32 days. Been thinking about why I have so much trouble when traveling. Most of it I've previously identified, but one new piece to the puzzle:
1. Messed up/lack of routines
2. Lack of things to do - ie my guitar isn't there, I have my laptop to work on music but usually the setup in a hotel room is just awful and uninspiring. Then theres that giant inviting tv screen across from the bed. (I never used porn on the tv, but the lounging and watching something, one thing leads to another).
3. More drinking - sometimes it's happy hours with coworkers I only see on these work trips, sometimes it's me going out hopelessly trying to meet women...
4. Related to 3. I'll be honest, I have some anxiety about sex, having still never had "intercourse" (though have done "other things"). As I wrote in my old journal, grew up religious and believing in sex only after marriage and passed up on a lot of opportunities in my 20s because of it. Then I got into PMO and it gave me PIED so by the time I adapted my worldview I was basically incapable.
Because of that anxiety around it, there has been an appeal to trying things with women out of town who I will never see again and who are not attached to my social circle. So when I am out of town I have just been trying to get laid. I have generated a couple opportunities that way but of course PIED struck. Also, since I skipped all alcohol/going out to bars and such in my 20s, I never had an opportunity to learn how to meet people at bars, so my anxiety on that front is also elevated.
My PIED has been improving since I have backed off PMO, so maybe it would work now, but I think that is beside the point. I think the level of pressure I place on myself to pick up women while I am out of town just heightens my anxiety and disappointment so that I come home to my hotel and want to use. I don't think going out and trying to meet women is the problem. I think it's the idea that "I only had a good and successful night if a girl wants to come home with me". I need to change my perspective. I do think I need some practice meeting women, honestly. And that's the success. If I can go out to a bar and strike up a conversation with a women, that's success. That's it. I don't have to get laid to be successful.
Man I can really relate to this. I think our story is similar in that when it comes to being religious in our 20s, and then when we moved on from it, it was hard to adjust to new possibilities and lifestyle. I remember times coming home to my apartment crying because I couldn't "figure it out" how to talk to girls in a bar and get laid. Pretty pathetic huh? It's so sad looking back on it now lol. But there was a few things I did learn through trial and error that might help you.
Firstly, you're absolutely right, you can't go out to the bars with only the main goal of "getting laid", because you give off a weird vibe to women and they can feel that desperate energy on you. Remember, women are "naturals" at picking up on someone's energy, and if it feels off, they run and never look back. And who could blame them? I sure as hell don't. The best thing to do, no matter how bad you want to get laid, is to just have the goal in mind of having fun no matter what happens. I found that this attitude presented many more opportunities than only having the goal of getting laid. Why? Because your vibe will be completely different to women. Sex comes from having fun and enjoying yourself with someone, and not the other way around.
Secondly, and just as importantly, I realized later on in my journey that I often conflated my religious 20s with my natural personality. What I mean by that is I mistakenly thought I wasn't a "party man" or "bar man" because I was a Christian, however, that really wasn't the whole story. I'm naturally introverted and kind of a bookish man, thus, the bar scene in general, no matter Christian or not, was never really in tune with my natural disposition. While it is true that I did go to a bar and have a good time, and I did have a few "successes", the bar scene in general, with it's extraverted everything, was never entirely conducive for me talking and meeting women. Thus, I often found myself trying to be someone that I'm not, and once again, women can pick up on that vibe instantly. However, I found out bookstores and other places like that to be much more beneficial for me meeting women.
No matter what though, remember in your hierarchy of values, that porn will not happen, no matter if you get laid or not.
Hopefully that helps you a little.
Best brother!