fullfills me, and even if it feels difficult and tiring at the moment, it is rewarding.
I have also learned that one thing is what I think with my rational head, but that my monkey-brain is just blind to it and I have to be carefull about that! (that's not me speaking, that's my monkey brain acting.... and so on).
Nothing that I didn't knew, but I needed to be remainded of.
Also, I have realized that I have been in a very complicated situation these last years. I haven't been well mentally, and I have managed the best I could.
On monday I went to a psychologist and talking to him I realized that I don't speak about things that happend to me and that really affected me with anybody. That surprised me.
I'm not well, and I need to get help.
Good things is that there are some people around me that can help me and I've been opening up a little bit more.
I have options to go to a therapy group, and some options to get affordable profesional help.
So, let's take care of ourselves.
I feel kinda weak now, so let's take it easy. For the moment I'm just planning a morning routine.
Waking up, shower, breakfast/cofee and then, reading, studying dutch.
I won't use my phone nor my computer before 12pm.
(after that hour I can work in my computer in my paperwork, posting here, and other stuff).
Also, I think it would be usefull not to use my computer for recreational pourposes before 19hs.
And that's it. I think that alone will give me a lot of more structure that I need.
Let's really work on it for a couple of weeks.
I think is better than having too much rules to fullfill.
and of course, no P, no subtitutes and no fantasies.
See you next time, guys